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14 Christchurch Avenue




19 June 2014

To : Mrs Madziyire

Cc: Mrs Murefu

Mrs Matekwe

Mrs Chinyemba

I greet you in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Amen.

It is with greatest regret that I write this le er to you a er all the effort you have put to
save our marriage through con nuous counselling sessions, prayer and advice.As my mother
together with my father Doctor Reverend President A Madziyire ,you did all you could in
your capaci es as parents, pastors, counsellors and leaders to try to patch up the broken
pieces of our marriage.However today I write to you mama saying my marriage has failed
because of con nued adultery, infidelity , physical and emo onal abuse at the hands of my
husband Reverend C Gomba .I appreciate all the effort and me you spent on both Rev
Gomba and myself.May the Almighty God reward you and baba accordingly for your love .
I write this le er to inform you that I have moved out of my matrimonial home and mission
house No. 8A Syringa Avenue Sauerstown Bulawayo on Thursday 5 June 2014. I am now
staying with at sister’s house Mr and Mrs Mavis Jakarasi at No. 14 Christchurch Strathaven
, Avondale Harare.I have wri en this le er to you and copied it to Mrs Murefu (Deputy
Chairlady -Na onal) , Mrs Matekwe (Secretary – Na onal) and Mrs Chinyemba (Treasurer-
Na onal).

I have decided to put most of the informa on leading to my decision in wri ng so that I give
you my mothers the opportunity to hear the true and undefiled facts of the ma er directly
from me. I am completely aware that I shall be misquoted, judged,labelled , turned against
and have my character defamed but it is necessary that I tell you the true correct and
accurate side of my story as I have done all these years since 2010 March when I started
coming to you and baba with my marital issues.

Please note that I do not hold myself a saint in this issue. I know I have had my faults but I
will be laying out that which affected me. I am completely at liberty to come and tes fy to
this ma er as I am wri ng the truth before you and before God the Father.

