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Prospectus 2021-22

We are Essex Online 4

Our highlights 6
Realise your ambitions 7
Our student community 8
Student stories 10
Get the student perspective 18
The online study experience 20
Student support 22
Essex Online perks 24
Developing your employability 26
Graduation at Essex 28
Virtual events 31
Taster courses 31

Our courses

Business courses 34
Project management courses 72
Computing courses 80
Law courses 106
Education courses 114
Health courses 122
Psychology courses 148
Criminology courses 162

Important stuff

Fees and funding 172

Student loans 174
Scholarships and discounts 176
Steps to join Essex Online 178
Entry requirements 180
Important information 182

2 3
University of Essex Online courses are delivered by Kaplan Open Learning
in partnership with the University of Essex. Since 2007, we’ve offered
high-quality 100% online and part-time programmes at undergraduate
and postgraduate level.
We strive to make higher education accessible to anyone with the potential and drive to succeed.
We design and deliver innovative, industry-led and career-enhancing programmes that enable our
students to transform their lives.
From day one until you graduate, you will be supported by our dedicated student support advisers
and study skills specialists who will guide you and help you to build up your academic skills.
Additionally, our module tutors, who are leading authorities and specialists in their fields, will provide
you with unparalleled academic support during your studies with us.
All our qualifications are awarded by the University of Essex, an award-winning institution with a 50+
year heritage. Essex is part of the elite group of ‘dual intensive’ universities for teaching and research
excellence – it is rated 27th in the UK by the Complete University Guide (CUG 2022).

4 5
Top for online classroom
The University of Essex Online achieved
the highest student satisfaction rating
worldwide for online classroom experience
in the Global Student Satisfaction Awards
(GSSA 2021)

University of
the Year
The University of
Essex, Times Higher
Education Awards
(THE 2018) Maybe you want to push your career further. Perhaps you’re
craving a personal challenge. Whatever your reasons, Essex
Online is the place for you.
Our transformative education isn’t just about what you learn through our virtual
learning environment. With an Essex Online education, you will be equipped
22nd in the to take on the challenges of the world, personal or professional, and make an
world Top 30 in the impact. With Essex Online on your side you can make a difference; we will
UK provide you with the knowledge, skills and support to develop your ways of
The University working, your understanding of your subject and the world around you, to unlock
of Essex, for The University of the power of your own ideas and to make your mark on the world.
International Outlook Essex, is ranked Whatever stage in life you’re at, you’ll be able to balance our courses with
in the Times Higher 27th in the Complete working full-time, raising a family, trekking across the globe or even as a pastime
Education World University Guide during your retirement. Whatever your reason for studying or your future plans, we
University Rankings (CUG 2022) can help you get to the end goal – being an Essex Online graduate.
(THE 2021)

6 7
Our student network spans over 140 countries and we’ve already had over 3,000
students in graduation gowns. Will you be one of them?

Our students won’t be spoon-fed a degree;
they will earn it through an intellectual, cultural
and social journey that demands hard work and

Independent thinkers
Exploring beyond conventional wisdom, our
students collaborate and generously share their
ideas to inspire others.

Many of our students have active family lives or
demanding work commitments, but they still put
100% into their study.

Curiosity is in our students’ DNA. They’re
willing to break intellectual boundaries and
together extend the frontiers of knowledge.

Idea generators
Brave enough to have ideas and generous
enough to share them; that’s our students in a

8 9
STUDENT STORIES Meet some of our inspirational global students – working towards
achieving their aspirations through their studies.

Tansy’s story

London, United Kingdom

Master of Business Administration (MBA) student
Senior marketing executive with entrepreneurial ambitions
Choosing to study my MBA with University of Essex Online was the best decision I have made.
Currently I work full time as a Senior Marketing Executive, however in the near future I hope to start
my own company. This was my main motivation for studying an MBA as the programme covers
modules required to set up your own organisation.
Studying my MBA online and part-time while still working has benefited my career, studies and
I’ve valued the Director’s Workshops, which are delivered by industry experts who have lots of
knowledge and experience in specific industries. These have covered a wide range of topics and
given me a greater insight into different business areas I have not worked in yet. I know that one of
the most important factors for a start-up is having a stable network. Through attending Director’s
Workshops, seminars and Q&A sessions I have been able to grow my network and receive insights
from individuals all over the world, and in different industries which I would have struggled to achieve
without studying with Essex Online.
I’ve also appreciated being able to access a huge range of online resources, at any point throughout
my course, including eBooks, lecturecasts, seminar recordings and research papers. Taking
advantage of these online resources not only helps me to complete modules to a high standard but
also provide lots of information needed to start an organisation. For example, there are a range of
entrepreneurial resources and specific business area resources, such as online marketing books or
accounting papers to help with building my business idea!

“The MBA programme’s highly

flexible mode of study has
enabled me to learn wherever and
whenever it is convenient for my
lifestyle. I can still do everything
I normally would, whilst working
Wondering how Tansy balances her MBA studies with full-time work?
towards achieving my future goal.”

10 1 - Tansy’s study setup at home where she gets her MBA work done. 11
Helen’s story

Brighton, United Kingdom

Master of Public Health (MPH) student
Pharmacy technician studying the MPH to open up opportunities
I’m a pharmacy technician by background. A long, long time ago, I was doing art and design at
undergraduate level. But decided it wasn’t for me and kind of fell into pharmacy which I did for about 14
years. I got to the point where I had kind of progressed as far as I could with that – not with the career but “My main reason for
qualification and education-wise – and so, I started looking around for something else to do.  choosing to study online
Of course when I started, in January 2020, we didn’t really know the pandemic was going to hit us.
was time saving. I
I guess brick-and-mortar universities have really, really struggled because none of us ever expected thought I would struggle
something like this to happen. Whereas with Essex Online, the whole programme delivery was to work and do a
planned to be online anyway. There was no disruption as far as I was concerned. Everything went as part-time degree if I was
it should do. And that was super helpful for me, in terms of trying to work out my now messy life and also trekking backwards
messy job – much like everyone else. So that’s been a small bonus of studying online! and forwards, commuting
I was quite lucky in terms of this Masters, being able to get quite a lot of work done in a short space to work, on-campus
of time. I finished a short-term job contract a week into the first lockdown and I was unemployed for lectures and anything
a few months. Then I got a job, and then I was unemployed for another few months, and then I got
a full-time job. So it has been really up and down professionally for me during the pandemic, as a
healthcare worker as well at the coalface of it. So life has been a little bit hectic but I’m sure it has
been for everyone.
Currently I’m working in training and development for a company who create training packages for
medicine administration for carers and nurses in care homes. It has been a different avenue of work
for me, and I think a lot of what I’m doing now on my degree is helping me as well. I did this degree
to open up options, gain extra knowledge and to learn something. Part of the reason I’m so enthused
about it is because I really enjoy learning new things. But in terms of what I’ll do with it in the future,
who knows? I could continue down the pharmacy route. I could go down a public health route. Or
ideally, I could find a way to combine the two, but we shall see – watch this space.
My advice for anyone unsure about studying public health online: go for it. If it’s something that
interests you – that’s the main thing. If you feel like you should do it, maybe come back when you can
be more focused on it. Because the one thing I would say is there’s a lot of work, and you have to
really enjoy doing it to make it work. But beyond that, I really mean just go for it. Everybody at Essex
Online are so supportive: the tutors and Student Support team, if you need anything from them, they
are incredible. They’ll always back you up if you’re unwell or anything. So, you’ve always got the
support there; you’re never on your own.

Want to learn a bit more about Helen’s experience studying online?


12 1 - Helen’s wonderful friends have been an invaluable support network throughout her studies. 13
Adolfo’s story

Xiamen, China
PG Dip Education student
Educator planning to undertake a Masters for career progression
Like many people from my country, Chile, I was unhappy with my job and lifestyle, so I decided to
move to another place. Some friends told me that teaching English in Asia was a very well-paid
position – and I would have the opportunity to explore exotic and beautiful locations. At that moment,
almost ten years ago, the only requirement to teach was to be a foreigner and speak English. So
without thinking that much, I packed my bag and bought a plane ticket to the People’s Republic of
China, with the plan to look for a job I had zero experience in, not knowing the Mandarin language or
even how to stay in the country after my tourist visa expired!
Long story short, I managed to get hired by a great school, where I had a couple of years working
and earning a salary three times better than I would back in my home country. I fell in love with the
culture, and I finally found out that my real vocation was teaching. Everything was great, but then
China introduced new requirements for working visa applications, in response to the increased arrival
of unqualified teachers looking for a job.
So, I started to do some simple training such as TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) and
CMS Guide for preschool (Chinese Montessori Society). But after a while, I realised that if I wanted
to advance in my career, the only way I could achieve this would be to invest more time in my
education. However, I needed a course that wouldn’t affect my work and family life.
I applied for the Postgraduate Certificate through the work experience entry route, which requires
at least two years of demonstrable practice at an education institution. After a couple of weeks and
number of emails exchanged, my application was accepted, and I was enrolled on the programme.
I felt remarkably happy, especially after discovering that many of my classmates were in the same
situation as me: living and teaching abroad in Asia and Europe.
My experience with Essex Online has been excellent. The Student Advisers and tutors are very
supportive, and though the modules are challenging they are still doable. I’m now studying the
Postgraduate Diploma and planning to progress my studies to achieve the Master of Education,
which is one of the requirements to apply to be a Director or Vice-Principal at an international school.
“I decided online studies
Working abroad and studying online is not only an attractive option for teachers. I have other friends
would be the perfect option, in different fields who have found studying online beneficial for their careers as engineers, software
so I began to research online developers, sports coaches, lawyers, and more. All of them decided to improve their skills to pursue
universities that are prestigious better jobs, higher salaries, and more enjoyable lifestyles, even when they have full-time jobs and
and affordable. University of families.
1 Essex Online was one of the The possibility to change your life is more tangible than you think. If you are working abroad in
universities I had shortlisted, another country, studying an online qualification is a great way to increase your career options and
and I chose it because they open up paths to achieve your goals.
offered a convenient set
of pathways in education
(Postgraduate Certificate,
Postgraduate Diploma and
Masters)” Curious to see what a day in Adolfo’s life is like?

14 1 - Adolfo at work at his school. 2 - When Adolfo isn’t working or studying, he likes to spend quality time with his wife and children. 15
Natalie’s story

Nottingham, United Kingdom

MSc Criminology and Criminal Psychology student
From teenage mum to Masters student
There’s a stereotype attached to teenage pregnancy: girl gets pregnant at school and claims benefits
forever – the end. That’s how society wants us to believe that is how teenage mums are. And that’s
not my story and it’s probably not the story for most others; however, society feeds us this idea that if
you become a teenage mum, then it’s the end of your life, and you will never amount to anything.
Going through school, my reports all said the same thing: ‘Natalie is a very capable student. She
could be achieving the highest grades. However, she won’t stop disrupting people; she won’t
stop talking; she doesn’t do the work’. So you know, that was me and I didn’t care. And when I
got pregnant in the summer in-between Year 10 and 11, I doubt that there was anyone who was
surprised. I could have got cracking GCSEs, but I didn’t and instead messed about. I really didn’t
make the most of my potential even though I was very bright.
In September 2008, I started an access course, and I still didn’t know what I wanted to do in the
future. While studying the course, I toyed with studying midwifery, or a probation officer which was
something I thought I really wanted to do at the time; and that was mostly because I had a youth
offending worker when I was getting into troubles as a teenager – so that was the inspiration behind
that. But it turned out, you have to be employed as a probation officer in order to enrol on the course. 1

Well, I was eighteen years old, and I didn’t have any work experience or the skills that would have
got me employed and therefore on the course.
I applied to study social work at a university near where I lived at the time, and I was offered a place.
During my final year at university, I had a placement with a fostering agency which I loved. I even
applied for a job after university with this agency, but I didn’t get it which really defeated me.
When I was back in hospital having my fourth child, I had the idea of going back to university again but I
wasn’t sure how I’d do it. I then got an email in my inbox from Essex Online and discovered it offers 100%
online Masters degrees. So I thought sod it – I’m going to apply!
I decided to apply for criminology and criminal psychology because becoming a probation officer was
still at the back of my mind. And I thought, I could use my social work degree to get onto the Masters
programme to enable me to move into a different career and it could help me improve my employability.
Though I did this degree to use it to get another job, since being on the course I have started a new
role within victim services. It’s something that I was probably already qualified to do, but I would have
never had the confidence to go ahead and apply for that – and I absolutely love it.
I feel a bit preachy saying this, but with all the mess-ups I had, if I can overcome all of those things
– having babies interrupting my learning – anyone can do anything. The point is, you know I’m
thirty-one years old and I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. You don’t have to be
imprisoned by one line of work. If you decide at school that you want to be a teacher – that’s fine, be
a teacher but it doesn’t mean you then can’t go on to do something else. There’s no reason why you 2 3

can’t access more training in your thirties, forties or fifties. Whatever it is you want to do, there are
really no limits, and you should go for it.

“There’s no reason why you can’t access more training in your thirties,
forties or fifties. Whatever it is you want to do, there are really no limits,
Want to know how Natalie fits studies around a busy lifestyle?
and you should go for it.”

16 1 - Natalie as young mum. 2 - The birth of Natalie’s fourth child inspired her to return to study. 3 - Natalie enjoying a break 17
from studying with her children.
Our global Student Ambassador
team are available through a
number of ways to provide you with
an authentic insight into what it’s
like to study with us.

Get answers to your questions

Visit our website to find the Unibuddy chat

platform, that allows you to send messages
to our students and ask them any questions
you may have about studying online. Our
Student Ambassadors also write blogs on their
experience and tips they’d like to share.


Book your place at a virtual event

Throughout the year we deliver a variety of

subject-specific webinars, virtual open days
and live Q&A events. If they’re available, our
Student Ambassadors attend these events to
provide their perspective as students.

Stay in the know

EVENT When they have some time in their busy schedules, our Student
Ambassadors write blogs and film vlogs to offer you a sneak peek into their
experience studying online.
If you don’t already follow our social media channels, do so now, so you
don’t miss out on the latest updates from our students!

UniEssexOnline uniessexonline UniEssexOnline

UniEssexOnline University of Essex Online #EssexOnline

18 19
Interactive virtual learning platform Live sessions

Designed specifically for online learning, our Our tutors host regular live sessions throughout
courses are delivered exclusively through our your modules giving you an opportunity to ask
virtual learning environment (VLE). This means questions and discuss course materials in
wherever you are, whatever the time, you can greater depth.
login and get some studying done.
Rather than lengthy pre-recorded lectures and Online resources
trips to examination centres, our cutting-edge
course content is designed with the modern
You will get access to all core textbooks
student in mind.
completely free of charge. In addition to
the Essex eLibrary which hosts a range of
Lecturecasts academic texts and journals allowing you to
read around your subject and improve your
Course content is delivered via lecturecasts, understanding.
offering you a contemporary and accessible
way to interact with multimedia content and Assessment
check your understanding via engaging and
interactive activities.
You’ll be assessed in a variety of different
ways throughout your studies, enabling you
Discussion forums to demonstrate your diverse skillset and
subject understanding. Many of our courses
are assessed exclusively through written
Throughout your study, you’ll get to know your
assignments and even if exams are involved
course matter, share your experiences and
these can be completed from the comfort of
learn from fellow students through regular
your home.
participation in discussion forums.

