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‫ﺑﺴﻢﷲ ﺍﻟﺮﺣﻤﻦ ﺍﻟﺮﺣﻴﻢ‬

Sudan University of Science and Technology

College of Petroleum Engineering and Technology

Department of Refining and Transportation

Graduation Project Submitted in Partial Full Filament for the
Degree of BSc (honor degree) in Petroleum Engineering

Evaluation of furnace efficiency

‫ﺗﻘﻴﻢ ﻛﻔﺎءﺓ ﻓﺮﻥ ﺍﻻﺣﺘﺮﺍﻕ‬

Prepared by:

1. Ahmed abdalazeemmohammed.

2. Basil yousifkhalifa.

3. Fatima omerelamin

4. Mahmoud adamhasan.

5.Masiya bdelmoniemkhalid
October 2017


We have exerted gr eat effor ts in this pr oject, however ; it would not have been
possible without the suppor t and help of many individuals and or ganizations. We
would like to extend our sincer e thanks to all of them.

We would like to express our deepest thanks to Dr. NIHAD OMERfor

assistance, encour agement and guidance while we wer e doing our r esear ch.

Wear e also so indebted to Eng. MOGAHD ABUAGLA for his guidance and
pr oviding us necessar y infor mation and experience that we need to complete this
pr oject.

We ar e also need to deliver a gr eat amount of thanks to Khartoum Refinery

Company whom stand behind us and help us.

We need also to thanks Eng. AMAR MAGZOB who helped us to develop the
simulation and finish this pr oject.
Furnaces and fir ed heater s pr ovide the ener gy associated with r unning
hydr ocar bon pr ocesses and chemical plants. In this pr oject the suitable and best way
to gain high efficiency of the fur nace has been deter mined by manipulating the
par ameter s that affect in efficiency of the fur nace (excess air , pr e-heating, stack
temper atur e, and the effect of the pr esence of the nitr ogen to the fur nace efficiency).
Aspen exchanger design and r ating V8.8 (EDR) was used to design fir ed heater and
using the r esults in aspen HYSYS V8.8 todeter mine the effect of these par ameter s
consequently obtaining the best effective way for high efficiency which r epresent in
r educing the per cent of nitr ogen.

This pr oject also includes contr olling and monitor ing thr ee major par ameter s:
(Fuel gas/ fuel oil pr essur e, Excess air and Furnace dr aft fan), and using excel sheets
for estimating the Cost of the fur nace.
‫ﺗﻮﻓﺮ ﺍﻻﻓﺮﺍﻥ ﻭﺍﻟﺴﺨﺎﻧﺎﺕﻣﻌﻈﻢ ﺍﻟﻄﺎﻗﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﺮﺗﺒﻄﺔ ﺑﺎﻟﻌﻤﻠﻴﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻴﺪﺭﻭﻛﺮﺑﻮﻧﻴﺔ ﻭﺍﻟﺼﻨﺎﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﻴﻤﻴﺎﺋﻴﺔ‪.‬ﻫﺬﻩ ﺍﻟﺪﺭﺍﺳﺔ‬
‫ﺗﺤﺪﺩ ﺍﻟﻄﺮﻳﻘﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻨﺎﺳﺒﺔ ﻟﻠﺤﺼﻮﻝ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺍﻋﻠﻰﻛﻔﺎءﺓﻟﻼﻓﺮﺍﻥﻣﻦﺧﻼﻝ ﺍﻟﺘﻌﺎﻣﻞﻣﻊ ﺍﻟﻌﻮﺍﻣﻞ ﺍﻟﺘﻲ ﺗﺆﺛﺮﻋﻠﻰﻛﻔﺎءﺓ ﺍﻟﻔﺮﻥ‪) :‬‬
‫ﺍﻟﻬﻮﺍء ﺍﻟﺰﺍﺋﺪ‪ ,‬ﺍﻟﺘﺴﺨﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻤﺴﺒﻖ‪ ,‬ﺩﺭﺟﺔﺣﺮﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺧﻨﺔ‪ ,‬ﻭﺗﺄﺛﻴﺮ ﻧﺴﺒﺔ ﺍﻟﻨﺘﺮﻭﺟﻴﻦﻋﻠﻲﻛﻔﺎءﺓ ﺍﻟﻔﺮﻥ (‪ .‬ﻭﺗﻢ ﺍﺳﺘﺨﺪﺍﻡ ‪Aspen‬‬
‫‪ e‬ﻟﺘﺼﻤﻴﻢﻓﺮﻥ ﺍﻻﺣﺘﺮﺍﻕ ﻭﺍﺳﺘﺨﺪﻣﺖ ﺍﻟﻨﺘﺎﺋﺞ ﻓﻲ ‪aspen HYSYS‬‬ ‫”‪xchanger design and r ating v8.8‬‬
‫”‪V8.8‬ﻟﺘﺤﺪﻳﺪ ﺗﺎﺛﻴﺮﻫﺬﻩ ﺍﻟﻌﻮﺍﻣﻞ ﻭﺑﺎﻟﺘﺎﻟﻲ ﺍﻟﺤﺼﻮﻝﻋﻠﻰ ﺃﻓﻀﻞﻃﺮﻳﻘﺔ ﺗﺆﺩﻱ ﺍﻟﻰ ﺃﻋﻠﻰﻛﻔﺎءﺓﻭﺍﻟﺘﻲ ﺗﻤﺜﻞ ﺗﻘﻠﻴﻞ ﻧﺴﺒﺔ‬

‫ﻭﻳﺸﺘﻤﻞﻫﺬﺍ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻉ ﺍﻳﻀﺎ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺍﻟﺘﺤﻜﻢ ﻭﻣﺮﺍﻗﺒﺔ ﺛﻼﺙﻋﻮﺍﻣﻞ ﺭﺋﻴﺴﻴﺔ ‪) :‬ﺿﻐﻂ ﺍﻟﻮﻗﻮﺩ ﺑﻨﻮﻋﻴﻪ ﻏﺎﺯﻱﻭﺳﺎﺋﻞ ‪,‬‬
‫“ ﻟﺘﻘﺪﻳﺮ ﺗﻜﻠﻔﺔ ﺍﻟﻔﺮﻥ‪.‬‬
‫”‪excel sheets‬‬
‫ﺍﻟﻬﻮﺍء ﺍﻟﻔﺎﺋﺾﻭﻣﺮﻭﺍﺡ ﺍﻟﺴﺤﺐ ( ‪ ,‬ﺍﻟﻰﺟﺎﻧﺐ ﺍﺳﺘﺨﺪﺍﻡ‬


