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Objective: Students will be able to use personal pronouns as objects and complements.

Subject and Object Pronouns

We use a pronoun when we don’t want to repeat a noun or a noun phrase.


I me
You you
He him
She her
It it
We us
You you
They them

1. Subject pronouns as the 2. Object pronouns as the 3. Object pronouns after a

subject of a verb object of a verb. preposition (including after phrasal
• I like London. • He knows me. • It’s important to me.

• You like the chocolate. • I kissed you. • Can they come with you?

• He plays football. •The dog followed him. • The chocolate is for him.

• She hates mushrooms. • He hugged her. • Look at her!

• It was cold. • The teacher dropped it. • He wants to look at it.

• We are French. • The children love us. • Listen to us!

• You are from different countries. • I gave you money. • I wanted to talk about you.

• They are going home. • He helps them. •She works for them.

Exercise 1 : Complete the phone conversation with ‘Subject Pronouns’ (I, you, he, she etc.)

A: Hi, Chris. Louise here. How are ___you_____1?

B: _____2m fine, thanks. And_____ 3?
A: Great, thanks. Are _____ 4 at home?
B: No, _____5 am on business in the USA with Jack.
A: Where in the USA?
B: _____6‘re in New York?
A: Is Sara in New York with you?
B: No,_____7 isn’t. _____8‘s on holiday with friends.
A: Really? Where are _____9?
B: _____10‘re in İzmir.
A: Where is that?
B: _____11‘s in Turkey.
A: Is Tommy in Turkey, too?
B: No,_____12 isn’t. _____1’s at home with my mother.
Exercise 2: Complete the conversation between a reporter, Oscar, and Chloe with the correct
object pronouns.

Oscar: Hello. I’m Oscar from City Radio. Can I ask _____1 some questions about exercise?
Chloe: Yes, of course.
Oscar: Um, first question. How much exercise do you do?
Chloe: Well, O walk every day.
Oscar: Really? Do you go with your partner?
Chloe: No, I don’t. He doesn’t like ___________2 . But he likes jogging., so I go jogging with ___________3 every
Oscar: Right. Who do you walk with, then?
Chloe: I go with some friends. I meet ____________4 at 9 am. and we walk for about an hour.
Oscar: OK. Do you always go with the same people?
Chloe: No, not always. My sister sometimes comes with ____________5 . She walks slowly, but we always
wait for ____________6 .
Oscar: So.. walking with friends and sister, and jogging with partner. That’s great. Thank you for
talking to ____________7.
Chloe: You’re welcome.

Exercise 3: Choose the correct pronoun

1. I / me like London. 10. Is that for I / me?

2. They / them love vegan food. 11. ‘’What is the title of that article?"
"I'm afraid I can't remember you / it.
3. "Do you want this book?"
12. "Please will you ask Robert to come in."
"Well, take it / me.
"Sorry, I don't know he / him."
4. You / she are a big help! Thanks so much.
13. "Let's see the latest Spielberg movie!"
5. "Look at John! He seems so happy?" "I have already seen it / them!"
"His friends bought he / him a guitar for his
birthday!" 14. "Have you met Alan and Tim?"
"No, I have never met they / them.
6. "Why is he always talking about Liza?"
"He clearly likes she / her. 15. Please come with we / us.

7. Where are my glasses?" 16. We / us have been to Rio.

"You are wearing they / them.
17. He / him went to the bookshop yesterday.
8. It / they is important to ask your parents’
advice about this problem.

9. "Is he marrying Leila?"

"Yes, he is in love with  she / her.
Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with the subject or object pronouns in the box.

1. Maria loves Tom, but he doesn't like _________.

2. When you speak fast, I have difficulty in understanding _________.
3. My parents live abroad. I call _________ every Saturday.
4. This book’s really interesting. I want to read _________.
5. I often visit my sister, but _________ never visits me.
6. Excuse me. My friend and I have a problem. Could you help _________?
7. My wife and I were in Croatia last summer. _________ had a great time there.
8. I often borrow money from my friends when I don’t have any. _________ are very generous.
9. She walks slowly, but we always wait for _________.
10. I gave Tony a gift the other day. ________ was so happy.

Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Exercise 4

2. I 1. I 1.her
3. you 2. it 2. they 2. you
4. you 3. him 3. it 3. them
5. I 4. them 4. you
6. We 5. me 5. him 5.she
7. she 6. her 6. her 6. us
8. she 7. you 7. them 7. we
9. they 8. it 8. they
10. they 9. her 9. her
11. It 10. me 10.he
12. he
13. he 12. him
13. it
14. them
15. us
16. we
17. he

Navigate, A1 Workbook, Jane Hudson, Oxford

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