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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment the Requirements for Undergraduate Program

in English Education the Strata One (SI) Degree

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1443 H/ 2021 M



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TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………….vi


A. Background of the Study ...........................................................1

B. Focus of the Study......................................................................3
C. Formulation of the Problem.......................................................3
D. Purpose of the Study..................................................................3
E. Significant of the Study..............................................................4
F. Definition of Key Terms ...........................................................5

A. Review of Related Theoris.........................................................6

1. Learning .................................................................................6
a. Definition of Learning.....................................................6
b. Principle of Learning.......................................................8
c. Learning Stages...............................................................14
2. English Teaching....................................................................19
a. Definition of Teaching English.......................................19
b. Component of Teaching..................................................20
c. Teaching four Skill of English........................................21
d. Procedure of Teaching Learning process........................24

3. Online learning ......................................................................25

a. Definition of Online Learning.........................................25
b. Characteristics of Online Learning..................................27
c. The Advantages of online learning .................................27
d. The Disadvantages of Online Learning...........................28
e. The Type of Online Learning..........................................28
f. The type Application of Online Learning........................30
B. Relevant Studdies........................................................................33
C. Conceptual Framework...............................................................38

A. Reseach Design...........................................................................40
B. Reseach Place and Time..............................................................41
C. Data Sources ...............................................................................41
D. Insruments of Research ..............................................................42
E. Respondent of Research..............................................................42
F. Technique of Data Collection....................................................43
G. Technique of Data Analysis.......................................................44


A. Finding..........................................................................................46
B. Discussion.....................................................................................55
A. Conclusion...................................................................................59
B. Suggestion...................................................................................60


A. Background of study

Pandemic covid-19 has affected some aspects of teaching and learning

process. Face-to-face teaching and learning has changed to online, even

English language learning teachers teach online using electronic media such as

cell phones and computers. Teachers must be able to use applications for

online teaching and learning media such as Whatsapp, google classroom,

zoom and other applications, because learning is done at home using the

internet network, teachers provide learning materials to students through the

applications used.

Online learning is an intensity of the use of information and

communication technology networks in teaching and learning (Naidu, 2006;

Basilaia & Kvavadze (2020). Defining of Learning is a process built to

develop students’ creative thinking (Widodo & Kadarwati, 2013). Meanwhile,

the term ‘daring’ is an abbreviation of ‘Dalam jaringan,’ which is the

Indonesian substitute of the word ‘online that is often related to internet

technology. The learning process, whether using learning applications or

social networking, is called online learning. According to Zhu & Liu, (2020)

online learning is the experience of knowledge transfer using video, audio,

images, text communication, and software supported by internet networks.

The important thing in on line mastering is the readiness of educators and

college students to engage on line. Abidah et al. (2020) mentioned diverse


infrastructures that supported on line mastering for free, simple, and might be

accessed the use of Smartphone, specifically diverse dialogue rooms which

includes Google Classroom, WhatsApp, Kelas Cerdas, Zenius, Quipper, and

Microsoft. The European Commission (2001) explains online learning as the

use of new multimedia technologies and the internet to increase learning

quality by easing access to facilities and services as well as distant exchanges

and collaboration. In an online learning environment, students can use

technology to acquire subject matter and communicate with teachers and

peers; therefore, media preferences can also differ from the normal class

(Kobayashi, 2017).

Baradja (1995) stated that there some factors are determining the success

of the second language or foreign language; they are teachers, students,

environment, materials, etc. The teacher has a very important role in

determining the success of English teaching. Each skill in using technology

which the teachers have learned, surely related to the improvement of their

teaching, both online or face-to-face classrooms (Morris, 2002, p. 38).

Technology is an important thing in the processes of English language

learning and teaching (Williams, 2016).

The study by Rochyani Lestiyanawati, Arif Widyantoro (2020) Teachers

were to apply online classes in conducting the teaching and learning process.

The students are forbidden to come to school to join the class activities, but

they had to study at home. The students had to open the internet to study and

learn the materials and assignments given by their teacher.


Based on definitions above the researcher conclude the online English

teaching and learning the teachers use of online learning media this online

platform there are whatsapp, google classroom, zoom and etc. Online learning

is an activity of teaching and learning process carried out by utilizing media

such as applications or websites that can be accessed through an internet

network that is connected or connected simultaneously, making it possible to

exchange data and information between students and teachers.

Those researchers are interested in carrying out research with titles.

“Online English Teaching and Learning During Pandemic covid-19 at

Junior High School 4 Ampek Nagari”

B. Focus of Study

This research is focused on analyzing online English teaching and learning

process including teaching’ preparation, learning, Platform used at junior high

school 4 Ampek Nagari during pandemic covid-19”

C. Formulation of The Problem

1. How do English teachers prepare online teaching and learning at

SMPN 4 Ampek Nagari?

2. What is the platform type mostly used by English teachers at SMPN 4

Ampek Nagari?

3. How do English teachers carry out teaching and learning at SMPN 4

Ampek Nagari?

D. Purpose of The Study

1. To describe teachers prepare online English teaching and learning at

SMPN 4 Ampek Nagari

2. To describe the platform type mostly online English teaching and

learning at SMPN 4 Ampek Nagari

3. To describe English teachers carry out online teaching and learning at

SMPN 4 Ampek Nagari

E. Significant of Study

Theoretically, this research is conducted to support the teaching and learni

ng process to add scientific insights about online learning. Here are some cont

ributions to the user.

1. Theoretical benefit

The results of this study are expected to be used as the basis for polici

es in supervising educators so that they can choose or online English

teaching and learning.

2. Practical Benefit

a. For teacher

This research is also useful for teacher or lectures, with this researc

h It is hoped that the results of this study can develop knowledge,

skills and experience to carry out online learning.

b. For student’s

This research can provide students with experience and knowledge

as an online learning medium during a pandemic, and it is hoped th

at student learning outcomes can increase.

c. For the Researcher

In this case, the researcher can understand the concept of a theory

used the study.

F. Definition of Key Terms

In order to clarify the key terms used in this study, some

definitions are put forward.

1. Learning

Learning is a process of interaction between teachers and students,

both interactions directly such as face to-face activities or not directly,

namely by using various learning media

2. Teaching English

Teaching is interactive process between teacher and student. The

teacher helped the student to learn, give materials, and providing

anything to know or understand.

3. Online learning

Online learning is the use of the internet to access material, to inter

act with material, instructors and other learners, to get support during t

he learning process with the aim of acquiring knowledge, creating un

derstanding and to develop from the learning experience.




A. Review of Theories Literature

1. Learning

a. Definition of Learning

According to Rusman explains learning is a process of interaction

between teachers and students, both interaction directly such as face to-face

activities or not directly, namely by using various learning media 1. Learning is

basically the interaction between students and the learning environment to achieve

learning objectives, namely changes in behaviour (knowledge, attitudes, and


With regard to these three terms, namely teaching and learning; Prof.Dr.

Chaedar Alwasilah, M.A provides the following restrictions:

1) Study is a reflection of a student's personality system tha shows

behaviour related to a given task.

2) Teaching is a reflection of the teacher's personality system that acts


3) Learning is the social system where teaching and learning takes


According to Hamalik, learning is defined as the form of growth or change

of individuals which is stated by new behaviour as the result of experiences and

practice. He adds that the sample of behaviour is: changing from unknowing to

knowing, appearing some new understanding, changing in attitude, skill, emotion

Rusman, Model- model Pembelajaran: Mengembangkan Pr ofesionalisme Guru.2010.

and etc.2 According to Jeff Cobb learning is the lifelong process of transforming

information and experience into knowledge, skills, behaviours, and attitude.

According to Brown that there are seven components in definition of

learning, those are:

1) Learning is acquiring or getting

2) Learning is retention of information or skill

3) Retention implies storage system, memory, cognitive organization

4) Learning involves active, conscious focus and acting upon events outside

and inside the organism

5) Learning is relatively permanent, but subject to forgetting

6) Learning involves some forms of practice, perhaps reinforce practice

7) Learning is a change in behaviour.3

According to Omrod learning will carry out a change to students. The

change does not only relate to the knowledge improvement, but also from as

aptitude, skill attitude, meaning, pride, interest, and the character adapting.

