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Final Exam

English For Nursing


A. Complete the following sentences using the following words

Monitored Operation Monitoring Swelling

Paralysed Recovery room Temperature Postoperative Scan

1. If you notice redness and swelling after the injection, please let me know.

2. The patienthas been monitored since last month. He is getting better.

3. The accident has left him paralyzed from waist down.

4. There are some important signs which require to be observed by the nurses in

monitoring period.

5. Based on the result of his brain scan , the doctor sugets him to have an

Operation as soon as possible.

6. The nurse said that our sister is now in . Recovery room .

7. As an experienced nurse, Julia is highly skilled in the patients properly.

8. She is running a temperature . Let’s report it to the doctor.

1. Grammar
Choose the correct
option to complete
the sentence.
1. You
you/should cut
down on th calories
you eat.
2. He not
smoke so much.
3. Why i
should/i/should i
eat oily -sh.
4. Do you should
have/should you
have/you have
sugar in your tea
5. To be healthy
you should
eaten/eating/eat a
balanced diet.
6. She could die of
anorexia, so she
must eat/should
eat/eats something.
7. It should
be/would be/would
a good idea to try
adding some
to your diet.
8. If i were you, i
should/i`d/ i drink
fewer -zzy drinks.
1. Grammar
Choose the correct
option to complete
the sentence.
1. You
you/should cut
down on th calories
you eat.
2. He not
smoke so much.
3. Why i
should/i/should i
eat oily -sh.
4. Do you should
have/should you
have/you have
sugar in your tea
5. To be healthy
you should
eaten/eating/eat a
balanced diet.
6. She could die of
anorexia, so she
must eat/should
eat/eats something.
7. It should
be/would be/would
a good idea to try
adding some
to your diet.
8. If i were you, i
should/i`d/ i drink
fewer -zzy drinks.
1. Grammar
Choose the correct
option to complete
the sentence.
1. You
you/should cut
down on th calories
you eat.
2. He not
smoke so much.
3. Why i
should/i/should i
eat oily -sh.
4. Do you should
have/should you
have/you have
sugar in your tea
5. To be healthy
you should
eaten/eating/eat a
balanced diet.
6. She could die of
anorexia, so she
must eat/should
eat/eats something.
7. It should
be/would be/would
a good idea to try
adding some
to your diet.
8. If i were you, i
should/i`d/ i drink
fewer -zzy drinks.
B. SYNONYM MATCH : Match the following synonyms from the article
9. Likely (f) a. Connected
10. Premature (d) b. Timeframe
11. Turned (i) c. Conclusions
12. Period (b) d. Early
13. Ethnic (j) e. Levels
14. Findings (c) f. Probable
15. Rates (e) g. Centred
16. Related (a) h. Correct
17. Proper (h) i. Became
18. Focused (g) j. Racial
C. Complete the following sentences with the words in the list.
Patient’s information.

Minor Stable

Casualty Victim

Critical Priority

19. The doctors in this hospital give priority for immediate treatment to seriously ill patients.
20. Please, use a stretcher to bring the in the victim because his legs are injured.
21. Though Ameenah’s condition is stable at the moment, she needs to see a doctor soon.
22. Because the patient is in serious danger, his condition is critical.
23. A casuality of violence may have cuts and bruising to her face.
24. The doctor said that Mike’s minor injuries could be life-threatening.
Find the synonyms of the underlined words. Choose the synonyms on the lists.

Awake and alert take off

Critical Right now

Immobilize repeat

25. You can talk to the patient now because he is conscious. Awake and alert
26. The next step is to remove the pads from his chest. Take off
27. Make sure you keep her head still. If not, you may injure her spine. Immobilize
28. The patient needs treatment immediately, unless she will die soon. Right now
29. If the therapy is not successful, the patient must do it again. Repeat
30. Her condition is serious, but it is not life-threatening. Critical

D. Blood donation and transfusion

Transferring blood products from one person to another person is known as a

transfusion. If someone loses a lot of blood in an accident or during sugery, doctors can
give them replacement blood that has been donated. Blood cannot be manufactured, so
blood from another human must be used. Only a small number taken from the donor
using a needle inserted into their arm. This blood is then kept cool and stored until
required by someone in need. The whole blood must be used before 42 days have
passed, in which time unused blood will be destroyed. Portions of the blood can be
transfused as needed. Red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets or the plasma can be
separated out and transfused for certain medical conditions.
Even thought blood can be shared between a donor and a patient, the two must
have compatible blood types. There are four basic types of human blood; A, B, AB, and
O. Type O can be given to any person, no matter their blood type. But doctors must
check a patient’s blood type before giving them donated blood of any other type.
Giving a patient the wrong blood type can cause illness or death. Blood has antigens
(proteins or sugars) attache to the outside of the blood cells. These antigens can set off a
reaction if the antigens are different than the patient’s antigens in a transfusion. The
body’s immune system may attack the new blood cells.
Blood is further identified as positive or negative based on something known
as the Rh factor. So in addition to having one of the four blood types, the positive or
negative indicator applies too, leaving the blood types to be: A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+,
AB+, O+, or O-. There are sdditional factors of some blood that will further impact a

31. What is transfusion ?

Transferring blood products from one person to another person is known as a transfusion
32. How many types of basic blood group are there? What are they?
There are four basic types of human blood; A, B, AB, and O
33. What should the doctor do before doing blood transfusion?
doctors must check a patient’s blood type before giving them donated blood of any other
34. What is antigen ?
antigens (proteins or sugars) attache to the outside of the blood cells
35. What is Rh factor?
Blood is further identified as positive or negative based on something known as the Rh factor

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