Engineering Standard: SAES-A-008

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Engineering Standard 14 January 2021

Chemical Cleaning Requirements
Document Responsibility: Corrosion Control Standards Committee

Previous Revision: 05 November 2018 Next Revision: 14 January 2026

Contact: ABBAFM0A Page 1 of 8

© Saudi Arabian Oil Company, 2020

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Document Responsibility: Corrosion Control Standards Committee SAES-A-008
Issue Date: 14 January 2021
Next Revision: 14 January 2026 Chemical Cleaning Requirements

Summary of Changes ................................................................................................................................ 3
1. Scope ................................................................................................................................................... 4
2. Conflicts and Deviations ...................................................................................................................... 4
3. References .......................................................................................................................................... 4
3.1 Saudi Aramco References ................................................................................................................... 4
3.2 Industry Codes and Standards ............................................................................................................ 4
4. Terminology ......................................................................................................................................... 5
4.1 Acronyms ............................................................................................................................................. 5
4.2 Definitions ............................................................................................................................................ 5
5. Pipelines .............................................................................................................................................. 5
6. In-plant Piping and Equipment ............................................................................................................ 6
7. Steam Generation Systems................................................................................................................. 7
Document History ....................................................................................................................................... 8

© Saudi Arabian Oil Company, 2020 Page 2 of 8

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Document Responsibility: Corrosion Control Standards Committee SAES-A-008
Issue Date: 14 January 2021
Next Revision: 14 January 2026 Chemical Cleaning Requirements

Summary of Changes

Paragraph Number Change Type

(Addition, Modification, Technical Change(s)
Previous Revision Current Revision Deletion)
(05 November 2018) (14 January 2021)
General - Modification Change Primary Contact
Removed reference to lube/seal oil and fluid power
1.1 1.1 Modification
Removed reference to cancelled SAEP-1028 and
1.3 and 3.1 1.3 and 3.1 Modification
Clarify that pre-commission chemical cleaning is
required for in-plant piping, fin-fan tubes, and heat
exchanger tubes/plates of specified services. Also,
6.1 and 6.4 6.1 and 6.4 Modification
vessels and tanks can be chemically cleaned using
this procedure or the manufacturers’ or licensor’s
Clarify the purpose of pre-commissioning cleaning
is to remove oil, grease, preservatives, rust and
6.1 6.1 Modification mill scale per approved procedures; describing in
detail the steps for degreasing, descaling,
neutralization, and passivation
Remove from the commentary note the reference
6.1 6.1 Modification to section 8 for lube/seal oil and power fluid
6.3 6.3 Modification Remove paragraph exempting storage tanks.
Removed section 8 and merge requirements with
8 8 Modification section 6 along with merger of SAEP-1028 into

© Saudi Arabian Oil Company, 2020 Page 3 of 8

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Document Responsibility: Corrosion Control Standards Committee SAES-A-008
Issue Date: 14 January 2021
Next Revision: 14 January 2026 Chemical Cleaning Requirements

1.1 This standard specifies the minimum mandatory measures to chemically clean
pipelines, in-plant piping and equipment, and steam generation systems.
1.2 The chemical cleaning measures specified herein are to be applied during pre-
commissioning and during operations.
1.3 Detailed chemical cleaning procedures are outlined in SAEP-388, SAEP-1025, and

Conflicts and Deviations

Any conflicts between this document and other applicable Mandatory Saudi Aramco
Engineering Requirements (MSAERs*) shall be addressed to the EK&RD Coordinator.
Any deviation from the requirements herein shall follow internal company procedure

All referenced specifications, standards, codes, drawings, and similar material are
considered part of this Engineering Standard to the extent specified, applying the latest
version, unless otherwise stated.