This is the story of my life with Rev Clever Gomba

(NB: please allow me to refer to Reverend C Gomba as Clever as i will be narra ng this
⦁ I married Clever on 2 August 2003 and our President the then Overseer of Bulawayo
Province was our marriage officer.As we were preparing for the wedding we had our
first 2 major arguments. Firstly he did not want to put bible verses on our wedding
cards and he had said he won’t pay for the cards if we put bible verses. Secondly he
did not want a ring saying it le a mark on his figure showing everyone that he wore
a ring. A er the rings were made he even went back and has his enlarged so that he
started wearing it on his right hand instead of the le .
⦁ All was well in the marriage un l 2months later on his birthday 8October 2003 when
he said he could not find his ring which he had le in the bathroom in the morning.
⦁ The week that followed Clever beat me up because I had samp with milk when he
was saying samp is not eaten with milk.This was 2 and a half months a er our
wedding .He beat me up so much that I packed a few things and went out.he did not
follow me and it was around 8pm.i wandered around un l I came back home
through the back yard.i spent part of the night in the toilet.He never apologised for
bea ng me up. ---I did not tell anyone.
⦁ In November he applied for me to go to MSU in Gweru against my will when I
wanted to go to Nust.He forced me to take the degree in Gweru where I would be
away from home for one week every month for three years.
⦁ When I got pregnant with our first child Natalie, he told me several mes that he
wished I would be hit by a car so that I will miscarry the baby because he didnt want
to have a child.
⦁ I first discovered that my husband was having an extra marital affair barely one year
a er our wedding.He said the girl was called Tino and it was just a fling which he
had stopped. I did not tell anyone.
⦁ From that me onwards there has been a string of events where I would catch him
talking to women making appointments or speaking in a love like manner.It was not
un l one day I got to see a message he had wri en in my phone as though it was me
talking to his girlfriend and convincing her that I am aware that my husband loves
her and have accepted the fact that I will be le as he wants to marry her. I believe
he meant to delete it but forgot. I confronted him about it and he refused having
anything to do with it although he had asked to use my phone calculator the previous
night when the message was wri en.
⦁ That year 2005 we had an argument at our office over a girl he was going out with
and he started bea ng me up and I fell on the elec city cables and got electrocuted.i
went home bleeding from the crack on my lips and my nose.I took my daughter and
went to my parent’s house.I did not tell anyone what happened except my sister.
⦁ In 2006 that is when he started refusing to sleep with me and no longer wanted me
to be involved in the finances of our college.
⦁ In 2007 we moved to Sauerstown from Tshabalala and it got even worse.I would
spend 2 to 3 hours a night caressing and begging him to make love to me and he
will flatly refused.However from then up to the me I le 2014 I have been washing
his underpants with stains of sperm residue and seen on several occasions Viagra
pills called sildernafil in his possessions as well as condoms.
⦁ In 2007 there was a girl from our college he was going out with and later I saw that
she was pregnant but I kept seeing her at our college even though she had finished. I
asked him and he said she was now married and was friends with his secretary.
⦁ In 2008 he started having an affair with a girl called Neria /Rita (I always confuse
the name)One day we were disagreeing over her issue and I just collapsed and fell
down. I could s ll hear but I could not move.He le me lying on the floor and went to
sit by the recep on.His friend Mr Kames Mabvundwi came and enquired what was
happening to me as I was not sleeping well but he said I had a headache and wanted
to lie down like that.It was by the grace of God that my father just felt his spirit
compelling him to look for me at our office instead of my workplace even though it
was way past lunch me.He called my mom and they came in .Clever had gone out,
my parents just came and started praying for me.I remember my mom saying “you
will not die but you will live” holding my tongue since they found me foaming .
⦁ In May 2009 I gave birth to our second child Natasha even though he was strongly
against me having another children saying that child will be yours.In July I discovered
that he was going out with a girl called Priscilla Kudada.She even talked to me
telling me that my husband had told her he had one child who stays with his
mother.when she discovered that he was married and was now refusing he
persisted un l she even came to the office to tell me that Clever was s ll following
her saying even a Pastor has feelings.Pastor Pako Sibanda from Bulawayo South
Province even saw the girl on that par cular day and tried talking to Clever but he
refused to listen.
⦁ A er that incident I resigned from my job as a graduate trainee at Spar Distribu on
Centre with the inten on of saving my marriage as I had realised that he was
conduc ng all his extra marital affairs from that office.So I went and started working
there against his will.In his words he said “Handi wauya kuzondichengeta ku
ndisaite magirl friends,manje ndichatonorara navo ndichikusiya uripo”.For sure that
is exactly what he was doing.He would take all the money paid by students whether
it be $190 or $350 and go with it and come back with nothing.He did not want me to
use the money,I had to wait for him to come back for me to buy lunch which was
usually a drink and a bun or lobels biscuits the 4s.He even beat me up one day in the
car when he discovered I had paid $100 for Edgars account as they had been
con nuously pestering us.He beat me so much with the back of his hand that I
started bleeding from my gums and I spent 3 days without going to work.
