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Lesso n

Collaborative ICT Development

What’s In It

Web Page is a document written in HTML (Hypertext Markup

Language) that can be made accessible through the use of internet or using
an Internet browser. A web page is accessed through the use of a URL
(Uniform Resource Locator) address and may contain text, graphics, and
hyperlinks to other web pages and files.
A web page contain can be in a form of an online publication, online
newsletter (such as advertisements or write ups) containing news of interest
chiefly to a specific group. A web page is the primary source for information
dissemination in the web community. Through it, different platforms made to
make users and viewers share information and build collaboration-connection
to one another.
Below is an example of a web page depicting the owner and users view.

Photo credit:

Online collaborative tools comes in different kinds of platforms use for
ICT development. These platforms enables users and admins promote
interpersonal communication, enhances interactivity, establish a common goals
that will result to greater outcome of ICT readiness on an individual or group.
Hence below are some of the most common samples for platforms in
collaborative ICT development.

Examples of different
platforms in ICT

Photo credit:

What’s New

Activity No. 1 Crafting of Web Page/ Blog through online platforms

Now it’s time to do our own web page using different types of platforms
of your choice.
Do the following instructions listed below:
1. Create a website or use an existing one with the aid of but not limited to
Google site or any related platforms such as Blogger, Wiki and etc. If
your choice is the image next page will come out when
you go to their webpage to create your own idea and design.

Click here

Photo Credit:

Fill in this area

to create your
own blog

In the photo guide above you can click “CREATE YOUR BLOG”
button to start designing your own blog of choice.

On the other hand if your choice is others then please feel free to go
to their website or page. Some example for the creation of website is
shown next page.

Click here

Photo credit:

Click “Get Started” to create your choice of website, as shown in the

image above.

Fill in this area

to create your
own blog

Note: Follow instructions written inside the dialog box to help you guide with
your work.
Note: Follow instructions written inside the dialog box to help you guide with
your work.
Click here

Click here

2. Before creating your own webpage open the link provided to help you access
sample site for website creation. (

3. To further help you with your website creation or blog form, fill in the
following blanks which will serve as key points that may contain in your
site. You can write your response in the document file or in a note.
Remember these questions may serve as your guide in your website

“What is it that I want to share to the world?”

• The issue that matters to me is _ (cause or

• I could use my (Talent)
• To make a difference by (Action)

Take Note: You can add additional information such as your personal
viewpoints, pictures, data collected and others to enhance your page.

4. When done creating your site, present to class/ or choose a partner to
evaluate your work. Use the provided rubric when evaluating classmate’s
work but pay closer attention to the Categories labelled “Content” and
“Target Purpose”. Open the link and use this rubric to assess your
classmates output. photo credit:

Keep Getting
Got It Got It
Working There
Information is Information is Information In-depth
inaccurate or accurate but offers a research calls
contains not always comprehensive on a wide
significant complete and accurate variety of
gaps picture of the resources
Co ntent

Information Limited
comes from research Adequate Content is
few sources scope research fresh, original,
scope Insightful

What is it

As you are done with your web page creation through your choice of
platform, we now go to evaluating the type, design and quality of web page you
Hence let us first get acquainted with the different types of media
platform for online collaborative ICT Development. Platforms that may be
currently used to host newsletters and similar ICT content related information
which include but are not limited to are as follows for (a) Presentation and
visualization platforms such as Prezi, Zoho, Slideshare and Mindmeister. For
(b) cloud computing, e.g. Google Apps. (C) Social Media venues
include Facebook Pages, Tumblr, Instagram and Pinterest. Development of (d)
web page in which Wix, Weebly and Google Sites and lastly (e) Blog or
Publisher sites such as Blogger, Wordpress, Livejournal, Issuu and Google

Theses several choice of platforms contributes to accessing and working
collaboration through peers with the use of ICT.

What’s More

Activity No. 2: Collaborative Designed Website

Using the same website/page in Activity 1, evaluate the quality, value and
appropriateness of your classmate/peers’ existing developed ICT content or
media. Use the rubric attach in evaluating classmate’s designed website, or
blog. Or you can access the rubircs through this url:

Keep Getting Got It Got It

g lacks a Purpose may Site has a clear Very strong
sense of be somewhat purpose understanding of
purpose. unclear who the site was
No Target created for.
Target and

indication audience is Major elements All elements of

that the site identified, and of the site are the site are
appropriate for engaging and

was created some choices

for a target are the target appropriate for
audience appropriate audience the target
other than for this audience.
teacher-as- audience

Information Information is Information In-depth research

is inaccurate accurate but offers a calls on a wide
or contains not always comprehensive variety of
significant complete and accurate resources
gaps picture of the

Information Limited
comes from research Adequate Content is fresh,
few sources scope research scope original,

No Sources of Sources of Sources of
reference of information information are information are
original are credited in credited in

sources acknowledged standard standard formats.


Most All permissions All permissions
Information permissions are secured are secured and
is copied have been organized for
without secured future reference
May Some Ideas, themes or Ideas and
contain interpretation patterns are interpretations are

many facts, of facts developed insightful

but they are

not Connections Makes Connections

developed with larger connections with larger

as ideas, contexts are with larger contexts are

themes or not always contexts sophisticated
connections clear creative and
Home page Home page is Home page is Home page
is missing, functional aesthetically draws user into
Home Page

or does not pleasing and the site in a

function to gives a clear compelling
bring user sense of purpose way
into the site for the whole
site Home page
readily orients
users to the site
Layout of Page layout Page layout is Page layout is
pages is may be ‘busy’ interesting and creative and
confusing, or or appropriate for effective
cluttered or unimaginative content
Layo ut

Layout does Unreflective Layout is Layout effects

not reflect use of a appropriate for and extends the
ideas and template the content. ideas and content
content, but

User Navigation Functionality Functionality
becomes structures is appropriate intrigues target
lost in may be for target audience and
navigatin awkward or audience and enhances
g on or difficult to accomplishes purpose
between use the purpose

Problems Simple Simple and

with navigation powerful
Some navigation
functionali structures
elements of structures
ty frustrate make site quite
functionality make

the user easy for user

may not navigation feel
work as intuitive
intended, or
may not Appropriate use All
meet the of interactivity functionality,
needs of the for the purpose works
target of the site properly.
audience Creative use of
purpose of the
Headings or Headings do Headings and Headings create
paragraph not create a first paragraphs hierarchy and
breaks consistent of longer text intrigue reader.
are not used hierarchy create

to create and/or entice appropriate

hierarchies reader to go hierarchy
or orient further into
reader to the text First paragraphs
of longer text First paragraphs
text Paragraphs
interest reader to of longer text
may be long
go further into intrigue reader s
or incomplete
the text and draw them
into the text.

