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Grammar homework


Wedad Alharbi.

Exercise 1: what do I already know?P146.
8: I will stay with Miki’s family
A: preposition
9: They have a small hotel
A: adjective
10: It is near a popular park
A: pronoun
11: The park has lovely gardens.
A: noun
12: Miki has shown me postcards of them
A: preposition

Exercise 3. Looking at grammar.P147.

11: One wolf A: two wolves
12: A radio A: several radios
13: One sheep A: a lot of sheep
14: One foot A: two feet

Exercise 12. Looking at grammar.P151.

5:The actor sang a song.
Subject: The actor. Verb: Sang. Object of Verb: Song.
6:Accidents happen frequently.
Subject: Accidents. Verb: Happen.
7:The accident injured a woman.
Subject: the accident. Verb: injured. Object of verb: woman.

Exercise 13. Looking at grammar.P152.

8: We went to the store to buy some milk. N
9: I took the express train from New York to Washington,D.C., last week. N
10: Lindsey trains horses as a hobby. V

Exercise 16. Looking at grammar.P153

2: a. * Kimiko saw a picture on the wall.
b. - Kimiko recognised the people.
c. * Kimiko looked at the picture closely.

4: a. * A talkative woman sat with her husband.

b. - We were at a meeting.
c. * She talked to her husband the entire time.

Exercise 17. Let’s talk.P154

13: Off my desk - I took the trash off my desk.
14: Out the window - I saw the bird out the window.
15: Behind me - There was a dog behind me.
16: Through the door - I saw sisters fighting through the door.
Exercise 21. Looking at grammar.P156.
8: At noon.
9: At midnight.
13: In 2000.
14: In/On February 2000.
15: In the winter.

Exercise 24. Looking at grammar.P157.

3:at his uncle’s bakery/Alexi/on Saturday mornings / works.
A:Alexi works at his uncle’s bakery on Saturday mornings.

4:arrived /in the early morning/ at the airport/ my plane.

A:My plane arrived at the airport in the early morning.

Exercise 26. Looking at grammar.P159.

8: Sea lions on a beach bark
9: A lizard hisses
10: Baby chickens chirp

Exercise 27. Looking at grammar.P159.

5: There's a vacant apartment in my building.

6. Does people in your neighbourhood know each other?

A: Do….

7. The neighbours in the apartment next to mine is very friendly and helpful.
A: Are…

Exercise 28. Listening.P159.

Cat __ lick __ their paw __ and chest __ . When their fur __ is wet, they
become cooler.

Elephant __ have very large ear __ . When they are hot, they can flap their huge
ear __ . The flapping ear __ act __ like a fan and it cool __ them. Elephant __ also
like to roll in the mud __ to stay cool.

Exercise 31. Looking at grammar.P160.

3:fresh, clear, hungry. - Mrs. Fields gave the hungry kids a fresh snack.
4:dirty, modern, delicious. - After our delicious dinner, Frank helped me with the dirty dishes

Exercise 34. Looking at grammar.P162.

6.The villages are in the mountains. They are mountain villages.
7: The lesson was about art. It was an art lesson.
8: Flags fly from poles. Many government buildings have flag poles.
Exercise 39. Looking at grammar.P165.
4: Jay drove Eva and I / me to the store. He waited for we / us in the car.
5: A. I want to get tickets for the soccer game.
B. You'd better get it / them right away. It /They is / are selling fast.

Exercise 40. Looking at grammar.P165.

5: Recently, I read about "micromachines." they are machines that are smaller than a grain of sand. One
scientist called them "the greatest scientific invention of our time."

Exercise 44. Game: trivia.P167.

6: Men - Men’s brains are bigger than women's brains. F
7: person - A person’s eyes blink more if he/she is nervous. T

Exercise 46. Looking at grammar.P168.

9: a. Excuse me. Is this My / mine pen or your / yours ?
b. This one is my / mine. your / yours is on your / yours desk.
10: a. Adam and Amanda are married. They, Them live in an apartment building.
b. Their, There, They're apartment is on the fifth floor.

Exercise 48. Looking at grammar.P170.

6. Isabel always wishes herself good luck before a big test.
7. Kazu, there's plenty of food on the table. Please help yourself
8. I couldn't believe my good luck! I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

Exercise 52. Looking at grammar.P172.

6: France borders several countries. One is Spain. Another is Italy.

Exercise 55. Looking at grammar.P174.

7. There are four geometric figures in the above drawing. One is a square.
The other figures are a rectangle, a circle, and a triangle.

8. Of the four geometric figures in the drawing, only the circle has curved lines.
The others have straight lines.

Exercise 57. Looking at grammar.P176.

8. Sometimes when I'm thirsty, I'll have a glass of water, but often one glass isn't enough, so I'll have
Another one.
9. There are five letters in the word fresh. One of the letters is a vowel. The others
are consonants.
10. Smith is a common last name in English. Other common names are
Johnson, Jones, Miller, Anderson, Moore, and Brown.
Exercise 2. Looking at grammar.P209
8: When he wanted to entertain the children, my husband mooed like a cow roared like a lion
and barked like a dog.

