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BTEC Higher National Diploma in Computer and Network Technology

Assignment Specification

Institute Name : IDM Computer Studies Pvt. Ltd.

Unit Name : Computer Management
Unit Value : Unit 23
Lecturer : Mr. AselaGunesekera

Unit Outcomes:
1. Apply principles of staff management.

2. Satisfy organizational requirements.

3. Participate in Strategic Planning.

Grading Opportunities Available

Outcomes/ P23.1 P23.2 P23.3 M1 M2 M3 D1 D2 D3

        

Date Set: 09th September 2011 Due Date: 10th December 2011

Student Name : W.A..D Chamara Vidarshana Edexcel Student No: DT87942

Branch Name: IDM Head Office IDM Student No: CC12802495

Outcomes/Grade Descriptors Achieved (Please Tick)

Outcomes/ P23.1 P23.2 P23.3 M1 M2 M3 D1 D2 D3


Assessor Comments:

Signature: Date: __/__/__

IV Comments:

Signature: Date: __/__/__

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Assessment Criteria

Criteria for PASS Possible evidence × /√ Feedback

P23.1.1 Produce the Clearly out line the understanding of
job description and the internal &
Documentation necessary for External information sources
Staff Section
Task 01
P23.1.2 Evaluate theories Clearly explain how kurt Lewins
concerning Staff Motivation change management process &
and the Change Management. Macgregors mortivation theory
apply for a real situation

Task 03.1& 2
P23.1.3 Generic Staff
Administration Clearly out line the understanding of
Documentation job description and the internal &
External information sources

Task 1 . 3

P23.2.1. Recommend an Visualize the Tipical IT

Organizational Structure departmental organization

Task 1.1
P23.2.2 Produce Reports
Associated with Financial Identify the stage in the SDLC to do
Planning and Control initial cost benefit analysis and the

Task 02 3(b)
P23.2.3 Effectively use Clearly identify what are the tools
Software tool for decision used generally and specifically to
support the SW development for decision

Task 02 1&3

P23.3.1 Critically evaluate the

role of IT in Strategic Clearly identify and explain how IT
Planning. influence decision making process.

Task 02 2
P23.3.2 Report on the
Clearly identify and explain how IT
effectiveness of a topical IT influence decision making process.
Task 02 2
P23.3.3 Produce
Documentation to assist Clearly out line the understanding of

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management in Strategic job description and the internal &
Planning External information sources

Task 01 2& 3
Clearly identify what are the tools
used generally and specifically to
the SW development for decision
Task 02 1&3
Identify the stage in the SDLC to do
initial cost benefit analysis and the

Task 02 3(b)

Grade Descriptors for MERIT Possible evidence × /√ Feedback

M1 Identify and apply Effective approach in investigating
strategies to find
principles of computer Management,
appropriate solutions
procedures and tools.
Effective judgment has been made
in investigation reports with
appropriate conclusions and
recommendations (M1.1,M1.3)
M2 Select / design A range of sources of information
appropriate methods /
has been used for the critical
evaluation such as internal and
external information. Relevant
theories and techniques have been
applied to produce a change
management and motivation
theories. (M2.3,M2.7)
M3 Present and The app pirate structure and approach has been
used to present the solutions. Essential
Appropriate findings
research has been performed and
communication has taken place in familiar and
unf contexts (M3.1,M3.4)

Grade Descriptors for Possible evidence ×/ Feedback

Distinction √
D1 Use critical reflection to Ideas have been presented with
evaluate own work and justify
logical arguments and have arrived
valid conclusions

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at conclusions. Appropriate
illustrations have been used to
justify conclusions.(D1.1,D1.3)
D2 Take responsibility for Activities have been managed to
managing and organizing achieve solutions to all the tasks
activities effectively and Substantial
activites,projects or investigations
have been planned managed and
D3 Demonstrate convergent / Activities have been carried with
lateral / creative thinking
appraisal and critical analysis and
effective thinking has taken place in
unfamiliar context. Innovation and
creative thought has been applied in
finding solutions (D3.3,D3.5)

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To accomplish this assignment you need to select a Business Organization of your choice.
You need to consult some Key personal in that Organization and you must have number of
Discussion iterations in order to get educate about that Organization’s internal process.

Task 01

1. Analyze the Organizational structure of the Organizational IT Department and visually


2. Select Key roles(Minimum two) in the structure and outline their Job description at a high level

3. Briefly outline what are the internal Information sources and External Information sources the
named Key personal above are using for decision making and also give examples for
information drawing from those sources.(THREE sources and one example from each are

4. When recruiting new employees what advices you’re giving to management team and

Task 02

1. Identify a Key Decision making role of the IT department and briefly outline the tools OR
Techniques that they use to make decisions. (For example it may be a tool such as Report
generating application or a Technique such as WBS. You have the freedom of assuming any
situation and decide the Tool or Technique based on that. But make sure that you are justified
your choice)

2. Based on your answer given in TASK 02 (1) explain your reflection about the role of IT in
Decision making.

3. Project Manager is a Key personal in SW Development projects under Manager IS

Developments. Project manager must convey the progress information or report to the corporate
management as well as to the Project steering committee.

a) Select a one tool that Project manager use to make decisions about the project and
abstract the positive features of that tool. Finally give your Justification about this tool
as a good Project management tool.

b) Briefly outline the stage that a Project manager involves to do financial planning and
identify any document which incurs financial planning.

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Task 03

1. Assume your selected organization’s management is going to do a change to the Organization.

Discuss with them and Assume a change of your choice and identify the following,
 who is responsible for this change
 who are the direct effected party
 what is the process use to implement the change
 what are the resistance raise over the change
 How to manage the resistance.

NOTE: All above factors must be explained (1st clearly state the Change and then gradually
discuss the key responsible personal and why he/she is responsible for that, Who are
effected directly and why they subject for the change in major concern, explanatory process
of change [use kurt lewin’s change process] , who object the change and why and how to
remove those objections in an effective way)

2. Assume When a set of employee community in this organization is de motivated, this

Organization’s management invites you to motivate them and get the job done. Use the Douglas
Macgregor’s motivation theory and explain how you are going to neutralize this situation.

End of Assignment

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I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher" Mr. AselaGunesekera " as
well as our principal and Chairman of IDM Nations Campus "Dr. Bandu Ranasinghe" gave me
the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic " Computer Management ".
Which also helped me in doing a lot of Research and I came to know about so many new things

I am really thankful to them.

Secondly I would also like to thank my parents and friends who helped me a lot in finishing this
project within the limited time.

I am making this project not only for marks but to also increase my knowledge .