Errors in Some editing Few errors in Site has been
grammar for spelling grammar, fully edited to
and usage and usage, spelling be free of errors
interfere punctuation or punctuation in grammar,
with is required give clear usage and
meaning evidence of mechanics
careful editing
Many Writing style Writing style
punctuation is is interesting Writing style is
and spelling appropriate and effective deeply engaging
errors for the
style is not
Language and Conventions

effective for
the purpose

Errors in
and usage
but do not

Poor Inconsistent Graphic Creative design
quality of quality of elements are causes
font, text color, tables, lists, white graphic graphic good backgrounds
Graphic Elements (backgrounds,
elements elements quality and other
No sense of Graphics Graphic elements to
purpose for are used as elements work
the ‘add- on’s’ contribute to exceptionally
inclusion of rather than meaning well together
space, images, etc.)

graphic as an
elements element of
Graphic elements are
Little or no
design used in
evidence of Some
principles are imaginative
design awareness
followed and effective
principles of graphic
principles is
Integration of multimedia elements (sound
clips, images, frames, hyperlinks, image maps,

Draws on a Multimedia Multimedia Multimedia

limited elements are elements elements are an
number of often support and integral part of
multimedia decorative, develop content
elements or are content
Multimedi Multimedia
a elements Too many Downloading elements are
do not multimedia is acceptably used in a
develop elements, or fast highly creative
the topic failure to way.

As you go through evaluating your peers work, images above
shows the content of the rubrics use. Once you are done evaluating each
other’s works you can proceed to sharing your presentation to the whole
class. Make sure to made constructive corrections for the work to further
enhance the platform.

What I Can Do

Activity No. 3: Evaluating Content and Interest on a Website

1. Open the link provided, this link directs you to
the Gold Foundation Website ( Please see next page for sample
website that the class will be using during evaluation).

Photo Credit:

2. Look for a pair or you can be paired with your previous teammate.
Together, you exchange ideas on evaluating the content and interest of
the sample site given.
3. In evaluation, use the rubric provided by opening this URL,
4. You and your peers’ evaluation should go together to come up with one
common rating.

What I have Learned

Activity 4: Synthesizing Your Learning

Answer the following questions based on your learning. Be brief and concise.
1. Based on your readings of the discussion what are the different types of
platforms for collaborative ICT design?





2. Of the list you provided in number 1, which platform you most often use
in sharing your concepts online? Why do you prefer to use this?
3. In your own understanding, what do you think is the importance of
staying updated to the online community? How does it help/reflect your
daily living?


Multiple Choice: Select the letter of the best answer among the given choices.

1. Collaborative ICT enables a person to be the following EXCEPT______.

A. Enables learners to establish common goals
B. Enhances rate for interactivity
C. Give ambiguous instructions and outcome
D. Promotes development for interpersonal communication
2. It is an online publication that contains information, database and updates
that is intended to a special group of viewers.
A. Mozilla Firefox C. Web News
B. Google Chrome D. Web Page
3. Which of the following is NOT an aim for online collaboration tool?
A. Preventing distance barrier C. Communication Online
B. Productivity D. Able to be physically together
4. A tool classified in the Microsoft office that is use to make document type
of files and is usually ends in .docx extension.
A. Microsoft Excel C. Microsoft PowerPoint
B. Microsoft Word D. Microsoft Publisher
5. Which is NOT a function of BLOGS as one the collaborative tools?
A. Allows admin to read, edit, add and delete posts.
B. Allow blogs that includes media file type like image and videos.
C. Allows users to post updates.
D. Allows multiple people for contribution.
6. A tool under Microsoft office that aims to make calculations through cells
packed in a particular workspace called spread sheets ?
A. Microsoft Excel C. Microsoft PowerPoint
B. Microsoft Word D. Microsoft Publisher
7. What does ICT stands for?
A. Information and Communication Technical
B. Information and Communication Technology
C. Information and Connection Technology
D. Information and Copyright Technical

8. HTML means .
A. HyperText Markup Language
B. HyperText Mark Language
C. HypeTech Mark Location
D. HypeTech Markup Location
9. The following are the sources of information EXCEPT _.
A. Computer C. Television
B. Mobile phone D. Printer
10. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
A. Facebook C. Twitter
B. InstaGram D. Blogger
11. The following are platforms use for collaborative ICT development
except_____ .
A. Microsoft Office C. eBooks
B. Blogs D. magazines
12. Online repository of files arranged by folders.
A. Cloud storage C. Archive
B. Database D. Logs
13. Google apps include the following except .
A. YouTube C. Mozilla Firefox
B. Gmail D. Translate
14. Which of the following is designed for the web community?
A. Book C. Web Page
B. Newsletter D. Magazine
15. What does URL stands for?
A. Uniform Resource Locator
B. Uniform Residence Location
C. Universal Residence Location
D. Universal Resource Locator

Department of Education, Empowerment Technologies for Academic Track
Teacher’s Guide First Edition 2016, Published by Department of Eudcation -Bureua
of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR) Office Address: Ground Floor Bonifacio
Building, DepEd Complex Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines 1600, 18-28, “Home Page”, Accessed January 29, 2020,, “Galileo Organization: Scoring Rubrics”, Accessed January 27, 20202,, Home Page, Accessed January 27, 2020,, “User’s Home Page”, Accessed January 30, 2020,, “Images”, Dina, Christian, Accessed January 31, 2020,, “Home Page”, Accessed January 28, 2020, https ://, “User’s Home Page”, Accessed January 30, 2020,

Lesson Using Multimedia to Create a
1 Content-Rich Online

What I Need to Know

In today’s era, people around the globe are so much exposed with different
digital technologies and applications. Most of those are the 21 st Century Leaners
or you, a Senior High Student.
As a senior high student, you are inclined to expose yourself in the online
world such as playing games, listening to music, watching YouTube videos,
posting videos, images, updating status in social media and browsing the internet
In this topic, you will learn what exactly multimedia is and how to create a
content-rich online environment.

What’s New

Activity 1 – Example of Multimedia

In posting images, sharing videos and even publishing your own videos
in your channel, there are specific file formats being used. Identify and list
down ten (10) different file extension formats you used or encountered.

