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A Guide for
The InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) is a global network of science, medical, and engineering academies
that work together to support the role of science in seeking solutions to the world’s most challenging
problems. In 2016, IAP for Research, a component of the Partnership, launched a new project on
Improving Scientific Input to Global Policymaking: Strategies for Achieving the Sustainable Develop-
ment Goals (SDGs). An international Working Group is undertaking the project with financial support
from the Carnegie Corporation of New York. Annex A contains a roster of Working Group members
and the Project Secretariat.

A key objective of the project is to strengthen the global science community’s capacity to support the
implementation of the SDGs, with a focus on how the science academies can play their part in this
system. In the first year of the project, the Working Group has heard insights and perspectives from a
range of global experts, and participated in a variety of events related to the role of science, technolo-
gy, and innovation (STI) in supporting the SDGs. They have familiarised themselves with the structures,
mechanisms and processes the United Nations (UN) has established for incorporating STI input into
SDGs implementation.

At the same time, the Working Group has been keen to learn more about the actual and aspirational
role of the academies in supporting the SDGs. A survey of senior and young academies was conducted
to gauge their awareness of, and engagement with, the SDGs and the structures supporting them.
Survey responses indicated there is considerable variation among academies and individual scientists in
their understanding of how the SDGs are being implemented. As a consequence, the Working Group
has compiled this short guide and plans to share examples of good practice in academies’ supporting
the SDGs, and develop complementary resources, such as a database of SDG-relevant academy
initiatives. Its progress and eventual final report (expected in early 2019) can be found on the IAP for
Research websitei.

Rigorous peer review is a hallmark of IAP for Research studies and other products, and is overseen
by the IAP for Research co-chairs. We would like to thank the following reviewers for their
constructive comments:
• Dr. Bill Colglazier, Co-Chair, 10-Member Group, Technology Facilitation Mechanism
• Professor Roseanne Diab, Executive Secretary, Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf)
• Dr. Robert Lepenies, Member of the Global Young Academy (GYA)
• Dr. Shantanu Mukherjee, Chief, Policy and Analysis Branch, Division for Sustainable Development,
InterAcademy Partnership 2017 On behalf of the Working Group and IAP for Research, we would like to thank contributing academies;
our Project Director, Dr. Tracey Elliott, and supporting secretariat; our delivery partner, the Institute for
Advanced Study in Princeton; and our funder, Carnegie Corporation of New York.

Robbert Dijkgraaf and Daya Reddy Eva Alisic and Li Jinghai

IAP-Research Co-Chairs Project Co-Chairs
November 2017

(i) -
1. Introduction ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 1
2. What are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? ������ 3
3. Why should academies support the SDGs? ����������������������� 4
4. How are the SDGs being implemented?���������������������������� 5
At the international level.......................................................... 5
At the national level.................................................................. 8

5. How can academies support the SDGs? �������������������������� 11

References / URLs ����������������������������������������������������������������� 16

Annex A: The Working Group and Secretariat........................... 19

Annex B: Who are the academies? ��������������������������������������� 20

1. Introduction
Science is vital for supporting a The purpose of the guide is threefold:
wide range of global policy objec-
1. to raise awareness of the SDGs
tives, many of them included in the
amongst the global science com-
17 Sustainable Development Goals
munity and its leaders, in particular,
(SDGs) [1] endorsed by the UN in
members of national academies;
2015. Many scientists throughout
the world are already involved in 2. to improve their understand-
the implementation of these glob- ing of how the SDGs are being
al goals, in various capacities; but implemented; and
there is both need and opportunity
3. to encourage scientists and
for many more to engage. A recent
academies to support the SDGs
survey [2] of senior and young
more effectively.
national science academies, which
represent some of the best scientif-
ic expertise in their countries, has The guide is not intended as an ex-
indicated that there is relatively poor haustive list of all networks, institu-
awareness and understanding of tions and programmes supporting
the SDGs. the SDGs; rather as a stimulus for
academies to have conversations
internally, with each other and with
This short guide is a product of
other stakeholders, including policy-
an InterAcademy Partnership (IAP)
makers, and as a “call to action” for
project [3] (2016-2019) on global
academies to get involved.
policymaking. The project is framed
around the global science community’s
contribution to the SDGs, with
particular focus on the academies.
It engages IAP member academies,
national young academies and the
Global Young Academy (see Annex
B) with three core pillars: mobilisation,
capacity building and collaboration.

