What's More: Let's Try . Sport Injury. Injury Type Causes of Injury Sprain W

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What’s More

Let’s try….
1. Complete the table below. Write the type and causes of injury in each common
sport injury.
Injury Type Causes of injury
Sprain Sprains are ligament when you overextend
injuries resulting from or tear a ligament
wrenching or twisting while severely
a joint stressing a joint.
Strain Strains are injuries to Your muscle is
a muscle or tendon, overstretched or torn.
and are often caused This usually occurs as
by overuse, force, or a result of fatigue,
stretching. overuse, or improper
Fracture A fracture is a break, W hen there is more
usually in a bone. If force applied to the
the broken bone bone than the bone
punctures the skin, it can absorb
is called an open or
compound fracture.
Dislocation A dislocation is an Trauma that forces a
injury to a joint — a joint out of place
place where two or
more bones come
together — in which
the ends of
your bones are forced
from their normal
Stress Fracture A stress fracture is It occurs when
an overuse injury. It muscles become
occurs when muscles fatigued and are
become fatigued and unable to absorb
are unable to absorb added shock
added shock.
Tendinopathy Tendinopathy is Caused by overuse of
another type of injury a muscle and tendon
that affects
the wrist tendons.
Osteoarthritis When the smooth When the cartilage in
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cushion between joints deteriorates.
bones (cartilage)
breaks down, joints
can get painful,
swollen and hard to
Bursitis Affects the small, Occurs when bursae
fluid-filled sacs called become inflamed.
bursae that cushion
the bones, tendons
and muscles near
your joints.

2. Make your personal safety protocol to avoid dehydration, overexertion, hypothermia

and hyperthermia during MVPA participation by filling out the table below.
My Personal Safety Protocol
Before During After
Dehydration Drink at least You should Check your
16- 20 drink more to urine. If it's
ounces of replace what clear, pale or
fluid one to you have lost: straw-colored,
two hours at least another it's OK. If it's
before an 16 to 24 darker than
outdoor ounces (2- 3 that, keep
activity. cups) drinking.
Overexertion Stretching Do not strain If any pain is
and warming yourself at any escalating then
up before cost. Take speak to your
lifting. fitness to a doctor right
level till where away.
you can afford,
do not put your
health at stake.
Hypothermia You need Warm up any You should call
both food and area with your health
fluids to fuel frostnip. care provider or
your body Remove tight get medical
and keep you jewelry. help right away.
Hyperthermia Drink 2 to 3 Conductive Temporary
quarts of cooling relocation to a
water daily techniques more protected
include direct environment
application of
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such as a

sources such shelter or
as hypothermic community
blanket, ice center should
bath, or ice be
packs to neck, implemented.
axillae and

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What I Have Learned

Complete the sentences below.

I learned that sports injuries are:

I learned that sports injuries are the thing you could get if you overworked, tear
and twisted your muscles, ligaments, joints and bones also if you conduct a heavy work
out without proper equipments, preparation, stretching, body condition an warm ups.

Common sports-related injuries include:

Common sports-related injuries include: Sprains the tear of muscle and ligament.
Contusion or bruise is bleeding into the soft tissue. Contusion a bruise can occur to any
soft tissue of the body. A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury (TBI). It can occur
after an impact to your head or after a whiplash-type injury that causes your head and
brain to shake quickly back and forth. Dislocation is an injury in which the ends of your
bones are forced from their normal positions. Fracture is break in bone or cartilage.
Although usually a result of trauma, a fracture can be the result of an acquired disease
of bone. A strain is an acute or chronic soft tissue injury that occurs to a muscle, tendon,
or both

The types of injuries are:

An acute injury is generally an injury that is severe and with sudden onset.
Sprained ankles, strained backs, and fractured hands are acute injuries. Acute injuries
are usually isolated to the injured body area and respond favorably to treatment.
Symptoms of an acute injury include swelling, tenderness, weakness, limited
movement, no weight tolerance, or visible dislocation.

Chronic pain and injury refers to the sort of physical injury, illness, or disease
that develops slowly and is persistent and long-lasting, or constantly recurring over
time. these injuries can be linked to incorrect training techniques, pushing your body
too fast, or even by over-extending your body in a certain motion during a sporting

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What I Can Do
Let’s do this!
1. Provide examples of acute sports injuries from the upper and lower
Acute injury Upper Extremities Lower Extremities
Fracture clavicular fracture high bone (femoral)
dislocation pelvic fractures
fractures of the shin
blade of scapula bone (tibia)
fracture fractures around the
glenoid fracture knee
acromial fracture afractures in the foot
coracoid process

Dislocation perilunate fracture Ankle Dislocation

dislocation Subtalar Dislocation
lunate dislocation Posterior Dislocaton
carpometacarpal joint Bimalleolar Dislocation
joint dislocation
interphalangeal joint
Sprain Syndesmosis sprains
General Hand & Wrist
Sprains Midfoot sprains
Tennis Elbow High Ankle Sprain
Golfer's Elbow
Ulnar Collateral
Ligament (UCL)
Sprains & Injuries
Thumb Ulnar
Collateral Ligament

Strain back pain Hamstring muscle

muscle pain strain
shoulder strain Calf Muscle Strain

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2. Choose one injury from the Chronic injury table and list specific ways to
prevent it.
Chronic injury Upper Extremities Lower Extremities
Osteoarthritis Keep a healthy body
weight Avoid bending knees past 90
degrees when doing half knee
Control your blood sugar
Be active every day
Keep feet as flat as possible
during stretches to avoid twisting

When jumping, land with knees


Tendinopathy Warm up thoroughly, Warm up thoroughly, gradually

gradually building the building the intensity level of
intensity level of your your workout.
Cool down after the session.
Cool down after the
session. Rest the area – trying to ‘work
through’ the pain will only make
Rest the area – trying to your symptoms worse and delay
‘work through’ the pain will healing.
only make your symptoms
worse and delay healing.
Use good posture all day. Use cushions or pads when
you’re resting a joint on a hard
Keep a healthy body weight. surface, like if you’re kneeling or

Don’t sit still for a long time.

Fasciitis Physical therapy methods, Sports running shoes with soft,

including stretching cushioned soles can be helpful
exercises in reducing irritation of inflamed
tissues from plantar fasciitis.
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-06:00 therapy methods,

including stretching exercises

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