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5A Listening and grammar

An interview with an ex-Champions League

soccer referre from Spain

Part 1 Part 2

1. He become a referee The most difficult thing for

because he was always him about being a referee is
attracted by the idea. making the right decicions
during a game.
2. The most exciting game
he ever refereed, he One of the reasons why it's
can't choose just one. difficult is because soccer
today is so fast.
3. The worst experience
he ever had as a Making correct decicions often
referee was when a depends of the referee's
woman attacked him. interpretation of the rules.

4. He think there is more He thinks that players who

cheating in soccer cheat are still the
today, because soccer exceptions,
is a big business.
A study was done on Leo Messi
5. He says soccer playes shows that he can run
often cheating, exceptionally fast with the
because they fall over ball.
when no one has
He thinks Mes si isn't the
touched them.
typical superstar soccer

Past tenses: simple, continuous, perfect

In your country, is Yes, I don't watch sports tv programs

cheating considered a too much but I think for sports fans

5A Listening and grammar 1

serious problem in they considered cheating is a serious
sports? problem, given that I guess they want
their team win the match and if a
player is cheating so peruvian people
get angry and start to claim.

In what sports do you Is most common to see cheating in a

think cheating is soccer match, sometimes players can
most common? pretend fall over when no one has
touched them or touch the ball with
their hands and the referee don't

What kinds of things It depends on the sport, but in

do people do when general if the team is winning the
they cheat? game they can pretend an injury to
make time and the match would end
with a score in their favour.

➡ A
➡ An action
➡ An action in
progress (or
action in happened not) at a
the past before particular
PAST the past moment in the
TENSE time we past
are PAST

I cleaned the house The accident The crowd cheered
when I got home. It happened when when the referee
looked great. they were driving blew the final
home. whistle.

5A Listening and grammar 2

Some of the players weren't We couldn't use the ski slope
listening while the coach was because it hadn't snowed
talking to them. enough.


He was always attracted by
attracted by the idea the idea

He can't choose just one.
choose just one

They fall over when no one
fall over has touched them.

🔴 🔴
The marathon organizers took
take award Ruiz's title. away and
away awarded it to the real

The most difficult thing
right decicions for him about being a
referee is making the
right decicions during a

When the organizers
sweat congratulated Rosie after
the race, they were
surprised because she
wasn't sweating very much.

The captain hadn't scored
ejected any goals when the referee

5A Listening and grammar 3

ejected him.

The crowd cheered when the
cheer referee blew the final

The player got a yellow
take off card because he had taken
off his shirt.

5A Listening and grammar 4

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