⦁ During the three months from Sept –Nov 2009 that I worked with my husband and
our college, I met Buhle a married woman who had a rela onship with Clever. I also
met Pa ence Dube a girl from Solusi University where he teaches and they were
having an affair again. I also saw a le er that Pa ence Dube had wri en narra ng
their love ordeals and sex episodes.I also got a message from Buhlebenkosi
Chebukani Maphosa wan ng to confirm whether I was truly Clever’s wife.This is the
girl that he is s ll going out with up to today .I even have in my possession the
deposit slip where Clever was sending her money dated March 2014.
⦁ In Nov 2009 I le the office because I could not handle the emo onal torcher.
⦁ On the 15th of December he beat me up as I was carrying my daughter then 7months
old when I asked him ku akambodiniko musikana wako anoita ku ukanganwe ku
you are a Pastor.i got angry and threw a glass at him a er he started laughing
sarcas cally.I had to go to my parent’s house around 10pm.My sister Mrs Muchuchu
who then was in SA asked Mr and Mrs Pavolo to help us reconcile .Clever did not
even say he was sorry even to my was Mr and Mrs Pavolo who asked for
forgiveness from my parents.Later he even said to me wakadzokerei
ndakambokutora here or you looked for your people to come take me kumba
⦁ In February 2010 that was the first me I went to baba Madziyire over the issue
wri en by Clever’s friend John encouraging him to marry Buhle because she was
serious about him.When Clever was asked about the issue he gave you the phone
number of Buhle the married woman and maybe you remember talking to her, when
in actual fact John meant Buhle Maphosa.Baba counselled us and we went but he
even got worse and con nued not to sleep with me.He could sleep with me once in
3 or 4 months
⦁ In 2011 Clever went to SA for his studies.As he was in SA he forwarded an email to
me by mistake which was meant for his friend. Part of it read “Shamwari magaro
evakadzi vekuno haaite, ende avazondiwedzera chihure, mahure acho haadi
kushandisa macondom”. I replied him a er 2 days asking him vakanyanyodiiko
vajkadzi veku SA vakuita ku uite chihure so.I was 6 months pregnant with our third
child Natania .I was so stressed that I started having a headache and as I was si ng
in church muchina I just started realising that I can no longer remember people and I
started loosing memory and went started screaming .They rushed me to Pastor L
Bwanya but she said they should take me to the hospital.Overseer and amai Nhira
came but I could not recognise anyone.I spent one week in hospital but Clever never
even called although people were calling him about my condi on.The Doctors
advised that I should move away from anything that was causing me stress as I
could end up at Ingutsheni ( a mental hospital).Mama mai Nhira even confronted
him and when he came back telling him that she was not happy with him not
coming back a er the way I fell sick.
⦁ That year I went back to baba again and he counselled us and Clever assured him
that he will change but he did not.The moment we get home he will go back to his
normal life of coming home late sleeping with other women and chea ng and
verbally abusing me.
⦁ In Nov 2011 when my daughter was 5 months old I saw a le er from Buhle Maphosa
narra ng their sexual acts the previous night.thanking him for pu ng her to
sleep.Clever had come home late saying he was at the provincial mee ng.I called
that girl and she agreed to meet me.We both went to Clever because she was saying
Clever had told her that we had divorced and she has been coming to my house with
Clever.When I went to Clever he started shou ng at me saying that he did not love
me he loved Buhle and was going to marry him.i should leavce him alone.
⦁ The next day I got a call from Clever’s secretary asking me to rush to Clever’s office.i
rushed there and I saw him with another girlfriend again.I introduced myself as
Clever’s wife and she threw a tantrum saying she is the one who was Mrs
Gomba.Clever was her fiancée and they were going to get married in January.I had
to call the secretary to convince her that I really was Clever’s wife.she cried saying
that they had planned that she goes to Harare to look for a job and a er they get
married they will both stay in Harare.Clever repeated again before her that he did
not love me he loved Yolanda Zinyemba and wanted to marry her.
⦁ I went with both these girls home and they bought iden fied Calisto my husband’s
brother and said they had been introduced to him.
⦁ In all these scenarios Clever would come home eat and sleep and though nothing
had happened.The next day I saw 2 HIV test results taken on the day I had gone with
Buhle to Clever’s office .The results belonged to Clever and Sarah.
⦁ In January I met again another girl called Sarah /Ceira .She said he had told her he
was divorced with one child who lived with his mother.i went with her to the
provincial offices where Clever was.He repeated again that he told me long back
that he did not love me and he loved Ceira barely 2months a er mee ng Yolanda
and Buhle.
⦁ In August his brother Calisto beat me up because I had asked him about his
rela onship with Clever’s girlfriend.He beat me up in the street and people vcame
and saw mai Mufundisi Gomba being beaten by her babamudiki.Clever did not even
apologise instead he said I had provoked him.Calisto did not apologise .i was the one
who went to him to apologise to maintain peace in the family and at church.
⦁ In September 2012 at the Pastor’s semina I had a breakdown and I approached you
mama .You were with mama mai Murefu and was really surprised to learn that
Clever had not changed as I was always covering up for him smiling and being as
jovial as ever regardless of all that I was going through.I remember you asked mama
Murefu and baba to cousel us.They also called baba namai Nhira and I told them the
issues.Mrs Murefu listed down the names of the girls I was talking about and on
asking Clever if he had gone out with all these girls he agreed that he had.The list of
the name is as follows:

