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Over the last few decades, the environment has been damaged tremendously due to human activities.

This is a serious
issue because it is inextricably linked with human health and well-being. This essay will address the main actions which
cause the situation before proposing two possible solutions.

Perhaps the most important cause of environmental problems is the rise of consumerism. In today’s materialistic world,
it is widely believed that possessing more items is equivalent to confidence and higher social status. As a result, the
need to produce more goods increases, which leads to massive exhaust emissions and waste released from
manufacturing. In fact, these goods are usually cheap and non-durable, hence, thrown away after a single use, causing
landfills to be overloaded and water sources to be polluted. Another key factor is the use of fossil fuels in many aspects
of life. The majority of our energy comes from the process of burning these non-renewable fuels which simultaneously
releases carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. These fumes make a major contribution to further urgent issues,
for instance, global warming and climate change.

Fortunately, however, there are some promising solutions that both the government and individuals can do to tackle
this problem. First of all, the government should invest more in green technology. This would help reduce the carbon
footprint in many businesses, and thus cut down on waste as well as minimize the negative impact of human activities
on the environment. Secondly, each individual could choose to live a more minimal lifestyle, which means a more
sustainable way of living. By practicing this, it is easier for them to consume fewer products and produce less waste,
reducing the harm caused by consumerism.

In conclusion, many environmental issues are caused primarily by the consumption of goods, along with the overuse of
non-renewable sources of energy. Therefore, it is crucial that the authority and each human being should be responsible
and take actions to help protect the Earth altogether.

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