1. .mp3 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
Table 1. Identification of Multimedia File Formats

What Is It

There are many definitions of multimedia in the internet now a days but in
general, it is a combination of one or more media such as text, graphics, drawings,
and images, audio, video and animations.
When all these resources are combine, interactive applications will be
produced. Interactivity is the fundamental feature of multimedia. It is the user
ability to interact with a certain application. Multimedia allows the content to be
presented in a nonlinear way, which allows the reader to be active rather than
passive. It is the user who will determine what content should be delivered,
when should be delivered, and how would it be delivered. Now, please see the
image below.

Image source:

The image above shows the different types of multimedia and its
functions. It also indicates that multimedia can be used in the business, schools,
home, public places and even virtual reality. You have seen some of these
things around you. Even your cellphones either high end or not, that is still part
of the multimedia.

Types of Multimedia
A. Text and Graphics - Slideshow, Presentation, Diagrams,
B. Audio - Music Stations, Radio Stations
C. Video - Film, Movies, Video Clips, TV Shows
D. Animations – hand drawn, 2D, 3D, Motion Graphics, Stop Motion
E. Games – Online games, Offline games,
F. Websites - Webinars and Online meetings, Moodle activities,
Blogs, Interactive contents
G. Others - Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Holograms

What’s More

Activity 2 – Types of Multimedia

Identify the type of multimedia of the given applications, file formats or

that uses multimedia. Write TG if it belongs to Text and Graphics, A for
Audio, V for Video, A for Animation, G for Games, W for Websites.
1. MS PowerPoint Ans. TG
2. MOR Ans.
3. Adobe Photoshop Ans.
4. It’s Showtime Ans.
5. Call of Duty Ans.
6. .mp3 Ans.
7. .flv Ans.
8. .jpg Ans.
9. Tom and Jerry Ans.
10. .doc Ans.
Table 2. Identification of types of Multimedia File Formats
What Is It Computer-based
Teaching Aid
Virtual Surgery
Activity 3: Match the usage of multimedia. Information Kiosk
Virtual Reality
In this activity, each pictures has appropriate name Simulation
of the usage of multimedia. You will choose the correct
answers inside the box. Write your answers on the blank

1. Answer: Teaching Aid

2. Answer:

3. Answer:

4. Answer:

5. Answer:

6. Answer:

Photo Credit:
a/M MGD0101%20chapter%201.pdf

What I Have Learned

Activity 4: Create a blog site using a Website.

You can watch the video on the blogger tutorial using the link:
1. In your task today, go to the website

2. On the website, you are required to sign in your Gmail account. If you have
not created any account yet, you will first create an account by clicking the
“create new account”.

3. After creating the account, you are

now ready to create a blog address.
In creating a blog address, use
emtechYoursurname] (e.g
emtechOruiqep). Do not include
spaces in between and special
characters. You may capitalize the
first letter of your surname. In case
your blog address is not available,
you may add a number or any letters
to make it unique.
4. Your blog Title is Empowerment
Technology, because this is intended for empowerment technology subject
only. You can create another blog address if you want to for other
5. Then click if available button. If it is available, then you can proceed.
6. Choose now your template.
7. Thus time create a new post.
8. Explore the other features of the blog to familiarize each of the icon


What I Can Do

Activity 5- Create and Publish Multimedia Using Blog

In this activity, you are going to create your first post that will be
published online. Please answer the guide questions below. Make your blog
Blog Reflection Questions:
a. My understanding about Multimedia. Please include sample
images, videos or websites you created using the link or insert
b. How do I use Multimedia? This is the procedures you have done
with the sample multimedia you posted in question number 1.
c. What do I think the significance of using Multimedia?
Rating Criteria
Relevance and Content – 70%

Creativity - 30%

Total 100%

2 The World Wide Web

What’s In

Activity 1: Multimedia Applications

From the previous lessons, identify five (5) multimedia examples using
file format extensions.

1. Text and Graphics Answer: JPEG

2. Audio Answer:
3. Video Answer:

4. Animations Answer:

5. Websites Answer:
Table 3. Identification of Multimedia File Formats Applications

What I Need to Know

The World Wide Web is commonly called as “the Web”. This is a place
where we can retrieve services of the Internet. Some services is online
shopping, online jobs, social media sites and even video sites.
As a Senior High Student, you are using the World Wide Web in your
research and assignments or even creating your own blog sites. The Web has
diverse information from different authors, writers and contributors, that’s why
many researchers are more in favor of using legitimate journals website for
research purposes. Now consider the data statistics below.

Data Source: Table 4.
Table 4. Internet Use Statistics as of June 30, 2019
The above image implies that the Philippines was ranked number six (6)
among Asian Countries. Our country has 79,000,000 users of internet as of
June 30, 2019 from the total population of 109,581,078 according to UN data.
The image shows that many Filipinos are exposed to the World Wide Web and
most likely a lot of Filipinos from preschoolers to working citizens are using
the internet regardless of the reason and purpose.

What’s New

Activity 2: Website Evaluation

List down the top five (5) websites you visited last month.
Rank the websites according to the number of hours you are using them
and define the purpose or reasons of your browsing.
Table 5. Website Evaluation
Rank Name of Website Purpose of browsing
Example To be updated on the current news around the

What Is It

History of the WWW

In March 1989, an English engineer,
computer scientist and a professor at
the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, envisioned the Web
document called ““Information
Management: A Proposal”. That
person refers to Tim Berners Lee. He
invented the World Wide Web.
Image source:
The Three (3) fundamental technologies of today’s Web are:

1. HTML: HyperText Markup Language. A language for the Web that

comes in mark up tags. Mark up tags is written in pair. Example of mark
up tags is <body> </body>. You can see this in all websites coding.
2. URI: Uniform Resource Identifier. A unique identifier of website
address on Web resources. It is also commonly called a URL (Uniform
Resource Locator).
3. HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol. This allows to retrieve the linked
resources on all Web pages.

The image shows

the evolution of the
World Wide Web.
From Web 1.0,
Web 2.0, Web
3.0 and even

Image source:


What’s More

Activity 3: Difference between Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 Fill in
the blanks. In this activity, you are going to browse the website to identify
the difference of the World Wide Web Version and fill in the blanks below.
Type the URL: on your browser. You may use or
borrow a smart phones, Tablets, and computers to see the website.

