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Unit 2 Competitions

2a Sports and leisure activities

1 Vocabulary extra talking about likes Grammar verb + -ing forms
and dislikes
2 Complete the sentences with the -ing form of
a Match the highlighted verbs in the speech bubbles these verbs.
with the emoticons (a-f).
be c o m p e te cycle fly learn lose
I en jo y sw im m in g w h en I play sit
have tim e.
1 Playing tennis is fun and it's very good for
your health.
2 in a match is only fun if you win.
I love w in n in g !
3 We love................. because you get fit and see
the countryside.
4 play the piano takes years of
I rea lly like w atch in g sport on TV. practice.
5 When I play games, I'm not good a t .................
I get really angry.
6 in front of the TV all day isn't good
I h a te boxing. for you.
7 Are you interested in ................. in our team?
8 I don't like travelling by plane because I'm
afraid o f ................. .
I can 't stan d losing!

Vocabulary talking about sport

I d o n 't m in d pla yin g cricket b u t 3 Read the clues in the quiz and write the words.
I d o n 't like w atch in g it.

S p § r t s c^ u i z

1 You hit the ball with it in baseball and

c © like,
table tennis.
d © 2 You race round it in Formula One and
e © dislike,....................... cycling. ......................
f © © ....................... , ........................ 3 You wear them over your eyes in skiing
and also underwater. ......................
b Complete the sentences for you. 4 You hit a ball over it in volleyball,
1 I love playing........... ........... . badminton and tennis. ................... ...
5 There are two of them, but you only wear
2 I enjoy...................................when I have time.
one in golf.
3 I don't mind................................... . 6 You play on this in cricket, rugby and
4 I don't like watching___________ on TV. football. .....................
5 I can't stand.............................. ...... 7 It's the name of a sport with balls and a
table, but it's also the nam e of something
you swim in.
8 You hit the ball with this in golf, but
you can also be a member of one.


4 Pronunciation vowel sounds 7 Dictation Kristi Leskinen
*1 .9 Listen to these pairs of words. Do they have % 1.10 Listen to part of a documentary
the same or different vowel sounds? Write S or D. about the skier Kristi Leskinen. Write the
missing words.
1 club glove
2 ball bat
3 play race
4 court course
5 bat track
6 sport golf

Grammar like -ing / 'd like to

5 Choose the correct options to complete the
1 I like playing /I'd like to play golf later today.
2 They like playing / They'd like to play against us.
Is that OK with you?
3 No one likes finishing / would like to finish last,
but someone always has to.
4 One day in the future, my family likes going /
would like to go on a trip to Antarctica.
5 I like parachuting /I'd like to parachute. It's a lot
of fun.
6 At some point in their life, everyone likes being /
would like to become famous.
7 We don’t like playing /woiddn't like to play on a
V ___________________________________________
concrete court. We prefer grass.
8 What do you like doing /would you like to do
when you leave school? K risti Leskinen is a famous skier. She 1

6 Match the two halves of the sentences. but her favourite place is Mammoth Mountain in the
1 Every day, Richard likes U SA .2.... .............................................. ................................
2 I'd like to such as kayaking but she 3............................ ...... ............
3 Do you like
4 She'd like Recently she was in a TV show called The Superstars.
5 Would you like to In the show, famous4........ -... ...........................................
6 They always like
that5—.......... —...........................— ....................................
a be in my team?
Kristi w on 6---------- -- ---------------------------- ---............
b playing tennis?
But soon it's winter again so she needs to go back to
c running a few miles before breakfast.
the mountains and start training again. This year
d to compete in the Olympics one day. 7

e visit New Zealand one day. a lot more medals.

f competing against each other.

2b Paddleboard racing
Reading adventure sport
1 Read the article. Are the sentences true (T) 4 Jamie Mitchell completed the Molokai to Oahu
or false (F)? race in the fastest time.
1 Paddleboarding is a combination of two 5 The prize money for first place in the race is
other sports. three thousand dollars.
2 Competitive paddleboard races are usually 6 The writer says paddleboard racing is a
on rivers. famous sport.
3 The most important race is on the ocean 7 Jamie is a full-time professional sportsperson.
around Hawaii. 8 Jamie loves the sport and visiting Hawaii
with friends.