2. What are the SDGs?
The SDGs are a well-articulated, health, gender equality, reduced
globally adopted framework with inequalities, and job opportunities,
a high impact, high stakes agen- while tackling climate change and
da: they are the blueprint for the environmental protection. Multiple
future well-being of the planet and targets [8] underpin each goal – 169
its people. Adopted by all UN Mem- in total. These targets will be mon-
ber States [4] and coming into force itored through a set of 232 interna-
on 1 January 2016, the 17 Sustain- tionally agreed indicators [9] set by
able Development Goals (SDGs) [5] of the UN Statistical Commission, over
the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable a third of which are classified as “Tier
Development [6] provide a 15-year III” [10] i.e. with measurement meth-
aspirational framework oriented odology and standards being (or to
around people, planet, prosperity, be) developed and tested.
peace and partnership.
The SDGs were shaped following
Whilst building on the Millennium the largest consultation programme
Development Goals [7], the 17 in UN history. Mandated by the UN,
SDGs place a stronger emphasis on an open working group [11] of
human rights and inclusion of all, and representatives from 70 countries
endeavour to balance the economic, drafted the goals, drawing on a se-
social and environmental dimensions ries of “global conversations”. These
of sustainable development. Unprec- included 11 thematic and 83 national
edented in scope and significance, consultations, door-to-door and on-
they are also called the Global Goals, line surveys, and enabled more than
a distinguishing feature being their 5.7 million people from low- and
universality. They are applicable to medium- HDI (human development
all, taking into account different indicator) countries to participate.
national realities, capacities and levels
of development, and respecting Whilst they are not legally obligated
national policies and priorities. They to do so, UN Member States are
call for action by all countries, wheth- expected to take ownership and
er poor, rich or middle-income, to establish national frameworks for the
promote peace and human well- achievement of the 17 SDGs. Coun-
being whilst protecting the planet. tries have the primary responsibility
They acknowledge that poverty for follow-up and review of the prog-
reduction must run in parallel with ress made in implementing the goals.
strategies that build sustainable and These national-level analyses inform
inclusive economic growth and strong regional follow-up and review, which
institutions, and they address a range in turn inform follow-up and review
of social needs including education, at the global level.

3. Why should academies support 4. How are the SDGs being
the SDGs? implemented?
There is a strong rationale for agencies for managing and review- (1) At the international level Member States, specialised agencies
academies and the wider scientific ing the integration of the goals into and other stakeholders. The HLPF is
community to engage on the SDGs. their day-to-day business, and for The key UN infrastructure for the informed by the Secretary-General’s
All UN Member States are committed devising and implementing policies implementation of the SDGs is Sustainable Development Goals
to their delivery and have undertak- and programmes to achieve them. mapped out in Figure 1, together Report [19], an assessment of global
en to align and integrate national Academies can provide expertise with some of the main conduits/ and regional progress based on the
priorities with global commitments, to put the SDGs into context and ex- entry points for scientists to engage. latest available data from the global
so that the SDGs are mainstreamed plain their importance, causes and tra- SDG indicator framework, prepared
within their countries. This means jectories; help devise monitoring and by the UN with inputs from interna-
The UN General Assembly [17] is
that national research agendas and evaluation frameworks and identify tional and regional organisations.
updated on implementation progress
policy priorities will, if they don’t gaps, complementarities, synergies
through the High-Level Political
already, reflect these global goals. As and trade-offs across SDGs; explain Supporting this Forum is the Tech-
Forum (HLPF) [18], which meets every
an important part of their national complex or big data; facilitate the nology Facilitation Mechanism [20]
July at the UN Headquarters in New
science systems, academies have a sharing of knowledge through open (TFM), whose objective is to enhance
York. The HLPF is the central plat-
role to play in facilitating this process, science; help develop national the effective use of STI for the SDGs,
form for follow-up and review of the
drawing on the wealth of expertise in science, technology and innovation based on a multi-stakeholder collab-
SDGs, with full participation of all UN
their membership. (STI) roadmaps/action plans; pro- oration between Member States, civil
mote and practice interdisciplinary
Where they exist, regional research and collaborative work; and provide Figure 1: Mapping science advice in the UN SDGs process: at the UN level (simplified)

