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Some people believe that everyone has the right to access to university education and that

governments should make it free for all students no matter what financial background they have. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?

You should write at least 250 words.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or

In this day and age, education is considered crucial in shaping an individual’s life. It is often argued that
whether students should be given free tertiary education. In my opinion, I believe that although a free-
of-charge education has several benefits, its disadvantages are more significant.

First of all, it is widely recognized that free university education is favorable to poor students. This
means that students from underprivileged backgrounds would have the ability to attend universities
that were only their dreams. These students are likely to succeed in their chosen fields and make
outstanding contributions to society. Were tertiary education not free, it would place a burden on their
parents due to unaffordable educational expenses, and thus limit their academic opportunities.

On the other hand, it is clear that free university education has some negative influences on government
budget. The lack of funding from tuition fees makes it difficult to construct more universities, pay
teachers and upgrade teaching facilities. Similarly, other sectors such as medical care, infrastructure and
transportation that are often financially supported by public funding will also be detrimentally affected.
Furthermore, some students may take learning at university for granted because when there is no
charge, people often underestimate the value of what they are given. As a result, students are unlikely
to be held accountable for their studies and may not take advantage of their learning opportunities to
the full extent possible.

To conclude, despite the fact that tuition-free education may provide impoverished students with a solid
foundation for studying, I am of the opinion that the government should not make it free because other
aspects may also be impacted and students may depreciate the importance of learning.

Crucial in shaping an invi’s life: cần thiết trong đời người

Tertiary education = university education

Underprivileged/ impoverished backgrounds

Succeed in ther chosen fields: thành công trên con đường họ chọn

Unaffordable educational expenses: chi phí học đắt đỏ

The lack of funding from: sự thiếu hụt quỹ tiền từ

Detrimentally = negatively

Be held accountable for = be responsible for

Take advantage of sth to the full extent possible: tận dụng triệt để gì

Depreciate: làm giảm giá trị, đề thấp

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