Table 6. Difference of World Wide Web

WEB 1.0 WEB 2.0 WEB 3.0

Mostly Read-Only 1. Wildly Read-Write Portable and Personal
Company Focus Community Focus 2.
3. Blogs / Wikis Live-streams / Waves

Owning Content 4. Consolidating Content

Web Forms Web Applications 5.

6. Tagging User Behaviour

Page Views Cost Per Click 7.
Banner Advertising 8. Behavioural Advertising
9. Wikipedia The Semantic Web
HTML/Portals XML / RSS 10.
Data Source:
with- their-difference/

What I Have Learned

Activity 4: Website Features Evaluation

In this activity, you are going to evaluate the version and features or
characteristics of the given websites. You are advice to browse the following
websites to answer what is being asked on the questions below.
In browsing the websites you have determine the web version, and the
purpose of the website

Websites/Name Web Version Website Purpose/s

1. 3.0 To create a customize websites
according to the user
2. preferences

Table 6. Website Features Evaluation

What I Can Do

Activity 5: Website Modification

In this activity, you will log in your account in
Choose any template that you want to create. Make it sure your website is
customized according to your preference. Submit the URL or Web
address to your teacher once you are done.

ICT as Medium for Advocacy
What’s In

Activity 1. Website Ranking

In this activity, you will rearrange the websites below according to rank
based from your need or preferences. Rank the websites by rewriting it inside
the box.
Given the websites, you will rank the websites listed from the most needed
to the least needed website.

Website Rank Website Name
3. 1
6. 5
7. 6
8. 7
9. 8
10. 9

What I Need to Know

The Information and Communications Technology

(ICT) has been part of our daily lives. We have been using it as part of
our daily routine. Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is
so broad to define because it includes technologies, communications,
computers, storage, enterprise software, hardware, computer networking
and all the integration of these things.

What’s New

Activity 2. Example of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

In this activity, you will identify ten (10) examples of ICT from your
surroundings based on the definition you learned.
1. Mobile Phones 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
Table 7. Example of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

What Is It
Impacts of Information and Communications Technology
In today’s generation, if not all but most of the households, classrooms,
offices and other organizations are upgrading their practices from traditional to
technological one. Information and Communications Technology is now
playing a big part in our lives. It makes our lives easier, thus making us to live
better. Now as a Senior High Student you will be learning the positive and
negative impacts of Information and Communications Technologies.

What’s More

Activity 2. Positive and Negative Impacts of ICT

In this activity, as a student of Senior High, identify the positive or
advantages of using Information and Communications Technology (ICT) that
you know. Complete the positive and negative impacts to the different variables
like people, education, organization, and society in the box below.
You can write as many as you can inside the boxes. Please refer to
Ajahana blogsite to get an idea on what to write.
Please do not copy from the web to avoid plagiarism. You must answer in your
own words in a short sentence not in keywords.

Variables Positive Impact (+) Negative Impact (-)
People Many are unemployment due
to automation programs.

Society It provides distance learning.



Table 8. Positive and Negative Impacts of ICT

What I Can Do
Activity 3: Answer me in
Open your blog account, create new post with the title “ICT as
Medium for Advocacy” and answer what is being asked below.
1. How Information and Communications and Technology (ICT) has
transformed the educational methodologies when you were in
grade school and now in Senior High School.
2. Consider the following for comparison.
a. The singing of the national anthem (Form a line, sing the
national anthem with conductor)
b. Concepts notes
c. Presentation of visual aids
d. Class record
e. class dismissal
f. assignment and research
3. Submit your link to your teacher.

Digital Citizenship
What’s In

Activity 1: Impact of Information and Communications
From the previous lessons, identify which is positive and negative impacts
of Information and Communications Technologies. Check the box if it belongs
to positive or negative impact.
Impact Positive Negative
1. Because of automation, people most likely to loss to
their job.

2. The education caters the distant learners.

3. The data is possible to be exposed to hacker.

4. The transactions of the government is now faster.

5. The people has less physical activity.

Table 8. Impact of Information and Communications Technology

What I Need to Know

Internet and technology is very affordable this time, even the young kid can
browse the online world in one click of the finger. As a responsible person, we
must always bear in our mind that every actions should have a corresponding
responsibility. So today, you will be learning on the different practices of being
a good citizen in the digital world.

What’s New

Activity 2: Social Media Practice

List down five (5) practices when you are using your social media
accounts. This is to know how you use your social media. There’re no
wrong answers here.

1. I do not expose my private information in my account. I will make it

Table 10. Social Media Practices

What Is It

Digital Citizenship is a term use to a social responsibility in

the digital world. It involves the appropriate and responsible use of technology
to all users. It is more than being safe online.
Digital Citizen is a term use to describe a person who uses the online and
technology world safely and responsibly. As a digital citizen, we need to have
the ability to discern what is positive to share online and what should not be
exposed. Respecting others works and giving proper credits is a must to a
digital citizen.

Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship

1.Digital Access 6. Digital Health and Welfare

2. Digital Commerce 7. Digital Law

3. Digital Communication and 8. Digital Rights and

Collaboration Responsibility

4. Digital Etiquette 9. Digital Security and Privacy

11. Digital fluency

Table 11. Elements of Digital Citizenship

What’s More

Activity 3. Elements of Digital Citizenship

Identification. From the description below, identify the elements
of Digital Citizenship that best describe each statement.
1. The education sector should provide another alternative for lesson and
data collection as free access in the community.
2. These elements involve the exchanging of information where everybody
can learn and understand the message.
3. It is an electronic selling and buying of goods and will aid to safeguard
the online buyers or sellers information from possible attacks of online
crimes. Answer:
4. This refers to the standards of conducts or procedures on how we can use
the digital devices to help and inspire others and not to involve to any
cybercrime like cyber bullying, scamming or even hacking.
5. This element is the electronic precautionary measures to keep the devices
of digital citizen from the attack of online criminals.

What I Have Learned

Activity 4: Help a Friend

In this activity, you will analyze a situation and identify the Elements of
Digital Citizenship. After identifying the element, state the possible solution to
address the problem of the situation.
Case Scenario:

Mr. Paul is a regular customer of an online shop. One day, he wanted to

buy a twenty (20) pair of Nike shoes worth 50,000 pesos. This time, the seller
wanted to deposit first the money via pera padala. Since Mr. Paul has ordered
so much before, he already trusted the seller, so he sent the money to the seller.
After how many days, the seller’s phone number cannot be reached and the
online shop has been shut down. Please help Mr. Paul what to do.