and policy agendas are undergoing independent assessments of what is

similar realignment. For example in working and what is not, in order to GENERAL
National Systems, ASSEMBLY
the European Union [12], the SDGs are advise policymakers and hold them Private Sector, SDSN/
becoming the reference framework to account. NGOs etc SDG Academy
Sustainable Development
for Horizon 2020 [13], the largest sin- Knowledge Platform
gle multinational research fund in the The realisation of the SDGs will S&T COMMUNITY
world, and for shaping development require the best minds, resources, Voluntary UN Specialised Agencies
National UN Functional Commissions
cooperation with partner countries business models and innovations Reviews UN REGIONAL
through the new European Consen- from all sectors and disciplines, and Expanded
on Sustainable
sus on Development [14]. Similarly, across all generations. The academies in Figure 2 Development
the Association of Southeast Asian can play their part in national, regional FORUM (HLPF)
Annual SDGs
Nations (ASEAN) [15] is exploring and global systems as recognised, SD Report Progress Report
complementarities between the SDGs independent and honest sources of
and its Vision 2025 roadmap [16]. expertise; as trusted and respected INTER-AGENCY
These schematic organograms
Products/outputs TASK TEAM 10-MEMBER GROUP
advisers and convenors; as advocates (all UN agencies)
are illustrative.
The SDGs necessarily engage many for investment in research and strong Arrows reflect institutional links
STI and inputs into different parts of
different departments / ministries scientific institutions; and as mentors UN Permanent Structures ONLINE
MULTISTAKEHOLDER the system, but are not scalar or
within any one government; these and partners to young scientists to Bespoke to SDGs FORUM proportionate.

ministries will need the tools and help empower them to play their part. TECHNOLOGY FACILITATION MECHANISM

