Activity 7 What I Can Do

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What I Have Learned

Questions to be asked:
1. What are the three things that you learned from this
module? 1._________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________
2. What are the two things that you appreciate most from this module?
2. _________________________________________________
3. What is your one question (the part that is unclear to you)?
2. _________________________________________________

What I Can Do
Think of a product that you would like to sell in your community and try to assess
based on the following criteria:
Product : ___________________________________
Activity 1. Screening Based on Profitability
Using your chosen product, check the appropriate level of agreement using the
scale :
5-Highly Agree; 4-Agree; 3-Somewhat Agree; 2-Disagree; 1-Highly Disagree
Statements 5 4 3 2 1
1. The product can be utilized everyday or can be
a need.
2. The product has a great opportunity to resell
or repeat the sales.
3.As a customer, the product would be beneficial
in achieving my budget.
4. The planned price of the product it just right for
its quality and quantity.
5.The price is highly commendable for this product
to be feasible in the market.

Activity 2. Screening Based on Viability
Using the same chosen product, check the appropriate level of agreement using the
scale :
5-Highly Agree; 4-Agree; 3-Somewhat Agree; 2-Disagree; 1-Highly Disagree
Statements 5 4 3 2 1
1.The product has materials/ingredients that can
easily be found and be acquired.
2. The product has a unique palatable taste that is
distinct and highly recommended to other
3.As a customer, the product has good appearance.
4. The product has overall good quality.
5.The product can be utilized during dry or wet season.

Activity 2. Screening Based on Customer’s Need

Using the same chosen product, check the appropriate level of agreement
using the scale :
5-Highly Agree; 4-Agree; 3-Somewhat Agree; 2-Disagree; 1-Highly Disagree
Statements 5 4 3 2 1
1.The product can be very useful for me as a customer.
2. The product is advisable to be used or utilized by
my peers too.
3.As a customer, the product has met my satisfaction
4. The product can be an excellent substitute as it
very practical to be utilized or to be used.
5.The product considers the availability of its
resources and its ease in manufacturing/producing

Add the scores per criteria. If the scores’ sum is atleast 20 points per criteria, then
it will pass the screening.
Based from your answers, are you convinced to the top product you want to
introduce to your target customers? Explain your answer.


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