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FOCUS ON GRAMMAR, Third Edition, Level 3

Internet Activity Student Worksheet


Balancing Work And Personal Time Is Very Difficult
WEB ACTIVITY: Search the web for information about balancing work and family life.



1. Go to the website. Read about the importance of work-life balance. Scan the text for the
answers to the following questions. Answer in complete sentences. Use a subject or object
gerund in your answer.

(Remember: Just look at the site to get information for this exercise; do not give personal
information or credit card information anywhere in the website.)

a. Why is balancing your life important?


b. What are three symptoms of an unhealthy work-life balance?


c. What are three things you can do to keep your work and life balanced?




d. What are three things you would look for in a job to help you balance work and your

personal life? (Example: flexible hours, childcare at work, etc.)





Focus on Grammar, Third Edition, Level 3 Internet Activity Student Worksheet, Unit 27
Copyright © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. 1
FOCUS ON GRAMMAR, Third Edition, Level 3
Internet Activity Student Worksheet

2. Take the Work-Life Balance quiz. How balanced is your work and life? Write a short
paragraph about how you balance the two. Use verbs that are followed by a gerund, such as
enjoy, understand, can’t stand, go, resent, and consider.
I enjoy having control and flexibility in the use of time. Having a lot of free time is
important to me. I enjoy going hiking and traveling for pleasure. I can’t stand thinking
about work all the time . . .





As a class or in small groups, share your ideas about how to balance work and personal life.
What should employers do to help workers balance work and life? Are employers doing enough?

Focus on Grammar, Third Edition, Level 3 Internet Activity Student Worksheet, Unit 27
Copyright © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. 2

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