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Interrogator Attilus, Ordo Hereticus

Written by Frisax

I modified the stats from Bounty Hunter NPC in the rulebook, and gave him a more unique
choice of weaponry so as to make him memorable to the players.   

Interrogator Attilus, Ordo Hereticus

WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel

43 43 35 35 45 41 35 40 25

Movement: 2/4/6/12

Skills: Awareness +10, Common Lore: underworld, Speak Language (Low Gothic), Survival,
Command, Common Lore: Imperial Creed, Forbidden Lore: Inquisition, Forbidden Lore:
psykers, Deceive +10, Inquiry +10, Interrogation +10, Concealment,

Talents: Pistol training (SP), melee weapon training (primitive), Basic Weapon Training
(exotic), Resistance: Psychic powers, strong minded, peer: ecclesiarchy, Psy rating 3

Traits: none

Weapons: hand cannon with 1 clip bullets, 1 clip dum-dums; cane with built in compact
needle rifle; naval sabre (sword, good quality).

Armour and gear: enforcer carapace (body, chest, legs – 5 AP), mesh cowl (head – 3 AP),
psy focus, Ordo Hereticus rosette, microbead, House Victus palace access key

Wounds: 15 Current: Critical:

Psychic powers: Inflict Pain, Fearful Aura, Resist Possession, Sense Presence, Weapon
Jinx, Dull pain, Torch, Unnatural Aim, Terrify (Telepathy)

Cane needle rifle:

Type: Basic Range: 90m ROF: S/-/- Dam: 1D10-1 R Clip: 3 Rld: Full
Special: toxic, accurate, Wt: 0.75 kg 


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