1. What is the role of Mr. Paul in the situation? Ans.

2. What element does Mr. Paul belong in the Digital Citizenship?
3. As a friend of Mr. Paul, what can you advise to him on what to do? State
all the necessary information you wanted to say that will help about his
situation. Answer.

What I Can Do

Activity 5: Social Media Research

In this activity, open your social media accounts. You will observe the
post of your friends. This time, identify five (5) friends who posted positive in
their timeline that inspires people and what they post. List the name of your
friends below and the details.

Name of Friends Post that inspires others Date Posted


ICT Project for Social
5 Change

What I Need to Know

Did you know that Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) is one of
the popular advocacy group here in the Philippines? Have you wondered how
did they come up with the idea of creating the organization? How did that
organization reach the different parts of the Philippines? Using Information and
Communications Technology (ICT) as a medium of communication and even
having their own official website makes it easier for them to spread their goal to
prevent animal cruelty through education. In this module you will learn how to
develop a working ICT Project for Social Change.

What’s New
Activity 1: Creating a Concept Paper
Guide Questions
1. Identify a cause or issue for social change
2. Decide if Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can
offer a solution to the cause or social issue that you have identified
3. Do you think that the problem you have selected is relevant to your
4. Does the project that you selected have an impact that can contribute to
the community?
5. As a student, can you handle the cause or social issue that you have

After identifying & evaluating a cause or issue for social change, you
need to create your own concept paper. A concept paper plays a valuable role
in the early stages of creating or conceptualizing ideas for your project.

According to a presentation made by Mark Jhon Oxillo (2018), a concept

paper has 5 basic parts, namely:
a. Introduction – this includes a brief introduction of your ICT Project for
Social Change
b. Purpose – part of the concept paper where you can find the reason why
this project is worth investing for.
c. Description – this includes the important information about your project.
d. Support – this includes the budget for the ICT project. It involves the
things that you need like internet connection, social media account.
Anything that you are going to use to produce your ICT project should be
found here.
e. Contact Information – this includes information about the group, and how
can they be contacted. (e.g. emails, contact number)

What Is It
Below is a sample of a concept paper
Project Name
Drive ko BEH (Basic Etiquette on Highways)
Nowadays owning a vehicle is very accessible, because of this people tend
to own a vehicle. Most of them bought it for convenience, others are for show but
the question is that do these people have the etiquette & knowledge about how
they take their vehicles on the road?
This project aims to provide a solution to create a way where people will be
educated on the proper driving etiquette & safety tips through ICT.
Basic Etiquette on Highways (BEH) is an information platform which aims to
educate motorists about traffic rules using the popular social media sites such as
twitter, facebook, Instagram, etc. Features of BEH includes uploading of media
(photos, videos, audios, etc) where users and page administrator can interact with
each other.

The estimated budget for the project is 1,500 pesos. It is also recommended
to tap organizations such as LTO and local government unit of barangay
Bagontaas to assist in giving information about the basic traffic rules.
Contact Information
The proponents can be contacted through the following:
Email –
Cell number – 09066202598

What I Can Do
Activity 1: Audience Profiling, (Demographics and Psychographics)
Guide Questions
1. Based on your selected cause or advocacy in the previous activity, can you
make a list of people who can benefit on your cause or advocacy?
2. Who are the target audience, users, and collaborators of your ICT Project?
3. How can your ICT integration help in the process of reaching those
targeted users?
4. How will your targeted users respond using ICT to a call into action?

Do you have any idea about what is audience profiling?

Audience profiling is the act of processing about who are the target
users/customer of your ICT project. It usually study and process the basic profile
of your users like their age, income, sex, location, behavior etc.
Demographics – According to a blog by Susan E. DeFranzo demographics
are characteristics of a population. Characteristics such as race, ethnicity,
gender, age, education, profession, occupation, income level, and marital status,
are all typical examples of demographics that are used in surveys.
In designing a survey, you need to know who to survey and how to analyze all
of the survey response data into meaningful groups of respondents.
Psychographics – Psychographics are just like demographics, but it
focuses on your users’ values, behavior, habits in spending their money,
hobbies, attitude, etc.
Create an online survey tool intended for your targeted users. You need to
formulate questions where in the users/members of your ICT project know
what actions can they do with your ICT project. You can use the free online
survey tool using google forms. Just visit

Lesson ICT Project
6 Implementation

What I Need to Know

Now that you are done planning and conceptualizing your ICT project for
social change, and started making your website, it’s now time to analyze how
target or intended users and audiences are expected to respond to the proposed
ICT project for social change on the basis of content, value, and user experience.

In this part of the lesson, you are going to write textual content and integrate
rich multimedia in designing of your ICT project for social change using your
preferred social media platforms or blogging platform.

What Is It


In creating your website, these are things you need to know:

1. Content
✓ Guidelines on user participation to the website. Think about on how the
user can contribute to the website.
✓ Mission statement. Think of an appropriate tagline of your website.
✓ Sections. Think of what to include in your website like registration
forms, calendar of activities, and list of artwork.
2. Design
✓ Platform. Decide what platform to use; it could either be social media
platform or blogging platform.
✓ Multimedia content. Decide whether to include background music, videos
and photos in your website that would encourage or motivate the user to
participate in a call to action.

3. Value
✓ Interest. Think of the ways that will motivate your intended audience to
participate in your website like ease in communication enabled by ICT,
access to materials and empowering support for the art and culture based
creative outputs.

What I Can Do

ACTIVITY 1 – Create ICT Project

You need to create and develop an ICT Project for Social Change relating to
an issue relevant to your professional track. Samples of these advocacies or
projects include but are not restricted to:
• Antidrug campaigns
• Youth election volunteer mobilization
• Animal welfare and rights
• Environmental conservation and action
• Contemporary ICT issues examples are cyber-bullying, copyright
infringement, green technology, and Internet addiction.

Please note that there are many more causes. You can choose causes that are
specific or relevant to your locality.

After choosing what campaign you have in mind you need to accompany it
with a website that will promote the campaign and to provide more information
about the campaign.
Once done and approved by your teacher, in a 4-week period you
need to do the following for your ICT project:

1. A website that will promote and explain everything about your campaign.
2. Integrate rich multimedia content such as text, audio, images, animations,
video and interactive content about your campaign in your website.
3. An infographic.
4. A Facebook page, wherein you can create events for your audience to
meet and collaborate about your campaign.

