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Deltarune Table Top RPG (Base by TritraSerpifeu, but extended a lot by @MichaelDoerrler)

Step 1: Character Creation

There are 3 base races and four expanded race.

Humans- Magic: Words, Good Stat: HP (Hit Points), Playable Classes: (Leader, Fighter, Rogue,
Scientist) Humans are the most basic race. They mostly use talking for their abilities such as
making enemies angry or motivating team mates. As a Leader class, you will always have words
that make the team stronger, as a Fighter, you will be able to kill enemies that seem impossible
to beat, as a Rogue you can sneak your way into a quick kill. As a scientist you can create special
effects that rival magic.

-Humans have seven subraces, Determined, Patient, Brave, Integral, Persevering, Kind, and Just.
Determined humans gain Determination, if they already have it, they gain +10 HP. Patient gain
+1 Defense and gain +1 in every stat when they LV up or gain a weapon. Brave get +5 ATK and
are immune to NO DETERMINATION. Integral gain +1 Defense and +5 HP. Persevering gain +15
HP and can learn either bulk up or shield. Kind gain regeneration and +10 HP. Just gain +5 ATK
and +5 Magic

Monsters- Magic: Simple and Powerful, Good Stat: ATK, Playable Classes: (Fighter, Magician,
Leader, Scientist) Monsters are pretty strong. They can use magic but they mostly fight. Some
of them will side with the heroes. Their Rude abilities can be useful. As a Fighter, you can break
even stone with your attacks, as a Magician, you can kill with just a snap, as a Leader you can
intimidate the fiercest of foes. As a scientist you represent true offensive power.

-Monsters have two sub races, regular monsters, and Anomalous Monsters. Regular monsters
gain +5 Magic, but lose 5 ATK. Anomalous Monsters lose 5 Magic but gain the perk
Determination, unless their class gives Determination in which case it instead gives +10 HP.

Darkner- (ex: Ralsei) Magic: Smart and Useful, Good Stat: Magic, Playable Classes: (Leader,
Magician, Rogue, Scientist) Darkners are the friendliest creatures and aren’t known to kill rather
to help the team. Basically, they are supporters. As a Leader, a Darkner will always try to avoid
fighting by talking, as a Magician you will be making teammates look great even after a deadly
blow, as a Rogue you will subvert expectation by going for a sneaky attack. As a scientist, you
can balance both offensive and support magic for a well rounded skill set.

-Darkners have three sub races, card, stuffed, and band. Card darkners gain bullet spray or +5
ATK and lose 5 magic. Stuffed gain combo or +5 Magic and lose 10 HP. Band gain an ability to
give double the amount of Mercy when they are involved in talking but lose 5 ATK.

(Expansion Race) Flower- (ex: Flowey) Magic: Devious and tricky, Good Stat: Magic, ATK, Bad
Stat: Hit Points, Playable Classes: (Fighter, Magician, Rogue) Flowers are soulless beings who
manipulate others and side with the winners. They may be frail but they pack a mean punch. As
a Fighter, you will combo your strikes and attack many enemies, as a Magician, you will ensnare
your foes and stop them from fighting, as a Rogue, you will get critical hits like nobody’s

-Flowers have two subraces, secretive, and honest. Secretive flowers gain +5 Magic but lose 5
ATK. Honest flowers gain +10 ATK but lose -10 HP and -5 Magic

(Expansion Race) Skeleton- incredibly magical, Great Stat: Magic, Bad Stat: ATK, Playable
Classes: (Scientist, Fighter, Leader, Magician) Skeletons are weak physically but make up for it
with their energy, whether that is skill, or personality. Their magic is unparalleled. As a scientist,
you use their full potential to blast opponents. As a Fighter, you use the blue attack and stay
strong. As a Leader, you can talk with the best of them. As a Magician, you have incredible

-Skeletons have 2 subraces, frail and sturdy. Frail skeletons lose -20 HP but double the effects of
their magic. Sturdy skeletons gain high stats, unless they already have high stats in which case
they gain another perk but they lose -5 ATK and -5 Magic

(Expansion Race) Boss Monster- a truly defensive beast with great HP, Great Stat: HP, Bad Stat:
Magic, Playable Classes: (Fighter, Leader, Magician, Rogue) Boss Monsters are incredibly nice
and powerful. You don’t want to make them angry. As a Fighter, You gain incredible stats in
turn for no special abilities. As a Leader, you can attack and talk for great versaitility. As a
Magician, you have healing and powerful attacks, the balanced package, just know your base
stats for magic aren’t that good. As a rogue, you put a magical edge into your attacks.