Learning may be defined as the process by which behaviour originates or is

altered trough training or experience.4

According to Karissha Gayle that learning is a process of mental, physical

and spiritual development. Development is advancing and growth. Development

is proof that learning has taken place. One has to apply him or herself to a given

situation and or context in order for leaning to occur.

Hamalik, Umar. Metodologi Belajar dan Kesulitan-kesulitan Belajar. 1983. Jakarta : Tarsito
Brown, Douglas. Prinsip Pembelajaran Dan Peengajaran Bahasa. 2008. Jakarta: Person
Ormrod, J. E. Human learning (3rd ed.)1999. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall

From the description above, the researcher conclude that learning is an

active process from learning activities skills is writing, reading, listening,

speaking, and the others. In learning to interactive relationship of activities

between students and teachers and other learning environments to lead to expected

behavioural changes, and that is the nature of learning.

b. The principle of learning

There are several principle learning those are: principle readiness,

motivation principle, Principle of Perception and Activeness, Principles of

Purpose and engagement direct, Principle of Individual Difference, Principles of

Transfer, Retention and challenge, Principles of Cognitive Learning, Affective

Learning Principles, Psychomotor Learning Process, Principles of Repetition,

Feedback, Reinforcement and Evaluation.

1) Principle Readiness, the learning process is influenced by the

readiness of students, what is meant by readiness or readiness is an

individual condition that allows him to learn. In this regard, there

are various degrees of learning readiness for specific tasks. A

student who is not ready to get a task in learning will have difficulty

or even despair. Physical maturity and growth, intelligence

experience background, standardized learning outcomes,

motivation, perception, and other factors to enable a person to learn.

2) Motivation principles, According to Rothwell, goals in learning are

needed for a directed process. Motivation is a condition of the

learner to initiate activity, regulate the direction of the activity and


maintain sincerity. Motivation also has an important role in learning

activities.5 According to Sardiman A.M, that person will succeed in

learning if the desire to learn arises from him. Motivation in this

case includes two things: (a) knowing what to learn, (b)

understanding why it is worth learning. These two things are

elements of motivation that are the basis for a good start to learning.

Because without these two elements, learning activities are difficult

to succeed.6 A person who has a large motivation can do without

outside motivation, that is what is called intrinsic motivation, or the

driving force in accordance with the actions performed. Conversely,

if the intrinsic motivation is small, then he needs motivation from

outside which in this case called extrinsic, or the driving force that

is outside. This extrinsic motivation comes from teachers, parents,

friends, books and so on.7

3) Principle of Perception and Activeness

A person tends to believe according to how he understands the

situation. Perception is an interpretation of a living situation. Each

individual sees the world in his own way that is different from the

others. This perception influences individual behaviour. A teacher

will be able to understand the participant’s students are better off

when they are sensitive to how one sees a certain situation.

Rothwell, A.B.,Learning Principles, dalam Clark L.H. Strategies and Tactics in secondary
School Teaching: A Book of Readings,(Toronto: the Mac Millan, Co., 1968), h. 10.
Sardiman A.M, Interaksi dan Motivasi Balajar Mengajar, Edisi I (Cet. IX; Jakarta: PT.
RajaGrafindo Persada, 2001), h. 38
Lihat Syaiful Sagalah. 152., Dimyati dan Mudjiono, op. cit., h. 43., Oemar Hamalik, Kurikulum
dan Pembelajaran, Edisi I (Cet. VI; Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2007), h. 112-113.

According to Thomas M. Risk in Zakiah Daradjat, "teaching is the

guidance of learning experiences." Teaching is the process of

guiding the learning experience. Included in learning, students must

always be active. Starting from physical activities that are easy to

observe to psychological activities that are difficult to observe.8

4) Principles of Purpose and engagement direct, Goals are specific

goals that someone wants to achieve. The principle of direct

involvement is important in learning. Learning as a teaching and

learning activity, the teacher must be directly involved as well as the

students. The principle of direct involvement includes direct

physical and non-physical involvement. This principle is directed so

that students feel that they are important and valuable in the

classroom so that they can enjoy the learning process. According to

Edgar Dale in Dimyati that good learning is learning through direct

experience.9 Learning with direct experience is not just sitting in

class when the teacher is explaining the lesson, but how students are

directly involved in the learning process.

5) Principle of Individual Difference, The learning process is varied

for everyone. The teaching process should pay attention to

individual differences in the classroom so that it can facilitate the

achievement of the highest learning goals. According to

Suryosubroto, the learning process that takes place in schools at this

time still tends to take place classically, which means a teacher

Zakiah Daradjat, et al, Metodik Khusus Pengajaran Agama Islam, Edisi II (Cet. II; Jakarta: PT.
Bumi Aksara, 2001), h. 137.
Dimyati dan Mudjiono, loc. cit.

faces 30-40 students in one class. The teacher still uses the same

method for all students in the class.10

S. Nasution in Ahmad Rohani suggests four ways to adapt lessons

to individual abilities: 1) Individual teaching, students accept the

tasks they complete according to their respective paces. 2)

Additional assignments, smart students get additional assignments,

outside the general task for the whole class so that class relations are

always maintained. 3) Project teaching, students do something

according to their interests and abilities. 4) Grouping according to

ability, the class is divided into several groups consisting of students

who have the same ability.

Individual differences can be a concern for teachers in preparing

learning in their classrooms. Because individual differences are one

of the principles in learning that should not be ruled out for the sake

of success in the learning process.

6) Principles of Transfer, Retention and challenge

Learning is considered useful when someone can store and apply

the learning outcomes in new situations. Whatever is learned in one

situation will eventually be used in another. The process is known

as the transfer process, a person's ability to reuse learning outcomes

is called retention. Materials learned and absorbed can be used by

students in new situations. According to Kuantzu in Azhar Arsyad

that if you give a man fish, he will have a single meal. If you teach

Suryosubroto, Proses Belajar Mengajar di Sekolah (Cet. I; Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta, 1997), h.

him how to fish he will eat all his life. Kuantzu's statement is in line

with the principle of learning and learning in the form of challenges,

because learners do not feel challenged if only fed so that they just

swallow what is given by the teacher.11 This is in line with the

principles of learning and learning with one of the principles of

contextual teaching and learning concepts, namely inquiry. Where it

is explained that the inquiry is a learning process that is based on

search and discovery through a systematic thought process.12

7) Principles of Cognitive Learning

"Cognitive learning involves the process of recognition and or

discovery". Cognitive learning includes associations between

elements, concept formation, problem finding, and problem solving

skills which then form new behaviors, thinking, reasoning, judging

and imagining are mental activities related to the process of

learning, cognitive learning. The learning process can occur at

various levels of difficulty and requires a variety of mental


8) Affective Learning Principles

"A person's affective learning process determines how he relates

himself to new experiences." Affective learning includes the value

of emotions, drives, interests and attitudes. In many cases the

learner may not be aware of affective learning. In fact, the affective

Azhar Arsyad, Your Basic Vocabulary (Cet. I; Ujung Pandang: AMA Press, 1987), h. 1.
Udin Saefudin Sa’ud, Inovasi Pendidikan (Cet. I; Bandung: Alfabeta, 2008), h. 169

learning process includes the original basis for and is a form of

attitudes, emotions, drives, interests and individual attitudes.

9) Psychomotor Learning Process

The individual's psychomotor learning process determines how he is

able to control his physical activities. Psychomotor learning

contains mental and physical aspects.

10) Principles of Repetition, Feedback, Reinforcement and Evaluation.

The principle of learning that emphasizes the importance of

repetition is perhaps the oldest as proposed by the theory of power

psychology. According to this theory, learning is training the

powers that exist in humans which consist of observing, capturing,

remembering, imagining, feeling, thinking and so on. By doing

repetition then these powers will develop. Another theory that

emphasizes the principle of repetition is the theory of

connectionism. His famous character is Thorndike with his well-

known theory, namely the "law of exercise" that learning is the

formation of a relationship between stimulus and response, and

repetition of those experiences increases the emergence of correct

responses. Furthermore, the theory of response conditioning

psychology psychology as a further development of connectionism

theory driven by Pavlov which suggests that individual behaviour

can be conditioned and learning is an attempt to condition a

behaviour or response to something. Likewise, teaching to form

habits, repeating an action so that it becomes a habit and habituation


does not need to be always accompanied by a real stimulus, but can

also be accompanied by an accompanying stimulus. If students get

good grades in the test, of course they will study seriously to get

better grades in the future. Because a good value is positive

reinforcement. On the other hand, if students get bad grades, of

course they are afraid of not going to class, for fear of not going to

class; they are also encouraged to study harder. This is called

negative reinforcement which means that students try to avoid

unpleasant events.

c. Learning stages

There are three stages of learning, namely learning planning,

implementing learning and learning evaluation.