List of contents

Subject Page

‫ﺍﻻﺳﺘﻬﻼﻝ‬ i

Dedication ii

Acknowledgement iii

‫ﺍﻟﺘﺠﺮﻳﺪ‬ iv

Abstr act v

List of contents vi

List of figur es ix

List of tables x


er 1

1.1 Intr oduction 2

1.2 Pr oblem statement 3

1.3 Objectives 3
1.4 Scope of this study 3


er 2

2.1 Combustion 5

2.1.1 Flame 5

2.1.2 Heat tr ansfer means 7

Subject Page

2.1.3 Heating value 7

2.2 Furnace 8

2.2.1 About fur nace 8 Units that r equir e fur nace 8

2.2.2 Par ts of Furnace 8

2.2.3 Types of fur nace 9

2.2.4 Names of fur nace 12 Furnace pr oblem 12

2.2.5 Heat tr ansfer in fur nace 13 Major sections in fur nace 13

2.2.6 Furnace efficiency 13 Excess air 14


er 3

3.1 Intr oduction 19

3.2 Furnace efficiency 19

3.2.1 Steps of data pr epar ation 20

3.3 Stack temper atur e and excess air 24

3.4 Aspen HYSYS simulation 24

3.4.1 Aspen Exchanger Design and Rating (EDR) 25

Subject Page

3.5 Cost estimation 30

3.5.1 Cost estimation calculations 31 Fixed Cost calculations 31 Oper ationCost estimation 31


er 4

4.1 Results 33

4.1.1 Excel r esults 33 Furnace efficiency r esult 33 Effect of stack temper atur e and excess air on ther mal 36

4.1.2 Aspen HYSYS simulation r esults 40 Effect of pr e-heated air on ther mal efficiency 40 Effect of nitr ogen to oxygen r atio in fur nace ther mal 40

4.1.3 Cost estimation r esult 41

4.2 Discussions 42

4.2.1 Furnace contr ol 43


er 5

5.1 Conclusions 49

5.2 Recommendations 49

List of Tables

Table Description Pa
No. ge No.

2-1 The effect of fuel component in the flame 16

4-1 Combustion wor ksheet 33

4-2 Combustion r eaction 34

4-3 EDR data 36

4-4 Inlet str eam par ameter 39

4-5 Cost estimation date 41

4-6 Abbreviation of Balance dr aft contr ol 45

List of Figures

Figu Description P
re No. age

2-1 Fir e tr iangle 5

2-2 Effect of fuel component in flame 6

2-3 Par ts of fur nace 9

2-4 Induced dr aft fur nace 1


2-5 Balanced dr aft fur nace 1


2-6 Natur al dr aft fur nace 1


2-7 For ced dr aft fur nace 1


2-8 Excess air and efficiency r elationship 1

2-9 Combustion efficiency as function of excess air and stack 1
temper atur e 5

2-10 Excess air in r elation with flue gas 1


2-11 Effect of excess air on volumetr ic aver age temper atur e 1

and efficiency of the fur nace 6

2-12 Effect of pr e-heated air in volumetr ic aver age 1

temper atur e and efficiency of the fur nace 7

3-1 Component given data 2


3-2 Weight calculation 2


3-3 Heating value calculation 2


3-4 Stoichiometr ic oxygen calculation 2


3-5 Amount of ( CO2, H2O, SO2 )calculation 2


Figu Description P
re No. age

3.6 Figur e (3-6): Relation between excess air % and oxygen% 2

in flue gas 2
3-7 Stack loses calculation 2

3-8 Headings/ remar ks data 2


3-9 Pr ocess data 2


3-10 Str eam 1 pr oper ties data 2


3-11 Fueldata 2

3-12 Oxidant data 2


3-13 Fir ebox data 2


3-14 Convection bank data 2


3-15 Gas flow data 2


3-16 Pr ocess flow sheet 3


4-1 Effect of excess air and stack temper atur e on efficiency 3


4-2 Effect of pr eheated air on efficiency 4


4-3 Effect ofN2/ O2 r atio 4


4-4 Cost estimation by excel sheet 4


4-5 Conventional fur nace contr ol scheme 4


4-6 Balanced dr aft contr ol scheme 4


4-7 Balanced dr aft fur nace adjustment flowchar t 4

Chapter (1)

Fula cr ude oil is one of the types of cr ude oil in Sudan, one of its char acter istics;
it contains high per centage of asphalt as well as high density and viscosity that is
why delayed coking unit (DCU) has been stablished in Khar toum r efinery company,
this unit wor ks on r emoval of asphalt fr om the cr ude hence r educe its viscosity and
its density ther efor e high per centage of the desir ed pr oducts in Sudan mar ket can be
pr oduced.

In addition, delayed coking unit upgr ades mater ial called bottoms fr om the
atmospher ic or vacuum distillation column into higher -value pr oducts. With delayed
coking, two or mor e lar ge r eactor s, called coke dr ums, ar e used to hold, or delay, the
heated feedstock while the cr acking takes place. Coke is deposited in the coke dr um
as a solid. This solid coke builds up in the coke dr um and is r emoved by
hydr aulically cutting the coke using water . The yield of coke fr om the delayed coking
pr ocess r anges fr om about 18 to 30 per cent by weight of the feedstock r esidual oil

Delayed coking unit consist of var ious numbers of pr imar y facilities such as
coke dr ums, fr actionator , pumps as well as fur nace.

Furnace: -

Fir ed heater is a device used to heat up chemicals or chemical mixtur es. It’
classified as dir ect fir ed or indir ect fir ed. Dir ect-fir ed fur naces can be identified by
the amount of volume, the combustion gases occupy inside the fur nace. fir ed heater
can be also classified as natur al, induced, for ced, or balanced dr aft. Fir ed heater s ar e
used in many pr ocesses, including distillation, r eactor pr ocesses, olefin pr oduction,
and hydr ocr acking. The pr imar y means of heat tr ansfer in a fir ed heater ar e r adiant
heat tr ansfer and convection and consist essentially of a batter y of pipes or tubes
that pass thr ough a fir ebox [2].