What I Have Learned

ACTIVITY 2. Self-Assessment

Open your blog account, create a new post with the title “My ICT Project
Implementation Experienced” and answer what is being asked below.

1. What are the factors you need to consider in creating an ICT Project?

2. What are the difficulties you experienced while doing your ICT Project?

3. What kind of content that would encourage or motivate you to participate in

a call to action?
4. How will you rate your knowledge in creating an ICT Project?

5. Rate yourself from 1 to 10, which is 1 is the lowest and 10 is the highest.

6. State the reason why you have that rating for yourself?

1. Multimedia is a combination of one or more media such as text, graphics,
drawings, and images, audio, video and animations.
2. Multimedia Interactivity is the fundamental feature of multimedia, it is the
user ability to interact with a certain application. Multimedia allows the
content to be presented in a nonlinear way, which allows the reader to be
active rather than passive.
3. Types of Multimedia
a. Text and Graphics - Slideshow, Presentation, Diagrams, Infographics
b. Audio - Music Stations, Radio Stations
c. Video - Film, Movies, Video Clips, TV Shows
d. Animations – hand drawn, 2D, 3D, Motion Graphics, Stop Motion
e. Games – Online games, Offline games,
f. Websites - Webinars and Online meetings, Moodle activities, Blogs,
Interactive contents
g. Others - Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Holograms
4. Tim Berners Lee invented the World Wide Web
5. 1989 the World Wide Web was invented
6. HTML: HyperText Markup Language. A language for the Web that comes
in mark-up tags. Mark up tags is written in pair. Example of mark-up tags is
<body> </body>. You can see this in all websites coding.
7. URI: Uniform Resource Identifier. A unique identifier of website address
on Web resources. It is also commonly called a URL (Uniform Resource
8. HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol. This allows to retrieve the linked
resources on all Web pages.
9. Digital Citizenship is a term use to a social responsibility in the digital world.
It involves the appropriate and responsible use of technology to all users. It is
more than being safe online.
10. Digital Citizen is a term use to describe a person who uses the online and
technology world safely and responsibly. As a digital citizen, we need to have
the ability to discern what is positive to share online and what should not be
exposed. Respecting others works and giving proper credits is a must to a
digital citizen.

What I Know (Post-Test)

Test I True or False

Instructions: Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct, and write
the correct tern to make the statement true. Write the letter of your answer on
the blanks provided.
1. It is a plus if you decide what software or application to use in your
website ahead of time.
2. Including videos and photos in your website is one way to encourage
and motivate the user to participate in your website.
3. In creating your website, it is good to put appropriate content about
your campaign.
4. It is necessary to think of an appropriate of your website.
5. Better not to include registration forms, calendar of activities and list
of artwork in your website because that will confuse the audience.
6. You should not think on how the user can contribute to your website.
7. Adding multimedia content in your website will look the campaign
more serious about it.
8. Thinking about what to include in your website is a waste of time.
9. Your self-interest is the only thing necessary for your website.
10. Your website’s mission statement should not be related to your

Test II Multiple Choice

Instructions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following elements contains the budget needed for the project?
A. Contact information C. Description
B. Support D. Purpose
2. Rita a computer programming student, she created an online program that
would help parents in checking the grades of their children. She created a
concept paper about this project. In what part of Rita’s concept paper, she
should state the reasons why this project is worth for the parents and her
sponsor’s time, effort?
A. Purpose C. Support
B. Contact information D. Description

3. Demographic is defined as.
A. The overall people that saw a certain post.
B. The reach obtained throughout advertisement.
C. Contains the information about the number of people who was
reached by your post.
D. The statistics which includes age, location, gender, language, and
4. All are the key elements in creating a Concept Paper, except;
A. Introduction C. General Idea
B. Description D. Purpose
5. A part of a concept paper where you can read the aim of the ICT project.
A. Contact information C. Description
B. Purpose D. Introduction
6. What is the importance of a concept paper in a corporate setting?
A. The concept paper explains the importance of a particular research
B. The concept paper will convince the support team that this could
C. The concept paper will give them enough statistical information.
D. The concept paper can provide enough money for the accomplishment
of the project.
7. This includes your group’s mission and vision and a brief introduction of
your project.
A. Contact information C. Description
B. Purpose D. Introduction
8. Which is an example of image file form30at extensions?
A. Moving Picture Experts Group Audio Layer-3 (MP3)
B. Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG)
C. Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
D. Power Point File (PPT)
9. Which is an example of an audio file format extensions?
A. Moving Picture Experts Group Audio Layer-3 (MP3)
B. Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG)
C. Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
D. Tagged Image File Format (TIFF)

10. Which is NOT a type of multimedia?
A. Moving Picture Experts Group Audio Layer-3 (MP3)
B. Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG)
C. Audio Video Interleave (AVI)
D. Flash Video (FLV)
11. What is the standard language for documents designed for the web browser?
A. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
B. Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
C. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTML)
12. The importance of multimedia today are the following except:
A. It has the ability to interacts user with the applications
B. It gives static interactions between the user and the applications
C. It represents various types of media which can be integrated in one
13. Who was the person behind the World Wide Web?
A. Tim Jackson
B. Tim Bernees Lee
C. Tim Berners Lee
14. When was the year that the web was published or born?
A. 1988
B. 1989
C. 1990
15. What is mark-up language for the3w 2 eb?
A. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
B. Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
C. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTML)
16. Which is the best descriptions of demographics?
A. The overall people that saw a certain post.
B. The reach obtained throughout advertisement.
C. Contains the information about the number of people who was
reached by your post.
D. The statistics which includes age, location, gender, language, and


Innovative Training Works, Inc. Empowerment Technologies.

Department of Education. Empowerment Technologies (Teacher’s Guide)
Department of Education. Empowerment Technologies (Student Reader)
Oxillo, M. (2018). ICT Project for Social Change. Retrieved January 18, 2019, from

DeFranzo, S. (2012). Why Use Demographic Questions in Surveys. Retrieved January

19, 2019, from questions-
Jim Shuman enhanced edition Empowerment Technologies module multimedia concepts
Lee, Tim B. (2009) World Wide Web Foundation Retrieved January 19, 2019

Madhurkant Sharma. Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 with their difference Retrieved
January 21, 2020 and-web-3-0-with-


Lesson How to Manage, Maintain, and Sustain an
1 Online ICT Project for Social Change

What’s In

Our previous lesson was about Developing an ICT Project for Social
Change. It covers the following topics: Planning and conceptualizing an ICT
Project for Social Change; Research for ICT Projects, audience profiling
(demographics and psychographics); Designing and copywriting for ICT
Projects; and Developing and constructing the ICT project.
This topic focused on how you are going to manage, maintain and sustain
your online ICT project for social change.