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Content page

Task 01 Page

1. Analyze the Organizational structure of the Organizational IT Department............. 10-16

2. Select Key roles (Minimum two) in the structure and outline their Job ..................... 17-19

3. Briefly outline what are the internal Information sources and

External information sources. ………………………… 20-23

4. When recruiting new employees what advices you’re giving to management .......... 24

Task 02

1. Identify a Key Decision making role of the IT department........................................ 26-32

2. Based on your answer given in TASK 02 (1) explain your reflection....................... 33-34

3. Project Manager is a Key personal in SW Development projects

under Manager IS Developments.

a) Select a one tool that Project manager use to make decisions............................... 35-40

b) Briefly outline the stage that a Project manager involves to do financial planning... 41-43

Task 03

1. Assume your selected organization’s management is going to do........................... 45-47

2. Assume When a set of employee community in this organization is de motivated.. 48-50

Task 04

1. When you’re managing projects, you may face problems on them........................ 52-57
Write a brief report on IT risk management.

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Task 01

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Task 01

1.1 Task

Analyze the Organizational structure of the Organizational IT Department and visually


Analysis of organizational structure

The "Commercial Bank" of Sri Lanaka is an established Bank with over a Hundred Branches
spread throughout the country. It is a reputed, well structured, organization witch server more
than a million customers on a day to day basis.

Especially Bank in economically difficult times, a clearly defined efficient structure and workflow
organization is a vital component for corporate success.

Banking is one of the industries that took advantage of the Information Communication
Technology (lCT) advancements around the world from the early stages like 1950s. This
makes banking a major advantage gainer when considered with other industries from these
technological innovations. Sri Lankan banking sector has also adopted these technologies from
around 1980,boldly uplifting the financial service standards of the Sri Lankan customer. Major
K'T advancements of the Sri Lankan banking industry were visible since the year 2000. The
banking sector has transformed itself from a traditional outset towards a more advanced
technology oriented industry during the past ten to fifteen years. In today's context there is a
major concern within all the service providers including the banking sector in adopting
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paperless technologies in providing a better service towards the customer while preserving the
natures green for the future generations.

In this modern Commercial Bank working environments characterized by teamwork, the

allocation of responsibilities and the configuration of interfaces have a huge impact on the
overall effectiveness of the organizational structure. Measures to improve this effectiveness -
improvement in the use of resources, reduction of coordination costs, streamlining of
processes, and optimization of interfaces between customers and suppliers - require an
accurate analysis and a structured management of responsibilities and roles.

Commercial Bank Organizational charts, interviews with executives and job holders, and
documentation concerning the workplace functions, such as job descriptions and evaluations,
form the basis of organizational structure analyses. By means of this information, a company’s
organizational structures can be analyzed and compared to the market. This allows the
assessment and adjustment of internal structures in comparison with competitors.

A multi-dimensional approach of organizational structure analyses

Commercial Bank multi-dimensional examination of a company’s organizational structure gives

us a complete picture of the actual situation and is the starting point for ideas on realizing
efficiency potential. Typical focuses of analyses are e.g.:

 efficiency analyses at multiple levels

 definition and optimization of internal interfaces and those to external partners
 discovery of overlaps in responsibility, and “double-pay” problems
 market comparisons of the number of hierarchical levels and managerial responsibility
for employees in certain operational areas
 definition of core and extended tasks of functional areas

The Bank Analyzing the organizational structure of a business may lead to a reduction in
overhead costs and reduction in environmental waste and may improve overall productivity and
employee satisfaction. Use organizational charts, meet with department managers, executives
and board members and conduct a survey to determine where changes in organizational
structure may be necessary. Compile your findings in a detailed report that includes how you
interpret the organizational structure and suggestions you have to improve how the business

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Step 1

Obtain an updated copy of the business's organizational chart. This chart includes a
description of all departments as well as the function of these departments. Organizational
charts also include descriptions of all executive, managerial, supervisory, salaried and shift
employee positions in the business.

Step 2

Analyze how the Bank business is organized. Businesses organized by departments such as
marketing, human resources, human capital and IT rely on a "functional" form of organizational
management. Businesses organized by departments that create and maintain specific
consumer or business related products or services rely on a "product line" form of
organizational management. Both differ in how business decisions are made, how departments
within company run, how departments communicate with each other and, in some cases,
employee salary and competitive compensation.

Step 3

Review the organizational chart to determine how departments delegate responsibility. For
example, an employee may work under a general department Bank manager, but report
directly to a supporting Bank manager who may have several other Bank employees to
supervise. Within a department, an employee may take direction from a team leader, but send
expense reports and other financial documents to a secondary team leader or another

Step 4

Determine how remote or traveling employees fit into the organizational structure. In some
cases, remote or traveling employees may report to a manager who oversees all remote or
traveling employees. In other cases, these employees may report to specific department
managers, depending on their job function or involvement in a particular product line.

Step 5

Create an organizational survey to determine the effectiveness of the organizational structure

and its impact on employee productivity and satisfaction. Ask for feedback on how to make
improvements to the overall structure of the business. Post the survey on the business's
Intranet, survey only department managers or select employees from each department at
random to participate.
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Step 6

Meet with board members or the CEO, executives and department managers to discover the
reasons for how the organizational structure was created and how it is maintained.


Each type of organizational structure has its inherent benefits. A functional organizational
structure groups employees by their type of specialty, making efficient use of each employee's
skills, according to A customer-oriented organizational structure
better serves a particular type of customer. The customer-oriented organizational structure
allows employees to become more specialized by customer type. For example, some
employees may be more experienced handling consumers while others may have corporate or
business-to-business industry experience.


Coordination of work among different departments may be a challenge in Bank that use
functional organizational structures. Project and task coordination can get even more confusing
as a company grows. Duplication of resources is a common disadvantage of a customer-
oriented organizational structure. For example, a small software company may employ
marketing managers for each type of customer. The additional marketing managers will likely
drive up labor costs.

This is the IT Department visually represent.

This Commercial Bank IT Department they have talent and Expired IT People and well
starchier they are IT Department. in this IT Department they Dived the three Department that is
1.Database Development Department
2. Software Development Department
3.Network Deponent Department.

in this tree Department is the core in the Commercial Bank. they responsible to the Head of IT
and Head of IT Take Desertion and Future Plan for Commercial Bank.
other Departments are in under Top Management. all so other Department People reporting
the Top Management.

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This is the Commercial Bank IT Department visually represent

Head of IT

DataBase Software Network

Development Development Development
Manager Manger Manager

Database Desinger Development Network
Programer Administrator

Network Tecnician
Database Hardware
Developer Technician

Database Manager

This position directly manages the development and membership database and related Bank
business processes, develops strategies for maximizing the capabilities of the software with
an emphasis on efficient systems, proactive support of the fundraising team, and best
practices for donor information management.

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responsibilities will include :

 Improving the effectiveness of the database tools and services

 Ensuring all the data complies with legal regulations
 Making sure the information is protected and backed-up
 Regular reporting to the teams you work with
 Monitoring database performance
 Improving the technology used
 Building new databases
 Monitoring data entry procedures
 Troubleshooting

Software Development Manager

As the Manager of the software development group, He will be responsible for technical
leadership, project management, resource and budget planning, defining and delivering robust
software for our XF product line. You will have direct Bank management responsibility for a
team of developers and software QA personnel to plan, execute and deliver software products
which include; user interface, instrument control and data analysis. Working with a team of
developers, this position will provide technical leadership for designing and implementing
software solutions, using Agile methodologies, to achieve broad company goals. This position
has a large amount of discretion in the implementation of solutions and architecture

 Work effectively with other departments (Biology, applications, manufacturing, sales and
marketing) and company management to solicit input and buy-in for development objectives.