Saudi Aramco References

Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures
SAEP-302 Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement
SAEP-388 Chemical Cleaning of Pipelines
SAEP-1025 Chemical Cleaning of Steam Generation Systems
SAEP-1662 Cleaning of Plant Equipment and Piping

Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards

SAES-A-007 Hydrostatic Testing Fluids and Lay-up Requirements

Saudi Aramco Best Practice

SABP-A-072 Materials Selection and Cleanliness of Piping Systems in Oxygen

Industry Codes and Standards

Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
TR 1023063 Boiler and Heat Recovery Steam Generator Tube Failures: Theory
and Practice (December 2011)

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Document Responsibility: Corrosion Control Standards Committee SAES-A-008
Issue Date: 14 January 2021
Next Revision: 14 January 2026 Chemical Cleaning Requirements

ADIP: Amino di-isopropanol (also known as di-iso-propanol amine or DIPA)
DEA: Di-ethanol amine
DGA: Di-glycol amine
MDEA: Methyl di-ethanol amine (all formulations)
MEA: Mono-ethanol amine
MEG: Mono-ethylene glycol
TEG: Tri-ethylene glycol

Benzene: A colorless and highly flammable organic hydrocarbon compound.
Lower Explosive Limit (LEL): Lowest gas concentration in air capable of producing a
flash in presence of an ignition source.
Pyrophoric Materials: Any material, usually iron sulfide, that generates heat or ignites
spontaneously, or emits sparks when rubbed, scratched, or struck in air.
Solids Loading: Ratio of the weight of solids (in grams) in a cleaning sample divided by
the volume of the representative liquid sample (in liters) expressed in grams per liter

5.1 Chemical cleaning shall be conducted for the below services during pre-
5.1.1 Sales Gas and NGL
5.1.2 If hydrostatic testing or lay-up of below services have violated the mandatory
requirements of SAES-A-007: Naphtha, Gasoline, Kerosene, Jet Fuel, or Diesel Ethane, Propane, Butane, or Natural Gas
Commentary Note:
Pipeline Projects may elect to conduct chemical cleaning as part of the commissioning
(start-up) activities, instead of pre-commissioning, for convenience. However, it is
preferred to conduct it during pre-commissioning in case multiple cleaning runs are
required to meet the acceptance criteria.

5.2 Chemical cleaning of sales gas and NGL pipelines shall be conducted during

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Document Responsibility: Corrosion Control Standards Committee SAES-A-008
Issue Date: 14 January 2021
Next Revision: 14 January 2026 Chemical Cleaning Requirements

Commentary Note:
The objective of chemical cleaning during operations is to remove unacceptable levels of
in-service fouling, that is affecting pipeline throughput or in-line inspection requirements.
Note, the most common type of fouling is black powder.

5.3 Chemical Cleaning Acceptance Criteria

5.3.1 Validation shall follow “test-until-clean” concept. This involves cleaning,
sampling, and testing with repetition of this sequence until an acceptable solids
loading is attained.
5.3.2 The maximum solids loading limit shall not exceed 5 g/L.
5.4 Chemical cleaning of hydrocarbon services pipelines shall be performed as per SAEP-

In-plant Piping and Equipment

6.1 Chemical cleaning shall be conducted for in-plant piping, fin-fan tubes and heat
exchanger tubes/plates in the below services during pre-commissioning after
hydrostatic testing. The objective is to remove oil, grease, preservatives, rust and mill
scale, and corrosion products:
6.1.1 Sales Gas and NGL
6.1.2 Oxygen
6.1.3 Amine solutions (e.g., ADIP, DEA, DGA, MEA, and MDEA)
6.1.4 Glycol solutions (e.g., TEG and MEG)
6.1.5 Refrigerant systems
6.1.6 Seal gas supply systems
Commentary Note:
Specific requirements for chemical cleaning of steam generation systems are provided in
Section 7.