Objective of process furnace:-

The objective of pr ocess fur naces is to maximize heat deliver y of the pr ocess-
side feed while minimizing fuel consumption,maximize heat deliver y with var ying
fuel quality, Minimize heater str uctur al wear caused by oper ation, Minimize stack
emissions (heat, CO, NOx) and Maximize safety integr ity levels [2].

1 .2 Problem statement: -
Reduction in the oper ation efficiency compar e to design efficiency and incr ease
in heat losses.

1 .3 Objectives: -
1-Deter mine fur nace efficiency.

2-Investigate differ ent par ameter s that affect in ther mal efficiency: -

- The effect of excess air and stack temper atur e on fur nace efficiency.

-The effect of pr eheating the inlet air on fur nace efficiency.

- The effect of nitr ogen to oxygen r atio in combustion air on the efficiency.

3-Furnace contr ol.

4-Deter mine fur nace cost.

1 .4 Scope of this study: -

The scope of this pr oject is to give detailed study for efficiency of the fur nace in
delayed coking unit (DCU), contr ol of fur nace and cost of fur nace.

Chapter (2)

Literature review
2 .1 . Combustion: -
Combustion is a r apid chemical r eaction that occur s when the pr oper amounts
of fuel and oxygen ( O2) come into contact with an ignition sour ce and r elease heat

and light. Furnaces use this pr inciple to pr ovide heat. Complete combustion occur s
when r eactants ar e ignited in the cor r ect pr opor tions. Incomplete combustion
occur s in a fir ed fur nace when not enough oxygen exists to completely conver t all of
the fuel to water and car bon dioxide [2].

Figur e (2-1): Fir e tr iangle

2.1.1 Flame: -

Is ‘
the visible par t of an exother mic r eaction between fuel and oxygen’
. Flame
is char acter ized by:

I. The emission of light.

II. The pr evalence of temper atur es higher than 1100º
III. Oxidation of car bon, hydr ogen and Sulphur.
IV. The continuation of the initiated r eaction.
Flame spe ed: -

Is defined as the speed with which the flame fr ont pr opagates.

Flame color: -

The color of the flame is dependent, among other things, on the

car bon/ hydr ogen r atio.

I. Red-or ange to yellow for liquid fuel.

II. Yellow to blue for gaseous fuels.

Adiabatic flame tempe rature : -

The adiabatic flame temper atur e is deter mined by the amount of heat
r eleased per kilogr am of fuel and also by the amount and composition of the
combustion pr oducts for med per kilogr am of fuel.

Figur e (2-2): Effect of fuel component in the flame

Table (2-1): The effect of fuel component in flame [3].

Optimum combustion
and heat tr ansfer,
Flame 1 Oxy-fuel f lame
focused flame.

Dilution and cooling by

N 2 ballast,
Flame2 Air -fuel flame
r educed efficiency

Dilution with fur nace

flue gases,
Flame3 Flameless oxy-fuel
r educed NOx emissions

2.1.2Heat transfer means:-

Conduction: -

The tr ansfer of ther mal ener gyfr om the mor e ener getic par ticles of a medium
to the adjacent less ener geticones. It was stated that conduction can take place in
liquids and gases as well as solids pr ovided that ther e is no bulk motion involved [4].

Convection: -

Heat tr ansfer by convection is attr ibutable to macr oscopic motion of a fluid and
is thus confined to liquids and gases.Convection was consider ed only insofar as it
r elated to the boundary conditionsimposed on a conduction pr oblem [14].

Radiation: -
All mater ials r adiate ther mal ener gy in the for m of electr omagnetic waves.
When r adiation falls on a sur face it may be r eflected, tr ansmitted, or absor bed.

Heating value of fuel (units of KJ/kg or Mj/kg ar e tr aditionally used to quantify
maximum amount of heat that can be generated by combustion with air at standar d
condition (STP) ( 25C°and 101.3kpa). The amount of heat r elease fr om combustion of
the fuel will depend on the phase of water in the pr oduct. If water is in gas phase in
the pr oduct, the value of total heat denoted as the lower heating value ( LHV).

2 .2 Furnace: -

2 .2 .1 About furnace: -
Furnace is Apr ocess heater is a dir ect-fir ed heat exchanger that uses the hot gases of
combustion to r aise the temper atur e of a feed flowing thr ough coils of tubes aligned
thr oughout the fur nace. Depending on the use, these ar e also called fur naces or fir ed
heater s. Or (it is device used to heat up chemical or chemical mixtur e, fir ed hater s
tr ansfer heat generated by the combustion of natur al gas, ethane, pr opane or fuel

Fir ed heater s tr ansfer heat dir ectly fr om a flame to a pr ocess fluid that usually
flows thr ough a set of tubes. Pr ocess heater s ar e used thr oughout the hydr ocar bon
and chemical pr ocessing industr ies in places such as r efineries, gas plants,
petr ochemicals, chemicals and synthetics, olefins, ammonia and fer tilizer plants.
Some plants may have only two or thr ee heater s while lar ger plants can have mor e
than fifty [5].

Unit operation that require furnace: -

-cr ude distillation unit (CDU)

-fluidized catalytic cr acking unit ( FCC)

-delayed coking unit (DCU)

-catalytic r efor ming unit

2.2.2. Parts of Furnace:-

1-Housing: lar ge steel box enclosing the heating coils and bur ner s.

2-Fir e box: (Called hearth) it is the inside walls/ floor of the housing. it is lined with
fir ed br icks (called r efractor y lining) to r eflect heat fr om bur ner s back into the
heating tube.

3-Tubes: compr ise continuous coils car rying the fluid under heating. The coils
contr ibute thr ee heating tubes section:

-Convection tubes: at upper section of fur nace absor bing heat fr om flue gas befor e
exiting thr ough stack.

-Shock tubes: middle zone of hearth. they absor b both the r adiant and convection

-Radiant tubes: at the lower section of the section absor b r adiant heat dir ectly fr om
the bur ner .

4-Bur ner s: - usually located at the bottom. they mix fuel and air to pr oper r atio so as
to ensure continuous smooth bur ning.