 Generate plans and manage product development throughout life cycle (feasibility,
development, launch and support).

 Responsible for defining, implementing, and maintaining software development


 Direct supervision and career development of software development staff.

 Leading the development of system solutions, in collaboration with other senior

systems engineers, to solve new product and ongoing technical issues.
 Communicates well in both written and verbal form, to identify product needs.

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Network Development Manager

The Network Development Manager for after sales core purpose would be to analyze and
study the current after sales business model and develop actions and strategies to drive the
key business indicators and measures of the after sales business. Drive customer
engagement, profitability, standards enhancement and marketing strategies to ensure
continual business growth.
Coordinate business programs and build a self-sustainable culture of project management,
standard enhancement and marketing business strategies that would ensure the improvement
of the retail network.
Assist in human resource development, building constituencies through networking with all
stakeholders within the Distributor and Retail network to drive the key aftersales measurable
performance indicators.

 Data validation, system control  and analysis of all Major Aftersales Key Performance
 Develop after sales programs to support financial growth.
 Budget analysis and financial performance analysis.
 Standards and Operating Procedure development within aftersales (Distributor and
 Project management, action plan development and visual measurement of all after
sales projects.
 Study and analyze current compliant management activities and build business
development action to enhance aftersales key business drivers.
 Support the retail network with technical, warranty and process activities and
 Develop databases to track the individual dealer performance from an aftersales KPI
 Study current and develop new marketing programs impact and track on-going
marketing efforts performance from both a tactical and strategic perspective.
 Develop, implement and sustain new after sales standards and programs.
 Develop a retail optimization program that would drive synergy between distributor and
 Identify training needs at dealer level and assist branch manager with associate

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1.2 Task

Select Key roles (Minimum two) in the structure and outline their Job description at a
high level

1). Network Administrator (Commercial Bank)

Key Roles for Network Administrator following areas

 Designing and planning the network in Commercial Bank

 Setting up the Bank network

 Maintaining the Commercial Bank network

 Expanding the Bank network

As a Network administrator having generally fall into the following areas: structure
and outline their Job description

 Designing and planning the network

The first phase in the life cycle of a Bank Network Administrator involves creating its
design, a task not usually performed by new network administrators. Designing a
network involves making decisions about the type of network that best suits the needs
for the organization. In larger sites this task is performed by a senior network architect
an experienced network administrator familiar with both network software and

 Setting up the Bank network

The Network Administrator have making a new networks is designed, the second phase
of network administration begins, which involves setting up and configuring the
Performance of the Commercial bank network. This consists of installing the hardware
that makes up the physical part of the Bank network, and configuring the files or
databases, hosts, routers, and network configuration servers.

 Maintaining the Commercial Bank network

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The Bank network administration consists of ongoing tasks that typically constitute the
bulk of your responsibilities. They might include:

 Adding the new Computer to the other Department with network

 Administering network security

 Administering network services, such as NFS(Network File System) services,

name services, and electronic mail Servers

 Troubleshooting network problems

 Expanding the Bank network

The longer a Bank network is in place and functioning properly, the more your organization
might want to expand its features and services. Initially, you can increase network population
by adding new hosts and expanding network services by providing additional shared software.
But eventually, a single network will expand to the point where it can no longer operate
efficiently. That is when it must enter the fourth phase of the network administration cycle:

Several options are available for expanding your network:

 Setting up a new network and connecting it to the existing network using a

machine functioning as a router, thus creating an internetwork

 Configuring machines in users' homes or in remote office sites and enabling

these machines to connect over telephone lines to your network

 Connecting your network to the Internet, thus enabling users on your network
to retrieve information from other systems throughout the world

 Configuring UUCP communications, enabling users to exchange files and

electronic mail with remote machines

Network Administrators are often on-call and required to work as needed. This position
carries an enormous amount of responsibility

2). Database Administrator (Commercial Bank)

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A Database Administrator, Database Analyst or Database Developer is the person responsible
for managing the information within an organization. As most companies continue to
experience inevitable growth of their databases, these positions are probably the most solid
within the IT industry. In most cases, it is not an area that is targeted for layoffs or downsizing.
On the downside, however, most database departments are often understaffed, requiring
administrators to perform a multitude of tasks.

Depending on the company and the department, this role can either be highly specialized or
incredibly diverse. The primary role of the Database Administrator is to administer, develop,
maintain and implement the policies and procedures necessary to ensure the security and
integrity of the corporate database. Sub roles within the Database Administrator classification
may include security, architecture, and warehousing and/or business analysis. Other primary
roles will include:

 Implementation of data models

 Database design
 Database accessibility
 Performance issues
 Capacity issues
 Data replication
 Table Maintenance

The bank Database Administrators are often on-call and required to work as needed. This
position carries an enormous amount of responsibility

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Task 1.3

3. Briefly outline what are the internal Information sources and External Information sources
the named Key personal above are using for decision making and also give examples for
information drawing from those sources. (THREE sources and one example from each are

The Business data and information comes from multiple source types. The challenge for a
business is to capture and use for the information that is relevant and reliable.

The main sources are -

1) Internal Information sources

2) External Information sources

What are the internal Information Sources?

All organizations generate a substantial amount of information relating to their operation.

This internal information is vital to the successful management of the organization. The
information may be available from a number of sources within the organization, for

 Marketing and sales information on performance, revenues, markets shares,

distribution channels, etc.
 Production and operational information on assets, quality, standards, etc.
 Financial information on profits, costs, margins, and cash flows, investments, etc.
 Internal documentation such as order forms, invoices, credit notes, procedural manuals.

Financial Information:

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financial information is information related to the performance and profit and loss of the
Commercial Bank . This will include information on how much you pay for items, how much you
pay staff, the costs of rates and the taxes that you pay as a business. To monitor the financial
information you need to have a Financial Controller or Bank Accountants to ensure that the
business continues to operate and generate a profit.

Personnel Information:

Personnel information is information held by the company on their Bank employees. This
information must be freely available to the employee any time that they request it. Personnel
information can be used to monitor how long an employee has worked for a company and if
they are entitled to a salary increase due to this based on the company policy. Other
information may be held such as the productivity rate of an employee and a bonus might be
given based on performance and targets. It is import that the company has up to date
information on all employees for health and safety reasons. Companies also need to get proof
of qualifications from employees to ensure they are suitably qualified for a certain position on
entry to the company. The employee can progress within the company after their information is
updated with any internal or external training programs that relate to their job.

Marketing Information:

Marketing information is used by the market team to identify what products or services offered
by the business are most successful. The marketing team can collect information from different
departments such as sales to promote certain products or services based on current success
rates. Marketing information can be obtained using external sources or by using surveys to see
what customers like or dislike about your product or service. This information can be used to
streamline or improve your business and keep customers happy.