- Boss Monsters have two subraces, imperial, and caring. Imperial boss monsters gain a bond
ability with their weapon where they add the weapon’s stats twice, they lose 2 TP from all
means they would get it however. Caring boss monsters lose -10 HP but gain either fireball,
heal, or regeneration, they cannot get one they already have.

(Expansion Race) Joker- an attacking creature with excellent ATK, as well as a signature ability
they get in almost all classes, Great Stat: ATK, Bad Stat: Magic, Playable Classes (Scientist,
Fighter, Magician, Rogue) As a Scientist, you attack and help others attack with magic. As a
Fighter, you can combo and help others attack with increased force. As a Magician, you lose
your transforming abilities but gain regeneration and powerful offensive magic. As a rogue you
are hard to hit and gain the most powerful transformation, one that gives your ally an extra
turn that you control, you gain their abilities and they gain yours.

-Jokers only get one subrace, the chaos. Chaos jokers, or all of them, get +5 ATK and -5 Magic

After you choose a race, you pick a class. Each race can pick one of their three options out of
the four classes. But a Monster Magician is different from a Darkner Magician, as an example.
Each class gives two perks.
Class/Ra Human Monster Darkner Flower Skeleton Boss Joker
ce (Frisk, (Susie, (Ralsei, (Flowey) (Sans, Mosnter (Jevil)
Chara, Noelle, Lancer, Papyrus, (Toriel,
Kris) Alphys, Seam, Gaster) Asgore,
Monster King) Asriel)
Scientist Bulk Up, Blaster, Blaster, X Poison, X Blaster,
Shield Bulk Up Shield Blaster Weapon
Fighter Combo, High X High Determi High Combo,
Determi Stats, Stats, nation, Stats, Weapon
nation Rude Bullet Blue Determi Transfor
Buster Spray Attack nation m (ATK)
Leader Talking, Talking, Talking, X Talking, Talking, X
Motivati Intimida Determi Blue Fireball
on tion nation Attack
Magicia X Poison, Heal, Ensnare, Poison, Heal, Regener
n Regener Regener Regener Blue Fireball ation,
ation ation ation Attack Bullet
Rogue Critical X Poison Critical X Critical Sneaky
Hit, Strike, Hit, Hit, Movem
Sneaky Sneaky Determi Fireball ents,
Movem Movem nation Weapon
ents ents Transfor
m (extra

These are the base stats of each race:

Stat/Race Human Monster Darkner Flower Skeleton Boss Joker
HP 90 (3) 70 (2) 70 (2) 60 (1) 70 (2) 100 (4) 70 (2)
ATK 20 (2) 25 (3) 20 (2) 25 (3) 15 (1) 20 (2) 30 (4)
Magic 10 (2) 10 (2) 15 (3) 15 (3) 20 (4) 5 (1) 5 (1)

Your class and certain perks can increase your stats.

Prerequisite Effect
Fighter ATK +5
Leader HP +20
Magician Magic +5
Rogue ATK +5, Magic +5, HP -5
Scientist Magic +10 ATK -5
High Stats HP +20, ATK +5, Magic +5
Determination HP +20

Step 1.5 Customizing your stats

I (the editor,) have figured out how to calculate the stats into tiers. That is what the numbers in
parenthesis next to the stats are. There are 4 tiers, tier 1 is bad. They are unfavorable stats that
you have to work around. Tier 2 is average, this is an ok stat that is not great, but not bad. Tier
3 is good, a stat the race has an affinity for. Tier 4, is specialized, in order to get a stat of this
tier, a race needs to sacrifice another stat to be lower, creating more specialized builds. Each
race gets 7 tier points, which they split into the 3 stats. No stat can be tier 5, as that doesn’t
exist, neither can they be tier 0, as that would mean they can’t do that at all.

However, you can increase one of these stats by one tier, assuming they are not tier 4, the
maximum. This free tier increase is not part of the race’s base stats, and can be different for
different characters. An example would be a darkner having 25 ATK due to the increase as
opposed to 20. I cannot emphasize this enough: DO NOT INCREASE A STAT TO TIER 5, BECAUSE
THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE. Or do, just make sure it is ok with your group leader, and if one can do it,
so can everyone else.