1) Learning planning

According to Rahmawati planning is the earliest and determining

stage of all learning sports. Therefore, making plans has a first-rate role in

a pastime to be carried out13. In line with Hamzah, studying has the

essence of planning or designing design as an effort to train college

students.14 that is why students in gaining knowledge of, students do now

not simplest engage with the trainer as a learning aid, however might also

have interaction with all of the gaining knowledge of sources used to

acquire the desired mastering desires.

Rahmawati, D. S (2009).Kendala Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh Melalui Internet Pada
Mahasiswa PJJ S1 PGSD Universitas Negeri Semarang.Skripsi. Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan.
Universitas Negeri Semarang: Semarang
Hamzah. 2006. Perencanaan Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara

Efforts to improve getting to know are achieved with the belief that to

improve the satisfactory of mastering starts off evolved with getting to

know making plans which is realized via the lifestyles of getting to know

designs. the basis of the mastering interest software is a unit of study taken

from the curriculum. According to Harjanto, the difficulty depend is in the

scope of the curriculum content material, therefore the choice of route

content material must be in keeping with the size or criteria used for the
content of the curriculum in the subject of observe involved. In this

situation, it's far necessary to formulate the principle getting to know cloth

so as to be given to college students in accordance with the types of

studying sports which have been determined.

Primarily based on the 2 reviews above, it can be concluded that

planning virtually consists of components together with college students as

individuals who have an good enough degree of readiness, choice-making

steps, sure desires to be completed, approaches or moves to be taken, the

way to determine student learning outcomes, and what best that should be

wished in order to attain dreams. Coaching making plans is made to expect

and predict what will be performed in coaching, if you want to create a

situation that allows for an revolutionary mastering system a good way to

gain the predicted dreams.

2) The learning process

In Tsalasa (2007: 33) Ahmad Rohani (1995) explains the

implementation of learning is the process of realization of teaching

Harjanto. 1997. Perencanaan pengajaran. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

planning to achieve the learning objectives that have been planned, or in

other words the implementation of teaching should adhere to what is stated

in the planning. The teaching process is based on fundamental principles

that will determine whether the teaching runs naturally and is successful.

Meanwhile, Rahmawati (2009: 17) "explains the teaching process is an

interaction between row input, instrumental input and environmental

influences". From the two opinions above, it can be concluded that

learning is carried out in accordance with what is stated in the lesson

planning. The teaching situation itself is influenced by several factors,

there are internal factors or from the students themselves and external

factors or from the learning environment. These factors are described in

more detail as follows:16

a. Student factor

According to Hamalik (2001:99) students are a determining

element inside the mastering method. It is students who want

teaching, not instructors; instructors are most effective trying to

meet the needs of the students. it is the pupil who learns, therefore

it's miles the student who needs guidance. So that scholars are the

most critical thing within the courting between the coaching and

studying manner.

b. Teacher factor / teaching staff

Dewi, W. A. F. (2020). Dampak Covid-19 terhadap implementasi pembelajaran


daring.Edukatif: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, 2(1), 55-61.


The success of the goals of education in schools is in the hands of

the teacher, because the teacher plays a role in the growth and

development of knowledge, skills, attitudes and outlook on life of

students. Therefore teachers must have professional competence

(mastery of subjects), pedagogy, personality and social.

According to Sopian (2016: 96) "teachers in carrying out their

duties must have a set of abilities in the fields to be delivered and

must have mastery of the material so that it is easily accepted by

students which include the ability to supervise, train, develop

personnel and professional and social skills".

c. Curriculum factors

Curriculum and teaching are two different things but are closely

related to one another. The curriculum is basically a plan that

includes the activities and experiences that need to be provided

that provide broad opportunities for students to learn. According

to Hamalik (2001: 1) "All teaching or teaching processes or

lessons are always guided by a certain curriculum in accordance

with the demands of educational institutions / schools and the

needs of the community and other factors"

From this theory it's far recognised that, the mastering cloth as curriculum

content material refers to the getting to know targets to be performed.

consequently, the goals to be achieved specifically describe the exchange in

conduct that scholars are expected to achieve within the teaching and getting to

know procedure.

d. Facility and infrastructure factors

According to Barnawi&Arifin (2014: forty) "educational facilities

are the whole thing inside the form of tools and equipment directly,

while academic infrastructure includes all system and components

that indirectly support the instructional process. 17

1) Evaluation of learning

Learning evaluation is an integral part of the learning process,

meaning that learning will involve three activities, namely

planning, implementing and evaluating. Measurement in

English means measurement it can be interpreted as an activity

to "measure" something. Measuring is comparing something

with or on the basis of a certain measure. Appraisal means,

judging something, while judging means: making decisions

about something based on oneself or holding on to certain


According to Sugandi (2006: 109) teaching evaluation is a

component in the teaching system, while the teaching system

itself is an implementation of the curriculum, as an effort to

create classroom learning. Meanwhile, according to Hamalik

(2001) the evaluation process is generally student-centered, this

means that evaluation is intended to observe student learning

outcomes and seeks to determine how learning opportunities

are. From the two opinions above, the evaluation is intended to

Enriquez, M. A. S. (2014). Students ’ Perceptions on the Effectiveness of the Useof Edmodo as a


Supplementary Tool for Learning. DLSU Research Congress.


observe a teaching process, which includes the role of the

teacher, teaching strategies, curriculum materials, and learning

principles applied to teaching. That is why evaluation occupies

an important position in curriculum design and teaching design.

In evaluating learning outcomes it is required to thoroughly

evaluate students, both in terms of their understanding of the

material that has been given (cognitive aspects), as well as in

terms of appreciation (affective aspects) and experiences

(psychomotor aspects).

2. Teaching English

a. Definition of teaching English

According to Tomlinson, teaching is used to consult whatever achieved

through substances builders or instructors to facilitate the studying of the

language. This may want to encompass the trainer status in the front of the lecture

room explaining the conventions of direct speech in English; it can encompass

textbook imparting samples of language use and guiding newbie’s to make

discoveries for them, it can encompass textbook inviting newbie’s to mirror at the

manner they have got simply examine a passage or it can the trainer imparting the

language a learner want while collaborating in a difficult task. Education consists

of teaching and learning. Teaching is a process involves the teaching learning

process, (Yusuf, 2009:4). According to Mulyasa, explains that teaching is an

interaction process done by students and the environment in order that the

human/student behaviour changes to be better.18

Mulyasa, E. Implementation Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan: Kemandirkian Guru dan


Kepals Sekolah. 2010. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara


According to Hamalik, In teaching process, there will involve the

interaction between people, material, facilitates, tools, and the procedure that all

of them are influence each other in getting the teaching goal.19 According to

Stephen N. Elliot Teacher act as Curriculum facilitator and not Curriculum

planners. It can be conclude that teacher as the canter of education is faced by a

number of decisions to be made in the classroom. 20 As a manager classroom, a

teacher must control the student in determining what the students supposed to do

and acquire. The respond abilities of teacher in managing favourable atmosphere

and media to support learning are important.

Based on definitions above, it can be concluded that teaching is interactive

process between teacher and student. The teacher helped the student to learn, give

materials, and providing anything to know or understand. Teacher can teach by

use combine of art, science and skill. Then the teachers also see the students

behaviour during an English learning activity.

b. Component of teaching

In teaching process, there are some components of teaching, the

components are:

The objective, Objective is the goal of education that interprets from the

vision, mission, owned by an institution (Sanjaya, 2010:10). According to

Hamalik, the objective is a goal which will be reached after do the teaching

process. Therefore, this is important as a component of teaching.

Hamalik, Oemar. Proses Belajar Mengajar.2004. Jakarta: PT. Bumi Aksara
Elliott, Stephen, N., & Gresham, F. Social skills intervention for children. Behavior

Modification. Sage Publication. 1993.