4 5
society, the private sector, the scientif- The 10-member group has called After reporting annually (2014- Environment Programme (UNEP)
ic community, UN entities and other for a transformative shift [21] in 2016 [24]), the Global Sustainable has its own Chief Scientist, and the
stakeholders. The TFM helps identify how STI is practiced, valued and Development Report (GSDR) [25] UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduc-
technology needs and gaps; share rewarded: a shift from competi- will now be published every four tion (UNISDR) its own Science and
best practice on STI facilitation ini- tion to greater collaboration; from years; the next one being prepared Technical Advisory Group (STAG).
tiatives; and stimulate new networks working in isolated professional for the 2019 HLPF. A group of 15 There are also established global
and partnerships. The TFM comprises communities to integrated com- scientists [26] has been tasked with science assessment panels – the
i) a UN inter-agency task team (IATT) munities that provide new types of its production and has put out most prominent examples being
on STI for the SDGs; ii) an annual col- knowledge; and from the notion of an open call for inputs [27] from the Intergovernmental Panel on Cli-
laborative multi-stakeholder forum
working for society to working with the global science community in mate Change (IPCC) and the Inter-
on STI for the SDGs, described be-
society, openly and inclusively: in four major areas: (1) interactions governmental Science-Policy Plat-
low; and iii) an online platform as a
short, changing the practice of STI among SDGs and their targets; (2) form on Biodiversity and Ecosystem
gateway for information on existing
STI initiatives, mechanisms and pro- to focus more on the global transformation pathways towards Services (IPBES). These are included
grammes. public good. sustainable development; (3) look- here for completeness but are not
ing beyond the SDGs (major issues the focus of this Guide.
The TFM is responsible for organ- identified by research which are not
The TFM is supported by a 10-
ising annual UN STI Multi-stake- explicitly taken into account in the The Commission on Science and
member group (appointed by the
holder Fora [22] to discuss these SDGs); and (4) the role of science Technology for Development
UN Secretary General for two-year
transformative issues and how they for sustainable development. (CSTD) [28] is worth a specific
terms) representing civil society,
the private sector and the scientific might be realised at individual, mention: it is a subsidiary body
community. Its role is to provide institutional, national and interna- In addition to the structures of the UN’s Economic and Social
ideas, advice and guidance to the tional levels. These fora are open established specifically for the Council (ECOSOC) and provides
IATT, support the STI Forum and to anyone, subject to submitting SDGs, there are numerous (perma- both ECOSOC and the UN General
to facilitate the role of STI systems a request to participate: IAP has nent) UN structures called “pro- Assembly high-level advice on
in delivery of Agenda 2030. The been represented in 2016 and grammes and funds”i, “specialised relevant science and technology
group has identified three high- 2017. The Co-Chairs’ summary of agencies”ii and “functional com- issues. The CSTD provides a plat-
level priorities: (i) actions and the 2017 STI Forum [23] noted that: missions”iii. They also contribute form for formulating recommenda-
policies that strengthen STI capa- Academies of science and related to the SDGs and provide a rich, tions and guidelines on science and
bilities and build human capacity at organized science groups should be if complicated, scope of engage- technology matters within the UN,
the individual, organizational, and encouraged to take an active role ment for academies and the wider and seeks scientific expertise from
political levels in every country; (ii) in national science, technology and science community. They are com- around the world to assist with
platforms for sharing knowledge, innovation policy processes and plicated because there are many of this mandate.
information, experiences and advice in identifying needs and gaps. them and because they have very
on relevant policies, actions, part- [Paragraph 69] different science advisory systems
nerships, technologies, and R&D and processes. For example, the UN
outcomes; and (iii) mechanisms for
developing national and interna- (i) - E xamples of UN programmes and funds include the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), UN Development
Programme (UNDP) and the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
tional STI action plans.
(ii) - E xamples of UN specialised agencies include the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO), the World Bank (WB), the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), the World Meteorological
rganisation (WMO) and World Health Organisation (WHO)
(iii) - E xamples of UN functional commissions include the Commission on Science and Technology for
Development (CSTD), Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) and UN Forum on Forests

6 7
The Major Group [29] for the UN Regional Commissions on Sus- Figure 2: Mapping science advice in the UN SDGs process: at the national level (illustrative)
Scientific and Technological Com- tainable Development [36] promote UN HIGH LEVEL POLITICAL FORUM PM’s office
munity – through its organising the SDGs through peer learning
partners, the International Councils and cooperation, and providing re- UNESCO
Country Voluntary
for Science (ICSU) and Social gional inputs to the HPLF. Regional National
Delegation to the UN National Review Govt Chief Scientist*

Sciences (ISSC) and the World Feder- fora create spaces to share policy Office
ation of Engineering Organisations solutions, good practices and chal- NatIonal plan for the SDGs Statistics
(WFEO) – is one of the main chan- lenges in SDG implementation, and
nels for engaging scientists broadly, help identify major regional and National SDGs coordination platform / coordinating mechanism
participating in intergovernmental sub-regional trends. They are open
processes related to sustainable to the participation of all relevant

Departmental plans for the SDGs

development, depending on the stakeholders, including internation-
particular topic under discussion. al and regional organizations, civil
society, academia and the private Foreign Affairs Environment STI /education
Health Other
The UN’s Sustainable Development sector. Academy networks in Afri-
Departmental Scientific Advisers*
Solutions Network (SDSN) [30] aims ca (NASAC), the Americas (IANAS),

to accelerate joint learning and Local plans for the SDGs
Asia (AASSA) and Europe (EASAC)
promote integrated approaches to could strengthen relations with UN Local Environment
Science academies,
Private sector,
universities, local businesses,
interconnected economic, social Regional Commissions and their government agencies, NGOs
research institutions
trade organisations
and environmental global challenges. Fora as platforms for supporting *Where they exist

