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FOCUS ON GRAMMAR, Third Edition, Level 3

Internet Activity Student Worksheet

Bad Fads
WEB ACTIVITY: Search the web for fads that used to be popular.



1. Work with a partner. Read the section titled "Welcome to the Bad Fads Museum." Then
choose a category: Fashions, Collectibles, Activities, or Events. Read about two fads that
interest you.

(Remember: Just look at the site to get information for this exercise; do not give personal
information or credit card information anywhere in the website.)

2. Take notes on the fads.

• Name of the fad: glass eating
• When it was popular: early 70’s
• How fad started: a publicity stunt by a professional athlete who wanted to look tough
• What people used to do: People used to eat glass in bars to show they were tough.
• Type of people who used to follow this fad: college students
• Is this fad still popular? If so, where and with whom? No
• Your opinion of the fad: These people were crazy!

Fad 1

a. Name of the fad:


b. When it was popular:


c. How fad started:


d. What people used to do:


e. Type of people who used to follow this fad:



Focus on Grammar, Third Edition, Level 3 Internet Activity Student Worksheet, Unit 5
Copyright © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. 1
FOCUS ON GRAMMAR, Third Edition, Level 3
Internet Activity Student Worksheet

f. Is this fad still popular? If so, where and with whom?


g. Your opinion of the fad:


Fad 2

h. Name of the fad:


i. When it was popular:


j. How fad started:


k. What people used to do:


l. Type of people who used to follow this fad:


m. Is this fad still popular? If so, where and with whom?


n. Your opinion of the fad:


3. Now write a paragraph about each of the fads you researched. Use the past tense and used
to in your paragraph.


Glass eating used to be popular in the early 1970s. It started as a publicity stunt by a
professional football player who wanted to look tough. He used to do lots of crazy things
for attention. Then, university students at Harvard University started doing it. They used
to chew on lightbulbs and glass beer mugs in bars to show how tough they were.
Students at other universities started to eat glass, too. This fad ended after a short time
when the universities put a stop to it. We think this fad was dangerous and stupid. It was
never popular in my country.

Focus on Grammar, Third Edition, Level 3 Internet Activity Student Worksheet, Unit 5
Copyright © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. 2
FOCUS ON GRAMMAR, Third Edition, Level 3
Internet Activity Student Worksheet


Bring your worksheet to class. You and your partner will tell the class about the fads. Describe
the fads you read about to your classmates. Ask them their opinion of the fad. Then describe a
fad that was popular when you were younger. Tell your classmates what you used to do.
A: Eating glass used to be popular.
B: Why did people use to do that?
A: They were acting tough.
C: I think that's dangerous!

Focus on Grammar, Third Edition, Level 3 Internet Activity Student Worksheet, Unit 5
Copyright © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. 3

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