Purchasing Information:

Purchasing information is collected by the purchasing department who are involved with buying
all of the products needed to run your business. These products could be stationary or
computers need for the day to day running of your business or multi-million dollar parts used in
your manufacturing process. The purchasing department needs to monitor the cost and quality
of all purchased goods to ensure they get the best deal and maximize profits for the company.

Sales Information:

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Just like the purchasing information sales information needs to be monitored based on the
product or services offered by your company. This information needs to be passed to the
financial controllers of your companies to ensure that the cost of your good or service is less
than the sale price. If the sale of a certain product is down then this information would need to
be passed to the marketing team to see if it is worth launching a new marketing campaign to
increase sales of the product.

Administration Information:

Administration information links very much with personnel information but also involves
communicating with external sources and storing information on customers to build successful
relationships with them.

2) External Information sources

An external source of information is concerned with what is happening beyond the

boundaries of the organization. This covers any documentation relating to a subject area
produced as a summary or detailed report by an agency external to an organization. Such
information may be obtainable from government agencies or private information providers. 
Examples might include:

 telephone directories
 computer users’ yearbook
 legislation, for example
 Gallup polls the Data Protection Act
 national opinion polls
 professional publications
 financial services agencies such
 the Internet


Information supplied by the government is definitely coming from a reliable source as this is
the governing body that they business operates within. Companies need to use important
legal information from the Government to help run the business successfully and legally.
For example if a company had over 1,000 employees that were being paid the minimum
hourly rate as outlined by the Government and the rate changes then the company needs
to take this information on board and increase the wages for the staff on this wage range.

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Another example would be if the Government offered businesses grants for opening
manufacturing plants in areas of high unemployment a company might use this information
to their advantage to set up a new plant at a lower cost than in another area.

Trade Groupings:

A trade grouping is a group of businesses that operate within the same sector and not
within the same location. For example tech companies would be part of the Technical
Trade Association and Farmers might be part of the Farming Association within a country
or region. As a business being a member of a trade grouping enables you to access
information that helps you run your business successfully. For example, solicitors are part
of the legal trade and will have memberships that give them access to the latest laws that
the must use to support their clients in the best possible way.

Commercially Provided:

Companies can use commercially provided information to help them make the correct
business decisions. These decisions are made based on information made available to
them from other companies. For example, a hotel group might use the information about
the number of flights to and from a number of airports along with the information on the
number of hotels beside each airport to make a decision on where to open their newest
hotel. A games development company might make a decision on what platform to create a
game for based on the number of units sold for each hardware platform. For example if
apple released sales figures for the iPhone 5 and they were much less than Samsung’s
Galaxy SIII then the company would probably target to release their latest game for the
Samsung phone first.

Databases & Research:

Companies can research information that might help them increase the sales and level of
interest in their business. The key thing to researching information that helps run your
business to ensure it is accurate and reliable. Some companies will pay to access
commercially available databases that offer a range of information directly based on their
business sector. Many companies can make money creating this information by analyzing
currently available sales stats in particular business sectors. When using any external
information source it is absolutely essential to be sure about the reliability of the data
sources and sometimes it is worth paying to access relevant information.

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Task 1.4

4. When recruiting new employees what advice would you give the management
team and interviewer.

companies can also use external sources to help them make the correct
business decisions. Examples of external information sources are:
Government, trade groupings, commercially provided information, database
and research. If a company uses external sources of information then
they must be sure of the reliability of the data sources. Here are some
examples of how the company could use information supplies by external

Make sure the following areas are taken into consideration:

 Respect the interviewee

 You have to check the interviewee’s personality

 Interviewee respects the Management team .

 Whether he or she has good analytical skills required for the post.

 Could ask why he/she is interested in the job.

 Check for work experience in the related field. Does he/she has sufficient
knowledge and experience required for the post he/she is applying for:

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 Find out about current work experience and work ethics in his/her present job, if
already employed.

 If he/she is already employed, ask why he/she wants to leave the position.

 Make sure he/she is well qualified to work in the given environment.

 Check whether he/she is professionally qualified, if he/she holds a Degree from a

reputed University, a Diploma or any other qualifications and the credibility of those

 Remuneration, how much he/she expects to be paid.

Task 02
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Task 2.1

Identify a Key Decision making role of the IT department and briefly outline the
tools or techniques that they use to make decisions. (For example it may be a
tool such as Report generating application or a Technique such as WBS. You
have the freedom of assuming any situation and decide the Tool or Technique
based on that. But make sure that you are justified your choice.

Network Development manager in Commercial Bank

A computer network requires a high level of responsibility and specially in the Commercial
Bank to be entrusted to a Network Development manager. A Bank Network Development
manager is any high ranking official in a company or organization that is tasked with the duty
of managing and planning its various computer segments. A network manager helps to
maintain performance and see that the network improves its standards of service.

Network Managers now have many responsibilities (data centers, staff management,
telecommunications, servers, workstations, Web sites, user support, regulatory compliance,
disaster recovery, etc.) and connect with almost all the depart-mints (Accounting, Marketing,
Sales, Distribution, etc.) within a company or organization. This is both the good and the bad
news. At some companies, an IT Manager can have direct influence on the strategic direction
of the company, suggesting and helping implement e-commerce initiatives, for example. In
other companies, an IT Manager is really a technician, a software developer, or network
installer. And to complicate things even further, those definitions change quickly over
time. Yesterday’s network installer is today’s e-commerce consultant
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This is are the Key Decision making role of the IT department

Monitoring Network Performance

 Monitoring the performance of a network may seem like a huge task. Automated
programs that monitor network performance make the job easier. The network manager
is expected to check for any downtime for the networks that may drive away customers
and clients. The manager also sees to it that possible problems, like network failure,
that might arise in the near future are solved before they occur.

User Management

 The network manager is required to manage user accounts. By this the network
manager ensures that a user has unrestricted access to user accounts and user files
that are deemed necessary to each user. The network manager is the one who has the
authority to create, reset or suspend accounts, as when the account users do not act in
line with the network's terms and conditions.

Security Management

 Managing the security of the network is a core responsibility of the network manager.
The network manager, using appropriate software, prevents security breaches to the
network. For instance, he may prevent the hacking of a user's account. He can also
prevent the transmission of data bearing viruses to the user.

Network Lord Balancing for Servers

 Plan, design and help the networking team in establishing a network knowing the
requirements of the organization or the clients Design specifications for establishing
security in the networks and protecting vulnerable database. Coordinate with the
hardware and software suppliers, negotiate with them and place necessary orders.

budget for network

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 Plan the budget for network, recommend proper software and hardware such as
routers, hubs, hard disks, wires, etc., for networking understanding the type and use of
the network Troubleshoot any kind of hardware and software problems at the end users
site and make sure that there is no problem in accessing any resource for the users

 Update the systems regularly with antivirus, firewall and spyware and protect any kind
of viruses and breakdowns in the network
 Maintain remote monitoring systems and keep a track of the use of resources provide to
the employees and the end users
 Sets authentication and authorization and restricts users from accessing important and
vital information available

Work breakdown structure (WBS)

A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a chart in which the critical IT Network work elements in
the Commercial Bank Systems, called tasks, of a project are illustrated to portray their
relationships to each other and to the project as a whole. The graphical nature of the WBS can
help a project manager predict outcomes based on various scenarios, which can ensure that
optimum decisions are made about whether or not to adopt suggested procedures or changes.