5-Stack: - ver tical tall duct at the top of the fur nace guiding the flue gas into safe exit.
Figur e (2-3): par ts of fur nace

2 .2 .3Types of Furnace: -
Furnaces can be classified by sever al featur es:( type of dr aft, number of
fir eboxes, number of passes.)

1-Draft: -

Furnace dr aft can be natur al, for ced, induced, or balanced. In a natur al-dr aft
fur nace, buoyancy for ces induce dr aft as the hot air r ises thr ough the stack and
cr eates a negative pr essur e inside the fir ebox. For ced-draft fur naces use a fan to
push fr esh air to bur ner s for combustion For ced dr aft is used in fur naces that
pr eheat the combustion air to r educe fuel r equir ements. In an induced-dr aft fur nace,
a fan located below the stack pulls air up thr ough the fir ebox and out the stack.
Balanced-draft fur naces r equir e two fans: one inducing flow out the stack and one
pr oviding positive pr essur e to the bur ner s [2].
Figur e (2-4): Induced dr aft fur nace Figur e (2-5): Balanced dr aft
fur nace

Figur e (2-6): Natur al dr aft fur nace Figur e (2-7): For ced dr aft
fur nace

Draft System: -
The function of dr aft in a combustion system is to exhaust the pr oducts of
combustion into the atmospher e.

Correct Draft:-

Stack damper s and secondar y air r egister s affect the dr aft and both
adjustments ar e r elated. Excessive dr aft, either positive pr essur e or negative
pr essur e, can lead to sever e pr oblems in the convection section.

Natural Draft:-
It is the dr aft pr oduced by a chimney alone. It is caused by the differ ence in
density between the column of hot gas inside the chimney and column of outside air
of the same height and cr oss section.

Mechanical Draft: -

It is dr aft ar tificially pr oduced by fans

Induced Draft: -
An induced-dr aft fan dr aws enough dr aft for flow into the fur nace, causing the
pr oducts of combustion to dischar ge to atmospher e.
Forced Draft: -
The For ced dr aft system uses a fan to deliver the air to the fur nace, for cing
combustion pr oducts to flow thr ough the unit and up the stack [7].

2-Number of Fireboxes: -

A fur nace can have one or two fir eboxes. A double-fir ebox fur nace has a center
wall that divides two combustion chambers. Hot gases leaving the two chambers
meet in a common convection section.

3-Number of Passes: -
The char ge—that is, flow—enter ing a fur nace is often split into two or mor e
flows called passes. These passes usually ar e r efer r ed to as the east, west, nor th, or
south pass [2]

2.2.4Names of furnace:

Names of fur naces ar e not standar dized but the types can be called: -

a) Large box-type.
b) Separate –convection (Lummus).
c) Down-convection.
d) Str aight –up (Bor n).
e) Atr am ((Kellogg).
f) Cir cular (Deflor ez).
g) Large isoflow (petr ochem).
h) Small isoflow (petr ochem).
i) Equiflux (UOP).
j) Double –upfir ed (UOP).
k) Radiant wall (selas) [7]. problems: -

Although all of the heater s ar e useful for many ser vices, ther e ar e cer tain
featur es in which may be deficient : -

1- Flame Impingement: too lar ge aflame can cause impingement or over heating of
cer tain tubes near ly all of stills, but tubes that ar e vulner able ar e those just above
the br idge wall in down –convection as example.

2- Hot tubes: the r ate of heat absor ption tends to be high at the entr ance to the
convection section because heat is deliver ed by both r adiation and convection.

3- Oil fir ing: oil fuel tends to pr oduce lar ger flames especially because lar ger bur ner s
ar e used.
4- Heat distr ibution: one phase of poor heat distr ibution has been clear box type (as
example), but in addition the r ate of heating var ies widely in differ ent par ts of boxes
or cavities.

5- Two-coil heating: symmetr ical two –coil ar rangements can be devised for most of
other heater s.

6- Contr ol of r ates

7- Capacity: selecting the types accor ding to the capacity, (c), (d), (h), (i) and (K) for
lowest capacity. a, b, e and j for lar ge capacity.

8- Stacks: heater (a), (b), (c) and (i) r equir ed tall stacks.

9-Cost: the cost plays and impor tant factor in selecting the heater type.

2.2.5Heat Transfer in furnace: -

The pr imar y means of heat tr ansfer in a fir ed heater ar e r adiant heat tr ansfer
and convection however , heat must pass thr ough the walls by conduction to be
absor bed by the flowing fluid. In the fir ed fur nace, the flame on the bur ner is the
r adiant heat sour ce. Radiant heat tr ansfer takes place pr imar ily in the fir ebox called
radiation section . Tubes located in the fir ebox ar e r efer r ed to as r adiant coilsor
tubes. The top of the fur nace is r efer r ed to as the convection section because most of
the heat it r eceives is by convection [2]. sections in furnace: -

1- Radiant section: -

The r adiant tubes, either hor izontal or ver tical, ar e located along the walls in
the r adiant section of the heater and r eceive r adiant heat dir ect fr om the bur ner s.
The r adiant zone with its r efractor y lining is the costliest par t of the heater and 85%
of the heat should be gained ther e [6].

2- Convection section: -
Rather than hit the r adiant section dir ectly, the feed char ge enter s the coil
inlet in the convection section wher e it is pr eheated befor e tr ansferr ing to the
r adiant tubes. The convection section r emoves heat fr om the flue gas to pr eheat the
contents of the tubes and significantly r educes the temper atur e of the flue gas
exiting the stack [6].

2.2.6 Furnace efficiency: -

Running fur naces efficiently is a major oper ating concer n because two thir ds of
a plant’
s fuel budget is needed for fur nace fuel cost. Furnace efficiency is linked to
envir onmental r egulations that stipulate a clean oper ation. Most fur naces use fuel
gas or fuel oil. Natur al gas bur ns cleaner and mor e efficiently than oil [2].

Furnace efficiency or total fur nace efficiency is the r atio of heat usefully
absor bed and total heat supplied.

Efficiency = heated usefully absorbed by heated medium/ total heat supplied *100%

Ther e is another way to deter mine total efficiency: by subtr acting all losses
fr om a value of 100%.