The SDSN works closely with UN the SDGs. Arrows reflect institutional links and inputs into different parts of the system, but are not scalar or proportionate.
agencies, multilateral financing
One process common to all UN and institutions; and to mobilise
institutions, the private sector, and (2) At the national level Member States is the “Voluntary multi-stakeholder support and
civil society. Its Australasia office
National Review” [37] (VNR), where partnerships. The UN secretariat is
has recently prepared a guide to Figure 2 provides an illustration of
countries voluntarily undertake to making efforts to standardise these
the SDGs for universities [31]. The how the SDGs could potentially be
implemented at the national level, inform the HLPF on their progress reviews so that they include national
SDSN hosts the SDG Academy [32],
together with some of the main in implementing the goals nation- priorities and targets; two or three
a virtual platform providing free,
conduits / entry points for scientists ally. In the first three years of im- examples of (i) sharing best prac-
high-quality, mass online education
to engage. plementation (2016-2019), more tice, (ii) challenges encountered,
on the SDGs, and plays a role in
than 110 countries are expected and (iii) areas where support is re-
data monitoring and accountability,
In many countries, the lead govern- to present their VNRs at the HLPF, quired; review methodology – who
including the annual SDG Index and
ment ministry/department for the some more than once. The purpose was involved, who was consulted;
Dashboards Report [33].
SDGs is Foreign Affairs or the equiva- of a VNR is to facilitate the sharing incorporation of SDGs in national
Another global resource is Future lent, which will lead UN negotiations of experiences, including success- frameworks; and a description of
and country reporting; but a wide es, challenges and lessons learned, how they are being implemented.
Earth’s [34] Knowledge-Action
range of other ministries and agen- in national implementation; to
Network on the SDGs [35],
cies will be responsible for the imple- strengthen government policies
designed to enhance communica-
mentation of the goals. The extent
tion, promote awareness of the SDGs to which these processes are coordi-
and the scientific challenges in nated at national, departmental and
delivering them, and strengthen local (e.g. sector, city, state) level is
the science-policy interface at all country-dependent.
levels of governance.

8 9
Observations on the first round of
reviews in 2016 suggest that VNRs
The VNRs provide a platform for
academies to engage with their 5. How can academies support
can help strengthen: (i) leadership respective governments, with the
development and technical com- possibility of becoming an institu- implementation of the SDGs?
petence within governments; (ii) tionalised but independent part
institutional capacity; (iii) data of the process. Countries where
capacity; and (iv) national inclusion these VNRs have already happened, National science academies are well translation into action is limited.
and collaboration; and stimulate where they are ongoing, and where placed to be (i) providers and/or Academies can help facilitate this
national mapping work of existing they are committed for future conduits for independent science process, not least as honest brokers
capabilities and gaps. A synthe- years are listed online [40], together advice at national, regional and glob- and trusted convenors, but also as
sis of the 2016 reviews [38] and with reviews already completed by al levels; and (ii) agents for capaci- vital parts of their national science
ty building and change in national systems and by virtue of the way
compilation of main messages from various countries.
science systems to help support academies are organised regionally
the 2017 reviews [39] are available
implementation of the SDGs. and globally.
Where they exist, the Voluntary In a 2016/17 survey of the IAP
National Reviews are a useful starting Member Academies, National Young
point. They provide a government’s Academies and the Global Young
perspective on where national Academy, academies identified the
implementation is working well and following ways they can support
where there are gaps in knowledge, the SDGs:
data and understanding of specific
goals, their targets and/or indicators. • promoting the importance of
Academies can use VNRs to guide the SDGs across all science and
their own work programmes or to technology endeavours, and en-
challenge constructively their gov- gaging (sensitising) their own
ernment’s perspective: for example, members, governments, parlia-
bringing to their attention knowl- ments, civil society, the public,
edge in a specific area or bridging academia and the private sector
systemic/institutional disconnects. through open lectures, discussion
and outreach programmes;
There is an increasing recognition of
the need to develop national, regional • providing advice to govern-
and global action plans or roadmaps ments directly or through other
for STI, to underpin implementation appropriate sources, helping them
of the SDGs. These roadmaps can to interpret, prioritise and imple-
help identify gaps and opportunities ment the SDGs and their targets
in skills, expertise, research needs, locally, nationally and regionally;
and financial planning and invest-
ment for the SDGs. But whilst there • nominating experts to serve on
are numerous online documents advisory/other committees within
that reference such mapping, their public and private sectors;