“I was particularly impressed with

the way the online programme
was structured. All the faculty
who taught the modules were
very helpful. They taught me so
William Annoh, Ghana,
MSc Business and Management

20 21
Although you’ll be studying independently, you won’t be alone. There are
a range of student services available including academic, pastoral and
technical support. You will also have plenty of opportunities to collaborate,
discuss and debate with your fellow classmates and tutors.

Admissions Advisers Academic support

As soon as you enquire about or apply for Our friendly and knowledgeable tutors will
one of our courses, you’ll be assigned an be on hand for any academic queries and
Admissions Adviser. They will steer you guidance. As well as regular virtual office hours
through the entire application process, and frequent live sessions, they’ll be marking
answering any questions and assisting you your work and providing thorough feedback
with the practicalities. along the way.

Student Advisers Disability support

Once you’ve been accepted onto a course you If there’s anything our staff can do to make
will be introduced to our Student Support team our courses more accessible for you, just ask!
and a Student Adviser will welcome you on We recommend that you let us know about
your first day. Our Student Advisers will be with any physical or learning disabilities during
you for your entire study journey and will be on the application process. This is so we can
hand to mentor and guide you throughout your assess your needs and make any necessary
course. arrangements to meet your study requirements.

“The teachers were absolutely amazing – very skilled

and experienced. My Student Adviser was very good,
very professional, always replied on time. During the
whole programme I never felt like I was left alone or
that I didn’t have enough support.”
Tomasz Boryniec, China, MBA

22 23
Flexible study approach

Whether you have a full-time job, a busy family

life, or an action-packed travel schedule, our
online and part-time courses utilise the latest
technology to help you fit studying around your
busy lifestyle.

Affordable education

Student loans are available to eligible students

based in England. For those self-funding their
studies, we offer flexible monthly payment plans,
plus a range of discounts and scholarships.

Quick feedback turnaround

Throughout the course we’ll provide feedback

on submitted assignments within 7 days, so
you’ll always have an up-to-date perspective on
how you’re doing.

Small class sizes

To make sure you get the best possible level of

support from our academic staff, we keep class
sizes small.
“Now I know that the decision
that I made of enrolling with Free trial period
this university and seeking to
achieve my dream in having If for some reason you don’t love online study or
your course after 21 days, you can receive a full
a Masters degree in Public
refund (Terms and Conditions apply).
Health is going to be fulfilled
and I am going to be proud
of having a degree from such
Monique Helou, Oman
Master of Public Health (MPH)

24 25
Enhance your career prospects Develop transferable skills
while working full-time
Even if your career aspirations are not directly
Our degrees are designed with working related to one of our subjects, you can still
professionals in mind: not only are they flexible benefit from the transferable skills developed
enough to fit around your existing commitments, on your course. To achieve a higher education
but right from the start you can apply your new qualification, students must be disciplined,
expertise to your day job. manage their time well and communicate
articulately and coherently.
By collaborating with your classmates, you will
Gain subject-specific knowledge develop your teamwork skills and you’ll also
have the opportunity to improve your critical
Whatever your field, our specialist courses will evaluation through forums and a variety of
allow you to gain an insight into the subject assessments, discussing the course material.
at hand. Our tutors have extensive work
experience and research practice in the field Finally, all of our Masters degrees culminate in
they teach, meaning your knowledge is not only an independent project, report or dissertation.
up to date but honed by years of on-the-job This is the perfect opportunity to enhance your
experience and academic expertise. research, analysis and presentation skills.

Many of our courses feature optional modules

that allow you to tailor your learning to your “The application to the
specific interests and career objectives. workplace has been the best
aspect. I have, in quite a few
cases, learnt about a theory or
way of working, and managed
to apply this to my workforce
to further strengthen not only
my own role, but that of others
within my team.”
Julie Macey, UK
MSc Business and Management

26 27
GRADUATION AT ESSEX Upon successful completion of
your degree, you will be invited to
attend a graduation ceremony at
the University of Essex Colchester

Celebrate your achievement

Completing your degree is a very special

milestone in your life. Graduation is an
opportunity to celebrate your hard work
and dedication while also recognising and
acknowledging the support received from
family, friends and classmates.

Meet your tutors and Student


For our graduates, this is likely to be the first

time they meet in person the staff members
who have been integral to their study.

Explore Essex’s campus

The beautiful University of Essex Colchester

“It’s been a really good two Campus is home to 16 academic departments
and schools and more than 13,000 students.
years, and then to come along Graduation takes place in July.
to the ceremony – it’s a really
good day, very inclusive.
Sometimes it feels a bit remote Receive your certificate
when you’re studying online, You will receive the same certificate as students
but when you come here you who studied on campus – the mode of study
felt like you really were part of is only mentioned on your academic transcript
the University.” with your final grades.

Richard Harpin, UK, Master of Public

Health (MPH)

28 29
These are one of the best ways to
find out if Essex Online is the right
place for you. You have the chance
to ask questions about your subject,
the online learning experience
and the career opportunities your
studies could open up.

Our 2021-22 events

■ Virtual open days

■ Study online webinars
■ Programme Q&As
■ Live interviews
To see our events schedule and book your
place, visit our events hub.

Unsure whether online learning
will suit you? Try one of our free
lecturecasts to give you a taster
of how you’ll learn with us – an
interactive multimedia learning

Taster Course available

If you see this icon on a page, it means
we have a taster lecturecast for this

For the full list, check out our taster courses


30 31
Whatever your passion, explore it at Essex Online. Our
programmes span a broad range of subjects. Which will
you choose?
Perhaps psychology is your calling? Or do you have aspirations for a career
in computing? Or maybe you want to make a difference in the world of
healthcare? Choose our full Masters degrees to fully immerse yourself in
the subject, or a shorter PG Cert or PG Dip programmes to give yourself a
solid grounding in the field.
University of Essex Online programmes are delivered by Kaplan Open
Learning, an experienced online learning provider. Each of our programmes
has been designed with online delivery in mind from the very beginning and
are taught by industry leaders and subject matter experts.

32 33
Course indicative duration Why we’re great

Essex Online MBA 2 years ■ As one of the longest-running providers

of online business degrees, we put over
Master of Business Management a decade of experience to good use in
2 years
(MBM) designing our courses.
PG Dip Business Management 16 months ■ Our certificates are awarded by Essex
Business School, part of the University of
PG Cert Business Management 8 months Essex, a world-renowned business school
ranked in the UK’s top 25 for research quality
MSc Business and Management (The Times and The Sunday Times Good
2 years
(Business Analytics) University Guide 2019).
PG Dip Business and ■ Our business courses are designed with
16 months
Management (Business Analytics) online delivery in mind – not only can
you complete them around existing work
PG Cert Business and commitments, you can also use course
8 months
Management (Business Analytics) material in your job from day one.
MSc International Human
2 years
Resource Management
PG Dip International Human
16 months
Resource Management
PG Cert International Human
8 months
Resource Management
MSc Global Digital Marketing 2 years

PG Dip Global Digital Marketing 16 months

PG Cert Global Digital Marketing 8 months

Business is an ever-changing field and one of the most versatile subjects to
MSc Supply Chain management
study. Graduates have a wide variety of career options and the ability to work and Global Logistics
2 years
in any industry.
PG Dip Supply Chain
Our courses are designed by experts to provide you with comprehensive professional and technical 16 months
management and Global Logistics
knowledge of business disciplines; and our teaching style enables you to develop important practical
PG Cert Supply Chain
managerial skills such as communication, decision-making and problem-solving.
management and Global Logistics
8 months “It was very technical, and what
You can choose to specialise in a particular aspect of business – management, human resources, upcoming managers should look
digital marketing, finance, analytics or supply chain management – or take on the challenge of our MSc Business with Finance 2 years
into. I definitely recommend it.”
word-class MBA.
PG Dip Business with Finance 16 months Varun Sharma, UAE, MBA

34 35
Syllabus Course overview

The MBA is made up of the following modules Tuition fee 2021-22: £13,500 (learn more)
and, upon completion, is equal to a total of 180 Indicative duration: 2 years
credits at Level 7. Qualification: MBA
Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules
Start dates
■ MBA Synchronous Attendance
(0 credits, 120 hours)*† 2021: September
■ Director’s Workshop (10 credits)* 2022: January, April, July
■ Leading with Impact (10 credits)
■ Strategy (10 credits) Entry requirements
■ Sustainability and Operations (10 credits)
For the academic entry route, you must have
■ Accounting and Finance (10 credits) as a minimum a 2.2 undergraduate degree
■ Markets, Governance and Ethics from an approved institution, equivalent to a
(10 credits) UK Honours degree. You must also have at
least three years of relevant professional work
■ Data and Analytics (10 credits)
experience post-graduation.
■ Strategic Marketing (10 credits)
For the work experience entry route, you must
■ Innovation and Entrepreneurship for have at least five years’ relevant managerial
New Business Models (10 credits) experience. You will also need to write a 2000-
■ The Management of Innovation and word essay.
Organisational Change (10 credits) All MBA applicants must submit an up-to-date
■ People and Organisations (10 credits) CV. You don’t need to have completed GMAT
to apply but we welcome applicants with a
■ Business Planning (20 credits)*
score of 600 and above.
■ MBA Project (40 credits)*
If English is not your first language, your English
■ One optional module: ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
- Strategic Online Marketing Management of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
(10 credits) qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.
- International Business Environment
(10 credits)
As one of the only 100% online MBAs accredited by the Association of MBAs
(AMBA), our experiential MBA provides you with the knowledge and skills
*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award)
Complete the online application form
to develop new ventures and champion innovation. Whether you want to run and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
your own business or advance to a leadership position, you’ll emerge more † In order to successfully complete the MBA, students are to assist you in the enrolment process.
confident, capable and prepared to make waves in your chosen field. required to undertake 120 hours of live attendance. The live
attendance sessions do not require physical attendance as they
run 100% online.

36 37
Syllabus Course overview

The Master of Business Management (MBM) Tuition fee 2021-22: £11,570 (learn more)
is made up of the following modules and, upon Indicative duration: 2 years
completion, is equal to a total of 180 credits at Qualification: MBM
Level 7. Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules Start dates

■ Management: Principle and Practices
(20 credits) 2021: September, October
2022: January, February, April, May, July
■ Leadership in Practice (20 credits)
■ Financial Decision Making (20 credits)
Entry requirements
■ Economics for Managers (20 credits)
■ Marketing: Principles and Practices For the academic entry route, you must have
(20 credits) an undergraduate degree from an approved
■ Business and Management Research Report institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
(40 credits)* or a relevant professional qualification.
■ Research Methods (20 credits)* For the work experience entry route, you must
have at least five years’ senior level work
■ Two optional modules:
- Managing Across Cultures (10 credits)
If English is not your first language, your English
- Project Management (10 credits) ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
- Human Resource Management of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
(10 credits) qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.
- Business Strategy (10 credits)

*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award)

Designed for graduates and business professionals, this course will prepare
you for the modern business environment. It offers an intensive curriculum
Complete the online application form
addressing contemporary issues in the corporate world. Through this course and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
you will gain a thorough understanding of business and management to assist you in the enrolment process.
concepts and how to apply them to the workplace.

38 39
Syllabus Course overview

The PG Dip Business Management is made up Tuition fee 2021-22: £7,714 (learn more)
of the following modules and, upon completion, Indicative duration: 16 months
is equal to a total of 120 credits at Level 7. Qualification: PG Dip
Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules
■ Management: Principle and Practices
Start dates
(20 credits)
2021: September, October
■ Leadership in Practice (20 credits) 2022: January, February, April, May, July
■ Economics for Managers (20 credits)
■ Financial Decision Making (20 credits) Entry requirements
■ Marketing: Principles and Practices
(20 credits) For the academic entry route, you must have
■ Two optional modules: an undergraduate degree from an approved
institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
- Project Management (10 credits) or a relevant professional qualification.
- Managing Across Cultures (10 credits) For the work experience entry route, you must
- Human Resource Management have at least five years’ senior level work
(10 credits) experience.
- Business Strategy (10 credits) If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

This postgraduate diploma will provide you with the essential knowledge of READY TO APPLY?
commercial best practices required to succeed in business. You can also add Complete the online application form
in optional modules to tailor your course to your career goals, with topics and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
to assist you in the enrolment process.
including business strategy, human resources and project management.

40 41
Syllabus Course overview

The PG Cert Business Management is made up Tuition fee 2021-22: £3,857 (learn more)
of the following modules and, upon completion, Indicative duration: 8 months
is equal to a total of 60 credits at Level 7. Qualification: PG Cert
Funding options: See here for more information
Level 7 modules
■ Management: Principle and Practices
Start dates
(20 credits)
2021: September, October
■ 40 credits of optional modules: 2022: January, February, April, May, July
- Marketing: Principles and Practices
(20 credits)
Entry requirements
- Economics for Managers (20 credits)
- Leadership in Practice (20 credits) For the academic entry route, you must have
- Financial Decision Making (20 credits) an undergraduate degree from an approved
institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
- Human Resource Management or a relevant professional qualification.
(10 credits)
For the work experience entry route, you must
- Human Resource Management in Context
have at least five years’ senior level work
(10 credits)
If English is not your first language, your English
*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award) ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

Seeking a way to gain essential business knowledge while keeping your

future study options open? This short postgraduate certificate course READY TO APPLY?
will introduce you to the main principles and practices of contemporary Complete the online application form
management and organisational behaviour. It’s the perfect course to keep and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
to assist you in the enrolment process.
your options open, as afterwards you can progress onto the majority of our
business degrees.

42 43
Syllabus Course overview

The MSc Business and Management (Business Tuition fee 2021-22: £11,570 (learn more)
Analytics) is made up of the following modules Indicative duration: 2 years
and, upon completion, is equal to a total of 180 Qualification: MSc
credits at Level 7. Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules Start dates

■ Financial Decision Making (20 credits)
2021: September, October
■ Data Management, Modelling and Design (20 2022: January, February, April, May, July
■ Statistics for Business (20 credits)
Entry requirements
■ Project Management (10 credits)
■ Data Visualisation and Interpretation (20 For the academic entry route, you must have
credits) an undergraduate degree from an approved
■ Data Analytics for Managers (20 credits) institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
or a relevant professional qualification.
■ Business Strategy (10 credits)
For the work experience entry route, you must
■ Research Methods (20 credits)* have at least five years’ management level work
■ Business and Management Research Report experience.
(40 credits)*
If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
**Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award) of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

The analysis of complex business data is essential for organisations to

remain competitive. Business analytics helps to predict market trends and READY TO APPLY?
improve business processes. This course will develop your analytical skills Complete the online application form
and empower you, as a manager, to make strategic decisions to improve and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
to assist you in the enrolment process.
performance in all areas of business, from marketing and sales to product
development and beyond.