When creating a WBS, the project manager defines the key objectives first and then identifies
the tasks required to reach those goals. A WBS takes the form of a tree diagram with the
"trunk" at the top and the "branches" below. The primary requirement or objective is shown at
the top, with increasingly specific details shown as the observer reads down.

When completed, a well-structured WBS resembles a flowchart in which all elements are
logically connected, redundancy is avoided and no critical elements are left out. Elements can
be rendered as plain text or as text within boxes. The elements at the bottom of the diagram
represent tasks small enough to be easily understood and carried out. Interactions are shown
as lines connecting the elements. A change in one of the critical elements may affect one or
more of the others. If necessary, these lines can include arrowheads to indicate time
progression or cause-and-effect.

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A well-organized, detailed WBS can assist key personnel in the effective allocation of
resources, project budgeting, procurement management, scheduling, quality assurance, quality
control, risk management, product delivery and service oriented management.

This is the MS Visio Technical Preview

Start by building your diagram with professional-looking templates and modern, pre-drawn
shapes. Then, easily link your diagram to popular data sources (such as Excel). You’ll see data
automatically refresh right within your diagram, reflected in vibrant visuals such as icons,

Page | 29
symbols, colors, and bar graphs. Finally, with just a few clicks, publish your data-linked
diagram to SharePoint, and provide access to others on the Web, even if they don’t have Visio.

Together, simplicity, data-driven shapes, and Web sharing make Visio 2010 one of the most
powerful ways to see and understand important information.

This is the how to Drawing use the MS Visio 2010(WBS)

Page | 30
This is the
Select the
Tools This is the Creating the

Page | 31
Work Breakdown Structure as a Visio Diagram

This is the key topics for the Bank and techniques that are covered

 Hierarchical Diagrams: Exploring the features of hierarchical diagrams and best practices
for creating them.
 Brainstorming Grids: Understanding the structure and applications of brainstorming grids
and how to create and edit them.
 Organizational Charts: Breaking down a company or organization into a chart that shows
departments, teams, and relationships between employees.
 Timelines: Using Visio to organize project details into a timeline complete with dated
milestones, deliverables, intervals, and stakeholders.
 Information Architecture: Utilizing Visio to create sitemap diagrams and wireframes that
show the relationships between the pages that comprise a website.

Justified my choice

Page | 32
"In My Suggestion is the best WBS Software is Microsoft Visio is the best Software in the IT
World. so in that Software have a Lot of fetchers. The advanced diagramming tools of Visio
2010 help you simplify complexity with dynamic, data-driven visuals and new ways to share on
the Web in real time. Microsoft Visio 2010 is introduced with the latest technology that is
capable of managing and arranging complex data. It makes the work quite easy. It is extremely
easy to use and understand. Because of the ease of use and comprehensive technology, it can
be used by both professional as well as common system users".

Task 2.2

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Based on your answer given in TASK 02 (1) explain your reflection about the role of IT
in Decision making.

Bank Network Management Solutions -

Using this permissions audit software, you can scan network shares and folders, detect their
access permissions and identify who has access to specific resources.

NTFS permissions audit software that allows you to check and modify NTFS and shares
permissions on remote Windows PCs over a local network.

Remote control and remote desktop access software, that provide a fast access to remote
Windows PCs and include file transfer, chat and other features.

Bank Network Utilities -

Event Log adding software that allows collecting Windows event logs from network PCs to
analyze them and send automatic alerts if any of the predefined events are detected.

Inventory Solutions -

Network inventory software that allows you to get bank information on hardware and software
assets across a network and generate clear inventory reports.
Using this remote administration software you can remotely manage PCs, update/export
registry data, execute scripts and perform other operations.

Facing Problems and Challenges

Decision making helps the organization to face and tackle new problems and challenges.
Quick and correct decisions help to solve problems and to accept new challenges.

Business Growth

Quick and correct decision making results in better utilization of the resources. It helps the
organization to face new problems and challenges. It also helps to achieve its objectives. All
this results in quick business growth. However, wrong, slow or no decisions can result in
losses and industrial sickness.

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Achieving Objectives

Rational decisions help the organisation to achieve all its objectives quickly. This is because
rational decisions are made after analysing and evaluating all the alternatives.

Increases Efficiency

Rational decisions help to increase efficiency. Efficiency is the relation between returns and
cost. If the returns are high and the cost is low, then there is efficiency and vice versa.
Rational decisions result in higher returns at low cost.

Facilitate Innovation

Rational decisions facilitate innovation. This is because it helps to develop new ideas, new
products, new process, etc. This results in innovation. Innovation gives a competitive
advantage to the organization.

Motivates Employees

Rational decision results in motivation for the employees. This is because the employees are
motivated to implement rational decisions. When the rational decisions are implemented the
organization makes high profits. Therefore, it can give financial and non-financial benefits to
the employee.

Task 02


Page | 35
1. Project Manager is a Key personal in SW Development projects under Manager
IS Developments. Project manager must convey the progress information or
report to the corporate management as well as to the Project steering

a) Select a one tool that Project manager use to make decisions about the project and
abstract the positive features of that tool. Finally give your Justification about this tool as
a good Project management tool.

b) Briefly outline the stage that a Project manager involves to do financial planning and
identify any document which incurs financial planning.

Microsoft Project Manager "2010"

Project management software does not make you a project manager it may help you schedule
project activities but will not make you manage a project successfully,

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This is the Logo in Microsoft Project Management in 2010

Positive features of that Microsoft Project Manager “2010" tool

1) More flexible scheduling

Microsoft Project 2010 allows users to manually schedule tasks independent of project
calendars or task dependencies. In my opinion, this dumb down project scheduling — the
scheduling tool should consider resource calendars, task dependencies, and company
holidays. I assume manual scheduling was added to ease the Microsoft Project learning curve
and allow novice project managers to pick dates without causing constraint issues.

If you are managing a small project that is more task-list focused, then the manual scheduling
option will make Microsoft Project work easier for you. For simple task management, Microsoft
Project’s automatic scheduling functions may have been too much for “checkbox project

management.” There are a lot of benefits to applying dynamic scheduling and using the
Microsoft Project scheduling engine. I have seen some benefits to using the manual scheduling

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feature when developing a separate milestone chart and  identifying only the key dates for
management review.

2) Improved resource planning

One reason resource leveling can be such a pain in previous versions of Microsoft Project is
because of the lack of visibility into resource conflicts. In previous versions of Microsoft Project,
you could identify resource over allocations, but you had to switch to a different view to resolve
the over allocation.