In this calculation, the following losses ar e taken into account: -

I. Stack losses.
II. Radiation losses.
III. Residual losses. air:-
The terms excess air and excess oxygen are commonly used to define combustion.They can be used synonymously but
have different units of measurements. The percentage of excess air is the amount of air above the stoichiometric requirement
for complete combustion. The excess oxygen is the amount of oxygen in the incoming air not used during combustion and is
related to percentage excess air. For example, 15% excess air equals 3% oxygen while firing natural gas.In theory, to have
the most efficient combustion in any combustion process, the quantity of fuel and air would be in a perfect ratio
to provide perfect combustion with no unused fuel or air. This type of theoretical perfect combustion is called
stoichiometric combustion. In practice, however, for safety and maintenance needs, additional air beyond the
theoretical “
perfect ratio”needs to be added to the combustion process—this is referred to as “
excess air.”
boiler combustion, if some excess air is not added to the combustion process, unburned fuel, soot, smoke, and
carbon monoxide exhaust will create additional emissions and surface fouling. From a safety standpoint,
properly controlling excess air reduces flame instability and other boiler hazards. Even though excess air is
needed from a practical standpoint, too much excess air can lower boiler efficiency.

Figur e (2-8): Excess air and efficiency r elationship

Figur e (2-9): Combustion efficiency as function of excess air and stack temper atur e.

Figur e (2-9) Developed pr edictive tools per for mance for estimating
combustion efficiency as a function of excess air fr action and stack temper atur e r ise
in (the mor e stack temper atur e r ise the mor e efficiency decr ease as well as the mor e
excess air r ise the mor e efficiency decr ease) [8].
Figur e (2-10): Excess air in r elation with flue gas

Figur e (2-10)shows the pr edicted excess air fr action as a function of flue gas
oxygen fr action

The effect of excess air on the efficiency of the fur nace is obtained fr om equation:

heater efficiency= (2.1)

Q: Absor bed heat flux by all tubes and walls.

L: Lost heat flux at the boiler outlet.

It is apparent that supplying excess air up to 18% pr ovides better situation for
combustion, and impr oves the efficiency. incr easing excess air beyond 18% r educes
the flame temper atur e, and the fur nace efficiency. In addition, incr easing the excess
air r esults in mor e CO2and H2Olevels, both having high emitting power .

Further mor e, too much excess air can cause cor r osion in metallic components
exposed to combustion gases. The optimum amount of excess air for combustion is
about 15–20%. as shown in figur e (2-11).
Figur e (2-11): Effect of excess air on volumetr ic aver age temper atur e and efficiency
of the fur nace.

Figur e (2-12) Effect of pr eheating on the volumetr ic aver age temper atur e and
efficiency of the fur nace.
Figur e shows the effect of pr eheating on efficiency of the fur nace; pr eheating
incr ease the fur nace efficiency. Consequently, impr oves combustion, which leads to
incr ease in O2consumption, and less O2emission fr om the outlet [9].

Raising the fuel temper atur e causes the fuel density to decr ease. If the fuel flow
r ate is maintained unchanged, the fuel flow velocity must be incr eased. The higher
speed for fuel exiting the bur ner nozzle shor tens the time for the fuel to r each the
bur ning point so that the flame volume is r educed. when the fuel temper atur e is
gr adually r aised fr om 95C̊
to 130C̊
, on-site r esults obtained with a cur rently
oper ated full-scale fur nace show that the r aised fuel temper atur e causes the
temper atur e of the fur nace convection zone to incr ease fr om 674C̊to 695C̊
, fur nace
pr essur e to r ise fr om -6.8 mm H2O to - 4.3 mmH2O, O2 concentr ation in the flue gas to
dr op fr om 3.2 vol.% to 2.0 vol.%.. Additionally, when the hot gas flow in the fur nace
is under higher temper atur e, the time for the fuel to r each the bur ning point
becomes shor ter so that less fuel is consumed. If the fuel temper atur e is incr eased
fr om 95C̊to 130C̊
, the fuel consumption is r educed by 85 m3/h [10].
Chapter 3

3.1 Introduction: -
In this chapter the efficiency of DCU unit in Khar toum r efinery has been
calculated. The effect of excess air and stack temper atur e has been examined on
efficiency by excel as well as the effect of nitr ogen to oxygen r atio and the effect of
inlet air pr eheat on ther mal efficiency has been tested by aspen HYSYS v8.8.

3 .2 Furnace efficiency: -
Ther e ar e two methods to calculate efficiency: -

1- Dir ect method: -

heat absorb by crude+heat absorb by steam

e= *100% (3.1)
fuel compustion *calorific value
2- Indir ect method: -

( LHV+Ha+Hf )-Qs-Qr
e= *100% (3.2)

e= Net ther mal efficiency.

LHV=Lower heating value of fuel (BTU/LB).

Ha=Heat input in for m of sensible heat of air (BTU/LB).

f input in for m of sensible heat of fuel (BTU/LB).

Qs=Heat stack losses(BTU/LB).

Qr=Radiation heat losses (BTU/ LB).

This r esear ch focus on indir ect method as a sour ce of high accur acy because all
loses (stack losses, r adiation losses) ar e taken into account.

To deter mine the efficiency of DCU fur nace you must have some infor mation
about the fuel used to supply heat to the fur nace. This infor mation includes (volume
fr action, net heating value, molecular weight and the combustion r eaction for each
component). Befor e efficiency calculations the data must be completed (pr epar ation
of data to use).

Figur e (3-1): Component given data

3.2.1 Steps of data preparation: -

Fir stly, the weight for each component must be deter mined.

Weight = (volume fraction * molecular weight).

Figur e (3-2): Weight calculation

The next step is to deter mine the heating value for each component.

Heating value = (net. heating value* weight).

Figur e (3-3): Heating value calculation

After that the Stoichiometr ic oxygen of each component must be calculated.

Stoichiometric oxygen = (oxygen from combustion reaction *volume fraction).

Figur e (3-4): Stoichiometr ic oxygen calculation

Finally the amount of (CO2, H2O, SO2 )has been calculated, by the same
pr ocedures followed to calculate Stoichiometr ic oxygen above.

Figur e(3-5):Amount of (CO2, H2O, SO2 ) calculation

So the data finally being r eady to calculate efficiency. After data pr epar ation
the main body of the r esear ch star ts r ight now (deter mined fur nace efficiency).

