Stats For Cybermastiffs Gunhouds Skulls and Arcoflaggelants

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Stats for Cybermastiffs, Gunhouds, Skulls and Arcoflaggelants

Written by Cynical Cat

The following is a supplemental threat list for Dark Heresy, adding additional stats for
monsters that weren't covered in DH, but probably will at some point.  Please feel free to use
them yourself and to post requests or comments.

Availability:  Scarce
Cost:  1000 Thrones

WS   BS    S     T     Ag    Int    Per    Wil    Fel

40    0     41   35    31    12    40     41     11

Movement:   4/8/12/24    Wounds:   6

Skills:   Awareness +10, Track +20

Talents: Crushing Blow,  Fearless,  Heightened Senses (Smell), Takedown

Traits:  Armour Plating (5), Brutal Charge, Dark Sight, Heightened Senses (Smell), Natural
Weapons (Bite) Quadruped, Scrawny
Weapons:  Bite (d10+6 R)

Availability:  Rare
Cost:  2000 Thrones

WS   BS    S     T    Ag    Int    Per    Wil    Fel

25    25   21   28   30    12    40      41     11

Movement:  4/8/12/24    Wounds:  6

Skills:  Awareness +10,   Track +20

Talents:  Ambidextrous, Basic Weapons (Las),Dual Shot, Gunslinger Two Weapons Use
Traits:  Armour Plating (5), Dark Sight, Heightened Senses (Smell), Natural Weapons (Bite)
Quadruped, Scrawny

Equipment:  Stabilized weapons mount (fires twin lasguns equipped with overcharge packs
and red dot laser sights at no penalty, equivalent talents listed).
Weapons:  dual shot lasguns 2x d10+4 E, bite d10+2 R.

Cost:  400 Thrones + weapon 

Stats for Cybermastiffs, Gunhouds, Skulls and Arcoflaggelants

Written by Cynical Cat

Availability:  Rare

WS   BS    S     T    Ag    Int    Per    Wil    Fel

---    35    ---   18   20    12    30     ---     ---

Movement:  4/8/12/24    Wounds:  2

Talents:   Pistols (Las)
Traits:  Hoverer 4, Machine 3,  Puny
Equipment:  Microbead, Laspistol (P 30m  S/-/- d10+2 E  15)

The stats here are for lasgun equipped skulls, but they can be designed to carry any pistol
class weapon.

Cost:  600 Thrones
Availability: Rare

WS   BS    S     T    Ag    Int    Per    Wil    Fel

---   ---     ---   18   20    21    40     ---     ---

Movement:  4/8/12/24    Wounds:  2

Skills:  Awareness,  Search +10, Tech Use
Talents:  Track   
Traits:  Hoverer 4, Machine 3,  Puny
Equipment:  Auspex, Microbead

Not for sale, but available from the Ecclesiarchy if they can be convinced to give one up.  An
arcoflagellant is a cybernetically augmented and lobotomized heretic that is used as a suicide
attack unit in order to expiate the heretic's sins. 

WS   BS     S     T    Ag    Int   Per   WP   Fel

41    20    41    41  31    18    21    22    ---
31    20    51    41  31      8    21    32    ---  (while frenzied)

Move:  3/6/9/18   Wounds:  16

Talents:  Berserk Charge, Die Hard, Furious Assault,  Melee Weapon Proficiency (Shock),
True Grit
Traits:  Machine 1
Equipment:  Cybernetic chem injector containing frenzon, slaught, and stimm; Electro-flail
(built in) (d10+7 I, flexible, shocking)[when frenzied] 


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