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Oath of storms

Tenets of storms:
The power of the storm is thine to command, now hear thy
tenets, oh warrior of thunder.
Gale. You have a duty to the winds and the sky. Though
you may call the lands your home, the winds will ever call
you to serve your duty as far as the sky's reach. Do not
hesitate, but serve their bidding with joy.
Thunder. Be the voice for the voiceless. Speak for the
downtrodden and the oppressed.
Lightning. When the corruption of the earth grows, the
burden of honor will fall to thee. You will be the guardian
of the realms of men and the vanguard of the realms of
the divine.
Downpour. In word, deed, and action, cultivate the joy of
life in the world. When the wars are over and the evils are
done, light and laughter will flourish once more. Prepare
the world for this time.
Oath Spells
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.
Oath of Storms Spells
Paladin level Spells
3rd fog cloud, thunderwave
5th gust of wind, shatter
9th call lightning, fly
13th ice storm, storm sphere
17th cone of cold, steel wind strike

Channel divinity: Summon the Storm

You present your holy symbol as an action. In the next
minute, the area in a 2 mile radius centered on you when you
cast this channel divinity becomes covered by a violent storm.
All creatures directly under that storm are considered lightly
obscured. The storm vanishes after 1d4 hours.
Channel divinity: Thunderous Armament
As an action you present your holy symbol. One melee Roaring storm:
weapon of your choice becomes infused with the energy of At 15th level, as a reaction to an enemy attacking an ally
the storm for 1 minute. Your hits deal an additional amount within your aura. You can teleport in a flash exchanging
of thunder damage equal to your charisma modifier and once position between yourself and your ally, making you the new
per turn when you hit a creature that is large or smaller with target. The attacker takes 2d6 + your charisma modifier
that weapon you can choose to push it back 10ft. thunder damage, as you appear in a thunderous explosion.
At 11th level you can push back creatures that are Huge or
smaller, and at 17th level creatures that are Gargantuan or Avatar of the Storm:
smaller. Beginning at 20th level, as an action you embody the power of
the God of Thunder. You gain the following benefits for 1
Aura of the Storm minute:
At 7th level your aura in a 10ft radius around you unleashes Flying speed of 60 ft
the fury of the storm, you inactivate this aura at will. As a bonus action you can teleport up to 30ft in a flash of
The attack rolls of enemy ranged attacks have lightning, all creatures within a 10ft radius of the point
disadvantage if they pass in or out of the wind. you reappear in must succeed on a Dexterity Saving throw
It extinguishes unprotected flames in its area that are or take 5d8 lightning damage, or half as much on a
torch-sized or smaller. success.
It hedges out vapor, gas, and fog that can be dispersed by Immunity to thunder and lightning damage
strong wind.
At 18th level the range of this aura increases to 30ft.

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