Engage With Your Audience

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 Engage with your audience

 Tell a story
 Clear call to action

What are the 4 types of salesman?

4 Types of Salespeople
 The Caretaker Salesperson.
 The Professional Salesperson.
 The Closer Salesperson.
 The Consultant Salesperson.

What are the 7 steps of selling?

The 7-step sales process
 Prospecting.
 Preparation.
 Approach.
 Presentation.
 Handling objections.
 Closing.
 Follow-up.

What is the selling process?

The personal selling process is a seven step approach: prospecting, pre-
approach, approach, presentation, meeting objections, closing the
sale, and follow-up. ... After the presentation, a salesperson must meet
objections or address customer concerns. Gaining commitment comes
Three Types of Salespeople
All salespeople can be grouped into one of three categories:

 The Commodity Salesperson

 The Price Salesperson
 The Solution Value Salesperson
The Commodity Salesperson
The Commodity Salesperson sells things which have features.  This salesperson lacks in these
key areas:

 Fails to understand the problems of their prospects

 Fails to make their company unique
 Is an order taker rather than a true solution provider
 Commodity salespeople are easy to find and the need is decreasing as businesses are
ordering via the internet, saving valuable time and money. In addition, companies do
not have to pay sales commissions. 
 And, finally, a commodity salesperson’s commissions generally do not increase
because they have not learned the techniques of cross-selling and up-selling to a
prospect, thereby losing valuable sales
The Price Salesperson
The Price Salesperson really sells on having the best price … and if they do not have the
lowest price, they will drop their price in order to get the sale.  The price salesperson has
these major flaws:

 They do not truly understand that the best prospects actually want the best value, not
the lowest price
 They do not have enough confidence in themselves or their company, so the only way
to win a sale is to offer the lowest price
 They really do not understand that sometimes when a prospect says “your price is too
high,” the prospect is giving them an objection to see how the salesperson will react
 Again, there will be little demand for the price salesperson in the future business
world. Companies need to have profitable margins to reach their corporate goals and
selling low price does not meet these objectives.
The Solution Value Salesperson
The Solution Value Salesperson is truly unique and probably represents only 10-20% of all
types of salespeople.  Solution salespeople do not sell things or commodities – but they sell
customized solutions to their prospects – realizing that every sale is really a solution to a
problem. The solution salesperson also has these general characteristics:
 Excels in the probing portion of a sales presentation, concentrating on finding
problems that the prospect may have
 Is very comfortable selling a service, realizing that is where the future growth is and
that the commissions are generally higher than for selling most products
 Realizes that by providing customized solutions, the prospect ends up buying vs.
having the salesperson close the sale

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