The students or participant, Students or participants are human being

without way any limitation and certain characteristic. In the other world, all of

human being is a student without limited by time and place (Aziz, 2003). In

teaching learning process, the learners have significant roles. Nowadays, students

are demanded to be more active and innovative in learning process. The learners

should actively look for meaning and try to find regularity and order to the events

of the world in the absence of full complete information.

The teacher, in the teaching learning process, teacher not only

doing/holding the teaching process technically, but also realizing his/her work and

responsibility as well as possible (Gulo, 2008). Therefore, the electiveness of the

teaching learning process based on the teacher roles. The success of teaching is

also based on teacher quality. Michael in his book entitled The Process and

Experience in the Language Classroom argues some teacher roles in the

classroom, namely: (1) Teacher as coordinator and facilitator (2) Teacher as

manager and organizer (3) Teacher as instructor (4) Teacher as investigator and


c. Teaching four skill of English

Language teaching aims to improve student’s four skills of listening,

speaking, reading and writing, and also to improve the ability of vocabulary

mastery and good grammar. The final expectation is to let the pupils‟ be able to

implement the language in the real life. So, the students need to know all the

abilities of the four skills. According to Brown there are some principles of micro

skill of listening, speaking, reading and writing:


1) Listening

a) Discriminate among the distinctive sounds of English.

b) Recognize reduced forms of words and English stress pattern, words

in stressed and unstressed position, rhythmic structures, intonation

contours and their roles in signalling information.

c) Distinguish word boundaries, recognize a core of words and interpret

word order patterns and their significance.

d) Process speech containing pause, errors, correction and other

performance variable.

e) Recognize communicative function of utterance according to

situations, participants and goals.

f) Use facial kinesics, body language, and other non verbal clues to

decipher meaning.

2) Speaking

a) Produce differences English phonemes and allophonic variant.

b) Produce English stress pattern, words in stressed and unstressed

position, rhythmic structures, intonation contours and their roles in

signalling information.

c) Use an adequate number of lexical unit (words) to accomplish

pragmatic purposes.

d) Use grammatical word classes (nouns, verbs, etc), systems word

order, patterns, rules, and elliptical forms.


e) Accomplish appropriately communicative function according to

situations, participants and goals.

f) Use facial features, kinaesthetic, body language, and other non

verbal clues along with verbal language to convey meaning

3) Reading

a) Discriminate among distinctive graphemes and orthographic

pattern of English.

b) Recognize a core of words and interpret word order patterns and

their significance.

c) Recognize grammatical word classes (nouns, verbs, etc), systems,

patterns, rules, and elliptical forms.

d) Recognize the communicative functions of written texts according

to form and purpose.

e) Distinguish between literal and implied meanings.

f) Develop and use a battery of reading strategies such as scanning

and skimming, detecting discourse markers, guessing the meaning

of words from context and activating schemata for the

interpretation of text.

4) Writing

a) Produce graphemes and orthographic patterns of English.

b) Produce an acceptable core of words and use appropriate word

order patterns.

c) Use acceptable grammatical systems, patterns and rules.

d) Use theoretical forms and conventions o written discourse.


e) Appropriately accomplish the communicative function of written

text according to form and purpose.

f) Develop and use a battery of writing strategies such as accurately

assessing the audience’s interpretation, using prewriting device,

writing with fluency in the first drafts, using paraphrase and

synonym, soliciting peer and instructor feedback and using

feedback for revising and editing.21

d. Procedure of Teaching Learning Process

According to Ahmadi et al (2011:42), basically there are three components

of procedures applied in teaching learning process, namely: Introduction

component, presentation/content component and closing or conclusion

component. The three components can be described as follow:

1) Opening activity/Introduction this component which is the activity to

improve the student’s motivation, to inform objective learning, to

improve students brain storming.

2) Main activity/Presentation this component consists of delivering the

material, helping to explore the information of the mind,

accompanying students to doing exercise. In this component, teacher

should use interest method in order to students get the point material.

3) Closing activity/Conclusion In this component, teacher giving

conclusion about the material, questioning the students to evaluate,

giving feedback and motivation.

3. Online Learning
Brown, G. and Edmondson, R. Asking questions, in E. Wragg (ed.), Classroom Teaching Skills.
2008. London: Routledge

a. The Definition of Online Learning

The terms online learning and online learning are used to express the same

meaning. Online is a term in Indonesian, while online is a term in English. Accord

ing to Ally, Online learning is the use of the internet to access material, to interact

with material, instructors and other learners, to get support during the learning pro

cess with the aim of acquiring knowledge, creating understanding and to develop

from the learning experience. Online learning can be defined as an interaction bet

ween teacher and learner that is built into a network via a computer or other electr

onic device22.

According to Kasmir, that online learning for some people in Indonesia ma

y still be considered new, while in their daily lives without realizing that they hav

e been carrying out activities related to online activities. Online learning can be de

fined as an interaction between teacher and learner that is built into a network via

a computer or other electronic device.

According to Collins, Online Learning is defined as the creation and

proliferation of personal computers, the globalization of other human ideas and

actions, and the use of technology in exchanging ideas and providing access to

more people. Audio, video, computer, and network technologies are often

combined to create diverse instructional delivery systems. The basic method for

uniting distance learning instructors with remote students is networking.

According to Onno W Purba (2002), online learning is a type of

information technology used in the field of education in the form of virtual

Ally, M. (2004). Foundations of Educational Theory for Online Learning. In Theory and

practice of online learning (pp. 15–44).


schools. According to Cisco (2001) explaining the philosophical online learning

as follows:

1) Online learning is the delivery of information, communication,

education, training online.

2) Online learning provides a set of tools that can enrich the value of

conventional learning (conventional learning models, studies of

textbooks, CD-ROMs and computer-based training) so that they can

answer the challenges of the development of globalization.

From several statements above that online learning can use social networki

ng applications so that the learning process can run effectively. Because the learni

ng process is not carried out face-to-face for that teachers and students can interact

well when processing online learning. Online learning during COVID-19 is one o

f the media used to achieve the teaching and learning process so that learning obje

ctives are achieved. and online learning must use a network/data quota or via the i

nternet so that the interaction between teachers and students goes well to carry out

the learning process. As we know in English learning there are 4 components that

must be conveyed, namely: writing, reading, speaking, and listening, where the te

acher must deliver the material using the media used during the learning process s

o that the material presented can be understood by students.

b. Characteristics of Online Learning

The following are the characteristics of Online Learning proposed by

Rudi and Riyana (2007): those are (1) the students' capture of learning material

does not depend on the instructor/teacher, because students construct their own

knowledge through teaching materials delivered through the website interface; (2)

the source of knowledge is everywhere and can be easily accessed by everyone.

This is due to the global nature of Internet media and can be accessed by anyone

connected to it; (3) Teachers / educational institutions function as mediators /

mentors; (4) Restructuring is needed for education system, curriculum, and

management policies that can support the utilization of Information and

Communication Technology for optimal education.

The above four characteristics are the factors that distinguish online

learning from normal learning activities. In online learning, the learner builds

knowledge through the learning materials provided through online learning, so the

learner's understanding of the material is no longer dependent on the instructor.

Online learning the sources of knowledge are distributed everywhere and are

easily accessible to everyone.

c. The Advantages of online learning

According to Empy dan Zhuang, there are several advantages of E-learnin

g, those are (1) Reducing costs. By using E-learning, we save time and money to r

each a learning place. With our E-learning can access from various locations and

places. (2) Flexibility of time, place and learning speed. By using E-learning, teac

hers can determine time to study anywhere. And students can study according to t

heir abilities each. In contrast to studying in the classroom, where all students lear

n and stopped at the same time. (3) Standardization and effectiveness of learning.