To determine how LV up works for increased stats, just take 1 / 5 of the stat increase and add it
when you LV up. Each tier of HP increases it by 10, so a LV up would increase it by an extra 2.
ATK and Magic both increase by 5 with each tier so a LV up would increase these stats by 1 for
each tier added.

There is another way of customizing stats, reducing them, for PERKS. Well, one perk. You have
the option to forgo the tier increase and lower one of your character’s stats below the race’s
base in order to gain an extra perk. Be careful though, that stat decrease might make more of a
difference than you realize. Just as before, you cannot lower a stat below tier 1, as that is the

The perks you can get through this are, (Bulk Up, Shield, Blaster, Poison, Motivation, Talking,
Intimidation, Fireball, Blue Attack, Heal, Ensnare, Bullet Spray, Critical Hit, Sneaky movements,
and Poison Strike.)
Notice that this is not all of them. There are certain ones that cannot be used with this method,
namely ones that increase stats like Determination and High Stats, and more powerful options,
like the LV up rewards and all variations of Weapon Transform.

Step 2: Equipment

Each character can have 1 weapon and 2 defense items. Often times which ones you get is
decided by the game leader. You can be creative and come up with your own equipment or
items. Use them as rewards in a campaign with no LV ups like Deltarune Most Weapons are
only usable by one class

Here are some examples

Lucy the Axe: Weapon Fighter ATK +5

Silk Scarf: Weapon Magician Magic +4, ATK +1, Opinions of Spiders UP

Heroic Stick: Weapon Leader ATK +4, Defense +1

Toy Knife: Weapon Rogue ATK +4, Magic +1

Screaming Staff: Weapon NO Rogue ATK +3, Magic +1, Defense +1

White Ribbon: Defense NO Fighter Defense +3, Magic +1, Talking +10

Jevil’s Tail: Defense, All, Rare Defense +5, ATK +5, Magic +5, Teaches Sing

Heavy Club: Weapon NO Scientist or Magician ATK +5 Magic -2

Light Blaster: Weapon Scientist Magic +3 ATK +2, Opinions of Science Fiction UP

Devilsknife: Weapon Joker or Fighter +10 ATK +4 Magic, Magic Cost -5 ex: 10 TP -> 5 TP

There are also healing items that heal you when used but take up your turn

Dark Burger Heals 50 HP, Darkners heal only 25 HP

Monster Meat Heals 5 HP, Monsters heal 100 HP and heal poison

Party Snacks Heals all allies 30 HP

Revive Mint Heals fallen ally to full HP

Giga Salad Heals 10 HP, never goes away unless sold or given to someone else

Cold Pill Heals Poison

Ice Pad Heals Burn

Top Cake Heals all allies 160 HP

Pie Heals one person to Max HP

Instant Noodles Heals 20xyour LV

Spaghetti Heals 30 HP, Skeletons heal 70 HP

Airplane Broccoli Heals 40 HP, heals all negative side effects, (burn, poison, etc.)

Step 3: The Fighting

The main stats you need are HP and TP TP is short for Tactical Points. You start with 0 TP but
can store up to 100. TP is used for special abilities. When enemies attack you, you take (Enemy
ATK – Player Defense) Some enemies will be able to inflict negative effects, namely:

Poison Lasts until the end of the battle or until you eat an item that heals poison. While under
the effects of poison, you take 10 damage per round

No Determination You cannot get this effect if you have the perk Determination. While under
the effects of No Determination your ATK and Magic stats are halved.

When it is your turn, you have actions you can perform

Fight- You deal (Attack – Enemy Defense) on one enemy and get 5 TP. If you have combo, when
you attack an enemy on consecutive turns, you gain +5 ATK each turn until you stop attacking.
This stacks to +10, +15, +20, etc. If you stop, all of the stacking of the combo goes away.

Spare- You can spare enemies that don’t want to fight, if you do this some enemies will go

Defend- Your Defense stat is doubled this round and you get 16 TP

Item- Use an item from your inventory.

