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FOCUS ON GRAMMAR, Third Edition, Level 3

Internet Activity Student Worksheet


How To Help Yourself
WEB ACTIVITY: Search the web for information about self-improvement.

Group A
Group B
Group C


1. Go to the website and read the page assigned to your group. Read about one aspect of self-
improvement. Take notes on the self-help suggestions on your assigned page.

(Remember: Just look at the site to get information for this exercise; do not give personal
information or credit card information anywhere in the website.)

2. Choose four self-improvement suggestions. Write a few sentences about each. State the
suggestion and then give your opinion about it. Use reflexive and reciprocal pronouns when
you need them.
Suggestion: Make time for yourself.
Opinion: I need to make time for myself each day, but I am very busy. Sometimes it is
hard to relax. If I really want to take care of myself, I have to take a break for 20 minutes
a day. I think it's good to go for a walk by myself.

Suggestion #1: __________________________________________________

Opinion: _______________________________________________________



Suggestion #2: __________________________________________________

Opinion: _______________________________________________________




Focus on Grammar, Third Edition, Level 3 Internet Activity Student Worksheet, Unit 9
Copyright © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. 1
FOCUS ON GRAMMAR, Third Edition, Level 3
Internet Activity Student Worksheet
Suggestion #3: __________________________________________________

Opinion: _______________________________________________________



Suggestion #4: __________________________________________________

Opinion: _______________________________________________________




Bring your worksheet to class. Work in a small group with one student from Group A, B, and C.
Each student should tell the group what he or she learned about self-improvement.
A: I learned that you have to talk to yourself in a positive way. For example, when you are
angry with yourself, tell yourself that everyone makes mistakes.

Now role-play a self-help workshop. One student is the leader and two students are participants
in the workshop. The participants describe habits they want to change. The leader advises them
on how to improve themselves. Use your notes from the websites and the information you
learned from your classmates.

Focus on Grammar, Third Edition, Level 3 Internet Activity Student Worksheet, Unit 9
Copyright © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. 2

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