E-learning always have the same quality every time it is accessed and regardless

of mood teacher. E-learning is designed so that students can better understand usi

ng simulation and animation.

d. The disadvantages of online learning

There are several disadvantages of learning, those are (1) Students must ha

ve computers and internet access. (2) Student also must have computer skills with

the program, such as an internet browser, email, and office applications. (3) Good

internet connection, because it really needs it taking subject matter. (4) In the abse

nce of an existing routine in class, then students may stop learning or be confused

about learning activities and activities the deadline for assignments, which will ma

ke students fail. (5) Students will feel very away with the instructor. Since instruct

ors are not always there to help students, So that students must be disciplined and

do assignments independently without assistance instructor. (6) Students must als

o have writing skills and abilities good communication, because teachers and stud

ents do not meet face to face so allows misunderstanding in several ways23.

e. The Types of Online Learning

According to Haughey, there are three possibilities in the development of

internet-based learning systems, namely as follows;

Web course, is the use of the internet for educational purposes, in which

students and instructors are completely separate and there is no need for face-to-

face contact. All teaching materials, discussions, consultations, assignments,

exercises, exams, and other learning activities are fully delivered via the internet.

In other words this learning model uses a distance system.

Effendi, Empy. & Hartono Zhuang. E-Learning Konsep dan Aplikasi.2005.

Web centric course, is the use of the internet that combines distance

learning and face-to-face (conventional). Some material is delivered via the

internet, and some through face-to-face. Its functions are complementary. In this

model the instructor can give instructions to students to learn the material through

the web that has been made. Students are also given directions to look for other

sources from relevant websites. In the face-to-face session, students and

instructors discuss more about the findings of the material that has been learned

through the internet.

Web enhanced course, is the use of the internet to support the

improvement of the quality of learning carried out in class. The function of the

internet is to provide enrichment and communication between students and

teachers, fellow students, group members, or students with other sources.

Therefore, the role of the instructor is to master the technique of finding

information on the internet, guiding students to find and find sites that are relevant

to learning materials, present material through the web that is interesting and

desirable, serving guidance and interesting web communication and interest,

providing guidance and communication via the internet, and other skills needed.24

f. Type application of online learning

There are some types of Platforms used by teachers in teaching through

online learning. Those are Edmodo, wahatsapp group, seesaw, sway, zoom, email,

google classroom, Schoology, ClassDojo, Show My homework, Surveymonkey

in-app surveys, SmartSurvey and Blogs.

Haughey, M. dan Anderson, T. Networking Learning: The Pedagogy of the Internet. Montreal:

Cheneliere/ McGraw-Hill. 2005


Edmodo is a global application in education to help learners with some res

ources needed. It was founded on all educators in this era (into the 21st century).

This application use for teachers, lecturers, students, and parents. According to

Cauley (2012), “Edmodo is an educational website that takes the ideas of a social

network and refines them and makes it appropriate for a classroom. Using

Edmodo, students and teachers can reach out to one another and connect by

sharing ideas, problems, and helpful tips”.Edmodo is one kind of web-based

learning that provides some features of learning environment. According to

Bahrami Shams-Abadi et al (2015), “Students use Edmodo to communicate with

their teachers to ask questions about lessons and homework, and collaborate with

other classmates on activities and project ideas”. Edmodo can help students and

teachers reach out to one another and can connect by sharing ideas, problems, and

helpful tips.

Whatshapp group it is about the text, video call, and voice message. Using

it, educators can be easy in online learning. WhatsApp also allows for messages a

nd calls on both desktop and mobile devices. Jumiatmoko (2016) said, WhatsApp

is an internet-based application that allows every user to share various kinds of co

ntent according to the supporting features. Agree with Jumiatmoko, according to

Pranajaya and Hendra Wicaknono, WhatsApp is the most popular social media

that can be used as a communication medium. Generally, WA users mention the

reasons for choosing this application this is because of the availability of various

conveniences in it besides not incurring costs or free (Pranajaya & Hendra

Wicaksono, 2017)

SeeSaw It is the application learning for English language or another in su

pporting students, teachers, lecturers, and families with remote learning.

According to Weston, Seesaw combines a portfolio, a library, and communication

with the family. Students can submit the assignment and share their knowledge by

using videos, pictures, tetxs, documents form, links, and drawings.25

Sway is a newapp from Microsoft office in making learning more easily

with interactive reports, personal stories, presentations, and more. Besides, this ap

plication has many features in texting and picture It stars by adding your text and

pictures. Sway application is more modern and useful in educators

Zoom is an application provides in a video and web conferencing. Zoom

Webinars are a special feature with up to 500 attendees. The Basic Zoom Features

are with up to 500 participants, can be viewed at a later time, can use their

desktops during a webinar, and can allow the information about your attendees.

Email or electronic mail is webinar use used features in the Internet. It can

use to send and receive messages with an email address, anywhere in the world.

Google Classroom Is a mixed learning application that is done online and

can be used free of charge. Google Classroom is also a Google creation product

that is integrated with drive, Gmail, hangout, calendar, and YouTube and

calendar. Teachers can create a virtual class by Google classroom. They can give

material, quiz/assignment, grade the assignment and give feedback. Teachers also

can make a forum in Google classroom. According to Scarborough, Google

Weston, Christopher, 2020. Seesaw Class App Explained: What Is It? How To Start A Class!.
Retrieved from

classroom is asynchronous learning application. Material uploaded in Google

classroom can be access by students everywhere and anytime. Students also can

do the assignment any time before the due date.26

Schoology is one of the web pages with social web forms that have an

interesting strategy in combining subject matter knowledge with social networks,

making it easy to use. With schoology, the problem of learning is easy to access..

like studying in class

ClassDojo connects with teachers, students, and parents in classroom

communities. It can use for sharing the photos, videos, announcements, and Class

Story. Besides, that application can translate more 30+ languages.

Show My homework it is a learning platform for students at home. This

platform has many features that proper with students, teacher, and parents. In this

Application the students will be supporting with homework reports with good

quality and frequently when at home, then it is easy for online students.

Surveymonkey in-app surveys it uses for the show in teaching and

learning, conferences, in retail stores, or even on the street. Using Surveymonkey

in-app surveys can help the teaching and learning process more effective in

creating something, managing, monitoring, and analyze. This app should not use

Wi-Fi, and then it can use in mobile device in learning.

Scarborough, Clay. 2019. Technology in the Classroom: A Look at Google Classroom.
Retrieved from

SmartSurvey it is a simple form in the research project. Using it, can

create the data in reporting tools. It can use for business, government, students,

and collector data, etc. It can use for online collecting data.

Blogs It is the updated website for informal or conversation style with

goals by communities. Using a blog, the teacher can use it for sharing the material

in teaching and learning process. Moreover in English Language Learning, the

teacher can use it for sharing the material.

B. Relevant of Studies

The study that is related to this research as follows:

The first research is Srihariyati (2020) an analysis of online English

learning in the covid-19 pandemic at senior high school, the research of result for

researcher this study was applied descriptive qualitative design. The technique of

analyzing data researcher used three steps, there are: 1) data reduction, 2) data

display, 3) conclusion/verification. The findings from the data analysis, teacher

give positive perception to online English learning, the process of learning

English is easier with online learning but online English learning cannot makes

the English process more effective in achieving the learning objectives. Students

also give positive perception to online English learning, the process of learning

English is easier with online learning and online English learning can foster

students’ independent learning attitudes but they found problems in implementing

online English learning, so that online English learning can not to be developed.

The second research is Nurhasnah (2020) A study of online English

learning models in the middle of covid-19 pandemic, The positive impact is that

students can study anywhere, anytime, without, any restrictions, space, time, and

place of study while the negative impact is that students find it difficult to

understand the material provided by the teacher or lecturer, unstable internet

networks, run out of internet quota, collection too fast a task. The online learning

models used during the Covid-19 pandemic are the google classroom application,

online meeting application (zoom), whatsapp, google classroom and whatsapp

application, google classroom and zoom application, google classroom

application, whatsapp and zoom. And good online learning is material that is

presented using a video or zoom application so that students can more easily

understand the material explained by the lecturer.

The third is Ima frafika Sari (2020), Online learning for English language

teaching, this research elaborated the definition of Online Learning and the online

learning application in English Language Teaching. The methodology of research

uses qualitative research in explaining the Online Learning Application for

English Language Teaching. This research is still lacking research in online

learning for English Language Teaching; therefore, it significant to be done. The

finding of the research is followed: First, online learning is the worldwide

technologies that use the web, e-mail, new groups and texts, audio, and video

conferencing. Online learning is always connected to the internet. It can use for

long-distance or not in one place. The students can use in certain conditions

“distance learning”.

