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Set - I


Date: 28.11.2020 Time: 2 hours Max. Marks: 60
Part-A (10 × 2 = 20 Marks)

Q. No Question Marks

1. Compare the benefits of object oriented programming over procedure programming. [2]
2. Develop a function that returns the last digit of an entered number. [2]
3. What is the cause of NoClassFoundError and NoSuchMethodError? Show with an example. [2]
4. A programmer has written the following line of code in a predicate method (i.e., a method that [2]
returns a boolean):
public boolean IsNameQ () {
String name = readLine ("Enter name: ");
return (name == "Q");}
The programmer of this code thinks that the program will return true if the player’s name is
Do you think the programmer is correct? Justify your answer.
5. Build a regular expression to validate a password field that takes 6 characters including one [2]
upper case and a special character.
6. What is the importance of serialization in java? [2]
7. How do you think ArrayList are different from Linked List? [2]
8. Identify the differences between the Comparator and Comparable interfaces? [2]
9. List two main advantages of Swing class over AWT classes. [2]
10. Recommend a way to set the layout manager to BorderLayout, while creating a JFrame [2]
named myFrame.
Part-B (5 × 8 = 40 Marks)

Q. No Question Marks
11a) Write a program to display a given large number in Indian number system format using 6
commas in proper places. For example, if the input is 1000000, the program should output
b) Find and fix the error(s) in the given code: 2
1. public class Helloworld
2. public static void main (String args) {
3. System.out.println (“Welcome to Java world”);}}
12. a) Create a program to calculate the frequency of the characters in a given string. 6
b) Considering the following code: 2
public boolean IsNameQ() {
String name = readLine ("Enter name: ");
char ch = name.charAt(0);
return ((ch == 'Q’) && (name.length() == 1));}
How is the code above behaves if the input is "Q"?
13. a) We should implement Runnable interface or extend Thread class. Identify the differences 4
between implementing Runnable and extending Thread?
b) Develop a program that accepts a series of employee ID numbers, first names, and 4
last names from the keyboard and saves the data to a file. Save the program as
14. a) HashMap has overridden the method toString( ) to print the key-value pairs easily. Create a 4
program to map names to salary of an Employee using HashMap and print key-value pairs.
b) Illustrate Iterator class to remove all the odd elements in a set S of Integers. 4
15. Write a Python program to count and display the number of words in a given sentence 8
entered by the user. The program should also display the words in alphabetically sorted

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