44 45
Syllabus Course overview

The PG Dip Business and Management Tuition fee 2021-22: £7,714 (learn more)
(Business Analytics) is made up of the following Indicative duration: 16 months
modules and, upon completion, is equal to a Qualification: PG Dip
total of 120 credits at Level 7. Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules Start dates

■ Financial Decision Making (20 credits)
2021: September, October
■ Data Management, Modelling and Design (20 2022: January, February, April, May, July
■ Statistics for Business (20 credits)
Entry requirements
■ Project Management (10 credits)
■ Data Visualisation and Interpretation (20 For the academic entry route, you must have
credits) an undergraduate degree from an approved
■ Data Analytics for Managers (20 credits) institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
or a relevant professional qualification.
■ Business Strategy (10 credits)
For the work experience entry route, you must
have at least five years’ management level work
*This module are core and must be passed in order to achieve experience.
the award.
If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

This short postgraduate diploma course is designed for professionals READY TO APPLY?
who want to understand the uses of data within businesses. You will gain Complete the online application form
confidence working with different types of data as well as an understanding and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
to assist you in the enrolment process.
of general management techniques.

46 47
Syllabus Course overview

The PG Cert Business and Management Tuition fee 2021-22: £3,857 (learn more)
(Business Analytics) is made up of the following Indicative duration: 8 months
modules and, upon completion, is equal to a Qualification: PG Cert
total of 60 credits at Level 7. Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules Start dates

■ Financial Decision Making (20 credits)
2021: September, October
■ Data Management, Modelling and Design 2022: January, February, April, May, July
(20 credits)*
■ Statistics for Business (20 credits)
Entry requirements

*This module are core and must be passed in order to achieve For the academic entry route, you must have
the award.
an undergraduate degree from an approved
institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
or a relevant professional qualification.
For the work experience entry route, you must
have at least five years’ management level work
If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

Data plays a pivotal role in business operations, enabling managers to make

informed decisions to ensure the business remains competitive. This short READY TO APPLY?
postgraduate certificate course gives you an insight into some of the key Complete the online application form
methods managers can use to analyse data and make logical decisions. The and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
to assist you in the enrolment process.
skills you develop can be applied across a range of departments including
customer services and finance.

48 49
Syllabus Course overview

The MSc International Human Resource Tuition fee 2021-22: £11,570 (learn more)
Management is made up of the following Indicative duration: 2 years
modules and, upon completion, is equal to a Qualification: MSc
total of 180 credits at Level 7. Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules Start dates

■ Global Resource and Talent Management 2021: October
(20 credits) 2022: February, May
■ Strategic Human Resource Development
(20 credits)
Entry requirements
■ Diversity Management in a Global Economy
(20 credits)
For the academic entry route, you must have
■ Mentoring and Coaching for Organisational an undergraduate degree from an approved
Effectiveness (20 credits) institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
■ Leadership and Management Development or a relevant Level 6 professional qualification.
(20 credits) For the work experience entry route, you must
■ Global Environment and People Management have at least five years’ senior level work
(20 credits) experience in human resources.
■ Research Methods (20 credits)* If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
■ Business and Management Research Report
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
(40 credits)*
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.
*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award)

Explore the various challenges tackled by international HR professionals and

learn how to effectively respond to issues with this focused Masters degree.
Complete the online application form
You will gain both theoretical knowledge and practical skills which you and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
can apply to your current role from day one, helping you flourish in your to assist you in the enrolment process.
HR career.

50 51
Syllabus Course overview

The PG Dip International Human Resource Tuition fee 2021-22: £7,714 (learn more)
Management is made up of the following Indicative duration: 16 months
modules and, upon completion, is equal to a Qualification: PG Dip
total of 120 credits at Level 7. Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules Start dates

■ Global Resource and Talent Management 2021: October
(20 credits) 2022: February, May
■ Strategic Human Resource Development
(20 credits)
Entry requirements
■ Diversity Management in a Global Economy
(20 credits)
For the academic entry route, you must have
■ Mentoring and Coaching for Organisational an undergraduate degree from an approved
Effectiveness (20 credits) institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
■ Leadership and Management Development or a relevant Level 6 professional qualification.
(20 credits) For the work experience entry route, you must
■ Global Environment and People Management have at least five years’ senior level work
(20 credits) experience in human resources.
If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

This course will develop your knowledge of many key areas within
human resources. You will develop an awareness of how to customise
Complete the online application form
your approach to manage individual employees, while also gaining an and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
appreciation of the larger implications and challenges faced when creating to assist you in the enrolment process.
and managing a HR strategy.

52 53
Syllabus Course overview

The PG Cert International Human Resource Tuition fee 2021-22: £3,857 (learn more)
Management is made up of the following Indicative duration: 8 months
modules and, upon completion, is equal to a Qualification: PG Cert
total of 60 credits at Level 7. Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules Start dates

■ Global Resource and Talent Management 2021: October
(20 credits) 2022: February, May
■ Strategic Human Resource Development
(20 credits)
Entry requirements
■ Diversity Management in a Global Economy
(20 credits)
For the academic entry route, you must have
an undergraduate degree from an approved
institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
or a relevant Level 6 professional qualification.
For the work experience entry route, you must
have at least five years’ senior level work
experience in human resources.
If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

Gain an insight into the function of a modern human resources department READY TO APPLY?
with this short course. You will gain both practical skills and specialist Complete the online application form
knowledge which will enable you to create and implement an effective HR and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
to assist you in the enrolment process.
strategy for recruitment, employee development and staff retention.

54 55
Syllabus Course overview

The MSc Global Digital Marketing is made up Tuition fee 2021-22: £11,570 (learn more)
of the following modules and, upon completion, Indicative duration: 2 years
is equal to a total of 180 credits at Level 7. Qualification: MSc
Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules
Start dates
■ International Business Environment
(10 credits) 2021: October
■ Marketing in a Global Economy (10 credits) 2022: February, May
■ Services Marketing (10 credits)
■ Consumer Behaviour in the Digital Age Entry requirements
(20 credits)
■ Strategic Online Marketing Management For the academic entry route, you must have
(10 credits) an undergraduate degree from an approved
institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
■ Corporate Communication (20 credits) or a relevant Level 6 professional qualification.
■ Marketing Strategy and Management For the work experience entry route, you
(20 credits)
must have at least five years’ relevant work
■ Data Analytics for Managers (20 credits) experience in marketing.
■ Research Methods (20 credits)* If English is not your first language, your English
■ Business and Management Research Report ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
(40 credits)* of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.
*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award)

There are a growing number of digital platforms available for marketing,

and on this course you will learn how to optimise your usage of them to
Complete the online application form
reach your target audience on an international scale. You will also gain an and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
understanding of how to collect, analyse and deploy customer data in order to assist you in the enrolment process.
to meet your strategic marketing objectives.

56 57
Syllabus Course overview

The PG Dip Global Digital Marketing is Tuition fee 2021-22: £7,714 (learn more)
made up of the following modules and, upon Indicative duration: 16 months
completion, is equal to a total of 120 credits at Qualification: PG Dip
Level 7. Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules Start dates

■ International Business Environment 2021: October
(10 credits) 2022: February, May
■ Marketing in a Global Economy (10 credits)
■ Services Marketing (10 credits) Entry requirements
■ Consumer Behaviour in the Digital Age
(20 credits) For the academic entry route, you must have
■ Strategic Online Marketing Management an undergraduate degree from an approved
(10 credits) institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
or a relevant Level 6 professional qualification.
■ Corporate Communication (20 credits)
For the work experience entry route, you
■ Marketing Strategy and Management must have at least five years’ relevant work
(20 credits)
experience in marketing.
■ Data Analytics for Managers (20 credits)
If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

On this course you will delve into various aspects of international marketing,
gaining an understanding of the different digital channels available and how
Complete the online application form
companies are increasingly reliant on these to remain successful. You will and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
also develop your communication and analytical skills, both essential for to assist you in the enrolment process.
success in this field.

58 59
Syllabus Course overview

The PG Cert Global Digital Marketing is Tuition fee 2021-22: £3,857 (learn more)
made up of the following modules and, upon Indicative duration: 8 months
completion, is equal to a total of 60 credits at Qualification: PG Cert
Level 7. Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules Start dates

■ International Business Environment 2021: October
(10 credits) 2022: February, May
■ Marketing in a Global Economy (10 credits)
■ Services Marketing (10 credits) Entry requirements
■ Consumer Behaviour in the Digital Age
(20 credits) For the academic entry route, you must have
■ Strategic Online Marketing Management an undergraduate degree from an approved
(10 credits) institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
or a relevant Level 6 professional qualification.
For the work experience entry route, you
must have at least five years’ relevant work
experience in marketing.
If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

This short course will provide you with a solid grounding in the different READY TO APPLY?
approaches to digital marketing. You will learn about the global context in Complete the online application form
which businesses operate and how to tailor marketing strategies to your and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
to assist you in the enrolment process.
consumers’ behaviour.

60 61
Syllabus Course overview

The MSc Supply Chain Management and Tuition fee 2021-22: £11,570 (learn more)
Global Logistics is made up of the following Indicative duration: 2 years
modules and, upon completion, is equal to a Qualification: MSc
total of 180 credits at Level 7. Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules Start dates

■ Core Concepts in Logistics, Operations and 2021: September
Supply Chain Management (20 credits)* 2022: January, April, July
■ The Finance of Supply Chain Management
(20 credits)
Entry requirements
■ Global Procurement and Risk Management
(20 credits)
For the academic entry route, you must have
■ Sustainable Supply Chain Management an undergraduate degree from an approved
(20 credits) institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
■ Supply Chain Analytics and Innovations or a relevant professional qualification.
(20 credits) For the work experience entry route, you
■ Global Logistics and Transport Management must have at least three years’ relevant work
(20 credits) experience within supply chain or logistics.
■ Research Methods (20 credits)* If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
■ Research Project (40 credits)*
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award) online English test.

Explore each stage of the supply chain process in detail through this online
Masters degree, and gain the skills needed to succeed in this high-demand READY TO APPLY?
field, with up to six job vacancies for every applicant. Your studies will be Complete the online application form
contextualised by following a simple t-shirt product throughout the journey and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
to assist you in the enrolment process.
from procurement of raw materials, to wearer. You will also delve into
contemporary topics such as sustainability and the use of big data.

62 63

The PG Dip Supply Chain Management and Course overview

Global Logistics is made up of the following
modules and, upon completion, is equal to a Tuition fee 2021-22: £7,714 (learn more)
total of 120 credits at Level 7. Indicative duration: 16 months
Qualification: PG Dip
Funding options: See here for more information
Level 7 modules
■ Core Concepts in Logistics, Operations and Start dates
Supply Chain Management (20 credits)*
■ The Finance of Supply Chain Management 2021: September
(20 credits) 2022: January, April, July
■ Global Procurement and Risk Management
(20 credits)
Entry requirements
■ Sustainable Supply Chain Management
(20 credits) For the academic entry route, you must have
■ Supply Chain Analytics and Innovations an undergraduate degree from an approved
(20 credits) institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
or a relevant professional qualification.
■ Global Logistics and Transport Management
(20 credits) For the work experience entry route, you
must have at least three years’ relevant work
experience within supply chain or logistics.
*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award)
If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

Go beyond transport and warehousing with this in-depth postgraduate READY TO APPLY?
course that explores the complexities of each stage of the supply chain. The Complete the online application form
concept of sustainability underpins the entire course and you’ll follow the and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
to assist you in the enrolment process.
progress of a t-shirt throughout the process to contextualise your studies.

64 65
Syllabus Course overview

The PG Cert Supply Chain Management and Tuition fee 2021-22: £3,857 (learn more)
Global Logistics is made up of the following Indicative duration: 8 months
modules and, upon completion, is equal to a Qualification: PG Cert
total of 60 credits at Level 7. Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules Start dates

■ Core Concepts in Logistics, Operations and 2021: September
Supply Chain Management (20 credits)*
2022: January, April, July
■ Sustainable Supply Chain Management
(20 credits)
■ Global Logistics and Transport Management Entry requirements
(20 credits)
For the academic entry route, you must have
an undergraduate degree from an approved
*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award) institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
or a relevant professional qualification.
For the work experience entry route, you
must have at least three years’ relevant work
experience within supply chain or logistics.
If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

Gain a solid grounding in supply chain management and logistics and

position yourself to succeed in this high-demand industry. On this course you
Complete the online application form
will examine the essential processes and procedures that are integral to the and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
smooth operation of supply chains and learn how to evaluate and mitigate to assist you in the enrolment process.
the inherent risks.

66 67
Syllabus Course overview

The MSc Business with Finance is made up of Tuition fee 2021-22: £11,570 (learn more)
the following modules and, upon completion, is Indicative duration: 2 years
equal to a total of 180 credits at Level 7. Qualification: MSc
Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules
Start dates
■ Business and Management Research Report
(40 credits)* 2021: September, October
■ Financial Management (20 credits) 2022: January, February, April, May, July
■ Management: Principle and Practices
(20 credits) Entry requirements
■ Economics for Managers (20 credits)
■ Financial Decision Making (20 credits) For the academic entry route, you must have
an undergraduate degree from an approved
■ Project Management (10 credits) institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
■ Business Strategy (10 credits) or a relevant professional qualification.
■ Research Methods (20 credits)* For the work experience entry route, you must
■ Optional modules equal to 20 credits: have at least five years’ senior level work
- Leadership in Practice (20 credits)
If English is not your first language, your English
- Marketing: Principles and Practices ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
(20 credits) of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
- Human Resource Management qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
(10 credits) online English test.
- Human Resource Management in Context
(10 credits)
- Marketing Strategy and Management
(20 credits)

*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award)

Finance is one of the most challenging parts of managing a business

effectively. On this course you will develop your understanding of key
Complete the online application form
financial management and economic topics while improving your managerial and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
and strategic skills. You will be well-prepared for a wide range of roles to assist you in the enrolment process.
within banking and financial organisations.