The fourth is Yulia Firza Safira, Muhamad S ofian Hadi, & Zaitun (2021),

an analysis of English language teaching activities during covid-19 pandemic at

SMP Purnama Jakarta, this study was led to know the activities of English

teaching during the COVID19 pandemic at SMP Purnama Jakarta. This study

utilized a qualitative descriptive method, while the information assortment

methods utilized interviews, observation, and documentation. Interviews were led

with an English teacher who teaches at SMP Purnama Jakarta, while polls were

given to a few students at SMP Purnama Jakarta. The subjects of this investigation

were an English teacher and a few students at SMP Purnama Jakarta. The

outcomes show that learning during the pandemic is way different from the

regular learning (in-person) that was done before the COVID-19 pandemic. The

distinction that can be seen is that the instructional framework, which was initially

up in-person, turned out to be totally internet or technology-based by utilizing

Google Meet, Google Classrooms, WhatsApp, YouTube, and other applications.

The fifth is Minkhatun Nakhriyah1, & Muhammad Muzakky (2021),

Online Teaching Learning during Covid-19 Outbreak: Teacher’s Perception at

Junior High School of Fathimatul Amin Jakarta, Teaching and learning take place

outside the classroom through the application of technology. Next this study aims

to explore teacher’s views on the implementation of online teaching and learning.

This study used a descriptive qualitative citation. Thirty-three teachers

participated in this study. The questionnaire was made to investigate the teacher’s

perception. Based on the results it shows that teachers think teaching materials are

becoming more interactive through a variety of online teaching platforms such as

Zoom Google Meeting Google Class and WhatsApp. Then teleconferencing

improves teacher’s skills as well as their confidence as they can present teaching

materials and classroom activities creatively. That said teachers face a number of

challenges when teaching online. Firstly it is difficult for teachers to interact with

students because they tend to e passive during video conferencing. Then some

students have poor internet connection. Finally students lack motivation to study

such as frequent absences and late submission of assignments.

The sixth Paras Putri Adinda Dian Rizqi (2020) An Analysis Of English

Teaching Activities In Pandemic Era At SMP N 1 Doplang, This research was

conducted with the aim of knowing the activities of learning English during the

COVID-19 pandemic at SMP N 1 Doplang. This study used a qualitative

descriptive method, while the data collection techniques used interviews,

questionnaires, and documentation. Interviews were conducted with English

teachers who taught at SMP N 1 Doplang, while questionnaires were given to

several students at SMP N 1 Doplang. The subjects of this study were an English

teacher and several students at SMP N 1 Doplang. The results show that learning

during the pandemic is very different from conventional (face-to-face) learning

that was carried out before the COVID-19 pandemic. The difference that can be

seen is that the education system, which was originally face to face, became

completely online using the WhatsApp, YouTube, and Google Forms


The seventh Tathahira, Sriayu (2020) The Implementation of Online Learning

During Covid-19 Pandemic: English Teachers’ Perceptions at Senior High

Schools in South Aceh, this article illustrates the teachers’ perception in the

implementation of online learning during Covid-19 crisis. Draw from qualitative

approach this research interviewed eight English teachers from several senior high

schools in South Aceh purposely. The result shown that WhatsApp became the

main preferred social media to initiate the online learning and it has crucial role

during the courses. The respondents also admit that they collect the materials from

the internet as well as from students’ textbook, they even create such learning

media by using familiar platform. Moreover, the poor internet connection, scarcity

of smartphone ownership, and less good interaction and communication between

students and teachers were also the main barriers amid the online learning.

Previous research have similarities with this research is where they all use

media in education while online learning. However, this research is slightly

different from above research where this research online English teaching and

learning during pandemic covid-19 at junior high school 4 Ampek Nagari, there

are several differences from the research above, namely the online media platform

used during the teaching and learning process and researcher finding how teachers

carried out online learning activities during the covid-19 pandemic.

C. Conceptual Framework

This the research focuses on analyzing how the teacher’s and student’s of

online English learning in the covid-19 pandemic at junior high school.This online

learning of use Android computers, one of the applications needed by teachers an

d students during the online learning process. This study was conducted to

describe how teachers can teach in the English learning process using online

media, so that students can understand the online learning process during the

covid19 period.

In the middle of this pandemic, how teachers and students build good relation

ships when the online learning process is ongoing, especially in online learning , t

here is a learning group, of course the teacher must be able to provide supportive

lessons, especially when learning English so that students don't feel bored because

the government has provided facilities education so that teachers and students can

take advantage of the online learning system that has been provided by the gover

nment so that teachers and students can learn without boundaries of time and spac


In the process of learning English at SMPN 4 Ampek Nagari in Covid-19, the

teacher uses several English skills that are often used, namely speaking and

writing. Online learning using a platform that is often used by teachers, namely

WahtsApp, because this platform student can understand using the application in

online learning. In this study, researchers also looked at how students responded

to online learning with the methods applied by teachers at the school.

English Learning

Online Learning

Platform Online Learning


The activity English

Teaching and Learning
using WhatsApp
A. Research Design

This research design of this study has been conducted by using descriptive

qualitative research. According to Sugiyono that the research method is

basically a scientific way to obtain data with specific purposes and uses27.

According to Furthermore Raco stated that the research method is a scientific

activity carried out in stages beginning with the determination of topics, data

collection and data analysis. So that later obtained an understanding and

understanding of certain topics, issues, and symptoms28.

The method of the research is used qualitatif method. According to

Fitrah and Luthfiyah that qualitative research is a research procedure that uses

descriptive data in the form of written or oral words from people or actors

that can be observed29. According to Sugiyono, Descriptive research is

research that is conducted to describe a variable, either one or more variables

(independent) without making comparisons, or variables that are connected to

one other variable. A descriptive qualitatif method were used to examine

queastion that can best verbally describing how participants in a study

perceive and interpret various asects of their environment.

According to moleong “sumber data penelitian kualitatif adalah tampilan yang

berupa kata-kata lisan atau tertulis yang dicermati oleh peneliti,dan benda-benda
Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, Dan Kombinasi, Bandung: Alfabeta,
2018, Hal. 3.
J. Raco, Metode Penelitian Kualitatif: Jenis, Karakteristik dan Keunggulannya, Jakarta:
Grasindo, 2013, Hal. 2.
M. Fitrah and Luthfiyah, Metode Penelitian: Penelitian Kualitataif, Tindakan Kelas and
Studi Kasus, Sukabumi: CV Jejak, 2017, Hal. 44

yang diamati sampai detailnya agar dapat ditangkap maknanya yang tersirat dalam

dokumen bendanya”(the source of qualitatif researchdata is appereance of word

spoken or written observed by the researcher,and the object is observed in detail

to to capture the meaning implied in the document)30.

Clearly, the writer in this study will do some aspects of research analisys as a

measure of the final result.Which means that the data is obtained by using

qualitaif method and it will be analyzed in order to see the significance of the

research. In this research,the researcher this online English teaching and learning

at junior high school 4 ampek nagari during pandemi covid 19.

B. Research Place and Time

The study will be conducted on November 2021 at the SMPN 4 Ampek N

agari. The reason for choosing this school becauce this school is online

learning during the Covid-19 pandemic.

C. Data Sources

1. Data

In this study, in the form of descriptive text about online English

teaching and learning at junior high school 4 Ampek nagari during

pandemic covid-19 which the the authors obtained from observations,

interviews and documentation.

2. Data sources

Data sources are all things that can provide information about data.

There are two sources of data in this study, namely primary data and

secondary data. Primary data comes from resource persons, namely

Maeleong, Metode Peneltian Kualitaif, Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 200

teachers who teach English in SMPN 4 Ampek Nagari. Secondary data

in this study are in the form of archives, written data and documents

that are used to strengthen the data that has been previously obtained.

D. Respondent of the research

The data of respondent research on the online English Teaching

and Learning during Pandemic covid-19 at Junior High School 4 Ampek

Nagari, the following this data of respondent:

Name Long Teaching Graduates

Oskar Setiadi SP.d 12 tahun Universitas Bung Hatta

Helwita SP.d 15 tahun STKIP YAP Payakumbuh
Nelvi Susanti SP.d 11 tahun STKIP PGRI Padang

E. Instrument of Research

In this study, researcher collected data by using interview where the

researcher adopts the Yulia Firza and all, (2021) in the journal title is n

analysis of English language teaching activities during covid-19 pandemic at

SMP Purnama Jakarta. In this research, the instruments that the researcher

used are interviews, observation, and documentation. The interview subject is

the English teacher. The observation is conducted on eight grade students.