1. Priscilla Kudada
2. Pa ence Dube
3. Buhle (married)
4. Rita/Neria
5. Buhlebenkosi Chebukani Maphosa
6. Yolanda Zinyemba
7. Princess
8. Sarah/Ceira
9. Rudo
Out of 9 girls I met 6

⦁ He had promised to go and visit baba Murefu a er he came back from States but he
later refused.
⦁ In November 2012, he beat me again as we were preparing to go to church.i was
helped by my maid as was stepping on my neck.The kids were watching and I called
my father.
⦁ In January I again visited baba asking for permission to get maintenance from Clever
since he did not give me money at all and I did not even know his payslip.Even the
allowances he get ot the incen ves I hear from some pastor’s wives and I get
surprised.Baba was very cross with him and he sat us down and we both agreed on a
plan.However on leaving his office that was the last I heard about it.i tried to play my
part but Clever was really set on not changing.
⦁ That year he went to Buhle gradua on at Solusi University.When I confronted him he
refused but then I took his phone and saw a message from Buhle wri en”… ende
wandira dza love isingaite…..” He said I should call her and ask her what she
meant.She just said andira dza love chete.
⦁ The issue of Clever having girlfriends is an open story in our house.Mama Clever
degraded me to such an extent that he tells me that he gives Buhle mari because he
loves her.
⦁ In July our 4 year old daughter Natasha was diagnosed with a chronic liver disease
and a congenital heart disease. Clever had just bought an ML.The Professor had said
she needed an urgent heart surgery which costed US$50 000 but if we could pay
$10 000 she could be operated under the low income programme.Clever refused to
sell his ML which he had just bought.He did not even go for one day to see the
professor even though I used to go with Natasha every Thursday for an ECO.The
Professor had to ask me to bring him as he saw that she was ge ng worse and I had
not brought the money.However Clever refused to go and see him.
⦁ 4 days before Natashas death Clever bought a Premacy saying he had bought it for
me but saying he does not have money for Natasha’s medical bills.Surprisingly his
ML was no where to be found up to now.he just said its at the garage.Only to
discover that he had bought that Premacy for him to use as he knew his ML was not
⦁ On 7 October a day before Clever’s birthday Natasha woke up with rapid heart
palpita ons.I asked Clever to leave Natalie at school and rush to get us so that we
go with Natasha to the hospital.I called him that Natasha is ge ng serious- he did
not come.I called him a er bathing her that she is ge ng weak –he did not come . I
later called him that Natasha has died and he arrived a er about 12minutes.When
he arrived he had a smile on his face. I hit him with a pillow`saying unosekei mwana
that he said at her funeral he asked me for the details there in front of my
daughter’s coffin.Kuto zviya Natasha ainzi airwara nei , akatanga riini!!!!!
⦁ Things have been so bad mama and the neglect did not only end pana Natasha.Since
January 2013 I have been having severe backache which can only be relieved with an
injec on. Now the doctors had been saying my back aches were induced by stress
and I needed physiotherapy and reducing stress. On 26 March 2014 I saw a deposit
slip where Clever was sending Buhle money. I called him and asked him and he said
it was someone who has sent him to deposit money to her. That a ernoon the back
ache was so severe and I called Clever to take me to the hospital he only came
around 7 and said he did not have money.My maid was helping me while he ignored
me and slept.Around 11pm I could not take it any longer as I was screaming with
pain.i just took his bag and he jumped to pull it.He had a lot of notes in there and he
just said I should take money from his suit.There was $15 in there and I drove myself
to the hospital while he remained sleeping.When I arrived at Mpilo I just collapsed
at the door.It was by God’s grace that Mr Mudamburi from Covenent Assembly was
on duty and he assisted me.if it had not been for him the doctors would not have
a ended to me as they were saying its not possible that your husband le you to
come to hospital alone in your condi on unless if it is domes c violence.Mr
Mudamburi has to drive me home and then asked Clever to drive him back to work.
⦁ When I told Clever that I had decided to leave him he said it was okay because he
got a job in SA but in his own words said”I wont have any obliga on to take care of
these children as I will be star ng my own life and hurumende yandinenge ndiinayo
haidi vana vemumwe munhu”
⦁ He called me on 12-06-14 saying that I should come and take my kids since he is
going to SA.


1. As a wife I was protec ng my husband’s ministry and integrity hoping that he will
changed since I loved him.
2. As a mother I did not want my children to grow up without a father.
3. As a Chris an I believed I had to have perseverance, pa ence and forgiveness and
believed with prayer and fas ng my situa on will change.
4. As mai Mufundisi I was protec ng the body of Christ from the realisa on that the
man of God was involved in adultery , infidelity and pornography(he takes naked
photos of his private parts and saves them in his ipad).Ndaisada kuuraya mweya
yavanhu and steer a scandal pachurch
I have con nued to protect my husband and the church by not telling anyone about this
decision that I have taken un l such a me when Clever makes his own decision. I have only
told the church members that I have come for interviews.However I intended for you as the
mothers to hear my story in detail not in a generalised form and also see the effort that I
put in trying to save my marriage nekutsungirira samai.
It is because of the above men oned reasons that it has become prac cally impossible to
con nue living with Pastor C Gomba .I love my family but this marriage has become a killer
and the next vic m may be me.I remain a Chris an and a strong and loyal member of The
Apostolic Faith Mission In Zimbabwe.

Your In Christ

Theophania Nothando Gomba

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