68 69
Syllabus Course overview

The PG Dip in Business with Finance is made Tuition fee 2021-22: £7,714 (learn more)
up of the following modules and, upon comple- Indicative duration: 16 months
tion, is equal to a total of 120 credits at Level 7. Qualification: PG Dip
Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules
■ Management: Principle and Practices
Start dates
(20 credits)
2021: September, October
■ Economics for Managers (20 credits) 2022: January, February, April, May, July
■ Financial Decision Making (20 credits)
■ Project Management (10 credits) Entry requirements
■ Business Strategy (10 credits)
■ Financial Management (20 credits) For the academic entry route, you must have
an undergraduate degree from an approved
■ Optional modules equal to 20 credits: institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
- Leadership in Practice (20 credits) or a relevant professional qualification.
- Marketing: Principles and Practices For the work experience entry route, you must
(20 credits) have at least five years’ senior level work
- Human Resource Management (10 experience.
credits) If English is not your first language, your English
- Human Resource Management in Context ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
(10 credits) of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
- Marketing Strategy and Management online English test.
(20 credits)

If you want to succeed in business, an understanding of finance is essential. READY TO APPLY?

On this Postgraduate Diploma, you will develop skills that will enable you to Complete the online application form
understand business income and expenditure, prepare financial statements and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
to assist you in the enrolment process.
and reports, and make financial decisions.

70 71
Course indicative duration Why we’re great

MSc Project Management 2 years ■ Each module is led by experienced tutors,

well versed in both academic practice and
PG Dip Project Management 16 months vocational experience within a range of
management contexts.
PG Cert Project Management 8 months ■ During live Q&A sessions with other students
and academic staff you have the opportunity
to ask questions and network with fellow
professionals from around the globe.
■ All courses are taught 100% online and
part-time, this means you don’t need to take
a break in your career to study – you can fit
your studies around other professional and
personal commitments.

“In every field of business

and industry, the effective
and efficient management of
projects is crucial. Our Project
Management programmes
Our project management courses are designed for those looking to develop
provide students with the skills,
the skills required to effectively manage a team, time and resources, knowledge and confidence to
delivering projects on schedule and on budget. take on projects and carry them
Whether you hope to succeed in a role as a project manager, or within a related capacity in
through to successful completion
management, consultancy, finance, marketing or sales, our focused Masters degree and shorter as a professional Project
courses will allow you to set yourself apart from your peers in the job market. Manager.”
Steve Wilks, Head of Business Studies,
University of Essex Online

72 73
Syllabus Course overview

The MSc Project Management is made up of Tuition fee 2021-22: £11,570 (learn more)
the following modules and, upon completion, is Indicative duration: 2 years
equal to a total of 180 credits at Level 7. Qualification: MSc
Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules
Start dates
■ Management: Principle and Practices
(20 credits) 2021: September
■ Financial Decision Making (20 credits) 2022: January, April, July
■ Project Management Techniques (20 credits)
■ Management of Projects (20 credits) Entry requirements
■ Project Analytics (20 credits)
For the academic entry route, you must have
■ Leading and Managing Project Teams an undergraduate degree from an approved
(20 credits) institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
■ Research Methods (20 credits)* or a relevant professional qualification.
■ Business and Management Research Report For the work experience entry route, you must
(40 credits)* have at least five years’ senior level work

*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award)

If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

For a wide range of careers, it is a valuable skill to be able to manage

resources effectively to complete projects within defined time, cost and READY TO APPLY?
quality constraints. This course develops your personal and professional Complete the online application form
skills in communication, teamwork, leadership, critical evaluation and time and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
to assist you in the enrolment process.
management. You will learn practical techniques and gain an in-depth
knowledge of best practices managing projects of any size.

74 75
Syllabus Course overview

The PG Dip Project Management is made up of Tuition fee 2021-22: £7,714 (learn more)
the following modules and, upon completion, is Indicative duration: 16 months
equal to a total of 120 credits at Level 7. Qualification: PG Dip
Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules
Start dates
■ Management: Principle and Practices
(20 credits) 2021: September
■ Financial Decision Making (20 credits) 2022: January, April, July
■ Project Management Techniques (20 credits)
■ Management of Projects (20 credits) Entry requirements
■ Project Analytics (20 credits)
For the academic entry route, you must have
■ Leading and Managing Project Teams an undergraduate degree from an approved
(20 credits) institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
or a relevant professional qualification.
For the work experience entry route, you must
have at least five years’ senior level work
If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

For project managers the efficient transformation of resources into a desired READY TO APPLY?
project outcome can be challenging. This postgraduate diploma not only Complete the online application form
develops your knowledge and skills but also gives you the confidence and and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
to assist you in the enrolment process.
ability to succeed in project management.

76 77
Syllabus Course overview

The PG Cert Project Management is made up Tuition fee 2021-22: £3,857 (learn more)
of the following modules and, upon completion, Indicative duration: 8 months
is equal to a total of 60 credits at Level 7. Qualification: PG Cert
Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules
Start dates
■ Management: Principle and Practices
(20 credits) 2021: September
■ Project Management Techniques (20 credits) 2022: January, April, July
■ Management of Projects (20 credits)
Entry requirements

For the academic entry route, you must have

an undergraduate degree from an approved
institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
or a relevant professional qualification.
For the work experience entry route, you must
have at least five years’ senior level work
If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

This Postgraduate Certificate will provide you with fundamental knowledge READY TO APPLY?
and skills of project management. You will develop an understanding of Complete the online application form
the complexities of modern business and the ability to effectively manage and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
to assist you in the enrolment process.

78 79
Why we’re great
Course indicative duration
■ All of the programs, packages and
MSc Computer Science 2 years programming languages you need throughout
the course are included within the tuition
PG Dip Computer Science 16 months fee, and you will complete projects using our
online development environment.
PG Cert Computer Science 8 months
■ As a computing professional you will be
MSc Cyber Security 2 years expected to work collaboratively, and this
course prepares you for this with regular
PG Dip Cyber Security 16 months group work and joint projects.
■ Our courses assume no prior computing
PG Cert Cyber Security 8 months
knowledge or experience. By the end of
MSc Data Science 2 years your course you will be a well-rounded
professional with highly technical capabilities.
PG Dip Data Science 16 months

PG Cert Data Science 8 months

MSc Artificial Intelligence 2 years

PG Dip Artificial Intelligence 16 months

PG Cert Artificial Intelligence 8 months

“Our postgraduate programmes

The IT sector is continually evolving and expanding, which is driving a high
will provide you with a strong
demand for trained professionals. To succeed in this field, you’ll need
excellent critical thinking and problem solving skills, as well as technical
foundation in key aspects
knowhow and experience working within a team. of computing, as well as the
appropriate skills to help you
Our computing courses are designed for individuals with no previous technical knowledge or
experience. You will be introduced to both basic concepts and complex considerations within the become competent global
general or specialist field of your study. And you will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to practitioners.”
break into a broad range of industries, from AI to cyber security. Dr Nkaepe Olaniyi, Head of Computing,
University of Essex Online

80 81
Syllabus Course overview

The MSc Computer Science is made up of the Tuition fee 2021-22: £11,570 (learn more)
following modules and, upon completion, is Indicative duration: 2 years
equal to a total of 180 credits at Level 7. Qualification: MSc
Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules
Start dates
■ Launching into Computer Science
(20 credits)* 2021: October
■ Secure Software Development 2022: February, May
(Computer Science) (20 credits)
■ Object-oriented Information Systems Entry requirements
(20 credits)
■ Network and Information Security For the academic entry route, you must have
Management (20 credits) an undergraduate degree from an approved
■ Software Engineering Project Management institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
(20 credits) or a relevant professional qualification.
■ Research Methods and Professional Practice For the work experience entry route, you must have
(20 credits)* at least three years’ relevant work experience.
■ MSc Computing Project and Dissertation As part of the application process, you will be asked
(60 credits)* to take a short aptitude test which is designed to test
your ability to handle the intellectual and practical
demands of the course. Please note that we will
*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award) consider your performance in the aptitude test as
part of your overall application, so if you don’t pass
the test you may still be accepted onto the course.
If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

For those looking for a route to break into the in-demand IT industry, this
conversion course takes you from computing novice to capable programmer,
Complete the online application form
culminating in your final project in a specialist area. Throughout the course and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
you will explore recent trends and key developments in computer science, as to assist you in the enrolment process.
well as learning essential programming languages such as Python and SQL.

Following a successful advisory visit, BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, will undertake a full accred-
82 itation visit in the 2021/22 academic year, to consider programmes for accreditation towards Char- 83
tered IT Professional.
Course overview

The PG Dip Computer Science is made up of Tuition fee 2021-22: £7,714 (learn more)
the following modules and, upon completion, is Indicative duration: 16 months
equal to a total of 120 credits at Level 7. Qualification: PG Dip
Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules Start dates

■ Launching into Computer Science
(20 credits)* 2021: October
2022: February, May
■ Secure Software Development
(Computer Science) (20 credits)
■ Object-oriented Information Systems Entry requirements
(20 credits)
■ Network and Information Security For the academic entry route, you must have
Management (20 credits) an undergraduate degree from an approved
institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
■ Software Engineering Project Management
or a relevant professional qualification.
(20 credits)
For the work experience entry route, you must have
■ Research Methods and Professional Practice
at least three years’ relevant work experience.
(20 credits)*
As part of the application process, you will be asked
to take a short aptitude test which is designed to test
*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award) your ability to handle the intellectual and practical
demands of the course. Please note that we will
consider your performance in the aptitude test as
part of your overall application, so if you don’t pass
the test you may still be accepted onto the course.
If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

This course explores the broad field of computer science, giving you
Complete the online application form
technical knowhow combined with a pragmatic approach to problem solving, and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
which will be essential as you start your career in computer science. to assist you in the enrolment process.

84 85
Syllabus Course overview

The PG Cert Computer Science is made up of Tuition fee 2021-22: £3,857 (learn more)
the following modules and, upon completion, is Indicative duration: 8 months
equal to a total of 60 credits at Level 7. Qualification: PG Cert
Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules
Start dates
■ Launching into Computer Science
(20 credits)* 2021: October
■ Secure Software Development 2022: February, May
(Computer Science) (20 credits)
■ Object-oriented Information Systems Entry requirements
(20 credits)
For the academic entry route, you must have
an undergraduate degree from an approved
*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award)
institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
or a relevant professional qualification.
For the work experience entry route, you must have
at least three years’ relevant work experience.
As part of the application process, you will be asked
to take a short aptitude test which is designed to test
your ability to handle the intellectual and practical
demands of the course. Please note that we will
consider your performance in the aptitude test as
part of your overall application, so if you don’t pass
the test you may still be accepted onto the course.
If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

This short course will introduce you to the fundamentals of computing,

exploring the current trends and best practices in the field. You will gain
Complete the online application form
the technical skills needed to start developing your own programs, while and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
improving your ability to collaborate with others and solve problems with the to assist you in the enrolment process.
skills you’ve gained.

86 87
Syllabus Course overview

The MSc Cyber Security is made up of the Tuition fee 2021-22: £11,570 (learn more)
following modules and, upon completion, is Indicative duration: 2 years
equal to a total of 180 credits at Level 7. Qualification: MSc
Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules
Start dates
■ Launching into Cyber Security (20 credits)*
■ Secure Software Development (10 credits) 2021: October
2022: February, May
■ The Human Factor (10 credits)
■ Network and Information Security
Management (20 credits) Entry requirements
■ Information Risk Management (10 credits)
For the academic entry route, you must have
■ Secure Systems Architecture (10 credits) an undergraduate degree from an approved
■ Principles of Forensics and Cyber Law institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
(20 credits) or a relevant professional qualification.
■ Research Methods and Professional Practice For the work experience entry route, you must have
(20 credits)* at least three years’ relevant work experience.
■ MSc Cyber Security Project (60 credits)* As part of the application process, you will be asked
to take a short aptitude test which is designed to test
your ability to handle the intellectual and practical
*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award) demands of the course. Please note that we will
consider your performance in the aptitude test as
part of your overall application, so if you don’t pass
the test you may still be accepted onto the course.
If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

Gain an insight into all areas of cyber security, including technical

approaches, managerial concerns, legal ramifications and the psychological
Complete the online application form
background to breaches. The course will encourage you to prepare for and and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
react to cyber attacks in a measured and decisive way, while building up to assist you in the enrolment process.
other essential skills in teamwork and communication.

Following a successful advisory visit, BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, will undertake a full accredi-
88 tation visit in the 2021/22 academic year, to consider programmes for accreditation towards Chartered 89
IT Professional.
Syllabus Course overview

The PG Dip Cyber Security is made up of the Tuition fee 2021-22: £7,714 (learn more)
following modules and, upon completion, is Indicative duration: 16 months
equal to a total of 120 credits at Level 7. Qualification: PG Dip
Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules
Start dates
■ Launching into Cyber Security (20 credits)*
■ Secure Software Development (10 credits) 2021: October
2022: February, May
■ The Human Factor (10 credits)
■ Network and Information Security
Management (20 credits) Entry requirements
■ Information Risk Management (10 credits)
For the academic entry route, you must have
■ Secure Systems Architecture (10 credits) an undergraduate degree from an approved
■ Principles of Forensics and Cyber Law institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
(20 credits) or a relevant professional qualification.
■ Research Methods and Professional Practice For the work experience entry route, you must have
(20 credits)* at least three years’ relevant work experience.
As part of the application process, you will be asked
*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award)
to take a short aptitude test which is designed to test
your ability to handle the intellectual and practical
demands of the course. Please note that we will
consider your performance in the aptitude test as
part of your overall application, so if you don’t pass
the test you may still be accepted onto the course.
If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

Develop your ability to implement and manage cyber defences with this READY TO APPLY?
course. You will consider technical approaches as well as the commercial Complete the online application form
and human factors that affect how an organisation responds to a cyber- and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
to assist you in the enrolment process.

90 91
Syllabus Course overview

The PG Cert Cyber Security is made up of the Tuition fee 2021-22: £3,857 (learn more)
following modules and, upon completion, is Indicative duration: 8 months
equal to a total of 60 credits at Level 7. Qualification: PG Cert
Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules
Start dates
■ Launching into Cyber Security (20 credits)*
■ Secure Software Development (10 credits) 2021: October
2022: February, May
■ Information Risk Management (10 credits)
■ Network and Information Security
Management (20 credits) Entry requirements

For the academic entry route, you must have

*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award) an undergraduate degree from an approved
institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
or a relevant professional qualification.
For the work experience entry route, you must have
at least three years’ relevant work experience.
As part of the application process, you will be asked
to take a short aptitude test which is designed to test
your ability to handle the intellectual and practical
demands of the course. Please note that we will
consider your performance in the aptitude test as
part of your overall application, so if you don’t pass
the test you may still be accepted onto the course.
If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

Through this course you will gain an understanding of the latest trends in READY TO APPLY?
cyber security, as well as some of the key factors in reducing vulnerabilities Complete the online application form
and promoting defences within digital systems. The course covers the and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
to assist you in the enrolment process.
technical aspects that are necessary to consider in order to mitigate risk.