the Australian Damie Mitchell. Not many people

Paddleboarding is a mixture of two water sports,
surfing and rowing. Paddleboarding uses a surfboard know about Mitchell, but he is the eight-time
and the paddleboarder ‘rows’ the board. However, winner of the Molokai to Oahu race. He also has the
there are two big differences. In surfing, you have record time of four hours, fifty-eight minutes and
to stand but in paddleboarding you can kneel or twenty-five seconds.
lie on the board. In rowing you use oars, but in
Because the sport isn’t well known, the prize money
paddleboarding you mustn’t use oars. You have to
for winning paddleboarding is small compared to
use your arms to move along.
other sports - Mitchell only received $3,000 for
You can do the sport on rivers, but most of the big winning the race this year. But Mitchell obviously
competitions are on the ocean. The main competition loves the sport because he trains two or three times
for paddleboarders is the annual race from Molokai a day, six days a week, for the four months before
to Oahu in Hawaii. The distance is 50 kilometres. On the race. At the same time, he has to earn money,
a good day, with the right kind of waves, you don’t so he does anything including working in bars or
always have to use your arms because the water building work.
carries you some of the way but, on a bad day, you
So how does Mitchell stay interested in such a sport?
are using your arms the whole way.
He says, ‘I just love paddleboarding. It’s not about
Competitors must be very strong and athletic. One winning. It’s about coming to Hawaii and spending
of paddleboarding’s most famous competitors is time with my good friends in a place that I love.’
Unit 2 Competitions

2 Match these words from the article with 5 Make one rule for each sport (1-5) with the words
the definitions. in the table.

a th le tic kneel oars ro w in g surfing w aves j:ach te a m T h e ball Th e fig h te rs You Players

1 sport of riding waves on the sea

has to / m ust can d o n 't have to
(n) c a n 't / m u s tn 't
2 sport of moving a boat through water with oars
(n) g e t a red card,
3 put both knees on a flat surface go o ver th e n et.
(v) leave th e ring d u rin g th e fig h t,
4 equipment in rowing for moving the boat have fiv e p e o p le on th e court,
use any special e q u ip m e n t.
............... -...... (n)
5 water on the sea that goes up and down
(n) 1 Basketball: Each team has to / must have five.........
6 physically strong and good at sport players on the court....................................................
(adj) 2 Football:.....................................................................

Grammar modal verbs for rules 3 Boxing:

3 Rewrite these sentences with a modal verb for
rules. Sometimes you can use more than one 4 Running:
verb. Then compare your answers with the same
sentences in the article in Exercise 1.
5 Tennis:
1 In surfing, it's necessary to stand on your board.
In surfing, y ou MV.eJ.Q. stand on your board.
2 Paddleboarders are allowed to kneel or lie Vocabulary competitions
on the board.
Paddleboarders.......................kneel or lie on 6 Complete the sentences with one word. The first
the board. letter is given.
3 In paddleboarding, you are not allowed to 1 My local team got this t because
use oars. they won the final.
In paddleboarding, y o u ....................... use oars. 2 Winners at the Olympics get a gold medal
4 It's necessary to use their arms to move along. because they b....................... all the other
They....................... use their arms to move along. competitors.
5 On a good day, with the right kind of waves, 3 The final s........................ in the tennis match was
it isn't always necessary to use your arms three sets to one.
because the water carries you some of the way. 4 The players came home today and hundreds
On a good day, with the right kind of waves, of their f ...........................came to meet and cheer
y ou ....................... use your arms because the them.
water carries you some of the way. 5 The r.......................gave two red cards and six
6 It's necessary for competitors to be very yellow cards during the match.
strong and athletic. 6 The j....................... at the dancing competition
Competitors................. — very strong didn't give us a very high score for our
and athletic. performance.
7 How much p....................... money did you
4 Pronunciation n't receive for winning?
% 1.11 Listen and choose the form you hear. Then 8 There were 48,000 s....................... at the
listen again and repeat. football match.
1 You must /mustn't play.
2 They do /don't have to win.
3 He can / can't lose the match.
4 The team must / mustn't score another goal.
5 A player can /can't hit the ball twice.
2c Dangerous sports
Listening freediving Word focus like
1 % 1.12 Listen to a sports programme about 3 Match the sentences (1-7) with the different uses
Annelie Pompe, a freediver. Number the topics of like (a-g).
(a-d) in the order the presenter talks about them. 1 He's like his older brother. He was good at
a Annelie's plans to climb Mount Everest athletics too.
b a definition of freediving 2 He looks like his older brother. He has
c why Annelie Pompe likes freediving black hair, too.
d why she likes doing other sports 3 I'd like to win a gold medal one day.
4 I'd like a cup of coffee, please.
5 Do you feel like going out later?
6 I like most sports.
7 I like watching most sports.
a to say you feel people or things are good
(like + noun)
b to say you enjoy doing something (like + -ing)
c use with would to say you want to do
something in the future (would like + to +
d use with would to say you want something
(would like + noun)
e to describe similar behaviour to something
or someone
f used with the verbs look, smell, sound and
taste to describe similarities with someone or
something (look like, etc.)
g use with feel to talk about wanting to do
something (feel like -ing)
2 .12 Listen again. Choose the correct
option (a, b or c). 4 Rewrite the sentences using the word like.