What’s New

Facebook nowadays is the very common and the most popular social
media site in the entire globe, with in fact it is second most visited site next to
Google. The reason why it is very popular because it can be easily access
through your mobile gadgets like smartphones, tablets, PDAs and many others.

Facebook gives Facebook page administrators a variety of tools to create,

edit, update, market and analyze pages. One of these tools, Facebook Insights,
helps administrators monitor user statistics at no cost.

In maintaining and sustaining the operation of your ICT project specially

using Facebook as your tool or platform in the web, you should update your
webpages every now and then. You should check daily on the visitors specially
on their posts, reactions, comments and suggestions.
The techniques on how you are going to check on your visitor’s posts,
reactions, comments and suggestions were being discussed in Lesson 1 of this
module. Try to review it so that it will be refresh in your mind.

What Is It

Definition of Terms on your Facebook Statistics:

• Reach: Organic – your posts seen through the page’s wall, shares by users,
and the News feed.
• Reach: Paid – your posts seen through paid ads
• Post Clicks – number of clicks done to your posts
• Likes, Comments, and Shares – actual interaction done by your audience
either through liking the post, commenting on it, or sharing it on
their walls.
a. Overview- contains the summary of statistics about your page
b. Likes – contains the statistics about the trend of page likes.

c. Reach – contains information about the number of people who was
reached by your post.

d. Visits – contains data of the number of times your page tabs (like the
Timeline) are visited.

e. Posts – contains data showing when (day and time) your site visitors visit
your site.

f. People – contains statistics about your audience’s demographics (age, location,

gender, language, and country.)
– It also includes demographics about the people you have reached and
engaged with.

g. Demographics – refers to the statistics characterizing human population

usually divided by age, gender, income, location, and language.

What's More

Activity 1
In this particular activity, you should have a working personal computer
with internet connection
How to Get Your Facebook Statistics
1. Log in to Facebook and click the Facebook page title you want to get
statistics for in the left sidebar. If the page title doesn't appear there, click
the downward- facing arrow in the upper right corner of the screen, select
"Use Facebook as Page" and click the desired page title.
2. Click the "Insights" link in the right sidebar of your Facebook page to
view the user and interaction statistics overview for the past month. The
user statistics include charts for new likes, lifetime likes and daily,
weekly and monthly active users. The interaction statistics show post
views and charts for post likes and post comments.

1 4

3. See details in this section of the insights overview. This presents a
breakdown of active user behavior, daily active users, new likes, unlike,
external referrers, demographics, reach, page views, tab views and media
4. Click the page tab near the top of the screen to return to the Home page.
Generate a technical report interpreting data analytics like Google,
Facebook, or similar traffic data on the general aspects of search visibility,
reach, and virality.

Guide Questions

1. Are there regular viewers and contributors of the website? How many are
2. How do you monitor the traffic of the website (e.g. followers, likes,
comments, posts, shares, views, and hashtag count)?
3. How do you qualify the nature of information or exchanges in the website?
What topics do they cover?
4. What can be measures of impact?

What I Have Learned

You are going write a reflection paper on the following questions:

✓ Are your ICT knowledge and skills enough to manage the website?
✓ What are the difficulties that you encountered?

What I Can Do

Go to the YouTube website and watch the video “How to Get the
Facebook Statistics”. To search the video, just simply type How to Get the
Facebook Statistics on the search bar and press enter key or click search button.

After watching the video, practice and apply what you learned and explore
more for new information and techniques.

2 ICT in Changing One’s Worldview

What Is It

In your own observation, thus the lessons of this particular subject that you
have learned this semester have changed your point of view or perception on
the nature of ICT into positive ways or manner of using social media as a tool or
platform to give the general public the true information and not the fake one.
Educate the younger generations on the proper use of this technology
particularly by following the netiquette (good manners in using the internet) in
the use of social media and other web applications.

What’s More

Activity 2 Challenge Question

Look at the image of a night sky below. What has changed since you
started working on this module?

Source: Empowerment Technologies for the Academic Track Teacher’s Guide First Edition 2016
Image credit:

What I Have Learned

You make a reflection paper using an ICT platform or application of your

choice to explain your journey of the learning process in making use of ICTs as
an empowerment tool.

Guide Questions
1. How did this subject change the way you view ICT?
2. Are they tools to be used to achieve higher goals?
3. After going through the lessons and visiting online sites, reflect on how
they are currently being used. Do you agree or disagree with it?
4. Based on your reflection, do you have recommendations regarding ICT
uses in the country?

Following is an example of a Rubric that may be used for the reflection paper.
Superior (54- Sufficient (48- Minimal (1- Unacceptabl
Criteria 60 points) 53 points) 47 points) e (0 points)

Depth of Response
Response Response demonstrates a Response
Reflection demonstrates an demonstrates a demonstrates a
minimal reflection
in-depth reflection general reflection on, and lack of
(25% of on, and on, and reflection on, or
personalization of,
total personalization of, personalization of, personalization
the theories,
points) the theories, the theories, of, the theories,
concepts, and/or
concepts, and/or concepts, and/or strategies concepts, and/or
strategies strategies presented in the strategies
presented in the presented in the course materials presented in the
course materials course materials to date. course materials
to date. to date. to date.
Viewpoints and
Viewpoints and Viewpoints and interpretations Viewpoints and
interpretations interpretations interpretations
are missing,
are insightful are supported. are unsupported inappropriate,
and well Appropriate and/or

Superior (54- Sufficient (48- Minimal (1-47 Unacceptable
Criteria 60 points) 53 points) points) (0 points)
supported. examples are supported with unsupported.
Clear, detailed provided, as flawed Examples, when
examples are applicable. arguments. applicable, are
provided, as Examples, not provided.
applicable. when
applicable, are
not provided or
are irrelevant to
The assignment.