92 93
Syllabus Course overview

The MSc Data Science degree is made up of Tuition fee 2021-22: £11,570 (learn more)
the following modules and, upon completion, is Indicative duration: 2 years
equal to a total of 180 credits at Level 7. Qualification: MSc
Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules
Start dates
■ The Data Professional (20 credits)*
■ Numerical Analysis (20 credits) 2022: January, April, July
■ Deciphering Big Data (20 credits)
■ Visualising Data (20 credits) Entry requirements
■ Machine Learning (20 credits)
Applicants normally have an undergraduate
■ Research Methods and Professional Practice degree from an approved institution or an
(20 credits)* equivalent to a UK Honours degree.
■ MSc Computing Project (60 credits)* In order to satisfy the work experience entry
route requirements for our MSc Data Science,
you must have at least three years’ relevant
*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award)
work experience in IT or computer science.
As part of the application process, you will be
asked to take a short aptitude test. Please note
that we will consider your performance in the
aptitude test as part of your overall application,
so if you don’t pass the test you may still be
accepted onto the course.
If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

Develop your ability to extract useful information from raw data in order to
make data-driven decisions. This conversion course‡ will prepare you for
Complete the online application form
roles in the high-demand industry of data science by giving you a breadth ‡The start date and details of this course are still subject to and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
University approval. In the event that approval is not granted by
of knowledge across all areas of the discipline, exploring both theoretical your course start date, an alternative date will be offered or a full to assist you in the enrolment process.
concepts and real-world applications. refund given. If we need to make changes to this programme
as part of the University of Essex validation process, we will
communicate these to you at the earliest possible date.

94 95
Syllabus Course overview

The PG Dip Data Science is made up of the Tuition fee 2021-22: £7,714 (learn more)
following modules and, upon completion, is Indicative duration: 16 months
equal to a total of 120 credits at Level 7. Qualification: PG Dip
Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules
Start dates
■ The Data Professional (20 credits)*
■ Numerical Analysis (20 credits) 2022: January, April, July
■ Deciphering Big Data (20 credits)
■ Visualising Data (20 credits) Entry requirements
■ Machine Learning (20 credits)
Applicants normally have an undergraduate
■ Research Methods and Professional Practice degree from an approved institution or an
(20 credits)* equivalent to a UK Honours degree.
In order to satisfy the work experience entry
*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award) route requirements for our PG Dip Data
Science, you must have at least three years’
relevant work experience in IT or computer
As part of the application process, you will be
asked to take a short aptitude test. Please note
that we will consider your performance in the
aptitude test as part of your overall application,
so if you don’t pass the test you may still be
accepted onto the course.
If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

This course‡ provides a comprehensive grounding across a range of READY TO APPLY?

essential data science topics, and will prepare you to derive meaningful Complete the online application form
‡The start date and details of this course are still subject to and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
insights and practical actions from the large amount of data collected by University approval. In the event that approval is not granted by
your course start date, an alternative date will be offered or a full to assist you in the enrolment process.
modern businesses worldwide. refund given. If we need to make changes to this programme
as part of the University of Essex validation process, we will
communicate these to you at the earliest possible date.

96 97
Syllabus Course overview

The PG Cert Data Science is made up of the Tuition fee 2021-22: £3,857 (learn more)
following modules and, upon completion, is Indicative duration: 8 months
equal to a total of 60 credits at Level 7. Qualification: PG Cert
Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules
Start dates
■ The Data Professional (20 credits)*
■ Numerical Analysis (20 credits) 2022: January, April, July
■ Deciphering Big Data (20 credits)
Entry requirements
*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award)
Applicants normally have an undergraduate
degree from an approved institution or an
equivalent to a UK Honours degree.
In order to satisfy the work experience entry
route requirements for our PG Cert Data
Science, you must have at least three years’
relevant work experience in IT or computer
As part of the application process, you will be
asked to take a short aptitude test. Please note
that we will consider your performance in the
aptitude test as part of your overall application,
so if you don’t pass the test you may still be
accepted onto the course.
If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

This generalist conversion course‡ explores key topics across data science
Complete the online application form
that will enable you to effectively extract, analyse and present data to assist ‡The start date and details of this course are still subject to and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
University approval. In the event that approval is not granted by
in making business decisions within any industry. your course start date, an alternative date will be offered or a full to assist you in the enrolment process.
refund given. If we need to make changes to this programme
as part of the University of Essex validation process, we will
communicate these to you at the earliest possible date.

98 99
Syllabus Course overview

The MSc Artificial Intelligence degree is Tuition fee 2021-22: £11,570 (learn more)
made up of the following modules and, upon Indicative duration: 2 years
completion, is equal to a total of 180 credits at Qualification: MSc
Level 7. Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules Start dates

■ Understanding Artificial Intelligence 2022: January, April, July
(20 credits)*
■ Numerical Analysis (20 credits)
Entry requirements
■ Machine Learning (20 credits)
■ Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Applicants normally have an undergraduate
(20 credits) degree from an approved institution or an
■ Intelligent Agents (20 credits) equivalent to a UK Honours degree.
■ Research Methods and Professional Practice In order to satisfy the work experience entry
(20 credits)* route requirements for our MSc Artificial
Intelligence, you must have at least three years’
■ MSc Computing Project (60 credits)* relevant work experience in IT or computer
*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award) As part of the application process, you will be
asked to take a short aptitude test. Please note
that we will consider your performance in the
aptitude test as part of your overall application,
so if you don’t pass the test you may still be
accepted onto the course.
If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

Innovate and start creating intelligent systems with this conversion course‡
that unlocks access to the surplus of artificial intelligence vacancies. You
Complete the online application form
will explore the three fundamental areas of artificial intelligence – search, ‡The start date and details of this course are still subject to and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
University approval. In the event that approval is not granted by
knowledge representation and learning – and prepare yourself to develop AI your course start date, an alternative date will be offered or a full to assist you in the enrolment process.
solutions to tackle work-related challenges. refund given. If we need to make changes to this programme
as part of the University of Essex validation process, we will
communicate these to you at the earliest possible date.

100 101
Syllabus Course overview

The PG Dip Artificial Intelligence is made up of Tuition fee 2021-22: £7,714 (learn more)
the following modules and, upon completion, is Indicative duration: 16 months
equal to a total of 120 credits at Level 7. Qualification: PG Dip
Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules
Start dates
■ Understanding Artificial Intelligence
(20 credits)* 2022: January, April, July
■ Numerical Analysis (20 credits)
■ Machine Learning (20 credits) Entry requirements
■ Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
(20 credits) Applicants normally have an undergraduate
■ Intelligent Agents (20 credits) degree from an approved institution or an
equivalent to a UK Honours degree.
■ Research Methods and Professional Practice
(20 credits)* In order to satisfy the work experience entry
route requirements for our PG Dip Artificial
Intelligence, you must have at least three years’
*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award) relevant work experience in IT or computer
As part of the application process, you will be
asked to take a short aptitude test. Please note
that we will consider your performance in the
aptitude test as part of your overall application,
so if you don’t pass the test you may still be
accepted onto the course.
If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

Develop your knowledge across a breadth of technological topics with this READY TO APPLY?
conversion course‡. You will explore the underpinning theories behind this Complete the online application form
‡The start date and details of this course are still subject to and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
complex subject, as well as studying the real-world problems that artificial University approval. In the event that approval is not granted by
your course start date, an alternative date will be offered or a full to assist you in the enrolment process.
intelligence can be used to solve. refund given. If we need to make changes to this programme
as part of the University of Essex validation process, we will
communicate these to you at the earliest possible date.

102 103
Syllabus Course overview

The PG Cert Leadership and Management in Tuition fee 2021-22: £3,857 (learn more)
Education is made up of the following modules Indicative duration: 8 months
and, upon completion, is equal to a total of 60 Qualification: PG Cert
credits at Level 7. Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules Start dates

■ Understanding Artificial Intelligence 2022: January, April, July
(20 credits)*
■ Numerical Analysis (20 credits)
Entry requirements
■ Machine Learning (20 credits)
Applicants normally have an undergraduate
*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award) degree from an approved institution or an
equivalent to a UK Honours degree.
In order to satisfy the work experience entry
route requirements for our PG Cert Artificial
Intelligence, you must have at least three years’
relevant work experience in IT or computer
As part of the application process, you will be
asked to take a short aptitude test. Please note
that we will consider your performance in the
aptitude test as part of your overall application,
so if you don’t pass the test you may still be
accepted onto the course.
If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

This short course‡ covers the key concepts within this dynamic field, READY TO APPLY?
and prepares you to succeed in an industry where demand for qualified Complete the online application form
‡The start date and details of this course are still subject to and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
graduates far exceeds the supply. You will gain a breadth of technical skills University approval. In the event that approval is not granted by
your course start date, an alternative date will be offered or a full to assist you in the enrolment process.
while exploring exciting topics such as machine learning. refund given. If we need to make changes to this programme
as part of the University of Essex validation process, we will
communicate these to you at the earliest possible date.

104 105
Why we’re great
Course indicative duration
■ We offer a specialised degree which explores
LLM International Business Law 2 years this complex and highly relevant subject field
of law.
PG Dip International Business Law 16 months
■ Much of what you learn is directly applicable
PG Cert International Business Law 8 months to real world scenarios and case studies,
quickly transferring the skills you learn during
your course to your career.
■ Develop an international network of
professional contacts from across the world
and from various sectors. More than half of
our postgraduate students come from outside
the UK, giving you access to a wealth of
different perspectives and experiences.

As businesses increasingly cross international borders, so too must the

practice of law change to accommodate commercial activities within the
global economy. Understanding business law and the complexities of “It was a great experience for me
transnational business interactions could help you to get ahead. and I certainly would encourage
Studying our courses will help you to develop the knowledge and skills that sets you apart from anyone who felt the motivation to
other legal practitioners. Your specialist expertise could unlock a wide range of career opportunities. do that to really go for it”
Lee Skinner, UK, LLM International
Trade and Commercial Law

106 107
Syllabus Course overview

The LLM International Business Law is made up Tuition fee 2021-22: £11,570 (learn more)
of the following modules and, upon completion, Indicative duration: 2 years
is equal to a total of 180 credits at Level 7. Qualification: LLM
Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules
Start dates
■ International Business Law (20 credits)
■ Law of World Trade Organisation (20 credits) 2021: October
2022: February, May
■ International Competition Law (20 credits)
■ Legal Research Skills and Methods
(20 credits)* Entry requirements
■ International Business Law Dissertation
(60 credits)* For the academic entry route, you must have
an undergraduate degree from an approved
■ Two optional modules: institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
- Commercial Conflict of Laws (20 credits) or a relevant professional qualification.
- Intellectual Property Law (20 credits) For the work experience entry route, you must
- International Commercial Arbitration have at least five years’ senior level work
Dispute Resolution (20 credits) experience.
If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award) of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

Through this comprehensive Masters degree you will develop your READY TO APPLY?
knowledge of business law and commercial dealings within a global Complete the online application form
economy. This could open up career opportunities at international law firms, and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
to assist you in the enrolment process.
multinational companies and governmental organisations.

108 109
Syllabus Course overview

The PG Dip International Business Law is Tuition fee 2021-22: £7,714 (learn more)
made up of the following modules and, upon Indicative duration: 16 months
completion, is equal to a total of 120 credits at Qualification: PG Dip
Level 7. Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules Start dates

■ International Business Law (20 credits) 2021: October
■ Law of World Trade Organisation (20 credits) 2022: February, May
■ International Competition Law (20 credits)
■ Legal Research Skills and Methods Entry requirements
(20 credits)†
■ Two optional modules: For the academic entry route, you must have
an undergraduate degree from an approved
- Commercial Conflict of Laws (20 credits) institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
- Intellectual Property Law (20 credits) or a relevant professional qualification.
- International Commercial Arbitration For the work experience entry route, you must
Dispute Resolution (20 credits) have at least five years’ senior level work

Please note that in order to progress to a full LLM students

† If English is not your first language, your English
must take and pass Legal Research Skills and Methods module. ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

Through this Postgraduate Diploma you will gain specialist legal knowledge READY TO APPLY?
and skills which are vital for roles within multinational businesses and Complete the online application form
international law firms, as well as other roles that would benefit from an and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
to assist you in the enrolment process.
understanding of business law.

110 111
Syllabus Course overview

The PG Cert International Business Law is Tuition fee 2021-22: £3,857 (learn more)
made up of the following modules and, upon Indicative duration: 8 months
completion, is equal to a total of 60 credits at Qualification: PG Cert
Level 7. Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules Start dates

■ International Business Law (20 credits) 2021: October
■ Law of World Trade Organisation (20 credits) 2022: February, May
■ International Competition Law (20 credits)
Entry requirements

For the academic entry route, you must have

an undergraduate degree from an approved
institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
or a relevant professional qualification.
For the work experience entry route, you must
have at least five years’ senior level work
If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

On this Postgraduate Certificate you will gain a solid grounding in READY TO APPLY?
international business law. This course will also help you to develop a Complete the online application form
range of transferable skills that are valued by multinational businesses and and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
to assist you in the enrolment process.
international firms.

112 113
Why we’re great
Course indicative duration
■ The syllabus reflects real-life practical
Master of Education (M.Ed.) 2 years situations to enable you to develop the
skills to access high-level educational, staff
PG Dip Education 16 months development and vocational instructor roles.
PG Cert Education ■ Tutors are highly experienced and versed
8 months
(Educational Practice) in educational theory and its practical
application in a range of classroom and
organisational settings.
■ You will have the opportunity to learn and
share best practices with peers from a
diverse range of cultures and experience

“Our postgraduate programmes

Technology is playing an increasingly predominant role within education,
in Education provide a detailed
helping to make classrooms more interactive and engaging for students.
Our courses will help you embrace these new changes while improving your
overview of key theories and
current teaching methods. approaches related to teaching
and learning, giving opportunities
Our postgraduate education programmes enables teachers, trainers and tutors from all backgrounds
to reflect on their teaching methods and learn new and innovative techniques. Our courses provide for reflection and development
a global outlook, helping you gain insight and inspiration from fellow educational professionals, from within practice.”
across the globe, and from our experienced academic tutors. Dr Desma Brown, Head of Education,
University of Essex Online

114 115
Syllabus Course overview

The Master of Education is made up of the Tuition fee 2021-22: £11,570 (learn more)
following modules and, upon completion, is Indicative duration: 2 years
equal to a total of 180 credits at Level 7. Qualification: M.Ed
Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules
Start dates
■ Philosophy of Education and Theories of
Learning and Teaching (20 credits)* 2021: September, October
■ Delivering Effective Teaching and Learning 2022: January, February, April, May, July
(20 credits)*
■ Introduction to Educational Assessment Entry requirements
(10 credits)
■ Using Technology in Teaching, Learning and For the academic entry route, you must have
Assessment (10 credits) an undergraduate degree from an approved
■ The Role of Research and Academic institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
Literature in Developing Practice (20 credits) or a relevant professional qualification.
■ Introduction to Learning Analytics (10 credits) For the work experience entry route, you must
have at least two years’ experience in a relevant
■ The Science of Learning – practical
field supported by an appropriate reference.
implications for teaching (10 credits)
If English is not your first language, your English
■ Research Methods in Teaching and Learning
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
(20 credits)*
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
■ Dissertation (40 credits)* qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
■ One optional module: online English test.
- From Teacher to Content Developer
(20 credits)
- From Teacher to Manager (20 credits)
- From Teacher to Assessment Developer
(20 credits)

*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award)

This degree will help you learn the skills and academic approaches to take READY TO APPLY?
your teaching methods to the next level. This unique programme is relevant Complete the online application form
for education professionals who are interested in reflecting on the way they and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
to assist you in the enrolment process.
teach and develop practices in an innovative way.

