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Guide Question
1. What part of the film did you like, why?
- When Tipsy converted himself in all religions so that he may know which God will
help him to his remote. It enlightens me more about the differences of the
religions and the beliefs we have. Tipsy did his best and worshiped all gods to
find which God will help him. He is hopeless because none of the gods he
worshiped answers his prayers quickly. It tested his faith and patience. After all of
his suffering in finding his remote, Jaggu came to his life and asked for his story;
she never failed to realize that Tipsy has a story behind it. Jaggu helped tipsy to
get his remote back. They both shared memories they could keep forever.

2. What part of the film did you dislike, why?

- When Jaggu’s family turned their back to her because she chose Sarafaraz and
did not listen to the prophecy. Her family did not accept Sarfaraz because of their
differences in belief and religion. Her family won’t accept her decision and
decided to prove that Sarfaraz will not betray him but she failed to prove it.

3. In your own way, how does the film reflect your view about religion in general?
- In my point of view this film reflected our differences in religion. We should know
very well the religion we chose to believe. We have our own beliefs and this will
reflect to us in our way of living and how we communicate to each other. Despite
our difference in religion we should respect their beliefs also. Sometimes
powerful people forget also to be human because of the power they have, they
control and manipulate people. The attitude of the people is tested when they are
earning money. They did not keep the holiness they have as God appointed them
to disciple but they use it to abuse people and manipulate.
4. What did you feel while watching the film? Explain and discuss
- I feel disappointed when Jaggu’s father tells her that he was ashamed of her. All
Jaggu’s want is to enlighten the people and her family that the religion they
believe is abusing them and manipulating them. But in the end Jaggu proved
herself to his father and accepted her again as his daughter. Jaggu’s Father
became proud of her as she read the book she wrote.

5. If you are able to change the part of the film, what would it be?
- I would like to change when Jaggu’s immediately leaves in the wedding
registration after reading the letter that Sarfaraz is not ready and confused about
their beliefs and told her not to call him. If I were given a chance, She would stay
there and wait until Sarfaraz came and prove to them that the prophecy will not

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