Focus Grammar: Internet Activity Student Worksheet

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FOCUS ON GRAMMAR, Third Edition, Level 3

Internet Activity Student Worksheet


You Are Supposed To Cope With Culture Shock
WEB ACTIVITY: Search the web for information about culture shock.



1. Go to the website. Read the section assigned to your group. Group A will read "Culture
Shock." Group B will read "Stages of Culture Shock." Group C will read "How to Fight
Culture Shock."

2. Take notes on a few of the most interesting parts of your readings. What is culture shock?
What are the stages of culture shock? What are some ways to deal with culture shock?
Write five sentences about the information you read. Use be supposed to or be (not)
supposed to in your sentences.

You are supposed to allow time to feel sad when you feel homesick.
In the first stage, you are supposed to feel happy and optimistic.
Volunteering in the community is supposed to help you feel better.

a. _________________________________________________________________

b. _________________________________________________________________

c. _________________________________________________________________

d. _________________________________________________________________

e. _________________________________________________________________


1. Bring your worksheet to class. Work with students from two other groups. Share your
information about culture shock, its stages, or ways to cope with it with your classmates. Use
the sentences you wrote to describe what culture shock is supposed to be like.

2. Discuss similar experiences of culture shock you have had.

• Do you agree with the suggestions for coping with culture shock as mentioned on the
• What do you think people are supposed to do to help ease "crossing cultures"?

Focus on Grammar, Third Edition, Level 3 Internet Activity Student Worksheet, Unit 35
Copyright © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. 1

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