116 117
Syllabus Course overview

The PG Dip Education is made up of the Tuition fee 2021-22: £7,714 (learn more)
following modules and, upon completion, is Indicative duration: 16 months
equal to a total of 120 credits at Level 7. Qualification: PG Dip
Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules
Start dates
■ Philosophy of Education and Theories of
Learning and Teaching (20 credits)* 2021: September, October
■ Delivering Effective Teaching and Learning 2022: January, February, April, May, July
(20 credits)*
■ Introduction to Educational Assessment Entry requirements
(10 credits)
■ Using Technology in Teaching, Learning and For the academic entry route, you must have
Assessment (10 credits) an undergraduate degree from an approved
■ The Role of Research and Academic institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
Literature in Developing Practice or a relevant professional qualification.
(20 credits) For the work experience entry route, you must
■ Introduction to Learning Analytics (10 credits) have at least two years’ experience in a relevant
field supported by an appropriate reference.
■ The Science of Learning – practical
implications for teaching (10 credits) If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
■ One optional module:
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
- From Teacher to Content Developer qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
(20 credits) online English test.
- From Teacher to Manager (20 credits)
- From Teacher to Assessment Developer
(20 credits)

*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award)

Are you keen to enhance your approach to teaching, and learn about new READY TO APPLY?
strategies and philosophies? If so, then this Postgraduate Diploma is for Complete the online application form
you, helping you embrace technology to improve your teaching methods and and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
to assist you in the enrolment process.
increase classroom interaction.

118 119
Syllabus Course overview

The PG Cert Education (Educational Practice) Tuition fee 2021-22: £3,857 (learn more)
is made up of the following modules and, upon Indicative duration: 8 months
completion, is equal to a total of 60 credits at Qualification: PG Cert
Level 7. Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules Start dates

■ Philosophy of Education and Theories of 2021: September, October
Learning and Teaching (20 credits)* 2022: January, February, April, May, July
■ Delivering Effective Teaching and Learning
(20 credits)*
Entry requirements
■ Introduction to Educational Assessment
(10 credits)
For the academic entry route, you must have
■ Using Technology in Teaching, Learning and an undergraduate degree from an approved
Assessment (10 credits) institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
or a relevant professional qualification.
*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award) For the work experience entry route, you must
have at least two years’ experience in a relevant
field supported by an appropriate reference.
If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

On this Postgraduate Certificate you will have a great opportunity to learn READY TO APPLY?
about different theories of learning, philosophy and education, led by our Complete the online application form
expert tutors. It provides the perfect foundation in which to develop your and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
to assist you in the enrolment process.
current teaching practices and approach to learning. Please note that PG Cert Education (Educational Practice) is
not an equivalent to a PGCE qualification, which is a teacher
training qualification in the UK.

120 121
Why we’re great
Course indicative duration
MSc International Healthcare ■ You will be taught by subject experts and
2 years industry leaders possessing both academic
and industry experience – you will be learning
PG Dip International Healthcare from professionals who are well versed in
16 months
Management their specialist field.
PG Cert International Healthcare ■ All our courses are designed to help you
8 months
Management reach the next stage in your chosen career
path. That’s why we offer a broad range of
MSc Infection Control 2 years course options so you can find one that is
suited to your career aspirations.
PG Dip Infection Control 16 months
■ During your course you will be assessed
PG Cert Infection Control 8 months through a mixture of different methods, but
no exams, so no late-night exam cramming,
Master of Public Health (MPH) 2 years or hours spent revising! Instead you will
be assessed through written coursework
PG Dip Public Health 16 months including an individual dissertation.

PG Cert Public Health 8 months

MSc Nursing 2 years

PG Dip Nursing 16 months

PG Cert Nursing 8 months

Transform your career in healthcare by developing the knowledge and

practical skills to drive substantial improvements in patient care, disease
prevention and public health. “The shared experience around
the module discussions has been
Through our specialist postgraduate programmes, you’ll gain an understanding of key concepts
within healthcare and learn the latest best practices, that will equip you with the experience to make a great learning platform. It has
a difference in your place of work. been wonderful speaking to my
You can choose from a range of pathways: public health, infection control, international healthcare course mates across the globe.”
management or nursing. Obinna Orjingene, Nigeria
Master of Public Health (MPH)

122 123
Syllabus Course overview

The MSc International Healthcare Management Tuition fee 2021-22: £11,570 (learn more)
is made up of the following modules and, upon Indicative duration: 2 years
completion, is equal to a total of 180 credits at Qualification: MSc
Level 7. Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules Start dates

■ Health Economics (20 credits) 2021: September, October
■ Financial Decision Making (20 credits) 2022: January, February, April, May, July
■ Strategic Management in Healthcare
(20 credits) Entry requirements
■ Healthcare Leadership in Practice
(20 credits) For the academic entry route, you must have
■ Healthcare Management: Principle and an undergraduate degree from an approved
Practices (20 credits) institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
or a relevant professional qualification.
■ Research Methods (20 credits)*
For the work experience entry route, you must
■ Healthcare Management Dissertation have at least 3 years’ experience in a relevant
(40 credits)*
field, supported by appropriate references.
■ One optional module:
If English is not your first language, your English
- Social Marketing (20 credits) ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
- Healthcare Improvement (20 credits) of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
- Social, Political and Ethical Issues in online English test.
Healthcare (20 credits)

*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award)

This degree drills down into the issues healthcare professionals face on READY TO APPLY?
a daily basis. Through your studies you will learn how to make decisions Complete the online application form
and implement changes based on the issues you are facing in your own and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
to assist you in the enrolment process.
healthcare environment.

124 125
Syllabus Course overview

The PG Dip International Healthcare Tuition fee 2021-22: £7,714 (learn more)
Management is made up of the following Indicative duration: 16 months
modules and, upon completion, is equal to a Qualification: PG Dip
total of 120 credits at Level 7. Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules Start dates

■ Health Economics (20 credits) 2021: September, October
■ Financial Decision Making (20 credits) 2022: January, February, April, May, July
■ Strategic Management in Healthcare
(20 credits) Entry requirements
■ Healthcare Leadership in Practice
(20 credits) For the academic entry route, you must have
■ Healthcare Management: Principle and an undergraduate degree from an approved
Practices (20 credits) institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
or a relevant professional qualification.
■ One optional module:
For the work experience entry route, you must
■ Social Marketing (20 credits) have at least 3 years’ experience in a relevant
■ Healthcare Improvement (20 credits) field, supported by appropriate references.
■ Social, Political and Ethical Issues in If English is not your first language, your English
Healthcare (20 credits) ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

This postgraduate diploma highlights the challenges faced when working READY TO APPLY?
in global healthcare. Your course syllabus will include modules on Complete the online application form
management theory, critical understanding of leadership and challenges and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
to assist you in the enrolment process.
within a global healthcare environment.

126 127
Syllabus Course overview

The PG Cert International Healthcare Tuition fee 2021-22: £3,857 (learn more)
Management is made up of the following Indicative duration: 8 months
modules and, upon completion, is equal to a Qualification: PG Cert
total of 60 credits at Level 7. Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules Start dates

■ Strategic Management in Healthcare 2021: September, October
(20 credits) 2022: January, February, April, May, July
■ Healthcare Leadership in Practice
(20 credits)
Entry requirements
■ Healthcare Management: Principle and
Practices (20 credits)
For the academic entry route, you must have
an undergraduate degree from an approved
institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
or a relevant professional qualification.
For the work experience entry route, you must
have at least 3 years’ experience in a relevant
field, supported by appropriate references.
If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

Are you looking to get started in a career in international healthcare? If so, READY TO APPLY?
then this Postgraduate Certificate could be perfect for you! It will allow you Complete the online application form
to explore the world of global healthcare, gain an insight into management and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
to assist you in the enrolment process.
practices and take the first steps towards a leadership role.

128 129
Syllabus Course overview

The MSc Infection Control course is made up Tuition fee 2021-22: £11,570 (learn more)
of the following modules and, upon completion, Indicative duration: 2 years
is equal to a total of 180 credits at Level 7. Qualification: MSc
Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules
Start dates
■ Introduction to Medical Microbiology and
Immunology (20 credits)* 2021: September
■ Communicable Disease Control (20 credits) 2022: January, April, July
■ Infection Prevention and Quality Improvement
(20 credits)* Entry requirements
■ Research Methods (20 credits)*
■ Dissertation (60 credits)* For the academic entry route, you must have
an undergraduate degree from an approved
■ Two optional modules: institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
- Health Promotion (20 credits) or a relevant professional qualification.
- Advanced Practice in Healthcare For the work experience entry route, you must
(20 credits) have at least three years’ post-registration
- Epidemiology (20 credits) experience in a relevant field, supported by
appropriate references.
If English is not your first language, your English
*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award) ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

On this postgraduate course, you will learn how to develop and implement
Complete the online application form
strategies for reducing the spread of infection and take the necessary steps and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
to prevent any future outbreak from occurring. to assist you in the enrolment process.

130 131
Syllabus Course overview

The PG Dip Infection Control is made up of Tuition fee 2021-22: £7,714 (learn more)
the following modules and, upon completion, is Indicative duration: 16 months
equal to a total of 120 credits at Level 7. Qualification: PG Dip
Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules
Start dates
■ Introduction to Medical Microbiology and
Immunology (20 credits)* 2021: September
■ Communicable Disease Control (20 credits)* 2022: January, April, July
■ Infection Prevention and Quality Improvement
(20 credits)* Entry requirements
■ Research Methods (20 credits)*
■ Two optional modules: For the academic entry route, you must have
an undergraduate degree from an approved
- Advanced Practice in Healthcare institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
(20 credits) or a relevant professional qualification.
- Health Promotion (20 credits) For the work experience entry route, you must
- Epidemiology (20 credits) have at least three years’ post-registration
experience in a relevant field, supported by
appropriate references.
*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award)
If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

Through your studies on this Postgraduate Diploma you will develop

an understanding of the different challenges that infection prevention
Complete the online application form
professionals face. You’ll learn how to make decisions within a healthcare and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
environment and explore a range of strategies and their practical application to assist you in the enrolment process.
in disease control and prevention.

132 133
Syllabus Course overview

The PG Cert Infection Control is made up of Tuition fee 2021-22: £3,857 (learn more)
the following modules and, upon completion, is Indicative duration: 8 months
equal to a total of 60 credits at Level 7. Qualification: PG Cert
Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules
Start dates
■ Introduction to Medical Microbiology and
Immunology (20 credits)* 2021: September
■ Communicable Disease Control (20 credits)* 2022: January, April, July
■ Infection Prevention and Quality Improvement
(20 credits)* Entry requirements

*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award) For the academic entry route, you must have
an undergraduate degree from an approved
institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
or a relevant professional qualification.
For the work experience entry route, you must
have at least three years’ post-registration
experience in a relevant field, supported by
appropriate references.
If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

Do you want to learn how to stop the spread of infection? If so, this
Postgraduate Certificate can help you develop these skills, as you will
Complete the online application form
develop an understanding of both microbiology and infection prevention and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
measures. You will also learn a number of useful management strategies for to assist you in the enrolment process.
patient care.

134 135
Syllabus Course overview

The Master of Public Health (MPH) is made up Tuition fee 2021-22: £11,570 (learn more)
of the following modules and, upon completion, Indicative duration: 2 years
is equal to a total of 180 credits at Level 7. Qualification: MPH
Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules
Start dates
■ Health Promotion (20 credits)
■ Topics in Public Health (20 credits) 2021: September
2022: January, February, April, May, July
■ Health Needs Assessment and Priority
Setting (20 credits)
■ Epidemiology (20 credits)* Entry requirements
■ Advanced Practice in Healthcare
(20 credits)* For the academic entry route, you must have
an undergraduate degree from an approved
■ Research Methods (20 credits)* institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
■ Dissertation (60 credits)* or a relevant professional qualification.
For the work experience entry route, you must
*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award)
meet have at least three years’ experience in a
relevant health field supported by appropriate
If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

This degree will help you develop a critical understanding of the key READY TO APPLY?
concepts in global public health. You will explore a range of health-related Complete the online application form
trends and their impact on the international scale, including areas such as and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
to assist you in the enrolment process.
the spread of disease and how you can apply this in your current workplace.

136 137
Syllabus Course overview

The PG Dip Public Health is made up of the Tuition fee 2021-22: £7,714 (learn more)
following modules and, upon completion, is Indicative duration: 16 months
equal to a total of 120 credits at Level 7. Qualification: PG Dip
Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules
Start dates
■ Health Promotion (20 credits)
■ Topics in Public Health (20 credits) 2021: September
2022: January, February, April, May, July
■ Health Needs Assessment and Priority
Setting (20 credits)
■ Epidemiology (20 credits)* Entry requirements
■ Advanced Practice in Healthcare
(20 credits)* For the academic entry route, you must have
an undergraduate degree from an approved
■ Research Methods (20 credits)* institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
or a relevant professional qualification.
*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award) For the work experience entry route, you must
meet have at least three years’ experience in a
relevant health field supported by appropriate
If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

This Postgraduate Diploma delves into the areas of public health and READY TO APPLY?
explores core epidemiological theories. You will develop the skills and Complete the online application form
academic practice to assess population levels, promote public health and and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
to assist you in the enrolment process.
consider the wider determinants of population health.

138 139
Syllabus Course overview

The PG Cert Public Health is made up of the Tuition fee 2021-22: £3,857 (learn more)
following modules and, upon completion, is Indicative duration: 8 months
equal to a total of 60 credits at Level 7. Qualification: PG Cert
Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules
Start dates
■ Health Promotion (20 credits)
■ Topics in Public Health (20 credits) 2021: September
2022: January, February, April, May, July
■ Health Needs Assessment and Priority
Setting (20 credits)
Entry requirements

For the academic entry route, you must have

an undergraduate degree from an approved
institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
or a relevant professional qualification.
For the work experience entry route, you must
meet have at least three years’ experience in a
relevant health field supported by appropriate
If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

During this Postgraduate Certificate, you will develop the knowledge and READY TO APPLY?
experience to tackle public health issues within your chosen sector. The Complete the online application form
syllabus covers how to assess health needs and priority setting, and it and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
to assist you in the enrolment process.
explores the theory and evidence of promoting public health.