6.2 Chemical cleaning may be used for any service during operations if one (1) of the
following criteria is met:
6.2.1 When the cleanliness of heat exchangers or other equipment is not achieved
through mechanical cleaning.
6.2.2 When piping flow is restricted due to scale build-up that results in unacceptable
pressure drop.
6.2.3 When other decontamination methods cannot meet criteria in Section 6.3.3.
6.3 Chemical Cleaning Acceptance Criteria
6.3.1 There shall not be any visible traces of water, or deposits inside the equipment
or piping systems.
6.3.2 For oxygen service, cleanliness acceptance criteria in SABP-A-072,
section 8, shall be met and demonstrated using the below methods:

© Saudi Arabian Oil Company, 2020 Page 6 of 8

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Document Responsibility: Corrosion Control Standards Committee SAES-A-008
Issue Date: 14 January 2021
Next Revision: 14 January 2026 Chemical Cleaning Requirements Direct visual inspection with white light Direct visual inspection with ultra-violet (UV) light Wipe test
6.3.3 For decontamination cleaning, the following shall be met: Combustible gas limit (LEL) at 0.00 % H2S limit at 0.0 ppm Benzene maximum limit below 0.5 ppm
6.4 Chemical cleaning of in-plant piping, fin-fan tubes, and heat exchangers tubes/plates
shall be performed as per SAEP-1662. Vessels and tanks can be chemically cleaned
using this procedure or the manufacturer’s or licensor’s recommendations.

Steam Generation Systems

7.1 Chemical cleaning shall be conducted for the below equipment and services during
pre-commissioning after hydrostatic testing:
7.1.1 Steam generation equipment and heat recovery steam generators (HRSGs).
7.1.2 Fired or waste heat, water tube, and steam generation equipment and systems
operating above 27.5 barg (400 psig).
7.1.3 Boiler feedwater (BFW), steam condensate, and steam piping.
7.2 Chemical cleaning shall be conducted for boilers during operations to remove scaling
and/or fouling based on criteria outlined in Tables 1 and 2. A boiler tube sample shall
be removed, during each T&I, and the scale/deposit density shall be determined.
7.3 Chemical cleaning may be used during operations for any other equipment if it is not
meeting its operational performance.
7.4 Chemical Cleaning Acceptance Criteria
7.4.1 There shall not be any visible traces of water, or deposits (loose or adherent)
inside the steam generation pressure vessels.
7.4.2 If a boiler tube sample is removed after chemical cleaning, the scale density
shall be less than 50 g/m2.
7.5 Chemical cleaning of steam generation equipment shall be performed as per SAEP-
1025, while chemical cleaning of BFW, steam condensate, and steam piping shall
follow SAEP-1662.

© Saudi Arabian Oil Company, 2020 Page 7 of 8

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Document Responsibility: Corrosion Control Standards Committee SAES-A-008
Issue Date: 14 January 2021
Next Revision: 14 January 2026 Chemical Cleaning Requirements

Table 1 - List of Chemical Cleaning Activities Based on Cut Out Sample Deposit Density for
Boilers Operating Below 45 barg (650 psig) based on Saudi Aramco Experience

Deposit Density Chemical Cleaning Mandatory Action

< 250 g/m² Chemical cleaning is not required
250 to 500 g/m² Chemical cleaning shall be performed within one (1) year
500 to 1,000 g/m² Chemical cleaning shall be performed within three (3) months
> 1,000 g/m² Chemical cleaning shall be performed before placing back in operation

Table 2 - List of Chemical Cleaning Activities Based on Cut Out Sample Deposit Density for
Boilers Operating Above 45 barg (650 psig) based on EPRI TR 1023063

Deposit Density Chemical Cleaning Mandatory Action

< 120 g/m² Chemical cleaning is not required
120 to 180 g/m² Chemical cleaning shall be performed within one (1) year
180 to 300 g/m² Chemical cleaning shall be performed within three (3) months
> 300 g/m² Chemical cleaning shall be performed before placing back in operation

Document History
14 January 2021 Major revision
5 November 2018 New Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard (previously SAES-L-488)

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