Meanwhile, the documentation is taken by record and handwriting while

interviewing the teacher and some pictures.

Table 1.1
Blueprint Instrument of Research


1 English online Teachers Preparation 1, 2, 3

teaching and Teaching activity 4, 5, 6

Assessment 7.8
Pupils Preparation 9

Learning materials 10

Facility Network 11
Media 12,13
Online WhatsApp 14,15,16,17

English Skill Speaking, reading, writing, 18, 19, 20

F. Technique of Data Collection

1. Interview

According to Sugiyono, an interview is a meeting of two people to exchange

information and ideas through question and answer, so that a meaning can be built

in a topic. Interviews are used as activities in the context of collecting data if a

researcher wants to conduct an initial study to find the problem to be researched,

and also if the researcher wants to know more about the respondents' things31.

The type of interview conducted in this study is structured interview, meaning

that the interview uses interview guidelines that are systematically structured for

data collection.

2. Documentation


According to Sugiyono, The documentation technique is a tool for using data

collection techniques through interviews in qualitative research types32.

Documentation is used to gather information about problems in research so as to

increase evidence of an incident. Documentation data collection is carried out

during interviews and observations, aiming to provide reinforcement to research.

In this study, the documents needed related to the online English teaching and

learning at SMPN 4 Ampek Nagari , the data could be in the form of photos when

the teacher was teaching online and other documents that support the research.

This data is used to complement previous incomplete data or as supporting data.

G. Technique of Data Analysis

In analysis the data, researcher used the theory of Miles of Hubarman & Sald

ana, suggesting that the activity in data analysis consists of there procedures. Bell

ow the details of the theory are shown in the chart a follows:

1. Data Reduction

Data reduction is the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying, searching

for themes and patters neglecting needed. In this step, the researcher focus

ed on online English teaching and learning at junior high school 4 Ampek

Nagari during pandemic covid-19.

2. Data Display

The data display phase is done in the form of a short description using ori

ginal text, which can be also in the form of graphs, matrices, and chars. In


the second step, the researcher will present the data by simplifying the data

by using original text in the form narrative text.

3. Conclusion / verification

In the last step of analyzing data conclusion. The researcher conclude the

main points from all the data that has been collected, so that become clearl

y. The conclusion will be an answer the formulation of problem in the beg



A. Findings

Based on data analysis online English teaching and learning during the

covid-19 pandemic at SMPN 4 Ampek Nagari, this research was focused on

teacher’s preparation, teacher’s teaching and learning activities, and online

platforms, The following were the findings of the research.

1. Preparation for English Online Teaching and learning at SMPN 4

Ampek Nagari

The teachers prepared of lesson plan for online English teaching and

learning, the lesson plan online, for teaching same to lesson plan offline and

different it was teachers share material in online they are shared material in online

platform this WhatsApp, then the of offline teachers teach in the class. They

teachers use online platforms this whatsapp and teacher’s prepared English

material was it shared to whatsapp, the media of teaching English teachers shared

to learning video of whatsapp group then teacher explain the English material to


Picture 1.1

Picture 1. 2
It is supported by the data interviews and documentation from English


I prepared lesson plans, teaching materials, learning

materials, and media before teaching. I usually used
WhatsApp platform for online learning platforms.

(R1, R2, R3)

Teachers carry out learning in pandemic times using whatsapp group.

Learning materials are sent to learners through whatsapp group both in the form

of photos, videos, audio and then students download learning materials sent by

teachers through whatsapp and perform learning in their respective places, the

above explanation is based on interviews with teachers of English language


Teaching English preparation, teachers used WhatsApp to prepare lesson

plans and media platforms. In the lesson plans, teachers explain material learning,

learning activities and purpose learning to students who use the Whatsapp

application. Teachers give to learning material share to WhatsApp group and

teachers explain learning material of photos, video and voice notes in the

WhatsApp group. Third the student preparation smart phone, English textbooks

and WhatsApp application. The practical of teachers and student, before starting

the online learning activity in WhatsApp the teacher asks students to prepare the

textbook and writing tools so the learning activities run properly.

2. Teaching Activity English Online Learning at SMP N 4 Ampek


Based on the results data analysis of interview research, it was found that

three English teachers at SMP 4 Ampek Nagari, on the online teaching and

learning activities process the teacher carries out a process of learning activities, it

was named introduction, core activity and closing. It is supported by the data

interviews and documentation from English teachers.

In the process of teaching and learning activities there are several

obstacles faced by teachers, due to online learning there are many
students who are less active and only take attendance list in the
learning process. Then they are also had a problem with their
network connection.
(R1, R2)

Teaching and learning process activities are carried out by opening

greetings, being absent and then reviewing the past material before
entering the new material, after that the teacher gives new material
to students. (R3)

The media used by the teacher for online learning is the WhatsApp
application because the application is easy to understand by
students and skills must be included in the WhatsApp application,
the teacher explains learning materials related to the 4 English
skills, such as reading, listening, writing, and speaking, the
obstacles faced by the teacher when teaching these 4 skills, namely
the pronunciation of students who are difficult due to the
ineffectiveness of learning online with this WhatsApp media.
(R1, R2, R3)

Table 1.2 Teachers’ Teaching Activities

No Component Activities Teachers Activities

1 Main Teaching Invite students to join on group WA flat
Observing forms
Opening class

Questioning Students ask questions to teachers about

learning material

Experimenting Share English materials

Ask the students to study

Associating Students understand the material described

by the teacher in WA
Share English assessments

Communicating Give question to students about English

Asking students questions that are not yet
2 Closing Teachers and students made to the
conclusion of English material
Give assessment to student and share to WA

Based on the table above on the English learning activities during

pandemic covid-19 main teaching of teachers these; observing, questioning,

experimenting, associating, communicating and closing.

English learning activities during online as well as different conventional

learning activities are English learning activities done online or not face-to-face.

The first online English learning activity of the teacher opened the learning on the

WhatsApp application and then the student joins the WhatsApp group, the teacher

starts by saying the opening greeting and checking the student's presence then the

teacher provides motivation to the student, before entering the teacher's English

learning material always repeating the previous lesson to get into the new


Picture 1. 3

The teacher shared the materials in WhatsApp group through the feature

WhatsApp namely: photos, document, video, and voice note, and the teacher gave

instruction to students to open their English textbooks. Teachers explain the

material and some students asked the teacher about the materials. Then students

ask question of English material to teachers in WhatsApp group. The teacher asks

the student questions about the material studied and the teacher also helps students

who do not understand about the material that have been described before.

Picture 1. 4

Online English learning the teacher explains four skills in WhatsApp group

this writing, listening, reading and speaking. The teachers must come in these four

skills. During this online learning, the teacher also found a problem that was

found, namely the students' English pronunciation which was still not confident.

For example, the teacher sends an English sentence in the WhatsApp group after

the teacher conveys with a voice note the students are asked to repeat the sentence

again, from the results the researchers found there were student some who could

not pronounce the English sentence.

After teachers gave materials, the teachers also gave assignment to students

and gave score to student’s assignment. Then the assignments shared students to

WhatsApp are also taken as attendance for the teacher to find out which students

are active during the learning process. Sometimes teachers give quizzes to

students so that students actively follow the learning process and do not feel

bored. The teachers concluded the discussion learning material, and teachers give

assessment to students then evaluation to finish learning material of WhatsApp

application. Communication between teachers and students on learning activities

is less effective for online learning in pandemic covid-19, students are constrained

to the reach of the internet that is less supportive in the student residence.

Picture 1. 5

The learning method used by the teacher at SMPN 4 Ampek Nagari is the

same as conventional learning with the lecture method, in the current condition

the teacher uses the WhatsApp application for online media learning.