140 141
Syllabus Course overview

The MSc Nursing is made up of the following Tuition fee 2021-22: £11,570 (learn more)
modules and, upon completion, is equal to a Indicative duration: 2 years
total of 180 credits at Level 7. Qualification: MSc
Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules
Start dates
■ Professional Practice Portfolio (20 credits)
■ Evidence-based Decision Making in Practice 2021: September
(20 credits) 2022: January, April, July
■ Healthcare Management: Principles and
Practices (20 credits) Entry requirements
■ Three optional modules:
- Applied Pathophysiology and For the academic entry route, you must have an
Pharmacology in the Management of undergraduate degree or equivalent in a health
Disease (20 credits) or social care related subject from an approved
institution. You must also be currently working
- Healthcare Leadership in Practice in clinical practice as a registered nurse or
(20 credits)
licensed to practice as a nurse with a nursing
- Diabetes: Prevention, Care and regulator or appropriate licensing board.
Management (20 credits)
For the work experience entry route, you must
- Health Promotion (20 credits) have at least three years’ post-qualification work
- Principles and Practices of Pain experience as a registered nurse or be licensed
Management (20 credits) to practice as a nurse with a nursing regulator
or appropriate licensing board, supported by
- Meeting the Needs of Vulnerable Patients appropriate references.
(20 credits)
If English is not your first language, your English
- Infection Prevention and Quality ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
Improvement (20 credits)
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
■ Research Methods (10 credits)* qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
■ One optional research speciality module: online English test.

- Systematic Reviews (10 credits)

- Quantitative Approach to Research
(10 credits)
This degree will help you develop your knowledge of best-practice patient - Qualitative Approach to Research READY TO APPLY?
care and strategic thinking. Your studies will support you on the path (10 credits) Complete the online application form
towards senior nursing roles, combining specific healthcare modules with and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
■ Dissertation (Nursing) (40 credits)* to assist you in the enrolment process.
insights into leadership and management theory.
*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award)

142 143
Syllabus Course overview

The PG Dip Nursing is made up of the following Tuition fee 2021-22: £7,714 (learn more)
modules and, upon completion, is equal to a Indicative duration: 16 months
total of 120 credits at Level 7. Qualification: PG Dip
Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules
Start dates
■ Professional Practice Portfolio (20 credits)
■ Evidence-based Decision Making in Practice 2021: September
(20 credits) 2022: January, April, July
■ Healthcare Management: Principles and
Practices (20 credits) Entry requirements
■ Three optional modules:
- Applied Pathophysiology and For the academic entry route, you must have an
Pharmacology in the Management of undergraduate degree or equivalent in a health
Disease (20 credits) or social care related subject from an approved
institution. You must also be currently working
- Health Promotion (20 credits) in clinical practice as a registered nurse or
- Healthcare Leadership in Practice licensed to practice as a nurse with a nursing
(20 credits) regulator or appropriate licensing board.
- Diabetes: Prevention, Care and For the work experience entry route, you must
Management (20 credits) have at least three years’ post-qualification work
- Principles and Practices of Pain experience as a registered nurse or be licensed
Management (20 credits) to practice as a nurse with a nursing regulator
or appropriate licensing board, supported by
- Meeting the Needs of Vulnerable Patients appropriate references.
(20 credits)
If English is not your first language, your English
- Infection Prevention and Quality ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
Improvement (20 credits)
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

This Postgraduate Diploma gives you the opportunity to continue improving READY TO APPLY?
your practice alongside your role. Through our optional module choices, you Complete the online application form
can ensure your studies will cover subject specific topics that are relevant and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
to assist you in the enrolment process.
across a range of positions, organisations and countries.

144 145
Syllabus Course overview

The PG Cert Nursing is made up of the Tuition fee 2021-22: £3,857 (learn more)
following modules and, upon completion, is Indicative duration: 8 months
equal to a total of 60 credits at Level 7. Qualification: PG Cert
Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules
Start dates
■ Evidence-based Decision Making in Practice
(20 credits) 2021: September
■ Healthcare Management: Principles and 2022: January, April, July
Practices (20 credits)
■ One optional module: Entry requirements
- Applied Pathophysiology and
Pharmacology in the Management of For the academic entry route, you must have an
Disease (20 credits) undergraduate degree or equivalent in a health
- Health Promotion (20 credits) or social care related subject from an approved
institution. You must also be currently working
- Healthcare Leadership in Practice in clinical practice as a registered nurse or
(20 credits)
licensed to practice as a nurse with a nursing
- Diabetes: Prevention, Care and regulator or appropriate licensing board.
Management (20 credits)
For the work experience entry route, you must
- Principles and Practices of Pain have at least three years’ post-qualification work
Management (20 credits) experience as a registered nurse or be licensed
- Meeting the Needs of Vulnerable Patients to practice as a nurse with a nursing regulator
(20 credits) or appropriate licensing board, supported by
appropriate references.
- Infection Prevention and Quality
Improvement (20 credits) If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

This Postgraduate Certificate introduces you to modern healthcare READY TO APPLY?

principles, providing an introduction to management and leadership styles. Complete the online application form
Through your studies you will understand the importance of evidence-based and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
to assist you in the enrolment process.
decision-making, and consistent approaches to patient-centred care.

146 147
Why we’re great
Course indicative duration
■ You will explore a range of focused
MSc Psychology 2 years psychology modules that introduce you to key
concepts such as psychological inquiry and
PG Dip Psychology 16 months research methods.
PG Cert Psychology 8 months ■ We encourage you to develop your
employability and transferable skills, including
MSc Organisational Psychology 2 years communication, critical thinking, reasoning
and problem solving, in addition to research
PG Dip Organisational skills such as interviewing, understanding of
16 months
Psychology ethics, numeracy and many more.
PG Cert Organisational ■ Our courses are 100% assignment and
8 months
Psychology project-based and offer you the opportunity to
collaborate and interact with your tutors and
other students from around the world.

“Our postgraduate programmes

in psychology will advance
your understanding of key
theories and approaches, whilst
Psychology is a fascinating subject that helps us understand human
behaviour, emotions, experiences, influences and thoughts.
developing your research skills
and employability. You will gain
Our courses provide you with the opportunity to pursue a broad range of careers related to
psychology, within healthcare, counselling, human resources, sales and marketing, the civil service
the knowledge and skills essential
and many other industries. You will also be able to progress towards further education in psychology for many psychology and non-
in order to work directly within the field. psychology related careers.”
Dr Lisa Pepper, Head of Psychology
University of Essex Online

148 149
Syllabus Course overview

The MSc Psychology is made up of the Tuition fee 2021-22: £11,570 (learn more)
following modules and, upon completion, is Indicative duration: 2 years
equal to a total of 180 credits at Level 7. Qualification: MSc
Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules
Start dates
■ Core Principles of Psychological Enquiry
(10 credits) 2021: October
■ Human Development over the Lifespan 2022: February, May
(20 credits)*
■ Research Methods (10 credits) Entry requirements
■ Critical Social Psychology (20 credits)*
■ Advanced Research Methods (20 credits)* For the academic entry route, you must have
an undergraduate degree from an approved
■ Psychobiology and Neuroscience institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
(20 credits)* or a relevant professional qualification.
■ Psychology Skills and Employability For the work experience entry route, you must
(20 credits)
have at least 3 years’ experience (voluntary or
■ MSc Psychology Dissertation (60 credits)* paid) within a relevant field, supported by 2
appropriate references.

*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award) If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

This postgraduate degree is for talented individuals who might not have
studied psychology before. You will explore a wide range of theoretical ideas
Complete the online application form
and practical applications of psychology. In addition, the degree has a strong and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
focus on employability, and you will gain key research and transferable skills to assist you in the enrolment process.
that will be beneficial across a range of careers.

150 151
Syllabus Course overview

The PG Dip Psychology is made up of the Tuition fee 2021-22: £7,714 (learn more)
following modules and, upon completion, is Indicative duration: 16 months
equal to a total of 120 credits at Level 7. Qualification: PG Dip
Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules
Start dates
■ Core Principles of Psychological Enquiry
(10 credits) 2021: October
■ Human Development over the Lifespan 2022: February, May
(20 credits)*
■ Research Methods (10 credits) Entry requirements
■ Critical Social Psychology (20 credits)*
■ Advanced Research Methods (20 credits)* For the academic entry route, you must have
an undergraduate degree from an approved
■ Psychobiology and Neuroscience institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
(20 credits)* or a relevant professional qualification.
■ Psychology Skills and Employability For the work experience entry route, you must
(20 credits)
have at least 3 years’ experience (voluntary or
paid) within a relevant field, supported by 2
*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award)
appropriate references.
If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

Through this course you will gain a grounding of the core areas within
Complete the online application form
psychology. You will build an understanding of the theory and practices and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
within this field and develop key research and evaluation skills. to assist you in the enrolment process.

152 153
Syllabus Course overview

The PG Cert Psychology is made up of the Tuition fee 2021-22: £3,857 (learn more)
following modules and, upon completion, is Indicative duration: 8 months
equal to a total of 60 credits at Level 7. Qualification: PG Cert
Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules
Start dates
■ Core Principles of Psychological Enquiry
(10 credits) 2021: October
■ Human Development over the Lifespan 2022: February, May
(20 credits)*
■ Research Methods (10 credits) Entry requirements
■ Critical Social Psychology (20 credits)*
For the academic entry route, you must have
an undergraduate degree from an approved
*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award)
institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
or a relevant professional qualification.
For the work experience entry route, you must
have at least 3 years’ experience (voluntary or
paid) within a relevant field, supported by 2
appropriate references.
If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

Through this course you will be introduced to the essential areas of READY TO APPLY?
psychology. You will gain an insight into key principles, theories and Complete the online application form
methods and develop transferable skills in communication, critical analysis, and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
to assist you in the enrolment process.
research and time management.

154 155

The MSc Organisational Psychology is made up Course overview

of the following modules and, upon completion,
is equal to a total of 180 credits at Level 7. Tuition fee 2021-22: £11,570 (learn more)
Indicative duration: 2 years
Qualification: MSc
Level 7 modules Funding options: See here for more information
■ Core Principles of Psychological Enquiry
(10 credits) Start dates
■ Strategic Human Resource Development
(20 credits)* 2021: October
■ Research Methods (10 credits) 2022: February, May

■ Psychological Assessment at Work

(20 credits)* Entry requirements
■ Mentoring and Coaching for Organisational
Effectiveness (20 credits)* For the academic entry route, you must have
an undergraduate degree from an approved
■ One optional module:
institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
- Global Environment and People or a relevant professional qualification.
Management (20 credits)
For the work experience entry route, you must
- Diversity Management in a Global have at least 3 years’ experience (voluntary or
Economy (20 credits) paid) within a relevant field, supported by 2
- Leadership and Management Development appropriate references.
(20 credits) If English is not your first language, your English
■ Applied Research Methods (20 credits)* ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
■ MSc Psychology Dissertation (60 credits)*
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.
*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award)

This Masters degree is for individuals with an interest in organisational

psychology and those who may not necessarily have a background in READY TO APPLY?
this field. The knowledge and skills you’ll develop on this degree are Complete the online application form
highly sought after by businesses. You will be able to apply psychological and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
to assist you in the enrolment process.
theories and research methods to the world of work to solve problems with
organisations and their people.

156 157
Syllabus Course overview

The PG Dip Organisational Psychology is Tuition fee 2021-22: £7,714 (learn more)
made up of the following modules and, upon Indicative duration: 16 months
completion, is equal to a total of 120 credits at Qualification: PG Dip
Level 7. Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules Start dates

■ Core Principles of Psychological Enquiry 2021: October
(10 credits) 2022: February, May
■ Strategic Human Resource Development
(20 credits)*
Entry requirements
■ Research Methods (10 credits)
■ Psychological Assessment at Work For the academic entry route, you must have
(20 credits)* an undergraduate degree from an approved
■ Mentoring and Coaching for Organisational institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
Effectiveness (20 credits)* or a relevant professional qualification.
■ One optional module: For the work experience entry route, you must
have at least 3 years’ experience (voluntary or
- Global Environment and People
paid) within a relevant field, supported by 2
Management (20 credits)
appropriate references.
- Diversity Management in a Global
If English is not your first language, your English
Economy (20 credits)
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
- Leadership and Management Development of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
(20 credits) qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
■ Applied Research Methods (20 credits)* online English test.

*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award)

On this Postgraduate Diploma you will gain an understanding of the key

areas within organisational psychology. You will develop knowledge of
Complete the online application form
theory and practices within this field which will enable you to effectively and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
advise businesses on their challenges, from organisational structures to to assist you in the enrolment process.
motivating employees.

158 159
Syllabus Course overview

The PG Cert Organisational Psychology is Tuition fee 2021-22: £3,857 (learn more)
made up of the following modules and, upon Indicative duration: 8 months
completion, is equal to a total of 60 credits at Qualification: PG Cert
Level 7. Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules Start dates

■ Core Principles of Psychological Enquiry 2021: October
(10 credits) 2022: February, May
■ Strategic Human Resource Development
(20 credits)*
Entry requirements
■ Research Methods (10 credits)
■ Psychological Assessment at Work For the academic entry route, you must have
(20 credits)* an undergraduate degree from an approved
institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
or a relevant professional qualification.
*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award)
For the work experience entry route, you must
have at least 3 years’ experience (voluntary or
paid) within a relevant field, supported by 2
appropriate references.
If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

Through this Postgraduate Certificate you will build the foundations for READY TO APPLY?
a career as an organisational psychologist. This course will also provide Complete the online application form
you with transferable skills that are useful for roles in marketing and and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
to assist you in the enrolment process.
management related disciplines.