Microsoft Project 2010 introduces the Team Planner View, which allows you to view team
assignments and modify and move the tasks on a team member basis. It’s nice to finally have
a view that lets me manage over allocations and tasks with the assigned resource

3) Timeline View

The Timeline View provides an overview of the project schedule and lets you select only the
tasks and milestones that need to be communicated. This is very different from filtering the
Gantt chart to display only the milestones and the summary tasks. I can pick any summary
task, milestone, or individual task and depict it in the Timeline View. Since the view is
automatically created based on the project data, any changes in the dates are immediately
reflected in the Timeline View. I save a lot of time and develop a meaningful chart based on
changing project schedule data

4) Improved help with Task Inspector

Microsoft Project 2010’s new Task Inspector feature makes it much easier to identify
problems and scheduling issues. The Task Inspector feature helps identify specific tasks
that are causing the scheduling problem and provides options to resolve the issue. shows
how the Task Inspector helps identify the source of the problem that was described in the

5) Familiar and intuitive.

The Ribbon makes finding and using your favorite tools simpler with new graphical menus and
a familiar experience to help you easily create and manage projects. Tooltips and contextual
guidance provide information and shortcuts so you can accomplish more in less time. In the

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new Microsoft® Office Backstage™ view, simply save, share, print, or publish your projects
from one location.

6) Save time and effort.

Save time and effort with familiar and essential functions like text wrapping, filtering, auto-
complete, scroll and zoom, and more. Insert new columns on the fly—data types are readily
identified so that you can quickly and effectively organize and analyze details. Quickly share
schedule details through enhanced copy-and-paste, and retain key formatting between Project
2010 and other Microsoft Office applications.

7) Flexible and powerful.

User-controlled scheduling puts you in control and brings together the flexibility and ease of
use of a tool like Microsoft Excel® 2010 and the power of the Project 2010 scheduling engine.
Create project schedules at the level of detail that’s right for your project. Work with summary
data initially or shift to a more detailed approach when it’s convenient. Place notes as
reminders of where additional schedule information is needed, or simply add information as it
becomes available.

8) Easier to see and share.

With a completely new and visually enhanced timeline view, you’ll have a clearer view of tasks,
milestones, and phases. Newly expanded color palettes and text effects help you make every
timeline and plan look their best—and help you to swiftly see and share important dates and

9) Control and deliver.

Quickly compare budget versus actual versus forecasted values to measure an initiative’s
progress with the flexibility of setting multiple baselines. Create high-level time-phased budgets
with user-defined categories for costs and labor. Validate budgets against bottom-up estimates
built by using labor, material, and cost resources. Control project costs by comparing budgets
to completed tasks and forecasted totals. Use built-in earned-value metrics for predictive
analysis and integrated performance management.

10). Evaluate possibilities.

Often you’ll need to evaluate scenarios and consider options when planning new projects or
monitoring ongoing work. Using inactive tasks, new in Project Professional 2010, you can
easily experiment with your project plan and perform what-if analysis. A simple toggle removes

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or inserts one or more tasks, along with their effect on the project schedule. Project 2010 also
offers more built-in tools to help support what-if analysis and scenario comparison, including
multiple-level undo and change highlighting.

Justification about this tool as a good Project management tool

In my justification of this MS Project 2010 from Microsoft comprises of various tools which
will ease managing and planning your project. This program released by Microsoft is having
a silky finish with the most effective and powerful tools under its belt. The all new Microsoft
Project 2010 is having applications that will help you in task management, scheduling and
planning of your projects. But without any second thought, the best thing about Microsoft
Project 2010 is that this program will give you complete control over your projects. Microsoft
help center made a huge stride by including the project road map for 2010,

provides program and project managers with a primer on business strategy—its purposes,
components, and high-level tools and techniques. For those of you currently operating at the
pair-of-hands level, this article is a wake-up call. For those of you who currently operate at the
partner level, this article is a refresher or quick self-knowledge check. In either case, a basic
knowledge of strategic planning is the place to start.

This is are the Good Project Management tool Features

Advanced view options:

This feature will guide you into a hub which will enable you to view the entire activity carried
out among your team. This will increase your skill in distributing the work load equally

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among the team members. The timeline view in Microsoft Project 2010 will allow you to
visualize the overall picture of the activities carried out in your organization.

• Customization:

You will have the utmost control over the project that you are going to present; you will have
the option to customize it as per your wish.

• Schedule via user:

Control: this feature in Microsoft project 2010 will allow a user to create the documents
either in Word or Excel and later, they can copy down to the project interface. This will
enhance the control that you are having over the schedule management.

• Better alliance:

Projects drawn out are mainly intended for a team working in a company, so it has to be
shared with everyone who is associated with that particular project. This is where Microsoft
Project 2010 stands out with its advances sharing feature.

• Compatibility:  

Project 2010 enhanced by Microsoft help and the research center by design, is compatible
with its predecessors. Users can create files in 2007 and later it can be opened and edited
in 2010, it’s possible vice-versa too.

b) Briefly outline the stage that a Project manager involves to do financial planning and
identify any document which incurs financial planning.

it is determining how a business will afford to achieve its strategic goals and objectives.
Usually, a company creates a Financial Plan immediately after the vision and objectives have
been set. The Financial Plan describes each of the activities, resources, equipment and
materials that are needed to achieve these objectives, as well as the timeframes involved.
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The Financial Planning activity involves the following tasks:-

 Assess the business environment

 Confirm the business vision and objectives
 Identify the types of resources needed to achieve these objectives
 Quantify the amount of resource (labor, equipment, materials)
 Calculate the total cost of each type of resource
 Summarize the costs to create a budget
 Identify any risks and issues with the budget set

Initiation involves starting up the project, by documenting a business case, feasibility study,
terms of reference, appointing the team and setting up a Project Office.

Planning involves setting out the roadmap for the project by creating the following plans:
project plan, resource plan, financial plan, quality plan, acceptance plan and communications

Execution involves building the deliverables and controlling the project delivery, scope, costs,
quality, risks and issues.

Closure involves winding-down the project by releasing staff, handing over deliverables to the
customer and completing a post implementation review.

roject management methods and tools can therefore be useful far more widely than people

Project management techniques and project planning tools are useful for any tasks in which
different outcomes are possible - where risks of problems and failures exist - and so require
planning and assessing options, and organizing activities and resources to deliver a successful

Projects can be various shapes and sizes, from the small and straightforward to extremely
large and highly complex.

In organizations and businesses, project management can be concerned with anything,

particularly introducing or changing things, in any area or function, for example:

 people, staffing and management

 products and services
 materials, manufacturing and production
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 IT and communications
 plant, vehicles, equipment
 storage, distribution, logistics
 buildings and premises
 finance, administration, acquisition and divestment
 purchasing
 sales, selling, marketing
 human resources development and training
 customer service and relations
 quality, health and safety,
 legal and professional
 technical, scientific, research and development
 new business development
 and anything else which needs planning and managing within organizations.