The method used has the teacher is used WhatsApp application and
lectures. Considering that the teacher adjusts to the situation at the
time of Covid-19, the learning method must use media or
applications for online learning.
(R1, R2, R3)

The method of teachers used to teaching and learning this lecture, and the

method used by the teacher for teaching and learning is lecture and the media used

is WhatsApp. Usually the lecture method is generally used in face-to-face class

but in the current Covid-19 pandemic situation, the lecture method is carried out

in online class, namely WhatsApp. After that teachers explain materials to

students in WhatsApp the material provided the teachers must be clear that it is

easily understood to students. Then the method lectures not effective of online

English teaching and learning, because the teachers use application WhatsApp for

online learning. The media for online learning teachers use whatsApp application

and shared of learning video as much to students not bored when teachers explain


3. Online Platform used in Teaching and Learning at SMPN 4 Ampek


Based on the results data analysis of interview research, it was found that three

English teachers at SMP 4 Ampek Nagari, the online teaching and learning during

pandemic Covid-19 at SMPN 4 Ampek Nagari, the teachers mostly online

platform the used this WhatsApp application. It is supported by the data

interviews and documentation from English teachers.


The teachers in SMPN 4 Ampek Nagari used application teaching

and learning English this Whatsappp, because the application to
easy understand used teachers and students. The WhatsApp
application that is familiar to students is also affordable by the
internet network where students live and the limited number of
students who have hand phones.
(R1, R2)

The school also provides suggestions for using other applications

such as Google Classroom, but it has not been effective because
many students and teachers do not understand this application, for
school uniformity using the WhatsApp application.

The application used by teachers on online English teaching and learning

during pandemic covid-19 for online learning activities is WhatsApp. WhatsApp

application is a familiar medium used for communication, and this application is

easily understood by teachers and students.

Online English teaching and learning at SMPN 4 Ampek Nagari, the

teachers first opened has WhatsApp application to media online learning English

and those teachers shared to material learning to student in WhatsApp. The

teacher’s shared material use the features WhatsApp namely photo, video,

document, and voice note with the features teacher’s explanation materials. In the

WhatsApp teachers and students communication and discussion of the learning

materials then teachers give to question to students about the materials. When the

teacher explains the English learning material, the teacher finds difficulties in

students, sometimes students do not respond to what the teacher asks during

learning activities. Then the teacher also found that there were students who were

not connected by the internet network because the students' residences were far

from the reach of the internet, so online learning through the WhatsApp

application was not effective. Then the communication between teachers and

students the WhatsApp application was not effective, is also a major obstacle to

online learning.

The teacher provides subject matter to students by sending photos, videos

of teaching materials and explaining them in the WhatsApp group, but students

receive lessons when online are less effective so many students are not active

when learning online, because learning is currently not face-to-face, online

English learning using WhatsApp is not effective.

B. Discussion

Online English teaching and learning at SMPN 4 Ampek Nagari, the

teachers should preparation of teaching and learning English during pandemic

COVID-19. The teachers used media this WhatsApp application. Teaching and

learning activities during the COVID-19 pandemic changed radically, The

teachers revealed that learning tools such lesson plans were adjusted to what had

been suggested by the government, the ministry of education and culture, the

teacher delivered learning materials according to the timeframe or at the time of

covid-19. Brown (2015) explains the syllabus as a study used in implementing

certain language programs. Characteristics in the curriculum include subject

matter, language goals, sequencing and materials to meet the needs of certain

students in certain contexts. Teachers teach English material during covid-19 not

all material is taught in full because learning is currently online. English online

teaching and learning the teacher prepared to lesson plans, learning material, and

media then teachers use platform of online learning this WhatsApp.


Teaching activities online English learning at SMPN 4 Ampek Nagari,

Teaching and learning activities during the COVID-19 pandemic changed

drastically, including the methods and facilities used by teachers when teaching.

Learning that initially took place offline (face-to-face) became completely online.

online teaching and learning activities the teacher provides learning materials

through WhatsApp groups and learning activities begin with an introduce, main

teaching activity and closing. Introduce activities teachers of opened online

English learning of whatsapp group, main teaching the student these of observing,

questioning, experimenting, associating, and communicating the finish activities

learning this closing. In addition, teachers also use task-based learning methods.

Giving assignments to students is the main focus of learning that the teacher will

use as proof of attendance and assessment. Harmer (2002), that task-based

learning is a language learning method that uses tasks as the main focus of

learning. In this learning, students are asked to do assignments, and the teacher

discusses, corrects, and assesses the assignment. The teachers use method lecture

of online English teaching and learning. The definition of the lecturing method is

in line with the opinion of Azwar Iskandar et. al (2020), he defines the lecturing

method as a method of teaching the teaching of learning material by teachers

orally and orally to students.

Teachers use different learning methods from face-to-face learning, online

teachers use the whatsapp application for the teaching and learning process, online

learning students and teachers must have an internet network. The communication

between students and teachers was very student because learning that was not

face-to-face became in problem for teachers in teaching, using the whatsapp


application sometimes there were students who were not included in the group to

follow the learning.

Teachers and students at SMP 4 Ampek Nagari use smart phones for

teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Teachers used application

WhatsApp to teaching and learning online. The use whtasapp application was to

teaching and learning English not effective during pandemic covid-19. Jumiatmok

o (2016) said, WhatsApp is an internet-based application that allows every user to

share various kinds of content according to the supporting features. Michael

(2013), that online learning is structured learning with the aim of using an

electronic or computer system so that it can support a learning process. All

y(2004) Online learning is the use of the internet to access material, to interact wi

th material, instructors and other learners, to get support during the learning proce

ss with the aim of acquiring knowledge, creating understanding and to develop fr

om the learning experience. Online learning can be defined as an interaction betw

een teacher and learner that is built into a network via a computer or other electron

ic device. Whatsapp application is not effectively used for online learning

activities, because some students do not respond when the teacher explains the

English language of learning material.

In conclusion, online English teaching and learning at junior high school 4

Ampek Nagari during pandemic covid-19 while the beginning of face-to-face

learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, English teaching and learning were

carry out online, the teacher used whatsapp application to teaching and learning

English, and the teachers preparation to lesson plan, learning material and learning

media. Activities online teaching and learning during pandemic covid-19 different

to learning face to face in the class, activities teaching and learning change to

online. The teachers at SMPN 4 Ampek nagari mostly use for online English

teaching and learning it was whatsapp application, in activities online learning the

teachers did introduction, core activity, and closing. The used online English

teaching and learning during pandemic covid-19 at junior high school, the result

to analysis data the researcher it was found not effective activities teaching and

learning used WhatsApp application.

A. Conclusion

Based on the results of research using interview, and documentation

techniques conducted at SMP 4 Ampek Nagari regarding online English teaching

and learning, the following conclusions can be drawn:

Based on data analysis by researchers, online English teaching and learning

during pandemic covid-19 at junior high school 4 Ampek Nagari, teachers

prepare learning tools such as lesson plans, learning materials and media to adjust

current conditions so that learning can be structured and can be used as learning

guidelines. The activities of online English teaching and learning the used

WhatsApp application. Activities online English learning same to face to face was

it online learning the teachers carry out to main teaching, those observing,

questioning, experimenting, associating, communicating and closing.

The methods used by teachers when teaching English during the Covid-19 era

are the lecture method and task-based learning methods. The lecture method is

carried out by the teacher by providing a summary of learning materials through

photos, videos, then explained orally with voice notes and shared WhatsApp

group. English skills are also tested by teachers in whatsapp application. The

teacher also uses the assignment method, the teacher gives assignments to

students through the whatsapp group then students do the assignments and send

the assignments to the WhatsApp group. The task is divided into 2 functions,

namely assessment and absence. Evaluation is done when the learning material

has been completed.


The online platform used by teachers in online English teaching and learning

during the COVID-19 pandemic use the WhatsApp application. The teacher

provides learning materials in the form of audio, pictures, videos that are given to

students. The use of whatsapp is not effective for online learning.

B. Suggestion

Based on the results of the research and the conclusions above, the

suggestions that can be given for teaching and learning English online are as


1. For the English Teachers at SMPN 4 Ampek Nagari

Suggestion for teachers, hopefully from research improves again in

the use of technology such as whatsapp and creative and innovation in

conveying learning materials to students.

2. For the students at SMPN 4 Ampek Nagari

Suggestion for students should actively follow the process of learning

English during online in the whatsapp application. Then the student

increases the use of technology again.

3. For other researchers

Suggestions for other researchers, hopefully this researcher can be

useful for anyone’s reference in increasing the knowledge of

researchers about online English teaching and learning during

pandemic Covid-19.

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