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M1 = mass of the pendulum
M2 = mass of the wheel
L1 = length of the pendulum
Lc1 = distance to the center of mass of the pendulum
I1 = moment of inertia of the pendulum
I2 = moment of inertia of the wheel
θ1 = angle that pendulum makes with vertical y-axis
θ2 = angle of the wheel
Ʈ = motor torque input applied to the disk

At first we found the total kinetic energy of our system. We found the translational and
angular kinetic energy of the rod and the wheel. Then by summing all of them, we wrote the
equation 1.
Total Kinetic Energy:
1 1
K = K1+K2 = MV 2 + IW2
2 2
1 1
K = K1+K2 = ( M1 Lc12 + M2 L12 + I1 + I2 ) θ̇ 12 + I2θ̇ 1θ̇ 2 + I2 θ̇ 22 (1)
2 2

After that we found the total potential energy of our system. We found the potential
energy of the rod and the wheel. Then we sum the equations and we obtained equation 2.
Potential Energy:


P = Mg (cos (θ1)-1) (2)

M = M1 Lc1 + M2 L1 (3)

Instead of putting equation 3 to equation 2 we defined M for simplicity.

After finding the total kinetic energy and the total potential energy we obtained
Lagrangian Function as shown in equation 4.
Lagrangian Function:


1 1
L = [ ( M1 Lc12 + M2 L12 + I1 + I2 ) θ̇ 12 + I2θ̇ 1θ̇ 2 + I2 θ̇ 22 ] - Mg (cos (θ1)-1) (4)
2 2
To obtain the dynamic equations of our system we used Euler- Lagrange’s Equations.
According to the general formula (equation 5) we found the derivative of Lagrange
(equation4) with respect to θ̇ 1, θ1, θ̇2 and θ2.
Euler – Lagrange‘s Equations:

d ∂L ∂L
Ʈ= ( (q,q̇)) - ( (q,q̇)) (5)
dt ∂ q̇ ∂q

= (M1 Lc12 + M2 L12 + I1 + I2)θ̇ 1+I2θ̇ 2
∂ θ˙1

= Mg sinθ1
∂θ 1

= I2θ̇ 1 + I2θ̇ 2
∂ θ˙2

∂θ 2

After that we obtained dynamic equations of our system. We found two equations.
Equation 6 is equal to 0 because it is for the rod and rod has no motor. On the other hand
equation 7 is equal to Ʈ because it is for the wheel motor.
Dynamic Equations of the System:

(M1 Lc12 + M2 L12 + I1 + I2) θ̈ 1 + I2θ̈ 2 –Mg sinθ1 = 0 (6)

Ʈ = I2 θ̈ 1 + I2 θ̈ 2 (7)

If shown as:

u = D(q) q̈ + g(q)q

q̈ = D-1(q) (-g(q)) + D-1(q) u

M 1 L c 12 + M 2 L 12+ I 1+ I 2 I 2 Mg sin θ 1 0
[ ] ¿] + [ ¿ =[ ] (8)
I2 I2 0 Ʈ

For θ1 = 0, E = 0 unstable equilibrium

For θ1 =π , E = -2Mg stable equilibrium

d 11 d 12 ¿
D(q) =[
d 21 d 22

d 22 −d 12
D-1(q) =[ ]/ det(D(q))
−d 21 d 11

−d 12 /det (D ( q ) ) [ Mg sin θ 1 ]
¿] = [−dd 2221 d 11 ] 0 [
d 22 −d 12 /det (D ( q ) )¿
−d 21 d 11 ] ]

¿] = ¿] / det(D(q)) (9)

If we linearize about the origin:

sinθ1 = θ1

¿] = ¿] / det(D(q)) (10)

State equation in general:

Ẋ = Ax+ Bu

θ1 0
d θ1 ˙ −d 12 det ⁡( D ( q ) )
[ ] =¿ ] ¿] + [ ]Ʈ (11)
dt θ 2 0
θ̇ 2 d 21/det( D ( q ) )

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