- Oxygen in flue gas is measur ed by oxygen analyzer then fr om figur e below excess
air has been estimated.
Figur e (3-6): Relation between excess air % and oxygen% in flue gas

-Actual oxygen required = Stoichiometric oxygen + (excess air * Stoichiometric oxygen).

- Actual air required =actual oxygen required *( 100 21).

- Estimate stack component ( CO2,H2O, SO2, O2, N2).

-Amount of CO2 in flue gas = (total formed + CO2 reported as fuel).

-Amount of H2O in flue gas = (total formed + H2O reported as fuel) .

-Amount of SO2in flue gas = (total formed + SO2 reported as fuel).

-Amount of O2 in flue gas = (actual O2 supplied - actual O2 used during combustion).

-Amount of N2 in flue gas = (79%of moles of air +N2 reported as fuel).

-Temper atur e in the stack is measur ed and used to calculate enthalpy for stack
In efficiency equation (3.2)

-First (LHV) was determined: -

Σheating value
LHV= (3.3)
Σweight of component of fuel

-Second stack losses were calculated: -

1- (amount of stack component *molecular weight).

2- (result from (1) / amount of fuel enter the furnace).
3- result from (2) * enthalpy for each stack component).
4- summ ation of all result in (3).

These summation is equal to stack losses.

Figur e ( 3-7) : Stack losses calculation

-Third radiation losses were calculated: -

The r adiation heat losses wer e deter mined by multiplying heat input fuel
(LHV)by the r adiation losses expressed as per centage (r adiation heat losses
between 1 to 3 % fr om chemical and pr ocess design hand book).

Ther efor e, radiation heat losses = (1%+3%)/2=2% of heat input(LHV).

-Forth sensible heat correction for combustion of air ( H)

a was

calculated: -
Ha=lb of air/ lb of fuel*Cpair*(Tt-Td) (3.4)

Tt = combustion air temper atur e.

Td = datum temper atur e (60°f).

-Fifth sensible heat correction for fuel ( H)

f was calculated: -

Hf = CPfuel *(Tt-Td) (3.5)

Finally calculating the efficiency of the fur nace using indir ect method for all
data deter mined in the step befor e.

3.3Stack temperature and excess air: -

After efficiency of fur nace has been deter mined, the effect of stack temper atur e
r ise has been examined on fur nace efficiency using excel sheet.

The temper atur e of stack has been changed then deter mined enthalpy of each
component in flue gas component finally calculate fur nace efficiency (follow the
same pr ocedure in 3.2). (11)

3.4Aspen HYSYS Simulation: -

Aspen HYSYS is the mar ket-leading pr ocess modeling solution that pr ovide
lar ge economic benefits thr oughout the pr ocess engineer ing lifecycle. It br ings the
power of pr ocess simulation and optimization to your desktop, and deliver s a
unique combination of modeling technology and ease of use. Aspen HYSYS enables
companies to br ing new plants and design to mar ket faster and optimize pr oduction
for gr eater mar gins [12].

Aspen HYSYS benefits:-

1- Impr ove engineer ing design and oper ation.

2- Impr ove ener gy efficiency.
3- Reduce capital cost.
3.4.1Aapen Exchanger Design and Rating (EDR):

EDR is a modelling simulation used to evaluate pr ocess design feasibility and

evaluates hundreds of design geometr ies for the specified pr ocess r equir ements.

EDR has been used to design the DCU fur nace by following the next pr ocedure.
Open EDR file then enter pr oblem definition. these section contain 3 type of data. the
(heading/ remar ks, application options, pr ocess data) and enter all data r equir e.

Figur e (3-8): Headings/ Remar ks data

Figur e (3-9): Pr ocess data

-Go to next step and move to physical pr oper ty data, theses section contain str eam
1pr opar ites.

Figur e (3-10) : Str eam 1 pr oper ties data

-After that fuel+ oxidant has been opened theses section contain two type of data the
fir st one is the data about fuel used, this type contains thr ee categor ies. the data of
each categor y must be complete.
Figur e (3-11): Fuel data

-The second type of data that must be complete is oxidant data.

Figur e (3-12): Oxidant data

The last section is heater geometr y this section contains thr ee type of data. the
fir st data is fir ebox this data contains (layout, main tube r ows, r oof tube r ows, tube
details, gas offtake and fir ebox diagr am) data of each one must be enter ed.
Figur e (3-13): Fir ebox data

-The Second type of data is convection bank, this data contains (layout, tube, fins +
studs, bundle detail, connection diagr am).
Figur e (3-14): Convection banks data

-The last type of data in this section is gas flow contain (stack, ducting, heater
diagr am).

Figur e (3-15): Gas flow data

Then r un the pr ogr am if no er ror appear that mean the fur nace design is
completely successful. So the fur nace design is end the simulation envir onment has
been enter ed and the EDR fur nace has been impor ted to show the effect of nitr ogen
to oxygen r atio in the ther mal efficiency.

The air enter to fur nace was separated into two str eam. str eam one for oxygen
and str eam two for nitr ogen then the two str eam enter mixtur e. Spr ead sheet has
been added to calculate the fur nace efficiency at differ ent nitr ogen to oxygen r atio.
and the simulation envir onment shown below.
Figur e (3-16): Pr ocess flow sheet

3.5Cost Estimation: -

Cost estimation is r equir ed for any industr ial pr ocess and deter mination of the
necessar y investment is an impor tant par t of plant design pr oject.

Cost estimation include the deter mination of:

1- Fixed cost (Capital cost, Installation cost, Tr anspor tation).

2- Oper ation cost:

-Utilities (electr icity, fuel gas, compr ess air ).

-Oper ator Labor .

-Maintenance Labor .

3.5.1Cost estimation calculations: - Fixed cost:-

The capital cost in Delayed Coking Unite fur nace in Khar toum Refiner y
Company estimated by the manufactur e company [15].

