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Digital Signal Processing

1 , n = 0,1,..., ( M − 1) / 2
w(n) = 
0 , elsewhere
The resulting impulse response decays
smoothly towards zero as shown below.

6.4 Some Common Window Functions

a) Hamming Window
One of the most widely used window
functions is the Hamming window which is
defined as

CHAPTER 6: Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filter Design 13

Digital Signal Processing

 − ( M − 2) / 2 ≤ n ≤ ( M − 1) / 2 ( M .odd )
0.54 + 0.46 cos(2πn / M ) 
w(n) =   −M /2 ≤ n ≤ M /2 ( M .even)

 0 elsewhere

b) Hanning Window
The Hanning window is defined as
 − ( M − 2) / 2 ≤ n ≤ ( M − 1) / 2 ( M .odd )
0.5 + 0.5 cos(2πn / M ) 
w(n) =   −M /2≤ n ≤ M /2 ( M .even)

 0 elsewhere

c) Blackman Window
The Blackman window is defined as
  2πn   4πn − ( M − 2) / 2 ≤ n ≤ ( M − 1) / 2 ( M .odd )
0.42 + 0.5 cos  + 0.08 cos 
w(n) =   M −1   M − 1  −M /2 ≤ n ≤ M /2 ( M .even)

 0 elsewhere

The most relevant features of some of the

most popular window functions are
summurized in Table 6.2.

CHAPTER 6: Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filter Design 14

Digital Signal Processing

6.5 Summary of the Window Method of

Calculating FIR Filter Coefficients
Step 1: Specify the “ideal” or desired frequency
response H D (ω ) .

Step 2: Using the table provided before, select

the impulse response, hD (n) , of the desired

Step 3: Select a window function that satisfies

the passband or attenuation specifications and
then determine the number of filter

Step 4: Obtain values of w(n) for the chosen

window function and the values of the actual
FIR coefficients, h(n) , by multiplying hD (n) by
w(n) :
h(n) = hD (n) w(n)

Example: Determine the coefficients of an FIR

lowpass filter to meet the specifications given
below using the window method.

CHAPTER 6: Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filter Design 15

Digital Signal Processing

Passband edge frequency=1.5kHz

Transition width=0.5kHz
Stopband attenuation>50dB
Sampling frequency, Fs=8kHz

Solution: Using Table 6.1, we select hD (n) for

LPF which is given by
 2 f c sin(nω c )
 , n≠0
hD (n) =  nω c
 2 fc , n=0
From Table, it can be seen that the Hamming,
Blackman and Kaiser windows satisfy the
stopband attenuation requirements. Let us
select the Hamming window for simplicity.

Now, transition width, ∆F = 0.5kHz

∆F 0.5
Normalized transition width, ∆f = = = 0.0625
Fs 8

Using Table 6.2, we obtain that the transition

width for Hamming window is ∆f = 3.3 / M from
which we obtain the filter length as
3.3 3.3
M= = = 52.8  M = 53
∆f 0.0625

CHAPTER 6: Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filter Design 16

Digital Signal Processing

Then the filter coefficients can be calculated

from h(n) = hD (n) w(n) for − 26 ≤ n ≤ 26 .

However, the cutoff frequency of the resulting

filter is different from the one given in the
specifications (the smearing effect of the
∆F 0.5
f c′ = f c + = 1.5 + = 1.75kHz
2 2
Normalizing this gives 1.75/8=0.21875.

n=0  hD (0) = 2 f c′ = 2 × 0.21875 = 0.4375

w(0) = 0.54 + 0.46 cos(0) = 1
 h(0) = hD (0) w(0) = 0.4375

2 × 0.21875
n=1  hD (1) = sin(2π × 0.21875) = 0.31219
2π × 0.21875

w(1) = 0.54 + 0.46 cos( ) = 0.99677
 h(1) = h(−1) = hD (1) w(1) = 0.31118

2 × 0.21875
n=2 hD (2) = sin( 2 × 2π × 0.21875) = 0.06013
2 × 2π × 0.21875

CHAPTER 6: Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filter Design 17

Digital Signal Processing

2 × 2π
w(2) = 0.54 + 0.46 cos( ) = 0.98713
 h(2) = h(−2) = hD (2) w(2) = 0.06012
. . .
. . .
. . .
2 × 0.21875
hD (26) = sin( 26 × 2π × 0.21875) = −0.01131
26 × 2π × 0.21875
26 × 2π
w(2) = 0.54 + 0.46 cos( ) = 0.08081
 h(26) = h(−26) = hD (26) w(26) = −0.000914

Note that the indices of the filter coefficients

run from -26 to 26. To make the filter causal
(necessary for implementation) we add 26 to
eac index so that the indices start at zero.

For instance, after this adjustment, we obtain

. . .
. . .

CHAPTER 6: Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filter Design 18

Digital Signal Processing

The filter coefficients, with indices adjusted, are

listed in the following Table.

Example: A requirement exists for an FIR filter

to meet the following specifications:
Passband =150-250Hz
Transition width=50Hz

CHAPTER 6: Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filter Design 19

Digital Signal Processing

Passband ripple= 0.1dB

Stopband attenuation=60dB
Sampling frequency=1kHz

Obtain the filter coefficients and spectrum using

the window method.

Solution: From the specification, the passband

and stopband ripples are
Passband ripple:
 20 log(1 + δ p ) = 0.1dB
log(1 + δ p ) = = 0.005
1 + δ p = 100.005 = 1.01157
δ p = 0.01157
Stopband ripple:
 − 20 log(δ s ) = 60dB
log(δ s ) = − = −3
δ s = 10 −3 = 0.001
We use the smaller of the ripples,

CHAPTER 6: Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filter Design 20

Digital Signal Processing

 δ = min(δ p , δ s ) = 0.001
It is clear from Table 6.2 that the attenuation
requirements can be met by the Kaiser or the
Blackman window.