10 11
• encouraging governments to • further integrating different
implement coherent research scientific perspectives and en-
policies that target basic as well gaging different disciplines In summary, routes by which academies can help support the SDGs include:
as applied research in support of to account for scientific, social,
• participating in the annual UN STI Multi-stakeholder Forum;
the SDGs; cultural and political contexts;
• responding to the call for input to the Global Sustainable
• acting as interlocutors be- • exploring trade-offs and com- Development Report (GSDR);
tween policymakers and aca- plementarities between and
• engaging with the UN Regional Commissions through regional
demia/research communities across SDGs [41], and horizon
academy networks;
– the role of academies is vital scanning to identify future chal-
in communicating evidence with lenges and anticipate obstacles; • supporting the Voluntary National Review (VNR) process nationally;
policymakers, but also policy and
• monitoring and evaluating • contributing to the development of national STI roadmaps/action plans;
research needs to scientists;
progress of the SDGs, including • providing expertise to the science-based work of the various
• convening different constitu- developing indicators, especially UN structures;
encies through workshops/meet- for poorly defined goals [42];
ings/fora/symposia to promote • contributing to consultations routed through the Major Group for S&T;
dialogue; • capitalising on regional and glob- • participating in international research, monitoring and
al academy networks to identify evaluation programmes;
• preparing timely position state- common challenges, share best
ments, reviews, policy briefs, practices and promote innova- • reflecting the SDGs in their own (inter)academy programmes
summaries, consultation respons- tive approaches. and initiatives.
es and expert consensus reports
from an integrated, interdisciplin- All senior and young academies are
ary perspective in order to pro- encouraged to explore the many
vide clear evidence-informed links and resources presented here,
recommendations; and to consider ways they can deploy
their unique strengths to support the
• working together as members SDGs. For further information, please
of senior and young acade- contact
mies to complement each other’s
strengths in supporting the SDGs;

12 13
Examples of including SDGs in
academy’s Annual
ways academies incentivising universi-
Performance Plan, setting up expert
ties through SDG-
are currently Annual Report and committee on SDGs
focused programmes
Strategic Plan
engaging with e.g. Science Council of
e.g. Swiss Academy of
e.g. Academy of Science, Japan (SCJ)
the SDGs South Africa (ASSAf)
Sciences (SCNAT)

running flagship stud-

aligning prizes / using SDG-referenced ies in SD research and
awards to SDGs Working Groups developing a national
e.g. The World Academy e.g. Global Young Academy STI plan for the SDGs
of Sciences (TWAS) (GYA)
e.g. Academy of Sciences,
Malaysia (ASM)

holding (bi) annual commissioning organising live

members’ meetings on national sustainability tv phone-ins on
SDG-relevant themes reports SDG-relevant issues
e.g. Thai Academy of e.g. Chinese Academy of e.g. Zambian Academy of
Science and Technology Sciences (CAS) Sciences (ZaAS)

Photo: United Nations Photo
References / URLs
1 – UN Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform at 17 – General Assembly of the United Nations. United Nations.
2 – Project survey; 18 – High-Level Political Forum 2017. United Nations. https://
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3 – IAP Project “Improving Scientific Input to Global Policymaking: Strategies 19 – Annual Sustainable Development Goals Report 2017. UNDESA. https://unstats.
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4 – Member States. United Nations. 21 – Letter from the TFM Ten-Member Group co-chair, Heide Hackmann, for the
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14 – European Consensus on Development. European Commission. https:// 29 – Stakeholder Engagement. United Nations. https://sustainabledevelopment.
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about-asean/ 31 – Getting started with the SDGs in universities.
16 – ASEAN taps on Vision 2025 to support SDGs. Association of Southeast Asian uploads/2017/08/University-SDG-Guide_web.pdf

