Arco Flagellants

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Written by Alpha

I think the Arco-Flagellants are both horrifying and intriguing...and I'd like to incorporate them
into my game. From what I gather - I'm historically a WHFRP GM of many many years but have
always been interested in 40k...there just wasn't an RPG before now - they are basically a
form of combat servitor created from heretics or other dangerous undesirables.  

I also know they're not something that would be easily available to inexperienced groups.
Much of my (limited) info comes from "Inquisitor". Each could be widely different
depending on how you envision them, but I was thinking something along the lines of:  
WS 40

BS 15

S 50

T 60

AG 25

INT 15

Per 20

WP 60

Fel 05

Move 1/2/3/6

Wounds 14
Skills: Awareness +10
Talents: Ambidexterous, Beserk Charge, Fearless, Frenzy, Hardy, Melee Weapon Training,
Sound Constitution Armor: None
Weapons: Implanted: Electroflails, (or Chainsword, etc)
Gear: Pacifier Helm, Stim-Injectors with Slaught
Threat Rating: Hereticus Minoris 


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