Required Response Response Response is Response

Components includes all includes all missing some excludes
components and components and components essential
(25% of meets or exceeds meets all and/or does not components
total all requirements requirements fully meet the and/or does not
points) indicated in the indicated in the requirements address the
instructions. instructions. indicated in the
Each question or Each question or instructions.
indicated in the
part of the part of the Some questions
or parts of the instructions.
assignment is assignment is
assignment are Many parts of the
addressed addressed. All
thoroughly. All attachments not addressed. assignment are
attachments and/or Some addressed
and/or additional additional attachments and minimally,
documents are documents are additional inadequately,
included, as included, as documents, if and/or not at all.
required. required, are
required. missing or
unsuitable for
the purpose of
the assignment.
Writing is mostly Writing is unclear Writing is unclear
Structure Writing is clear, clear, concise, and and/or
disorganized. and disorganized.
concise, and well
(25% of total organized with well organized Thoughts are not Thoughts ramble
points) with good expressed in a and make little
excellent sentence/ logical manner. sense. There are
sentence/ There are more
paragraph than five spelling, numerous spelling,
paragraph construction. grammar, or grammar, or
construction. syntax errors
Thoughts are syntax errors
Thoughts are
expressed in a
expressed in a
coherent and
coherent and
logical manner.
Superior (54- Sufficient (48- Minimal (1-47 Unacceptable
Criteria 60 points) 53 points) points) (0 points)

There are no logical manner. per page of throughout the

more than There are no writing. response.
three spelling, more than five
grammar, or spelling,
syntax errors grammar, or
per page of syntax errors
writing. per page of

Evidence Response Response Response Response

and shows strong shows evidence shows little shows no
Practice evidence of of synthesis of evidence of evidence of
synthesis of ideas presented synthesis of synthesis of
(25% of ideas presented and insights ideas presented ideas presented
total and insights gained and insights and insights
points) gained throughout the gained gained
throughout the entire course. throughout the throughout the
entire course. The entire course. entire course.
The implications of Few No implications
implications of these insights implications of for the
these insights for the these insights respondent's
for the respondent's for the overall teaching
respondent's overall teaching respondent's practice are
overall teaching practice are overall teaching presented, as
practice are presented, as practice are applicable.
presented, as
thoroughly applicable. applicable.
detailed, as

Source: Empowerment Technologies for the Academic Track Teacher’s Guide First Edition

Let’s Summarize

In this module we discussed the following terms in Facebook:

• Reach: Organic – your posts seen through the page’s wall, shares by
and the news feed.
• Reach: Paid – your posts seen through paid ads.
• Post Clicks – number of clicks done to your posts.
• Likes, Comments, and Shares – actual interaction done by your audience
either through liking the post, commenting on it, or sharing it on their
• Overview- contains the summary of statistics about your page.
• Likes – contains the statistics about the trend of page likes.
• Reach – contains information about the number of people who was
reached by your post.
• Visits – contains data of the number of times your page tabs (like the
Timeline) are visited.
• Posts – contains data showing when your site visitors visit your site.
• People – contains statistics about your audience’s demographics (age,
location, gender, language, and country). It also includes demographics
about the people you have reached and engaged with.
• Demographics – refers to the statistics characterizing human population
usually divided by age, gender, income, location, and language.

We also discussed the techniques and procedures on how to manage,

maintain, and sustain an online ICT project for social change using Facebook
as your platform.

Using the Web and the Internet is fun specially the social media, because
this is the trend today. You can upload and download the information that you
want. You could interact with people around the world in just a few clicks. But
it includes full responsibility because it will make or break you.

As a responsible user of this technology, we should never engage into any

cybercrimes but instead we are going to promote good advocacies by creating
web pages and websites that will educate people the proper use of internet by
adhering the Netiquette and also giving the general public the true information
and not the fake one.


Test I. True or False. Write T if the statement is true and write F if the
statement is false.
1. Facebook is the number one social media site in the world.
2. Facebook is the second most visited website in the world.
3. Likes contains the summary of statistics about your page.
4. Overview contains the statistics about the trend of page likes.
5. Posts contains information about the number of people who was reached
by your post.
6. Visits contains data showing when (day and time) your site visitors visit
your site.
7. People contains statistics about your audience’s demographics.
8. Demographics refers to the statistics characterizing human population.
9. Post Clicks are the number of clicks done to your posts.
10. PDA is one of the examples of mobile gadgets.
11. In maintaining a webpage or website does not need thorough attention.
12. ICT means Information and Computer Technology.
13. Google is an example of social networking site.
14. View Insights is to view the insights of the viewers.
15. Facebook Insights, helps administrators monitor user statistics at no cost.

Test II. Multiple Choice. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided
before the number of each question.
1. Which of the following is not included in the audience demographics?
A. age B. gender C. location D. ethnic group
2. refers to the statistics characterizing human population.
A. Posts B. Demographics C. People D. Visits
3. It contains data of the number of times your page tabs are visited.
A. Visits B. Demographics C. Likes D. Reach
4. A command button that contains the statistics about the trend of page likes.
A. Visits B. People C. Likes D. Reach
5. It contains the summary of statistics about your page.
A. Overview B. Reach: Paid C. Reach: Organic D. Post Clicks
6. Your posts seen through the page’s wall, shares by users, and the news feed.
A. Overview B. Reach: Paid C. Reach: Organic D. Post Clicks
7. Gives data showing when (day and time) your site visitors visit your site
A. Posts B. Demographics C. People D. Visits

8. What is the most visited website in the world?
A. Facebook B. Google C. Twitter D. Yahoo
9. You should your webpages every now and then.
A. visit B. upload C. download D. update
10. The good manners in using the Internet.
A. Netiquette B. Procedures C. Rules D. Policies


Innovative Training Works, Inc., “ICT Project Publication and Statistics”, Empowerment
Technologies, First Edition, Rex Publishing

Innovative Training Works, Inc., “ICT Project Maintenance”, Empowerment Technologies,

First Edition, Rex Publishing

Julian Gottke on March 06, 2018 Facebook Post Reach explained

available at
Accessed last December. 23, 2018

Will Conley How to Add a Photo to a Public Figure's Facebook Page available at facebook-27019.html
Accessed last Jan. 21, 2019
Co-authored by wikiHow Staff Facebook Help Center: How Can I Post a Photo to My Friend's Wall?

Available at Facebook

Accessed last Jan. 21, 2019

Empowerment Technologies Student Reader First Edition 2016 EmTech By Department of

Education Accessed last December 2018

Empowerment Technologies for the Academic Track Teacher’s Guide First Edition
2016 by Department of Education Accessed last December 2018


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