Activity 3/ Evaluation: Communication - HTML

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Read the article titled Social Media and Ethics and write a short critique paper following
these guidelines:

1. What is the general idea of the text?

2. Discuss thoroughly why you agree or disagree on the article.
3. Give examples to justify your claims.
4. Observe coherence in writing.
5. Cite other references properly. (if any)



Social Media has changed the world by making it easier for everyone to become
connected in just a few matters of seconds. Along with the benefits that it gives to the world, it
also has its challenges, especially for Public Relations professionals when they are
communicating with others through the medium. The article, "Social Media and Ethics: PRSA,"
written by Charisma Glassman in 2017, describes the issues brought by the continuous expansion
of the users of social media to professionals and provide some of the code provisions from the
Code of Ethics by the PR Society of America, such as Code Disclosure of Information,
Safeguarding Confidences, Conflicts of Interest, Free Flow of Information, and Enhancing the
Profession; as well as the and the three professional values such as Honesty, Advocacy, and
Fairness that has relevance to the ethics that must be when using Social Media for professional
purposes. Aside from these provisions and values, she also includes the improper use of social
media while providing her tips to avoid it by recommending the best practices to use Social
media for professional purposes.

This article shows its importance as a guide for PR professionals who uses social media
by following and applying the mentioned codes and recommendations as well as the responsible
use of social media by also applying other proper social media practices which are important for
them to become more responsible in using Social Media despite its dynamic nature and
challenges that they bring.

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Most of the ideas focuses on giving suggestions and further clarifications on how
professionals should follow the code when using social media when communicating with other
people by providing the author’s insights about the topics discussed with the use of examples. To
further demonstrate this, one of the recommendations in one of the code revisions that was
mentioned from the article tells that the Conflict of Interests is defined as the act of avoiding real,
potential, or perceived conflicts of interest builds the trust of clients, employers, and the public.
The author combines the creation of content to the However, the word choices of the author to
write this article was not simple language and it gave me a hard time understanding what the
author is trying to say in the article. Despite these difficulties, the author did a great job
emphasizing the explanation of the examples given.

To sum up the article, the author has put a powerful statement that finally describes the
importance and significance of operating the medium that is applied with ethics.The
recommendations that the author has given were a brilliant idea for addressing the issues brought
by Social Media when it comes to communication with others. Despite its great delivery, the
only problem in the article is that the references were not properly cited by the author, and this
gives assumptions if she used words on her own. Being responsible for using Social Media as a
professional for communication, requires a lot of ethical choices in order to effectively use it

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