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Dave Tubio November 15, 2021

Grade XII – Schrodinger Siaton Science High School

Practical Research 1: Module 7
Activity 7: Final Draft

“Digital Literacy among STEM Students in Siaton Science High School: A Prerequisite
for Achieving Academic Success”

The association between digital literacy and senior high school students' academic

achievement in the twenty-first century has yet to be thoroughly investigated. For a more

successful school strategy in increasing students' intellectual performance, the school needs

research to be able to correlate these variables. There are several pieces of research that

indicate the connection between technology and computer skills among college students in

first-world countries, specifically in the United Kingdom and the United States of America.

On the other hand, a slew of studies has documented the lack of digital skills among the

"bottom billion" in developing countries. It has been seen that students with digital abilities

have significantly improved their performance. As a result, the researcher wants to know

if such a concept exists among Siaton Science High School students.

This research adopts the descriptive research design to qualitatively form textual

inferences from the relation of the variables. The respondents are senior high school

students from Siaton Science High School. It is comprised of four sections, two for each

level. A google form survey was disseminated on social media platforms for the

convenience of participants. Prior to that, they were required to fulfil form 1 which asks

their willingness to disclose personal information; thereafter, form 2 was provided which

contains the questions that would answer the research problems. Their responses were

recorded automatically by the google form system and summarized by the researcher. The
textual data will be subjected to critical analysis in order to better comprehend the

researcher's hypothesis. Furthermore, there were a total of 56 respondents in the survey,

aged 17-19.

All students, who partake in the survey, have computer devices such as

smartphones, laptops, and desktop computers, which are connected to either Wi-Fi or data.

Participants also indicated that they have used Microsoft software tools more than once. In

the randomized online survey in SSHS, the researcher has evaluated the impact of having

digital skills on students’ aptitude. Participants who frequently utilize software tools in

accomplishing tasks tended to have higher grades, as compared to those with minimal

engagement to any of the applications. Perceived benefits of recurrent use were the

production of better outputs, increased productivity, and consistent markings. One

respondent (female, 17) noted that she uses several web-based tools and other graphic

designing applications to suffice tasks and projects in school. “Aside from Microsoft

software tools, I also utilize Canva, Powtoon, Ibis Paint X, and Picsart in creating my

assignments in school.” Furthermore, there is a considerable relationship between the

regular use of word processing apps and the performance of students. Another respondent

(female, 19), said that “school oftentimes require us to use Microsoft word tool to write

our project such as research paper.” Furthermore, the qualitative study concluded the

overall use of these apps has a significant influence on their grades, and it is apparent that

students are pushing themselves to use them for a better outcome in their works.

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