160 161
Why we’re great
Course indicative duration
MSc Criminology and Criminal ■ Our modules have been developed by
2 years leading academics and senior professionals,
including a former Detective Chief
PG Dip Criminology and Criminal Superintendent from the homicide and major
16 months
Psychology enquiries team in one of the UK’s largest
PG Cert Criminology and police forces and a Forensic Psychologist.
8 months You will learn from experts in their field,
Criminal Psychology
studying cutting-edge theory and research
as well as the latest developments in
professional practice.
■ You will explore real life cases, applying
critical thinking and theory together with the
latest psychological techniques to develop
high-level professional skills which will equip
you to excel in a range of careers.
■ To support you throughout your studies you
will be assigned a dedicated Student Support
team. They will be on hand to support you
whenever required from admission through to

Without a criminal justice system that is fit for purpose, society struggles
to function properly. But there are differences of opinion about the way this
system works best. “I work as a forensic psychologist
Our postgraduate programmes in criminology challenge you to ask the hard questions and find the in Argentina and this course has
answers to some of the most thought provoking issues. You will look at both the criminological and really changed my life and my
psychological aspects of this field which could open up a variety of careers within offender support,
the security services, alcohol and drug rehabilitation, plus many more.
working practice.”
Maria Grecco, Argentina
MSc Criminology and Criminal Psychology

162 163
Syllabus Course overview

The MSc Criminology and Criminal Psychology Tuition fee 2021-22: £11,570 (learn more)
is made up of the following modules and, upon Indicative duration: 2 years
completion, is equal to a total of 180 credits at Qualification: MSc
Level 7. Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules Start dates

■ Applied Forensic Psychology (20 credits) 2021: October
■ Crime, Causation and Criminological Theory 2022: January, February, April, May, July
(20 credits)
■ Complex Criminal Investigation (20 credits) Entry requirements
■ Practical Psychology for Policing (20 credits)
■ Advanced Research Methods (20 credits)* For the academic entry route, you must have
an undergraduate degree from an approved
■ Criminology and Criminal Psychology Thesis institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
(60 credits)* or a relevant professional qualification.
■ One optional module: For the work experience entry route, you
- Criminal Victimisation (20 credits) must have at least three years’ relevant work
- Policing: Leadership, Policy and experience.
Partnerships (20 credits) If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award) qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

Through our Masters degree you will explore the challenges facing modern
criminal justice, and delve into criminological theory and psychological
Complete the online application form
research. You will be taught by expert tutors with both academic and real and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
word professional experience. This course is designed to enable you to to assist you in the enrolment process.
develop skills and apply your learning to your career from the very start.

164 165
Syllabus Course overview

The PG Dip Criminology and Criminal Tuition fee 2021-22: £7,714 (learn more)
Psychology is made up of the following modules Indicative duration: 16 months
and, upon completion, is equal to a total of 120 Qualification: PG Dip
credits at Level 7. Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules Start dates

■ Applied Forensic Psychology (20 credits) 2021: October
■ Crime, Causation and Criminological Theory 2022: January, February, April, May, July
(20 credits)
■ Complex Criminal Investigation (20 credits) Entry requirements
■ Practical Psychology for Policing (20 credits)
■ Advanced Research Methods (20 credits)* For the academic entry route, you must have
an undergraduate degree from an approved
■ One optional module: institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
- Criminal Victimisation (20 credits) or a relevant professional qualification.
- Policing: Leadership, Policy and For the work experience entry route, you
Partnerships (20 credits) must have at least three years’ relevant work

*Core module (must be passed in order to achieve the award)

If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

On this course you will gain an understanding of theoretical and applied

perspectives on criminal behavior, as well the role of modern policing
Complete the online application form
and the field of forensic psychology. You will develop skills in critical and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
thinking and analysis that are ideal for roles in policing, prison and to assist you in the enrolment process.
probation services.

166 167
Syllabus Course overview

The PG Cert Criminology and Criminal Tuition fee 2021-22: £3,857 (learn more)
Psychology is made up of the following modules Indicative duration: 8 months
and, upon completion, is equal to a total of 60 Qualification: PG Cert
credits at Level 7. Funding options: See here for more information

Level 7 modules Start dates

■ Three optional modules: 2021: October
- Crime, Causation and Criminological 2022: January, February, April, May, July
Theory (20 credits)
- Applied Forensic Psychology (20 credits) Entry requirements
- Criminal Victimisation (20 credits)
- Practical Psychology for Policing For the academic entry route, you must have
(20 credits) an undergraduate degree from an approved
institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree,
- Complex Criminal Investigation (20 credits) or a relevant professional qualification.
For the work experience entry route, you
must have at least three years’ relevant work
If English is not your first language, your English
ability should be equivalent to an IELTS score
of 6.5. If you do not hold an IELTS or equivalent
qualification, we will ask you to pass our free
online English test.

This course has a range of module options that enable you to tailor READY TO APPLY?
you studies to your interest, whether you’d like to explore applied Complete the online application form
forensic psychology or learn how to how to critically analyse the latest and an Admissions Adviser will be in touch
to assist you in the enrolment process.
criminolgical theory.

168 169
This is an important decision – perhaps one of the
most important decisions you’ll ever make.
So we’ve put together all the information you need about funding your
degree and applying to study. If you have any questions, our friendly
Admissions team will be happy to talk it over with you.

170 171
We know that cost is a huge factor in any decision you make to study.
That’s why we have a range of funding options to choose from and a knowledgeable team on hand to
help you make the right decisions about financing your studies.

Programme Full course fee (2021-22)* Indicative study duration** Credits

PG Cert £3,857 8 months 60

PG Dip £7,714 16 months 120

MSc £11,570 2 years 180

M.Ed. £11,570 2 years 180

MPH £11,570 2 years 180

LLM £11,570 2 years 180

MBM £11,570 2 years 180

MBA £13,500 2 years 180

*Prices are reviewed annually. We reserve the right to increase tuition fees in line with the RPI-X index. If you pay your tuition fees
annually in advance the tuition fees will not be increased before your next annual payment. Please read our Terms and Conditions for
more details.
**The indicative study duration is a guide to how long your course will take to complete. The actual duration may vary depending on
study options chosen and module availability.
All tuition fees shown are net of any applicable sales tax payable by you in your country of residence. Where we are required to add
sales tax at the local statutory rate, this will be added to the tuition fees shown and confirmed during the payment process.
Payment options Money back guarantee

Most UK or EU nationals living in England are Our 21-day money back guarantee means
eligible for a government backed postgraduate that it is possible for you to try out the online
student loan. See next page for more details. learning experience and confirm that it is right
for you.
If you are not eligible for a tuition fee loan,
we provide a simple monthly payment plan to If after three weeks you are not satisfied with
spread the cost of your tuition fee. the course you can receive a full refund. Terms
and Conditions apply.
Alternatively, you may pay your course fee up
front. We offer a 5% discount to anyone who
makes the full tuition fee payment up front.

172 173
Students living in England can
apply for a for a government backed
postgraduate student loan.
Postgraduate student loans are paid directly to
you, and you can choose how much you borrow
(depending on the current maximum loan limit
set by the Student Loans Company).


Eligibility is determined by the Student Loans

Company. For students living in England,
requirements include:
■ being under 60 on the first day of the first
academic year of your course
■ being a UK national, or have settled or pre-
settled status under the EU Settlement
■ having lived in the UK, the Channel Islands
or the Isle of Man for 3 years before starting
your course
■ not having already obtained a postgraduate
degree or taken out a postgraduate student

Are you eligible for a student loan?

Click here to find out.
If you are not eligible for a student loan, you can
take advantage of our flexible monthly payment
plans and range of scholarships and discounts.
See more on the next page.

Loan repayments

You’ll only start making repayments if your

income is more than £21,000 a year and any
outstanding balance will be written off after 30
years. If your circumstances change and your
annual income drops below £21,000 a year,
your repayments will stop.

174 175
As part of our mission to make education more accessible, we have a range
of options available to reduce the cost of your learning.

Full payment discount ELCAS funding

If you choose to pay your full course fee up For those in the Armed Forces in the UK who
front, we’ll apply a 5% discount.* are considering their options for resettlement,
you may be able to access funding from the
Enhanced Learning Credits Administration
Alumni discount Service (ELCAS). All of our courses are
approved by the scheme – just mention it to our
If you have already completed an undergraduate Admissions team when you apply.
degree with the University of Essex or University
of Essex Online, you are eligible for a 10%
alumni discount on any of our Masters degrees. India scholarship
The Alumni discount cannot be used in
combination with any scholarships.* Students residing in India are eligible for a
unique scholarship for all our courses starting in
the academic year 2021-22. 
International scholarship
In addition to the scholarship, you can also
take advantage of our full payment discount of
Students residing in specific regions outside
5% if you pay for your course up front. This
of the UK might be eligible for a partial
scholarship cannot be used in combination with
our International scholarship or Alumni discount.
To find out more or to be considered for a
Public health funding scholarship, please contact our Admissions
For those looking to study our public health
courses, you may be able to tap into funding
for your studies. In the UK, the Health Careers
website will provide useful information, while
those based abroad may find resources through
the Public Health and World Bank websites.

*This is only applicable to students studying online and does not

apply to students studying on campus.

176 177

Participate in a
Connect with a Student pre-enrolment review
Download a prospectus Receive your application Your Admissions Adviser will outcome invite you to a short call Get an authentic insight into the This is to ensure you have
Review our institution and online
Find the right course for online student experience - check out You’ll hear back within 10 everything you need to commence
courses you their blogs or start a chat with them working days after applying your studies
Our Admissions team will be in
Consider your options touch to let you know the decision
Research our website and – if successful you’ll progress to
prospectus information the next step

Welcome to
Essex Online
Talk with an Admissions Accept your offer
Adviser Our Student Support
Confirm your place on your team will invite you to
You’ll be designated a personal course welcome sessions
Sign up for a virtual adviser that will contact you Submit an online After accepting your offer you will They’ll prepare you for
event application need to pay your tuition fee deposit. your induction module
Get answers to all your questions,
from course details, fees Then you will be ready to start your and introduce you to and funding options to entry course on your selected start date the virtual learning
Discover the world of online requirements It’s free to apply and there are just environment
learning at an upcoming webinar, 5 steps to complete the form – it’s
Virtual Open Day or Programme really that simple!

178 179
We consider all applications on an
individual basis, taking into account
your professional background and
work experience as well as any

previous academic achievements.
For more detailed information on the specific
entry requirements for each postgraduate
course please check the course page in this


Excited to get started? Submit an

online application here.
Got some questions? Simply get in touch and
our experienced Admissions Advisers would be
happy to help.

180 181
Quality assurance and teaching maternity, race, religion or belief, socio-economic
excellence background, political beliefs and affiliations, family
circumstances or other irrelevant distinction.
University of Essex Online programmes

are delivered by Kaplan Open Learning, an Tuition fee increases during your
experienced online learning provider. We have
been working in partnership with the University of
Essex since 2007.
We are registered with the Office for Students. The full tuition fees are advertised on our
That means we meet its requirements for course website. Full tuition fees include the cost of all
quality, student support and more. This includes core e-books. The applicable net tuition fees for
About this prospectus No liability for matters outside our control
meeting the expectations for standards and quality
your course will be shown on your payment plan.
We are not responsible for delays or inaccessibility that are set out in the UK Quality Code for
When we might make changes to outside our control. If our provision of courses is higher education. Our dedication to offering Tuition fees are reviewed annually. We reserve the
advertised courses and other information delayed or the learning platform is inaccessible our students a transformational education has right to increase tuition fees for current students
due to an event outside our control, then we will led to Kaplan Open Learning being awarded the in line with the RPI-X index and apply applicable
This prospectus is intended to answer your contact you as soon as possible to let you know highest rating of gold in the Teaching Excellence
sales taxes.
questions about the academic provision on offer and we will take steps to minimise the effect. Framework (2018). The gold rating demonstrates
at University of Essex Online. It was prepared in Provided we do this we will not be liable for delays the institution delivers consistently outstanding
2021 and refers to courses which will be available or inaccessibility caused by the event, but if there teaching, learning and outcomes for its students Money back guarantee
in the 2021-22 academic year. We have made is a risk of substantial delay or inaccessibility you and is of the highest quality found in the UK.
every effort to ensure the prospectus is accurate at may contact us to end the contract, and receive a Kaplan Open Learning is part of Kaplan, Inc., We stand behind the academic quality of our
the time it is produced. refund for any part of a course you have paid for one of the world’s largest and most diverse online courses and are committed to ensuring that
but not received. education providers. We encourage our students to
It can be necessary to make minor changes to our you are enrolled on a course that’s right for you.
transform their lives and careers by delivering and
courses or our Terms and Conditions. Reasons Admissions Policy expanding our suite of innovative, industry led and But if you decide it’s not for you within the first 21
for this may include: to reflect changes in relevant career enhancing higher education programmes. days then you can withdraw from your programme
laws and regulatory requirements; to implement without any cost.
Applicants are considered in line with our
minor technical adjustments and improvements, Admissions Policy. Complaints procedure
to ensure consistency with UK higher education You may end your contract with us and not be
sector practice and guidance, including complying Terms and Conditions University of Essex Online welcomes applications charged any tuition fees (or obtain a full refund if
with our obligations under the Quality Code. In from all candidates with the potential to succeed. you have paid them) at any time up until 21 days
exceptional circumstances it may be necessary to If we approve your application, we will send you Our admissions procedures are designed to ensure from the start date of your course. Terms and
make more significant changes to a course or our an offer letter which will confirm the details of your that all applicants are considered wholly based Conditions apply.
Terms and Conditions. Changes may include: course and start date. We will also send you a on their aptitudes, skills and abilities in relation to
study plan showing an indicative study duration for their chosen programme of study. We recognise,
■ to increase tuition fees annually to
however, that there may be occasions when Photography
proportionately reflect the costs associated with your course and a payment plan outlining your net
applicants may feel that we have not adhered to
establishing and providing the course, such as tuition fees. The offer letter will contain a link to
our policies and the high standards that we set Every effort has been made to obtain permission
our acceptance form.
any changes in higher education funding we ourselves. Our Complaints and Appeals Policy to reproduce the images contained herein.
Acceptance of your application will take place for Applicants describes the process to follow if an
may receive Get in touch if you have any queries or any
when you use the link on the offer letter you applicant believes that they have grounds for an
■ to correct errors receive from us and submit the online acceptance appeal or complaint. information relating to the images.
form. At this point a contract will come into
■ by adding or removing optional modules existence between you and us. By submitting the Policy statement on equality and Data for marketing purposes
■ if a third party such as the University of Essex or online acceptance form you are formally accepting diversity
the Student Loans Company imposes changes your place on the course and start date as set out
in your offer letter. Submission of the acceptance Data has been selected for marketing purposes,
on us, such as amending a policy or procedure University of Essex Online recognises the but all claims are based on the most recent data
form also constitutes your agreement to our Terms
If a course change or closure is proposed in such and Conditions. value of diversity. We are committed to equality
of opportunity for our students. We expect that were available at the time of publishing.
circumstances, we will take all reasonable steps
Key policies students to be treated with dignity and respect Produced by the University of Essex Online
to minimise disruption to students. This will include solely on the basis of their merits, abilities and
informing students of the changes in advance and Marketing team.
potential, regardless of age, disability, sexual
giving them appropriate opportunity to comment on Our policies are available at: orientation, gender identity and gender expression, Please consider the environment before printing
the proposals. marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and this document.

182 183

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