1 Freediving is an underwater sport. The diver 1 They want to play tennis later.
T h e y 'd like to play tennis later . OR
a has to use breathing equipment They f eel like playing tennis later.
b doesn't have to use breathing equipment
2 You're very similar in appearance to someone
c can't use breathing equipment
else I went to school with.
2 Annelie's world record is a dive o f ....... You..............................................I went to
metres. school with.
a 120 b 126 c 136
3 She wants to play tennis professionally one
3 She spends every training in the sea. day.
a day b week c weekend Sh e.............................................. tennis
4 S h e.......... other sports. professionally one day.
a likes doing 4 We want some ice cream, please.
b doesn't have time for W e..... ...... .............................................. , please.
c doesn't like doing
5 He isn't similar to his sister. She always worked
5 If she climbs Mount Everest, she'll be the first very hard.
woman to g o ........... than any other woman. H e..................... ...... ........... _......his sister. She
a higher always worked very hard.
b deeper
c higher and deeper

Unit 2 Competitions

2d Joining a fitness class

Reading leaflet for a fitness class Real life talking about interests
Read the leaflet for fitness classes at a local gym. 2 % 1 . 1 3 Listen to two friends talking about the
Then match the sentences (1-7) to the classes (A-C). leaflet in Exercise 1. Number the fitness classes in
1 You have to get up early for this class. the order they discuss them.

2 The person in charge tells you what to do. Boot Camp Pilates Zumba
3 This class is good after a day at work. 3 % 1.13 Listen again and complete the
4 This class mixes enjoyment with exercise. conversation.
5 Take a break from work and come for A: Hey, this looks interesting.
some exercise. B: What?
6 You will notice a difference very quickly. A: This leaflet for fitness classes at the gym.
7 It lasts for an hour and a half. Are you 1................................... ............... doing
something like that?
B: Maybe. But I'm 2___
Fit for Life Gym good at sport.
i Boot camp starts at 6 a.m. A: But this isn't competitive. It's for getting fit.
every morning with your This one 3................................................... Boot
Camp. What about joining that?
instructor. He shouts orders
and you run, jump, lift. B: What is Boot Camp?
A: It's like the army. You have someone who
It’s non-stop exercise for
90 minutes. tells you what to do. I think4.......................
....................... do it.
B: When is it?
A: At six.
B: Great. So we can go after work.
A: No, it's six in the morning.
B: What?! You must be joking. I hate getting
up early.5.................................................doing
Our evening Pilates ► B something later?
classes help your body to A: Well, there's one at lunchtime. It's called
recover after a hard day at Zumba. It's a kind of dance, I think.
work. Build strength with B: I don't like dancing.
an exercise programme A: 6..................................:........... .... It looks fun.
suitable for any age and B: What about something after work?
fitness level. A: There's a Pilates class. It doesn't say an exact
time, but it says it's after work.
V B: W ell,7.................................................that to Boot
Camp or dancing.
‘After a day in the office chair,
A: Yes,8....................... good.
Pilates is perfect for your muscles.’
4 Listen and respond saying what you are
Zumba is a new kind of interested in doing
dance and our classes are a
mixture of fun, excitement # 1 .14 A friend wants you to join one of the
and high energy levels. classes on the leaflet in Exercise 1. You are only
Classes are at midday, so you interested in doing Pilates. Listen to your friend
can even join us during your and respond each time. Then compare your
lunch break. responses with the answers that follow.

A re y o u in terested No, I w o u ld n 't

in B o o t Cam p? like to do it.
Zumba is a fun way to get fit -
every class feels like a party!’

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