Successful project management, for projects large or small, tends to follow the process
outlined below.

The same principles, used selectively and appropriately, also apply to smaller tasks.

Project management techniques are not just for project managers - they are available for
anyone to use.

plan the project

Plan the various stages and activities of the project. Where possible (and certainly where
necessary) involve your team in the planning. A useful tip is to work backwards from the end
aim, identifying all the things that need to be put in place and done, in reverse order.
Additionally, from the bare beginnings of the project, use brainstorming (noting ideas and
points at random - typically with a project team), to help gather points and issues and to
explore innovations and ideas. Fishbone diagrams are also useful for brainstorming and
identifying causal factors which might otherwise be forgotten. For complex projects, or when
you lack experience of the issues, involve others in the brainstorming process. Thereafter it's a
question of putting the issues in the right order, and establishing relationships and links
between each issue. Complex projects will have a number of activities running in parallel.
Some parts of the project will need other parts of the project to be completed before they can
begin or progress. Such 'interdependent' parts of a project need particularly careful
consideration and planning. Some projects will require a feasibility stage before the completion
of a detailed plan. Gantt Charts and Critical Path Analysis Flow Diagrams are two commonly
used tools for detailed project management planning, enabling scheduling, costing and
budgeting and other financials, and project management and reporting.

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project timescales and costs

Most projects come in late - that's just the way it is - so don't plan a timescale that is over-
ambitious. Ideally plan for some slippage. If you have been given an fixed deadline, plan to
meet it earlier, and work back from that earlier date. Build some slippage or leeway into each
phase of the project. Err on the side of caution where you can. Projects which slip back and are
delivered late, or which run over budget or fail to meet other financial requirements often cause
significant problems. Many planners are put under pressure to deliver projects sooner and
more cost-effectively than is realistic. Ambition and aiming high are good attitudes, but
planning without proper prudence and responsibility is daft. Investors and executives tend
rarely to question an over-ambitious plan, but they will quickly make very ruthless decisions
when any overly ambitious project starts to fail. Exercising a little realism at the outset of a
project regarding financials and timescales can save an enormous amount of trouble later.

the project team

Another important part of the planning stage is picking your team. Take great care, especially if
you have team-members imposed on you by the project brief. Selecting and gaining
commitment from the best team members - whether directly employed, freelance, contractors,
suppliers, consultants or other partners - is crucial to the quality of the project, and the ease
with which you are able to manage it. Generally try to establish your team as soon as possible.
Identifying or appointing one or two people even during the terms of reference stage is possible
sometimes. Appointing the team early maximises their ownership and buy-in to the project, and
maximises what they can contribute. But be very wary of appointing people before you are sure
how good they are, and not until they have committed themselves to the project upon terms
that are clearly understood and acceptable. Don't imagine that teams need to be full of paid
and official project team members. Some of the most valuable team members are informal
advisors, mentors, helpers, who want nothing other than to be involved and a few words of
thanks. Project management on a tight budget can be a lonely business - get some help from
good people you can trust, whatever the budget.

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Task 03

Task 03 - (3.1)

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Assume your selected organization’s management is going to do a change to the
Organization. Discuss with them and assume a change of your choice and identify the
 who is responsible for this change

 who are the direct effected party

 what is the process used to implement the change

 what are the resistance raised over the change

 How to manage the resistance

 who is responsible for this change

Human resources manager

 who are the direct effected party Network Technician

 what is the process used to implement the change

Define change management process and practices

as you would with other systems management disciplines, you must first craft a plan for
handling changes. This plan should cover:

 Procedures for handling changes -

How changes are requested, how they are processed and scheduled for
implementation, how they are applied, and what the criteria are for backing out changes
that cause problems

 Roles and responsibilities of the IT support staff -

Who receives the change request, who tracks all change requests, who schedules
change implementations, and what each entity is supposed to do

 Measurements for change management

What will be tracked to monitor the efficiency of the change management discipline

 Type of changes to be handled and how to assign priorities -

Priority assignment methodology and escalation guidelines

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 Back-out procedures -

Actions to take if applied changes do not perform as expected or cause problems to

other components of the system

Step 2: Receive change requests

Receive all requests for changes, ideally through a single change coordinator. Change
requests can be submitted on a change request form that includes the date and time of the

Step 3: Plan for implementation of changes

Examine all change requests to determine:

 Change request prioritization

 Resource requirements for implementing the change
 Impact to the system
 Back-out procedures
 Schedule of implementation

Step 4: Implement and monitor the changes; back out changes if necessary
at this stage, apply the change and monitor the results. If the desired outcome is not achieved,
or if other systems or applications are negatively affected, back out the changes.

Step 5: Evaluate and report on changes implemented

Provide feedback on all changes to the change coordinator, whether they were successful or
not. The change coordinator is responsible for examining trends in the application of changes,
to see if:

 Change implementation planning was sufficient.

 Changes to certain resources are more prone to problems.

When a change has been successfully made, it is crucial that the corresponding system
information store be updated to reflect them.

Step 6: Modify change management plan if necessary

you may need to modify the entire change management process to make it more effective.
Consider reexamining your change management disciplines if:

 Changes are not being applied on time.

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 Not enough changes are being processed.
 Too many changes are being backed out.
 Changes are affecting the system availability.
 Not all changes are being covered.

 what are the resistance raised over the change

The Network Administrator reports the change to the IT manager

 How to manage the resistance

For explanations call the IT manager and find out the need to get this change.

Task 3.2

2. Assume When a set of employee community in this organization is de motivated, this

Organization’s management invites you to motivate them and get the job done. Use the
Douglas Macgregor’s motivation theory and explain how you are going to neutralize this

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Douglas McGregor's - Theory of Motivation

In his 1960 book, The Human Side of Enterprise, Douglas McGregor proposed two theories
by which to view employee motivation. He avoided descriptive labels and simply called the
theories Theory X and Theory Y. Both of these theories begin with the premise that
management's role is to assemble the factors of production, including people, for the
economic benefit of the firm. Beyond this point, the two theories of management diverge.
This is the Example For "Theory X and Theory Y"

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Theory X.

Theory X is based on traditional assumptions about people (employees). Here, the

conventional approach of management is used as a base. It suggests the following features of
an average human being/employee (assumptions about human nature)

Assumptions of Theory X.

1. The average human being is inherently lazy by nature and desires to work as little as
possible. He dislikes the work and will like to avoid it, if he can.
2. He avoids accepting responsibility and prefers to be led or directed by some other.
3. He is self-centered and indifferent to organizational needs.
4. He has little ambition, dislikes responsibility, prefers to be led but wants security.
5. He is not very intelligent and lacks creativity in solving organizational problems.
6. He by nature resists to change of any type.

In the case of such employees, self-motivation is just not possible. They will work only when
there is constant supervision on them. A manager has to persuade, punish or reward such
workers in order to achieve organizational goals.

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3. Theory Y.

Theory Y is based on modern or progressive or professional approach. Here, the assumptions

about people i.e. employees are quite different.