There are special moves that are learned through perks or equipment (ex: sing)

Heal- 32 TP- Heals a teammate with the Magic stat times 4, (it was double but on the page it
mentioned healing being twice as strong,) Magic 10 Heals 40

Rude Buster- 50 TP- Does an Attack with double the normal ATK and ignores enemy Defense

Poison- 32 TP- One enemy gets poison

Motivation- 16 TP- One teammate will be healed of “NO Determination”

Bullet Spray- 40 TP- Deal (Magic – Enemy Defense) to all enemies

Intimidation- 28 TP- Lower one enemy ATK by half

Ensnare- 32 TP- Stop an enemy from attacking on their turn

Poison Strike- 45 TP- Deal normal damage and inflict Poison

Sing- 16 TP- Make an enemy fall asleep, causing them to lose their turn and gain +20 Mercy

Blaster- 40 TP- Deal Magic x2 Damage to one enemy

Bulk Up- 22 TP- Double an ally’s ATK for 3 turns

Shield- 22 TP- Double an ally’s DEF for 3 turns

Blue Attack- 30 TP- Halve an enemy’s DEF

Weapon Transform- 50 TP- You transform into a weapon to be used by an ally of your choice.
The boost given depends on your class. (ATK) adds your ATK to the ally’s ATK, (Magic) works
similarly, adding your Magic to the ally’s Magic, (extra turn) gives the ally an extra turn to do
whatever YOU want; you control them on that extra turn. The weapon stays on them until
either the battle ends or you remove yourself from them on their turn. All versions give the ally
your other perks to use as they see fit, the version that lets you control them on the extra turn
lets you use all of their perks too.

Talking is a bit weird because it is different, like in Deltarune it can be used to spare enemies or
let partners use special moves, so it is useful. For custom enemies, it is up to the Game Leader
to decide how you can talk to them and which classes/partners or if TP will be needed

Some other perks that need to be mentioned are:

Regeneration: Heals HP by Magic/2

Critical Hit- Can be used once per enemy: Do double damage for one attack, costs no TP

Sneaky Movements- People with this perk cannot be hit on every other turn. (Turn 2, 4, 6, 8, 10,

Some equipment items will give you access to other moves but how these work is decided by
the Game Leader.

Step 3.5: Enemies

Only one exists now, but more can and will be added.

120 HP, 20 ATK, 10 Magic

Talking Options: Check: Says “This ambivalent diamond isn’t any girl’s best friend.)

Convince: Mercy + 50

Offer Salad: Give a Giga Salad, Mercy +100

Fighting Tips: (Fighter required): Rudinn ATK +10, Mercy +100

Warn: Rudinn Defense +5, Mercy +25

X Talk” (Magician required): All enemies Mercy +25

How to Spare: Get Rudinn Mercy to 100 or more, then spare it

EXP: 5


150 HP, 15 ATK, 15 Magic

Perks: Bullet Spray

Talking Options:

Check: says “I am a little kiss.”

Flirt: Mercy +50

X Flirt (Magician or Scientist required): All enemies Mercy +25

Warn: Hathy Defense +5, Mercy +25

Seduce: (Rogue required): Mercy +100

How to Spare: Get Hathy Mercy to 100 or more, then spare it

EXP: 8

3,200 HP, 30 ATK, 20 Magic

Perks: Bullet Spray, Critical Hit, Bulk Up, Combo

Talking Options:

Check: says “There is no strategy to defeat this enemy, good luck!”

Pirouette: Costs 20 TP, Mercy +10, Jevil ATK -10 for this attack

Hypnosis: (requires two allies) Costs 50 TP, Mercy +30, Jevil ATK -10 and Magic -5 for this attack

Lecture: (requires scientist) Mercy +20

How to Spare: Get Jevil Mercy to 200 or more, then spare it

EXP: 1,500

Step 3.6: LV up (Fan edited this not the main person behind the project)

This is more for Undertale based campaigns and not Deltarune

You need to get exp to LV up, when you do, you LV up.

The amount of EXP you need to LV up depends on what LV you are.

LV 2, 10 EXP

LV 3, 20 EXP

LV 4, 40 EXP

LV 5, 50 EXP

LV 6, 80 EXP

LV 7, 100 EXP

LV 8, 200 EXP

LV 9, 300 EXP

LV 10, 400 EXP

LV 11, 500 EXP

LV 12, 800 EXP

LV 13, 1,000 EXP

LV 14, 1,500 EXP

LV 15, 2,000 EXP

LV 16, 3,000 EXP

LV 17, 5,000 EXP

LV 18, 10,000 EXP

LV 19, 25,000 EXP

LV 20 (MAX), 49,999 EXP

The stat increases depend on your base stats, weapons will not affect this.