Total fixed cost= capital cost + installation cost + transportation (3.6)

Installation Cost = 0.4 *capital cost (3.7)

Transportation = 0.05*capital cost (3.8) cost: -

Depreciation = (capital cost * 0.9)/anticipated life (3.9)

Est. Downtime hr = no. days * 24 hr ( 3.10)

Est. Operating hr = no. days * 24 hr (3.11)

Total Available Hours/ Year = est. downtime + est. operation (3.12)

Operator Labor= hr/furn/yr * price of hr * no.operater (3.13)

Maintenance Labor = hrs/furn/yr * price of hr * no.operater (3.14)

Utilities: -

Electricity = full load KW * Price of KW (3.15)

Fuel gas = lb/hr *price of lb (3.16)

Comp air = lb/hr *price of lb (3.17)

Annual Furnace Operating Cost =Depreciation+ electricity annual cost +fuel gas annual cost +compressed air an

Total cost = operation cost + fixed cost (3.19)

Chapter (4)

Results and discussions

4 .1 Results: -

4 .1 .1 Excel results: -
These contain two type of r esult (fur nace efficiency, the effect of stack
temper atur e and excess air on ther mal efficiency). Furnace efficiency result: -

The data we use to calculate efficiency is (combustion sheet and combustion

r eaction)

Table (4-1): Combustion wor k sheet

Component of fuel Vol. fr action Net heating value

mole/ hr BTU/ Lb

Methane 49.67 21500

Hydr ogen 9.48 51600

Ethane 19.57 20420

Ethylene 3.12 20290

Pr opane 5.11 19930

Pr opylene 3.09 19690

Butane 1.93 19670

Butylene 0.92 19420

Pentane 0.84 19500

Nitr ogen 1.38 0

Car bone monoxide 2.44 4345

Car bone dioxide 2.43 0

Hydr ogen sulfide 0.0036 6550

Total 99.9836

Table (4-2): Combustion r eaction

Reaction Moles of oxygen r equir e

H2+0.5O2→H2 O 0.5

CO+0.5O2 →CO2 0.5

CH4+2O2 →CO2+2H2O 2

C2H6+3.5O2→2CO2+3H2O 3.5

C2H4+3O2→2CO2+2H2O 2

C3H8+5O2→3CO2+4H2O 5

C3H6+4.5O2→3CO2+3H2O 4.5

C4H10 +6.5O2→4CO2+5H2O 6.5

C4H8 +6O2→4CO2+4H2O 6

C5H12 +8O2→5CO2+6H2O 8

C6H14 +9.5O2→6CO2+7H2O 9.5

S+ O2→SO2 1

H2S+1.5O2→SO2+H2O 1.5

- From these data the thermal efficiency of DCU furnace in Khartoum

refinery = 86.43%. Effect of stack temperature and excess air on thermal

efficiency: -

The effect of stack temper atur e has been examined and excess air on ther mal
efficiency and the r esults wer e found as shown in figur e below.
Figur e (4-1): Effect of excess air and stack temper atur e on efficiency
4 .1 .2aspen HYSYS simulation results: -
Table (4-3): EDR data

Process data:-


Total mass flow r ate 125 T/Hr

Inlet temper atur e 270 C°

Out let temper atur e 320 C°

Inlet vapor mass fr action 3%

Out let vapor mass fr action 40%

Flue gas:-

Inlet temper atur e to convection section 290 C°

Ambient temper atur e 33.1 C°

Injection steam:-

Mass flow r ate 360 kg/Hr

Pr essur e 2.5 Mpa

Temper atur e 420 C°


Fir e heater type Twin box

Tube r ow layout Refector y baked

Fire box dimension:-

Height 13700 mm

Length 18834 mm

Width 16530 mm

Evaluation of floor fir ebox 2550 mm

Evaluation of top fir e box 13700 mm

Burner details:-

Bur ner location Bottom

Type of bur ner Flat flame

No. of bur ner 98

Bur ner diameter 100 mm

Main tube rows :-

Pr ocess steam in fir ebox 4

Tube passes 4

Evaluation of main tube in fir ebox Hor izontal

Tube str aight length 18420 mm

Height of lowest tube above fir ebox 500 mm

Tube to wall clear ance 200 mm

Tube –U bend location Inside fir ebox

Tube lay out angle U-shell

Flow dir ection in fir st tube Up flow

Tube location:-

Tube main main Main Main


No. of 12 6 4 2
tube per pass

Tube 316L 316L 316L 316L

mater ial

Pipe 80 80 80 80

Tube 114.3 168.28 219.08 273.05

diameter (mm)

Tube 8.56 10.97 12.7 15.09

wall thickness

Tube 203.2 304.8 406.4 508


Gas of take:-

Flue gas off take width (mm) 2800

Flue gas off take length (mm) 40430

Exter nal diameter ( m2) 3070

Convection bank:-

Pr ocess str eam in 2 2


Str eam inflow Bank2 Inlet

for m

Str eam out flow Fir ebox Bank1

Tube No. used in bank 1 1

Tube alienation in Hor izontal Hor izontal


Flue gas flow Up Up

dir ection

Duct width(mm) 1553 1553

Duct other 1553 1553


Tube length(mm) 15700 15700

Gas flow:-

Stack diameter at bottom 3070

Stack diameter at top 2800

Height to bottom of stack 14903

Height to top of stack 55217

Height of damper in stack 14903

Table (4-4): Inlet str eam par ameter

Item Unit Design ther mal load

Calculated ther mal load Kw 4755 682 25754

Name Cr ude steam Heater


Flow Kg/hr 12301 9650 16229

0 4

Inlet pr essur e Mpa 0.9 1.25 2.85

Outlet pr essur e Mpa 0.57 1.15 0.65

Inlet temper atur e C° 270 191 366

Outlet temper atur e C° 320 300 500 Effect of preheated air on thermal efficiency: -

The effect of pr eheated air has been examined in HYSYS simulation and the
r esult is shown by excel sheet in figur er below.

Figur e (4-2): Effect of pr eheated air on efficiency of nitrogen to oxygen ratio in furnace thermal


The effect of nitr ogen to oxygen r atio has been examined in HYSYS simulation
envir onment and the r esult shown in figur e below.
Figur e(4-3):Effect of N2/ O2r atio

4 .1 .3Cost estimation results:

Table (4-5): Cost estimation data

Capital Cost 1301300 $

Est. Downtime day 30 day

Est. Oper ating day 335 day

Anticipated life 20 year

Thr oughput 162300 ton/hr

Electr icity full load 20397000 kw

Electr icity pr ice 0.13 $/kw hr

Fuel gas full load 2280.7 lb/hr

Fuel gas pr ice 0.06 $/lb

Compr essed air full load 39630.5 lb/hr

Compr essed air pr ice 0.003$/lb

Number of fur nace oper ator labor hour per year 8760 hr

Pr ice of hour for oper ator labor 1.3$/hr

Number of oper ator labor 67 man

Number of fur nace maintenance labor hour per year 8760 hr

Pr ice of hour for maintenance labor 1.6$

Number of maintenance labor 19 man

Figur e (4-4): Cost estimation by excel sheet

4 .2 Discussions: -
The fur nace efficiency has been put under light in this r esear ch as one of the
impor tant facilities in the r efinery and for the fact that its consume a huge amount of
fuel so huge amount of cost. The efficiency of DCU fur nace in Khar toum r efinery has
been calculated using indir ect method.

