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Lampiran Pertemuan 1

Lembar Kerja Peseta Didik (LKPD) KD : 3.4

Materi Ajar : Descriptive Text

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

ompetensi :
3.4.1 Menganalisis ide pokok paragraf dalam teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait tentang orang, benda dan tempat,
tempat pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya.
3.4.2 Menganalisis informasi umum dan rinci dalam teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait tentang orang, benda
ben dan tempat, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya.
3.4.3 Menganalisis fungsi sosial dan struktur teks dari teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi
dan meminta informasi terkait tentang orang, benda dan tempat,
tempat pendek dan sederhana, sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaannya.
Studnts’ Name : ……………………………………….
Class : ……………………………………….
Date : ……………………………………….

Topic :………………………………………………………..

According to you what is the video talking about?

What is speaker says in paragraph 1?
What is information in the first paragraph you got?
What is speaker says in paragraph 2?
What is information in the second paragraph you got?
What is the generis structure of the text?
What is the purpose of the writer tells about the text?
Task 2. Read the following text carefully, and then answer the following questions!
Text 1
Galesong Beach
Galesong Beach is located in
Makassar, South Sulawesi. It is 10 km
away from Losari Beach and you will
need 30 minutes by car to reach the
place. Even though Galesong Beach is
quite close to Beach Losari, but it is not
included in Makassar’s tourism
destination. Instead, it is part of the
Talakar districts, at Sampulungan village
Galesong to be precise.

Galesong Beach is a great choice for recreation. Many agendas like family recreation, couples,
community or even company gathering, training or celebrating anniversaries are often held there. There
are many decent facilities such as spacious parking lot, decent guest houses with affordable prices,
swimming pool for adults and children, ATV, motor cross, jet ski, banana boat, traditional boat,
outbound, cafes, etc.
Galesong Beach is well known for its long beautiful white sandy beach as well as the similarity
of its temple to the one of Tanah Lot in Bali. For tourists who enjoy swimming in the sea could feel the
warmth of the water in the morning. Life jacket will be provided there for rental. Visitors can also rent
a traditional boat to explore the scenery of Galesong Beach or even fishing.

1. How does the writer describe the galesong beach?

2. What are facilities provided there?
3. Why does Galesong beach can be a great choice for recreation?
4. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
5. What is the writers’ purpose telling the text?
Text 2
Lusia is my classmate. She is very beautiful and friendly. Her
hair is aslong as her shoulders. She is very energetic. She is very
active in her school and takes some extracurricular subjects. One
of them is dancing.
She has been practicing dance since she was six years old.
She can dance both traditional and modern dances, but she prefers
traditional dances to modern ones. Her favorite dance is Pakarena
dance. It is from Makassar.
Every time she performs the dance on the stage, she always
gives her best performance to her audience. It is because they
really enjoy her dance. Almost the audiences give big standing
applause to her.
So far, she has appeared many times in formal ceremonies so she
is very famous in our school. She often performs abroad as a
member of Indonesia cultural delegations. Someday, she dreams to
become a well-known dancer and if she has enough money, she will
own a dancing company.

6. Who is Lusia?


7. What kind of dance does she prefer?

8. How did she become very popular?

9. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

10. Why does the audience like her performance?

Lampiran Pertemuan 2

Lembar Kerja Peseta Didik (LKPD) KD : 3.4

Materi Ajar : Descriptive Text

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi :

Menganalisis unsur kebahasaan dari teks deskriptif sederhana tentang orang,benda , dan

Make a correct noun phrase based on the picture given!

Example: A luxurious red car

1. ………………………….

2. …………………………..

Arrange the following adjectives into good noun phrase.

Example: I found a (black-dirty-leather) wallet yesterday.
Answer: I found a dirty black leather wallet yesterday.
3. She has a (Persian-cute-white) cat.
4. My (antique-favorite-Chinese-black) jar has just broken.
5. He has just bought an (classic-Japanese-wooden-interesting) cupboard.
6. Brad Pitt is a (American-talented-tall-white) actor.
Arrange the following adjectives in the dialogue into good noun phrase
7. Ari : May I borrow your ……………………….(triangular – plastic – long) iron?
Bela : Here you are.
Ari : Thanks.
8. John : Can I use your ………………………(curved – metal – big) hammer.
Jack : Yes, please.
John : Thank you.
9. Ricky : Do you mind if I borrow your ………………….(Chinese – big – new) Air
Amanda : Not at all.
Ricky : Thanks a lot.
10. Sony : Would you have dinner with me in ……………(wooden –comfortable –
Javanese – old)
Siska : With pleasure.
Lampiran Pertemuan 3
Lembar Kerja Peseta Didik (LKPD) KD : 3.4

