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Showing appreciation to other


We all need to know that we’re important in other

people’s lives. Humans need to be noticed and
valued — in private and business life. Why do I
believe that it is so important to show
appreciation? Because…


Why appreciation matters so much

Appreciation is powerful. 10 good reasons to
show appreciation
What can a company do to value its
What can each employee contribute?
And how can I express to my colleagues that I
appreciate them?
Just ask me personally

Why appreciation matters so


At least in Germany, the term “appreciation”

degenerates into a buzzword; today it is used
inPationary and is seldom meant honestly.
Although appreciation is often confused with
praise and recognition for achievements, real
appreciation goes much further. It regards
colleagues as human beings who are valuable
because of their abilities, personality, and
uniqueness. Regardless of their position in the
company, each employee has enormous potential
in different areas.

Respect, recognition, and benevolence are a part

of how we show appreciation. Appreciation is
characterized by interest, attention, devotion, and

Appreciation is a fundamental human need in

both professional and private life. We want to be
appreciated by what we are, what we do, and
what we achieve. We all need to know that we’re
important in other people’s lives. And we need to
feel that we are appreciated — in private in
business life. It doesn’t matter whether your oSce
is a boardroom, classroom, or anywhere else. We
all want to be noticed and valued. Appreciation is
at the core of all healthy relationships. Most of us
feel like we don’t get enough appreciation. Did
you know that one of the main reasons people
leave their jobs is because of a lack of
appreciation? It’s demoralizing when you’re not
recognized for your efforts and skills. There are a
lot of people who do things for you every day.
Employees, colleagues, family, and friends are
expected to do their part. Do they know that you
appreciate them? Let others know that you
appreciate them.

Why do I believe that it is so important to show

appreciation? Because…

Appreciation is powerful. 10
good reasons to show

Appreciation is the act of giving something or

someone their proper value, and everybody has
value. The value in a relationship is important
because it lets a person know where they stand,
and what they mean to you; appreciation is a way
of letting that person know what you value. There
are plenty of powerful beneZts to the recipient
and giver as well. Here are a few examples.

Apply appreciation to your

relationships in business and
private life and you will…

1. … make other people happy.

Appreciation is a fundamental human need in

both professional and private life. We want to be
appreciated by what we are, what we do, and
what we achieve.

2. … make yourself happy.

When you express your appreciation for

someone, you will not only improve their lives but
yours as well. You will feel more fulZlled because
you have done something to make someone
else’s life better. It will change your mindset. Our
mood and daily outlooks change when we focus
on positive things rather than negative.

3. … boost moral.

Appreciation boots moral. It has the largest effect

on trust when it occurs immediately after a goal
has been met, when it comes from peers, and
when it’s tangible, unexpected, personal, and

4. … motivate others.

One of the easiest and most effective ways to

motivate others is by appreciating them. When
you praise or appreciate someone, it indicates
that you have recognized their effort. It may
encourage them to go the extra mile. Giving
recognition inspires greatness in others.

5. … build trust in relationships.

Gratitude makes us nicer, more trusting, more

social, and more appreciative. As a result, it helps
us make more friends, deepen our existing
relationships, and improve our marriage. Those
who express appreciation with others are more
committed to them and more likely to stay in the

6. … show respect.

Respect is an essential ingredient for healthy


7. … deepen your relationships.

When you look for the good instead of the bad in

the surrounding people, you begin to notice just
how interesting they are. You will engage at a
higher level. It will accelerate the relationship-
building process and enhance their overall
impression of you.

8. … see more clearly what counts.

Your focus change and will be more positive.

9. … see more innovative results.

Employees who recognize their team members

experience a huge increase in innovation.

10. … increase your effectiveness.

Giving appreciation has a direct impact on

results. For example; employees who give or get
appreciation experience a huge increase in work


Go ahead and thank someone for something

they’ve done for you. It costs you so little, but it
might mean the world to the other person.

Survey results

Do you feel appreciated by your employer?

Rare to never

Just enough


Result of a non-representative survey on and among participants
attending events of NOACK Training & Coaching
Berlin (n= 633)

Appreciation within the company I work for is…

rarely meant seriously.

usually meant seriously.

Result of a non-representative survey on and among participants
attending events of NOACK Training & Coaching
Berlin (n= 645)

What can a company do to value

its employees?

Companies that are serious about appreciation

should consistently live the values they share.
Unfortunately, this is rather the exception! All the
more gratifying that some of my clients are
willing to take this step. All too often, it’s all about
declarations of intent.

What can each individual

employee contribute?

Each of us can open our mouths, express

ourselves in an appropriate way, and show
appreciation to others. By the way, even superiors
are still human beings. We cannot say “Thank
you!” often enough. It costs so little and brings so

And how can I express to my

colleagues that I appreciate

Speak out what is valued about each other. Small

gifts maintain friendship; whether verbal or
quietly sometimes symbolically tangible. Even an
honestly meant smile can speak volumes. And
undivided attention, as natural as it should be and
yet is not, is also a precious commodity.

Preparation of important
conversations and negotiations

Communication can be very easy. But often it is

not. Sometimes we say things and then later
notice from the reaction of our conversation
partners that they seem to have spoken to
someone completely different. I didn't say that
with the best will in the world. - Or did I say that
after all?

More or less consciously, conversations are

about convincing other people of something - be
it a special offer, your personality, a perspective,
or a necessity. If this doesn't happen fast enough
and above all not exactly to the point and
descriptively, the person we are talking to quickly
loses interest, and we lose the hoped-for
opportunity. — Conversation failed.

You can let me support you in the preparation of

your conversations and negotiations (to be on the
safe side: no legal advice!). Find out how you and
your message are perceived (arguments, body
language, language, voice, and much more). I will
familiarize you with effective tools and
communication strategies. Develop your
psychological skills, learn to stay calm, act
conZdently, remain authentic, and Znally

Preparing for important

conversations and negotiations

Just ask me personally

Please post any questions that may interest other

readers in the comments. Are you looking for
professional support?

If you are interested in coaching, training, or

consulting, for organizational questions and to
make an appointment, you can reach me best by
the contact form or by e-mail
). You can reach me
by telephone at +49(0)30 864 213 68 and mobile
phone at +49(0)1577 704 53 56 from Monday to
Thursday from 9:00 to 18:00. Most of the time I
am in sessions, so please leave a message with
your phone number in Germany, then. Please
remember to be very speciZc about the reason for
your call. I will call you back as soon as possible.
The privacy policy can be found here.

Transparency is important. Therefore, you will

Znd answers to frequently asked questions
already here, for example about me (proZle), the
services, the fees, and getting to know me. If this
suits you, I look forward to working with you.


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How about taking the time to appreciate

someone today? And do you know how to
appreciate yourself?

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