The r esults show that fur nace efficiency is 86.43%. which indicates the fur nace
efficiency obtained accor ding to use heat exchanger in the top of the fur nace to
deliver heat fr om the stack gases to pr eheat air that enter s the fur nace.

Inlet air pr eheats r esult show that ther mal efficiency has been incr eased with
incr easing of air temper atur e.

The effect of excess air and stack temper atur e on ther mal efficiency shows that
the ther mal efficiency has been r educed accor ding to incr ease in excess air and stack
temper atur e and vice ver sa.

Incr easing the fr action of the oxygen in the inlet air will lead to incr ease in
ther mal efficiency based on the fact that nitr ogen absor b heat hence decease
ther mal efficiency.

4.2.1Furnace control: -

Pr ocess Side –Fluid heated inside the tubes must be contr olled for efficient
heat tr ansfer and to minimize tube fouling and coking. Flow distr ibution at the inlet
is ver y impor tant. All fluid passes should have an equal amount of fluid flowing
thr ough the tubes. In most liquid or fouling ser vices, it is impor tant to have an
individual pass flow contr oller to avoid flow imbalances due to coking or localized
over heating. A simple contr ol scheme is shown in Fig (4-4). Another var iation is to
use feed for war d contr ol. Any load change in the feed minimizes the outlet feed
temper atur e var iation [13].
Figur e (4-5): Conventional fur nace contr ol scheme

A number of modifications can be made to this scheme. A common var iation is

a contr ol scheme wher e the individual pass outlet temper atur es ar e contr olled to
ensure a unifor m outlet temper atur e Fig (4-5).

This scheme wor ks fine as long as the ser vice is not fouling. With coking or
fouling ser vices, it does not wor k satisfactor y because it tr ies to r educe the flow in
the pass that is cooked and the situation becomes even wor se. The pass tends to
coke even mor e at r educed flow.

Fluid flowing thr ough the tubes should have an adequate pr essur e dr op in the
fir ed heater to ensure good fluid distr ibution in a multiple- pass heater .

Firing Controls –Two major par ameter s that should be contr olled and monitor ed
ar e:

-Fuel gas/ fuel oil pr essur e.

-Furnace dr aft.

Fuel Press ure control –One of the simplest schemes for contr olling fuel pr essur e is
shown in Fig (4-5). The feed output temper atur e contr oller pr ovides the set point
for the bur ner fuel pr essur e contr oller .
Sometimes the feed outlet temper atur e is dir ectly connected to the fuel contr ol
valve. If the heater is fir ed with mor e than one fuel, then one of the fuels is base
loaded and set at a constant fir ing r ate while the second fuel under contr ol takes
load fluctuations

Furnace Draft –Flue gas analysis is the single most power ful tool available to
maximize combustion efficiency. One impr oved contr ol scheme automatically
contr ols oxygen in the flue gas by var ying the fur nace dr aft.

Contr ol schemes have been installed in balanced dr aft systems to mor e

accur ately contr ol excess air and dr aft. Some of these schemes involve contr olling
the air / fuel r atio. Sever al pr oblems have been experienced in measur ing the fuel and
air flow r ate accur ately. Atypical contr ol scheme is shown in Fig.

Figur e (4-6): Balance dr aft contr ol scheme

Table (4-6): Abbreviations of balance dr aft contr ol

FT Flow tr ansmitter

FIC Flow indicator contr oller

PIC Pr essur e indicator contr oller

PT Pr essur e tr ansmitter

AIC Analyzer indicator contr oller

AT Analyzer tr ansmitter

TIC Temper atur e indicator contr oller

TT Temper atur e tr ansmitter

Closing the stack damper r educes the fur nace dr aft. To adjust excess air , the
stack damper must be adjusted in conjunction with the air r egister s. A step-by-step
pr ocedure to adjust the dr aft and excess air in balance dr aft fur naces is shown in Fig

Check draft
high tar get low

Check O2 Check O2

high tar get low high tar get low

Decrease Open air Open air Incr ease

Close air Incr ease
induced fan r egiste r r egister induced
r egister s induced

Decrease induced Close air

Retur n to Retur n to
star t star t

Check O2

high low
Tar get

Decrease induce fan Open air r egister s

Retur n to star t
Retur n to star t

Good oper ation

Figur e (4-7): Balanced dr aft fur nace adjustment flowchar t
Chapter (5)

Conclusions and Recommendations

5 .1 Conclusions: -

In this r esear ch the par ameter s that affect in fur nace efficiency (excess air /
stack temper atur e) ar e examined using equations and excel sheets. The r esults show
that incr easing in stack temper ate at constant excess air will lead to r everse
pr opor tion with the efficiency of the fur nace and vice ver sa. Further mor e, the r esult
of oxygen per centage in air and pr eheated air fr om Aspen HYSYS simulation
softwar e and EDR ’
aspen exchanger design and r ating’
) of DCU both pr ovides dir ect
pr opor tion with the efficiency. In addition, cost of fur nace has been estimated by
excel sheets as well as contr olling differ ent par ameter s that affect in oper ation.

5 .2 Recommendations:-

-Design equipment that decr eases nitr ogen per centage in air and deter mine its cost.

-Study the efficiency of heat exchanger in or der to incr ease the temper atur e of air
that enter fur nace.

-Use another kind of fuel with less amount of it is efficient nitr ogen taken into
account the cost.

-The contr ol of oper ation par ameter must give some kind of attention in or der to
pr ovide the highest efficiency.

-Study the effect of stack length in ther mal efficiency.

-Use another softwar e r ather than HYSYS simulation and compar e the r esults.
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