16 17
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32 – The SDG Academy. Sustainable Development Solutions Network. Improving Scientific Input to Global Policymaking: Strategies for Attaining the Global Sustainable Development Goals Working Group
33 – SDG Index and Dashboards Report 2017. Sustainable Development Solutions
report-2017/ Dr. Eva Alisic, Past Co-chair, Global Young Academy; Senior Research Fellow,
34 – Future Earth. Monash University Accident Research Centre, Monash University, Australia
35 – Future Earth Knowledge Action Network on the Sustainable Development Professor Li Jinghai, Vice President, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Goals. Future Earth.
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36 – Regional Forums for Sustainable Development. United Nations Regional Professor Michael Barber, Australian Academy of Science, Australia
Commissions New York Office.
Professor Rajae El Aouad, Immunology and Public Health, Hassan II Academy
of Science and Technology, Morocco
37 – Voluntary National Reviews. United Nations. https://sustainabledevelopment. Professor Peter Fritz, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research UFZ, Germany
38 – Synthesis of 2016 Voluntary National Reviews. United Nations. https:// Professor Sandy Harrison, Centre for Past Climate Change, Geography and Environmental Science, University of Reading, United Kingdom
Professor Norichika Kanie, Graduate School of Media and Governance,
39 – Compilation of main messages of 2017 Voluntary National Reviews. Keio University, Japan
United Nations.
documents/17035Compilation_of_Main_Messages_from_2017_VNRs.pdf Professor Keto Elitabu Mshigeni, Hubert Kairuki Memorial University, Tanzania
40 – Inputs to the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development. Professor Muhammad Saidam, Applied Science, Royal Scientific Society, Jordan
United Nations.
Professor Francisco José Sánchez-Sesma, Institute of Engineering and Graduate
41 – A Guide to SDG Interactions: From Science to Implementation. International Earth Sciences Program, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico
Council for Science.
teractions.pdf Professor Robert Scholes, Global Change and Sustainability Research Institute
(GCRSI), University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
42 – Review of Targets for the Sustainable Development Goals: The Science Per-
spective. International Council for Science and International Social Science SECRETARIAT
Thomas Arrison, Executive Director, InterAcademy Partnership for Research
(to November 2017)
Tracey Elliott, Project Director, InterAcademy Partnership for Research
Arlen Hastings, Director of External Projects, Institute for Advanced Study
Teresa Stoepler, Executive Director, InterAcademy Partnership for Research
(from November 2017)
Nina Ward, Research Associate, InterAcademy Partnership for Research

18 19
Annex B - Who are the academies? Notes
(i) National senior academies
The InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) [i] is a global network of more than 130 national
and regional merit-based academies of science, medicine and engineering, together
with four regional networks in Africa (NASAC) [ii], the Americas (IANAS) [iii], Asia
(AASSA) [iv] and Europe (EASAC) [v]. These academies work to support the role of
science in seeking solutions to address the world’s most challenging problems. They
endeavour to do this by harnessing the expertise of the world’s scientific, medical and
engineering leaders to advance sound policies, promote excellence in science educa-
tion, improve public health and achieve other critical development goals.
The academies and their regional networks are keen to play a more active, interdis-
ciplinary role in policy advice and service at a global level, and are making efforts to
better integrate and streamline their work.

(ii) The Global Young Academy and National Young Academies

There is a growing movement of National Young Academies [vi] – presently 33 in the
world and others planned, with 10 similar bodies in other countries. In addition, the
Global Young Academy (GYA) [vii] comprises 200 members, who are leading young
scientists (at the beginning of their independent academic career) from 70 countries,
and 134 alumni as of 2017. Members, who serve five-year terms, are selected for the
excellence of their science and their commitment to service. The vibrancy of the GYA
and National Young Academies results from the energy of their members, who are
passionate about the role of science in creating a better world.

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