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Name: Esi Susanti

NPM : 07221210700

Subject : writing in profesional

context 2

Analysis of Sentence Error

Background of the study Analysis of sentence Error

When student learn English as a foreign language, they have to communicate with

other people. To make the communication clear and easy to be understood, they

have to master the four skills of language like speaking, listening, reading and

writing. The successful in mastering those skills can not be separated from their

understanding in grammar.

Statement of the problem

 What are the most common participle error made by student?

 What are the causes of participle errors made the students?

The purpose of study

 To know the most common participle error sentence made by student

 To know the cause of students error in participle as adjective. Because

identifying the causes of the errors made by students may help the teachers

as well as the students to improve in the teaching-learning process.

The procedure of collecting data

The writer used a finding data from students for collecting data. The data are

collected by finding data from many short story in writing narrative text, after the

data had been collected then they are analyzed the error sentences to know the

biggest one error.

Data analysis

Error analysis in finding the biggest one error.

After collecting data from many short story in narrative text, the writer found that

the error in writing narrative text in students was varies. In usage of grammatical

structure especially in past tense with high error, and the use of spelling with low

error and the use of punctuation and vocabularies with average error.

No Source of data Spelling Punctuation Grammatical Vocabularies

(%) (%) (%) (%)
1 Story of 10 20 60 10
2 Smart bird 25 15 50 20
3 My Ied holiday 5 25 40 30
total 40 60 150 60

Data findings
During the research, the writer found that in the use of grammatical especially in

simple past tense in students writing narrative text as the “high error” with score

150, spelling as a “low error” with score 40, and using of punctuation and

vocabularies as the average percentage with score 60.

Based on the data in above the writer concluded that the causes of students in

ability in using simple past tense in writing narrative text were:

1. they did not understand how to write narrative text

2. they did not understand how to use simple past tense in narrative text
3. they found more difficulties when they had to change “to be” and “verb”
of present form into past form


Based on the result of this research, the writer would like to suggest as follows:

1. The teacher should conduct a corrective action to improve the students

ability by doing remedial teaching and integrated in error analysis process.
2. Teacher should pay more attention to students development in using
”reguler and irreguler verbs”, “to be” in past form.
3. More increasing in practice how to use past tense in daily activity, it can
be more understand for student.

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