3.1 Assumptions of Theory Y.

1. Work is as natural as play, provided the work environment is favorable. Work may act
as a source of satisfaction or punishment. An average man is not really against doing
2. People can be self-directed and creative at work if they are motivated properly.
3. Self-control on the part of people is useful for achieving organizational goal. External
control and threats of punishment alone do not bring out efforts towards organizational
4. People have capacity to exercise imagination and creativity.
5. People are not by nature passive or resistant to organizational needs. They have
become so as a result of experience in organizations.
6. An average human being learns under proper conditions. He is also willing to accept
7. The intellectual capacity of an average human being is utilized partially under the
conditions of modern industrial life.

4. Final Glance on Theory X and Theory Y.

Such types of people (employees) are self-motivated and McGregor recommends that they be
motivated by encouraging participation so as to get team work. Theory Y assumes that people
are not by nature, lazy and unreliable. They can be self-directed and creative at work, if
properly motivated. It is for the management to unleash this potential in individuals
(employees). Theory Y emphasizes creating opportunities, removing obstacles, providing
guidance and encouraging growth. By using these tools, the management can integrate
individual goals of employees with those of the Organization.

The assumptions in Theory X and Theory Y are fundamentally distinct. Theory X is static, rigid,
conservative and pessimistic. Theory Y is optimistic, dynamic, flexible and progressive. It
suggests self direction and the integration of individual needs with organizational needs. On
the other hand, more importance is given to external control imposed by the superior on the
subordinate in the Theory X.

If properly implemented, such an environment would result in a high level of motivation as

employees work to satisfy their higher level personal needs through their jobs.

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Task 04

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Task 04

When you’re managing projects, you may face problems on them. Write a brief report
on IT risk management.

What is the IT risk Management

There are two things in this definition that may need some clarification. First, the process of risk
management is an ongoing iterative process. It must be repeated indefinitely. The business
environment is constantly changing and new threats and vulnerability emerge every day.
Second, the choice of countermeasures (controls) used to manage risks must strike a balance
between productivity, cost, effectiveness of the countermeasure, and the value of the
informational asset being protected.

Risk management is the process that allows IT managers to balance the operational and
economic costs of protective measures and achieve gains in mission capability by protecting
the IT systems and data that support their organizations’ missions. This process is not unique
to the IT environment; indeed it pervades decision-making in all areas of our daily lives.

We understand the key issues you are facing.

 Our IT Security Assessments gauge the "health" of our clients' IT security environments to
determine if they are "doing the right things" with their security programs.
 Our IT risk assessments allow clients to update and enhance their existing security and risk
management strategy with the people, processes and technologies necessary to elevate its
information protection posture to the level necessary to mitigate current risks.

Page | 53

We have the data, tools and capabilities to help.

 Continuously evolving, 10-year strong Reference Architecture methodology specifically for IT

security and risk management architecture and deployment strategy.
 Extensive experience with existing and emerging best practices related to IT security design,
risk management and program implementation.
 IT Security Assessments that include strategies to govern the identification of and protection
from threats and vulnerabilities through an effective organizational structure, a set of well-
documented polices and processes, and a sound security architecture.
 Over 20 years of security architecture and IT risk management strategy development
experience used to build the near- and long-term strategies as the fundamental building blocks
of the IT security strategy.

This is the Example for Risk Management.

Page | 54
1. Key personnel losses in user areas

IT does best in end-user areas where there is a strong champion on the user side. When one
of these champions leaves for another position, the going can get rougher. CIOs tend to keep
their eyes on key IT contributors who could leave for other positions, but they forget about the
user champions. Don’t. It can make the difference between a successful and a failed

2. Poor communications

Most of us tend to operate on the run. When this happens, communications become hurried,
fragmented, incomplete, garbled, and misunderstood. Always take time to clearly communicate
about projects, tasks, and directives. Failure to do so can result in disastrous projects or even
in a disenchanted employee who decides to go elsewhere. The need to communicate well
seems to be a no-brainer but the numbers of IT pros who complain about lack of direction and
attention from their bosses suggests that it needs more effort than it is getting.

3. Carelessness with vendors

It is standard procedure to investigate a prospective vendor’s financial viability before

executing an agreement. But how many companies ask their vendors whether they intend to
merge or be acquired? In one case, a CIO selected a vendor because it was an alternative to
another vendor that the company had an acrimonious relationship with and then the new
vendor was acquired six months later by the old vendor! You can’t always know every vendor’s
plans, but you can mitigate risk by writing in a right-to-terminate clause that you can activate if
the company’s management control changes.

4. Board engagement in decision-making

Many times, IT feels slighted because it is left out of boardroom discussions. The risk is less
visibility of what IT is contributing to the business. However, it should also be noted that other
types of risks can be introduced when the board becomes over-engaged with technology.

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5. Distributed servers in remote locations

For retail stores and other businesses that require stand-alone servers in remote offices and
outlets, there is added risk that computer environments are not kept clean and secure not to
mention the additional time IT must spend traveling from office to office to effect repairs. For
this reason, many organizations are moving their physical office servers to virtual servers within
their own private clouds, thereby facilitating centralized management of the assets and
reducing the risk.

6. Expert knowledge hoarding

I once managed a project for a software house and needed a highly skilled transaction
processing specialist. We had one but she was also requested (and assigned) to virtually
every other project team in the place. It reached the point where this person didn’t return phone
calls, attend meetings, or even open her door. My team members (and I) simply waited until
she was ready and/or available to help. I was a young, inexperienced project manager at the
time, but I quickly made the decision to get a much less experienced junior transaction
processing person on the team. I figured that the junior person might have to learn the ropes,
but that he would make up for this with his enthusiasm and by being a great team player. It was
one of the best decisions I ever made and it lowered my project risk.

7. Employee dating and spouses

Dating and spouses are common in most workplaces, and most of the time it’s fine. But it can
be disastrous if the right guidelines aren’t in place. I remember one situation where two great
project managers got married and soon began to fiercely compete against each other on the
job for promotions. This in-fighting was deleterious for the rest of us and risky for the company.
Since that time, this company (and many others) has adopted guidelines that ensure that
spouses work in different company areas and that they never work for one another.

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8. Lack of documentation

Lack of documentation continues to occur in IT projects, even with new self-documenting tools
available in the market. Naturally, the focus is on hitting the project deadline. But if you’ve ever
had to revisit a system (especially an older one), you’ve no doubt discovered that many of the
software program routines are strictly “black box” (i.e., nobody really knows the code that is in
them or what the routines actually do). This is where lack of documentation creates major risks
for companies in mission-critical systems.

9. Your DR plan

One of the most likely places you’re going to find poor, outdated, or missing documentation is
in your disaster recovery (DR) plan Most DR plans are backburner projects for IT. Even if
they’re complete, there is no assurance that bank documentation is going to remain up to date
or that the plan will really work. To mitigate the risk, the DR plan should be tasked out every
year for updates and systematically tested every year to ensure that it works.

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