For the Kaiser window, the number of

coefficients is computed by
A − 7.95 60 − 7.95
M≥ = = 72.49
14.36∆f 14.36(50 / 1000)
where A = −20 log10 (δ ) = 60 . The Kaiser
window function is (see Table 6.2)
  2 1/ 2 
  2n   
I o β 1 −    
   M − 1   
w(n) =
I o (β )
Where I o (x ) is the zero-order modified Bessel
function of the first kind. The ripple parameter,
β , is given by
β = 0 if A ≤ 21dB
β = 0.5842( A − 21) 0.4 + 0.007886( A − 21)
if 21dB < A < 50dB
CHAPTER 6: Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filter Design 21
Digital Signal Processing

β = 0.1102( A − 8.7) if A ≥ 50dB

Clearly, the coefficient computation using

Kaiser window requires tedious computations
by hand. Therefore, we will discuss its
computation method by a MATLAB program

For the Blackman window, an estimate of the

number of filter coefficients is obtained as
(from Table 6.2)
5.5 5 .5
M= = ≈ 110
∆f (50 / 1000)

To account for the smearing effects of the

window function, we compute the cutoff
frequencies as follows
∆f (50 / 1000)
f c′1 = f c1 − = 150 − × 1000 = 125Hz
2 2
∆f (50 / 1000)
f c′2 = f c 2 + = 250 + × 1000 = 275Hz
2 2

CHAPTER 6: Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filter Design 22

Digital Signal Processing

Finally, using the Blackman window function

given in Table 6.2, we can compute the filter
coefficients.   (EXERCISE)

6.6 FIR Filter Design With MATLAB

The MATLAB Signal Processing Toolbox contains
an excellent set of programs and functions for
the design and analysis of different types of FIR

For standard, frequency selective linear phase

window based FIR filterd design (lowpass,
highpass, bandpass and bandstop), the key
high-level command in the Toolbox is the fir1
command. The syntax for the fir1 command

This command computes and returns N-point

impulse response coefficients of an FIR filter
with a cutoff frequency Fc. The coefficients are
stored in the vector b which are arranged as
negative powers of z:
b( z ) = b(0) + b(1) z −1 + b(2) z −2 + ... + b( M − 1) z − ( M −1)

CHAPTER 6: Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filter Design 23

Digital Signal Processing

The parameter , M, specifies the order of the

filter. The cutoff frequency, Fc, is normalized
with respect to the Nyquist rate (i.e, half the
sampling frequency) and lies between 0 and 1
(where 1 corresponds to the Nyquist

By default, the basic fir1 command applies a

Hamming window and assumes a lowpass filter
(or a bandpass filter if Fc specifies more than
one cutoff frequency).

However, the basic fir1 command can be

extended by specifying the type of filter and/or
the window function. The syntax in these case

For a highpass filter, the word ‘high’ specifies

the filter type, and for bandstop the word ‘stop’
is used. For both bandpass and bandstop filters,
the variable Fc is a vector that specifies the

CHAPTER 6: Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filter Design 24

Digital Signal Processing

cutoff frequencies. For highpass and bandstop

filters, the filter length must be an odd integer
(even integer results in zero magnitude

MATLAB supports the use of a variety of

window functions including Hamming, Hanning,
boxcar (rectangular), Kaiser, and Chebyshev
windows. The syntax for generating window
coefficients is:
w=kaiser(M, beta)

Usually, the window command is embedded

into the fir1 command.

Example: Determine the coefficients of a linear

phase FIR lowpass filter with a passband and
stopband edge frequency of 1kHz and 4.3kHz,

CHAPTER 6: Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filter Design 25

Digital Signal Processing

Solution: From Table 6.2, the approximate

relationship between the transition width and
filter length for a Hamming window-based filter
3.3 3.3
M≈ = = 10
∆f (4.3 − 1) / 10
The actual cutoff frequency (allowing for the
smearing effect) is
∆F 3.3
f c′ = f c + = 1+ = 2.65kHz
2 2
In MATLAB, the cutoff frequency should be
normalized to half the samling frequency. Thus,
fc = = 0.53

MATLAB m-file:
FS=10000; %Sampling Fre.
fc=0.53; %Cutoff frequency
M=10; %Filter length
hd=fir1(M-1,fc,boxcar(M)); %Ideal
wn=hamming(M); %Calculate coefficients
hn=fir1(M-1,fc,wn); %Obtain win. coeff.
[H,f]=freqz(hn,1,512,FS);%Fre. Res.

CHAPTER 6: Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filter Design 26

Digital Signal Processing

plot(f,mag), grid on
xlabel (‘Frequency (Hz)’)
ylabel (‘MagnitudeResponse(dB)’)


Magnitude Response (dB)







0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000

Example: Determine the coefficients and plot

the magnitude-frequency response of a
bandpass FIR filter, using the Kaiser window and
MATLAB, that meets the following

CHAPTER 6: Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filter Design 27

Digital Signal Processing

Transition width=50Hz
Passband ripple=0.1dB
Stopband attenuation=60dB
Sampling frequency=1kHz

Solution: This problem is identical to Example

on page 19, which gives the filter length, M=73,
and the ripple parameter, β = 5.65 .

MATLAB m-file:
FC=[fc1 fc2];
plot(f,mag), grid on
xlabel (‘Frequency (Hz)’)
ylabel (‘MagnitudeResponse(dB)’)

CHAPTER 6: Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filter Design 28

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f=150Hz Log(1)=0dB f=250Hz


Magnitude Response (dB)





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

CHAPTER 6: Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filter Design 29

Digital Signal Processing

CHAPTER 6: Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filter Design 30

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