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Case - Team Lead, Customer Support

Intro to the Business

Our agents answer contacts from our rider and driver community primarily through email. They
also provide phone support. For each agent, we track metrics such as quality, contacts
completed per hour, and customer service satisfaction reviews.

As you complete this exercise, the following definitions may be helpful:

KPI m Goal Definition
Tickets Per The primary metric used to quantify agent efficiency;
Hour TPH 3.0 calculated as # of solved tickets per hour
The % of solved tickets that are fully resolved with only one
First Ticket response; typically, a higher FTR % means an agent is
Resolution FTR 65% able to resolve a customer's issue efficiently
Customer The % of times a customer responds "YES" when asked if
Satisfaction CSAT 70% our support team fully resolved his/her issue.
A score (1-10) that reflects the overall quality of a response
(including grammar, tone, policy adherence, etc.), as
Quality measured b against our policies, procedures, and style
Assurance QA 9 guide. Higher QA scores mean higher quality answers.
When a complex support interaction arises, agents must
open an "Uber Case" to track developments and loop in
key stakeholders from around the company. While we have
no UC goal for agents, the number of UCs that agents
create typically correlate to the number of complex tickets
Uber Cases UC -- they have handled.
When agents "skip" a ticket, they choose not to resolve it
and instead to be assigned the next ticket in the queue;
management discourages skipping tickets except in rare
Skips -- 0 circumstances.

Section 1

You became the Lead of a new team with the following performances according to the table​.
From this information say:

A: What's the first thing you'd do with this data? What strategy would you use to leverage team
performance? Please present an action plan containing: KPI's to be worked on, deadlines and
follow-up methodology to make sure the plan is working well.

B: ​Use your newly established evaluation criteria to identify five high-performing agents. Explain
why you chose them. What would you do to reward and reinforce their performance?

C: ​Identify the two lowest performers. Assume that one of these agents has been
underperforming for the last three weeks. Draft your coaching strategy for this agent​, ​and
explain how you would introduce a plan to help them improve upon their performance.

Section 2

Using the same ​data​, determine where the greatest area of opportunity is for our business.
Please describe in detail how you came to this conclusion and what you would do to solve this

Section 3

Part A: ​You and your team run the forecast for Carnival and realize you are going to need way
more staff than you’d originally allocated.

Draft communications that will be sent out to inform your team they will be working Carnival.
This is typically their day off, so they may not take the news well. What would be your plan to
deal with this situation?

Section 4

As a Team Lead you’ll not only work to achieve operational goals, but also manage conflicts,
deal with your agents expectations and make hard decisions in a short period of time.
Considering the situations below, develop an action plan for each one of them according to the

a) A high performer agent has just been declined in the final stages of an internal selection
process. He has been waiting a lot for this opportunity and his expectations were high
because everyone in the team believed he was the strongest candidate. After the
disapproval the agent got frustrated, his performance fell and he’s even thinking of
leaving the company. What would you do to reverse this scenario?

b) You have a agent that has a high performance and delivers all KPIs, yet he has been
presenting constant behavioral problems: delays, insubordination, and conflict with other
team members. During an alignment meeting with a supervisor from another area, the
agent disagreed with the some arguments, getting visibly irritated, shouting at the team
lead and leaving the room harshly. How would you mediate this conflict?

c) You will go on vacation (Uhuuu!!!), Your manager has high expectations because there
will be a selective process after your vacation and you should indicate someone you
believe being ready for the position: your backup! Here are the profiles of your team:

- João is proactive, well-versed in the processes and solves problems very well, but it is
imposing. The team rejects him and considers him arrogant.

- Carlos has a good interpersonal relationship, mediates conflicts very well, and has a
high performance. But due to a troubled personal agenda (family and studies), he
misses a few workdays, gets sick and late often.

- Maria has great relationships with the team, has more time ​in the company​, dominates
the procedures, but does not stop at her desk and encourages others to do the same,
compromising the outcome of the operation.

- Gabriela is a dedicated agent, with great performance and commitment, but has an
analytical profile and chronic shyness. She doesn’t interact with the team members nor
with other areas, she also has difficulty expressing herself and gets uncomfortable
speaking in public or when is questioned by another person. She prefers to interact with
users only by e-mail.

Choose accordingly with profiles above which one are the best fit for the backup position. Hint:
There is no right answer. Make your choice wisely and justify it.

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