Human +18 HP +4 ATK +2 Magic +1 Defense

Monster +14 HP +5 ATK +2 Magic +1 Defense

Darkner +14 HP +4 ATK +3 Magic +1 Defense

Flower + 12 HP +5 ATK +3 Magic +1 Defense

Skeleton +14 HP +3 ATK +4 Magic +1 Defense

Boss Monster +20 HP +4 ATK +1 Magic +1 Defense

Joker +14 HP +6 ATK +1 Magic +1 Defense

Fighter +1 ATK

Leader +4 HP

Magician +1 Magic

Rogue +1 ATK, +1 Magic, -1 HP

Scientist +2 Magic, -1 ATK

High Stats +4 HP, +1 ATK, +1 Magic

Determination +4 HP

Depending on the class you pick, you get certain abilities at certain LV

The title of your class, or it’s second name, changes depending on LV.

Pacifist LV 4 LV 8 LV 12 LV 19 LV 20

Leader Shine- Deceive- Defense Cold Sneak ERASE- You

P-Calm Boost an Raise an Deifier- Hearted- Attack- can
4- ally’s Magic enemy’s Deal x3 All Talk Automatica completely
Commande by yours Mercy by Damage on options lly attack a erase the
r for their 25 and all attacks give 15 less second world at
8-Ruler spell or increase against an Mercy to time if you the
12-Cunning ability your ATK enemy enemies, attack expense of
19-Warlord by your with 5 or ATK +5 your soul
20- LVx5 more DEF (your
Megaloma character
niacal dies, but so
else) You
can also
target this
on an
enemy to
kill them

Fighter Protect- Learn Defense Cold Thrusting Soulless

P-Guardian You can either Deifier Hearted Attack- Powerup-
4-Adept take a hit Combo, Deal x2 You lose
8- for an ally Bullet damage on the ability
Skirmisher if they are Spray, or all attacks to ACT or
12-Brawler below half Rude Defend,
19- health Buster (you but your
Slaughterer cannot Attacks
20- learn the deal +30
Executione one you ATK
r already

Magician MultiCast- Fireball- Efficient Cold Magic Hyper

P-Support You cast Spell 32% Spells- Hearted Strikes- Goner-
4-Wizard your spell ATK+Magic Your Spells Alt. -15 standard 100% You
8-Sorcerer on all on a single cost 10% Mercy to attacks can purge a
12-Warlock targets enemy, less (ex: enemies, now deal timeline
19-Lich inflicts 32%->22%) +5 Magic ATK+Magic and
20-Deity burn damage instantly
(Poison but kill all
lowers opponents
enemy ATK that don’t
by 5 as have
well) Determinat

Rogue Surprise Critical Hit Defense Cold Sneak Soulless

P-Silent Gift- give or Sneaky Deifier Hearted Attack Powerup
friend an item to movement
4-Sneaky an enemy s power-up
8-Killer to increase Critical Hit
12- their is x3
Assaulter Mercy to damage,
19-Assassin Max Sneaky
20- movement
Genocidal s is a
pattern of
2,3 5,6 8,9
11,12, etc.

Scientist Dodge- You Experiment You gain Efficent Toxic VOID

P-Swift can dodge - You can one of Bulk Blast- Substances 100%- You
4-Odd 3 attacks copy an Up, Shield, When you - All of your can trap an
8-Shifty against you enemy’s or Blaster FIGHT attacks, enemy in
12-Mad every attack and to add to normally, including the VOID
19-Insane battle use it on your perks, you gain 10 the Blaster permanent
20- them you cannot TP instead perk, inflict ly, (this
Maniacal instead learn one of 5 TP. poison. If does not
when they you you know kill them,
attack you. already poison, it and if you
have now costs end up in
0 TP. the void,
they will be
where they
will attack
you with all
of the LV
up perks of

Step 4: And the point of this was…?

Yeah I know this system is short and small but it has a purpose. It is for kids like Kris, just a base
to build an epic adventure on. You can add much, much more if you want. This is the reason
that this is so simple, so you can make your own Deltarune, (or Undertale). So, I am sure you
can make a wonderful experience with Determination and Imagination.

(Editor’s note: honestly the system isn’t that small anymore, still simple, but not small.)
(Note by TritraSerpifeu: Here I thank @MichaelDoerrler because he made the System to
something bigger and better)

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