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Beauty and the Beast


Jeanne-Marie Le prince de


Wedad Deefallah Alharbi.

Academic No.412204406.

Department of English Language and Literature

Eng 131

Dr. Reham Al Khthaiery.

December 5, 2021

Once upon a time there was a very wealthy trader, he had one daughter. Everybody
loved her, and they called her beauty. she grew up with that name. Several wealthy
men came to the trader to marry her, but beauty Politely chose to stay with her dear
father. As a result, the trader lost his whole fortune.

Telling beauty with teary eyes that they must go to a small town and work for their
living. Beauty was in charge of their new house. She would wake up at four in the
morning, clean the house, and prepare the breakfast for her father. At first beauty
thought it was difficult, but then she noticed that she grew healthier more than

After living in this small house for a year, the trader received an envelope with his
salary. Beauty kindly asked him to bring her a rose. On his way to work, it stormed so
bad that it threw him off his horse. Suddenly he saw a light from a big palace and went
straight to it. He entered the empty palace and went to sleep.

In the morning he was looking for his horse. Saw a tree of roses, he took one for
beauty. Suddenly heard a frightening noise, and he saw a big beast. “how dare you
steal my roses? Which is worth everything to me in the world” said the monster. the
father started to beg the monster to forgive him.“I will forgive you on one condition,
that is your daughter will take the punishment for you, willingly” said the beast.

The father came back crying telling beauty about the monster request. And she
without hesitation said yes to the fact that she will save her father’s life. After a while,
she arrived to the palace and met the monster.

Day after day, three months after. The beast and beauty got used each other.
Beauty was sure that the beast was the opposite of evil. He was so kind. But beauty had
one concern which was, every night the beast asked her to marry him. One day he
made her promise him to never leave him, and her answer was “I promise you, but let
me see my family”, and he agreed to let her see her family for a week.

On that week beauty missed him, she realised that she adored him. She
immediately went to the palace and started searching for him and finally she found him
in the big garden laying on the grass almost dying. She threw herself at him crying,
telling him” You can not die, marry me, be with me forever” after these words came
out of her mouth, the beast disappeared, and she saw a handsome prince. “Thank you
for ending this spell” said the prince. Which he had resembled a beast for so long..” A
wicked fairy censured me to become a beast till a beautiful girl should marry me.” Said
the prince. He held beauty’s hand and entered the big palace.

“Beauty, you are a Queen now, I hope the throne will not make you forget
yourself.” Said the fairy and shook her wand. All what she said came true, and they got
married, and lived happy years together.

The End

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