Exercise 3. Let's talk and write: interview.P209.

8: three or more adjectives that describe the people in your country? Kind-judgemental-pretty
9: the five most important qualities of a good parent?thoughtful-kind-supporter

Exercise 4. Looking at grammar.P210.

9. You should visit Rome. Its climate is mild, and there are many interesting attractions.

Exercise 6. Looking at grammar.P211.

10: who made the call? Did Bob call you ,or did you call Bob?

Exercise 7. Looking at grammar.P211.

4. During takeoffs and landings, airlines don't allow passengers to use laptops, DVD players, electronic
readers, or PDAs.

Exercise 9. Looking at grammar.P212.

9: My friend lied to me, But I still like and trust her.
10: My friend lied to me, So I don't trust her anymore.

Exercise 13. Looking at grammar.P214.

Part I
9: Alan is going to read a book soon, but his brothers Aren’t.
10: Alan will read a book soon, but his brother(s) Won’t.
Part II
9: Nicole isn't going to eat red meat soon, but her sisters Are
10: Nicole won't eat red meat soon, but her sister(s) Will

Exercise 14. Let's talk.P215

9: Sara didn't study here last year, but Wedad did
10: Sara has lived here for a long time, but Wedad hasn’t

Exercise 18. Looking at grammar.P217.

Part I
9:Andy is going to walk to work tomorrow, and so Are his roommates.
10: Andy will walk to work tomorrow, and so Will his roommate(s).
Part II
9: Karen isn't going to watch TV tomorrow, and neither Are her sisters.
10: Karen won't watch TV tomorrow, and neither Will her sister ( s).
Exercise 19. Let's talk and write.P218.
8: Somalia lies on the Indian Ocean, and Kenya does too
9: Monaco has never* hosted the Olympic Games, and neither is Africa.

Exercise 20. Let's talk: pair work.P219

15: Elephants can swim. - So can Alligators .
16: I'd rather go to (name of a place) than (name of a place). – So would I .

Exercise 22. Let's talk.P220.

9: Sara will get up early tomorrow, but Wedad won’t.
10: Wedad has studied English for more than a year, and Sara has too.

Exercise 24. Looking at grammar.P221.

5: Talya and Patti laughed hard Because The joke was very funny.
Because the joke was funny, Tayla and Patti laughed hard.

Exercise 27. Looking at grammar.P222.

7: Jim sat in the shade, drank iced-tea, and fanned himself with his cap because he was hot, tired ,and
8: Because Jim was hot, he stayed under the shade of the tree, but Susan went back to work.

Exercise 31. Looking at grammar.P224.

9:George sings loudly Even though he can't carry a tune.

Exercise 34. Let's talk.P226.

7: Where does your family live? Are you going to visit them over the next holiday?
A: In Saudi Arabia, yes I will even though its far away from here.

Exercise 35. Reading and grammar.P226.

6: Water is essential to human life, So people need to take care of it.

Exercise 36. Check your knowledge.P227.

9: A hardware store sells tools and nails and plumbing supplies and paint.
A:A hardware store sells tools, nails, plumbing supplies, and paint.
10: Most insects have wings, spiders do not.
A:Most insects have wings. Spiders so not.
Exercise 2. Looking at grammar.P259.
a. The teacher has helped Yoko. She has been helped by the teacher.
b. The teacher has helped Joe. He has been helped by the teacher.
a. The teacher will help me. I will be helped by the teacher
b. The teacher is going to help us. We are going to be helped by the teacher.

Exercise 5. Looking at grammar.P261.

7: The doctor was examining the patient.
A:the patient was being examined by the doctor.

Exercise 6. Looking at grammar.P262.

7: a. Rob has signed it. It has been signed by Rob.
b. Has Kazu signed it yet? Has it been signed by Kazu yet?
8: a.Luis is going to sign it It is going to be signed by Luis.
b.Is Carole going to sign it? Is it going to be signed by Carole.

Exercise 7. Looking at grammar.P262.

6: Is maintenance going to fix the air-conditioning?
A:is the air-conditioning going to be fixed by maintenance?.
7: Will the front desk upgrade our room?
A:will our room be upgraded by the front desk?

Exercise 9. Looking at grammar.P264.

9: Scientists will discover a cure for cancer someday.
A:discover,v.t Passive=A cure For cancer will be discovered by scientists someday.
10: Did the Italians invent spaghetti?
A:invent,v.t Passive= Was spaghetti invented by the Italians?

Exercise 12. Looking at grammar.P265.

6: When did someone invent the first computer?
A:when was the first computer invented?
7: People sell hammers at a hardware store.
A:hammers are sold at a hardware store.

Exercise 14. Looking at grammar.P266.

6: The driver\ give\ a ticket.
A: was given
7: The driver\ tell\ to drive more carefully
A:was told

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