Materi Ajar : Descriptive Text

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
ompetensi :
Membuat teks lisan dan tertulis mengenai memberi dan meminta informasi pendek dan
sederhana terkait orang, benda dan tempat sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

Studnts’ Name : ……………………………………….

Class : ……………………………………….
Date : ……………………………………….


Please make a discriptive text! At least 2 paragraphs.

You may describe a person, thing, or place that you know well.

Submit your worksheet to google classroom.

Key answer Pertemuan 1

1. The writer describes galesong beach by telling the location, condition, facilities provided, and
describing the scenery.
2. Galesong beach provides decent facilities such as spacious parking lot, decent guest houses with
affordable prices, swimming pool for adults and children, atv, moto cross, jetski, banana boat,
traditional boat, outbond, cafes, etc.
3. Because many decent facilities are provided there, such as spacious parking lot, decent guest
houses with affordable prices, swimming pool for adults and children, atv, motor cross, jet ski,
banana boat, traditional boat, outbound, cafes.
4. Galesong beach is a great choice for recreation
5. Describing galesong beach to the readers.
6. The writer’s classmate
7. She prefers traditional dances to modern ones
8. She often performs abroad as a member of indonesia cultural delegations. And she has appeared
many times in formal ceremonies
9. She always gives her best performance
10. They really enjoy her dance

Pedoman Penilaian

 Poin 2 jika jawaban logis, struktur teks tepat

 Poin 1 jika jawaban tidak logis, struktur teks tidak tepat
 Poin 0 jika tidak menjawab

jumlah poin maksimal tiap soal =1

jumlah soal = 10
Nilai peserta didik =jumlah poin yang diperoleh X 10
Lembar kerja Peserta didik dapat dikerjakan secara online melalui tautan

Key Answer Pertemuan 2

1. A brown wooden table
2. Two round green balls
3. She has a cute white Persian cat.
4. My favorite antique black Chinese jar has just broken
5. He has just bought an interesting classic Japanese wooden cupboard.
6. Bratt Pitt is a talented tall white American actor.
7. Long triangular plastic iron.
8. Big curved metal hammer.
9. Big new Chinese air conditioner.
10. Comfortable old Javanese wooden restaurant.

4. Pedoman Penilaian
1. Tiap jawaban benar mendapat nilai 1
2. Nilai maksimal adalah= jumlah soal seluruhnya
Nilai peserta didik = skor diperoleh X 100
skor maksimal
Pertemuan 3

a. Instrumen Penilaian writting

Lembar Penilaian
Nama Skor dari Kriteria Total Skor Nilai
Text Sentence Grammar Vocabulary Mechanic Tidiness (∑1+2+3+4+5+6)
Peserta & deadline
Organization formation
Didik (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

b. Kriteria penilaian dapat dilakukan sebagai berikut :

Skor maksimal : 5 x 6 = 30
Penentuan nilai : Nilai siswa = skor diperoleh X 100
Skor maksimal


Low Good Very Good

Criteria to be Performance Performance Performance
Score = 3 Score= 4 Score = 5
Text Doesn’t use the Use the correct text Use the correct text
Organization correct text organization but has organization and with
organization not elaborated the elaborated idea
Sentence Use simple begins to very simple Use simple sentences,
formation sentences sentences and compound sentences
compound sentences and complex
sentences correctly
Grammar Too many 6 until 10 Under 5 Mistakes
mistakes mistakes
Vocabulary Basic Vocabulary, Developed Purposefully chosen
less precise vocabulary vocabulary
Mechanic Some errors with Mostly effective use Effective use of
spelling and of mechanics; errors capitalization,
punctuation do not detract from punctuation, and
meaning spelling
Tidiness and Write awkwardly Write quite neatly, Write neatly, clear
deadline Unreadable, quite clear font, font, submit the
submit late submit late three days work in/on time
more than 3 days from the deadline
from the deadline

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