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3Quarter 2 Module 4 Argumentave Text: Modal Verbs and Modal Adverbs

Name: ___________________
__________ Date :____________________

Grade and Secon :________________________________ Score:____________________

Modal Verbs are special verbs which behave irregularly in English. They are
diferent rom normal verbs like "work, play, visit..." They give addional inormaon about
the uncon o the main verb that ollows it. They have a great variety o communicave

A. Direcons: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate modal verb.

1. I _______ studied my lesson last night. I don’t even know a thing in this test.
2. You _____ nish your chores beore going out with your riends to play.
3. I _____ run or a really long me without stopping.
4. I _____ study or 6 hours without taking a break.
5. My riend is geng married today, she _____ be eeling nervous.
B. Direcons: Complete the sentences with the correct modal
mo dal verb in italics.
1. You must/should/shouldn’t  be  be 18 beore you can drive any vehicle.
2. You must/should/shouldn’t  take
 take your medicine aer meal.
3. We got a lot o things to do tomorrow, you must/should/shouldn’t  take
 take a rest.
4. In the University o Philippines, you don’t have to/mustn’t/sho
uldn’t/  wear
 wear uniorm.
5. Men must/should/have to respect
to respect women at all me.

Modal Adverbs are used to modiy specic verbs that consist o a linking verb (verb o being) and
somemes another verb.

Here are examples o modal adverbs: probably, possibly, evidently, certainly , surely, undoubtedly,
seriously, clearly, obviously
1. I will surely watch the Avengers movie.
2. It will probably rain this aernoon.

3. Ruben must seriously exert more efort in his studies to pass this nal quarter.
It is used in wring to express how denite you are about something.

Degrees of Modality
1. STRONG – uses the adverbs always and never, evidently, surely, seriously and

Example: People should always wash their hands beore eang.

You will never graduate  you will not study hard.

2. MODERATE – uses oen, rarely,

rarely, usually, somemes,
somemes, requently, and o

Example: Mary rarely goes out to party.

Arnold oen takes a bath.

Some adverbs can be used to describe how likely it is that something will happen. These are
called ‘adverbs o possibility.
possibility. Some o the most common
common adverbs o possibility
possibility are:

C. Direcons: Complete these sentences using the modal adverbs in the box. Use the most suitable
word only once.

denitely certainly clearly

precisely absolutely surely

1. I we will win next week’s game, we will _________ be on the nalist.

2. __________ our teacher will arrive beore the google classroom starts.

3. Joey __________ made a big diference to the success o the class.

4. Alex was_________ too short to be allowed in the school basketball team.

5. President Rodrigo Roa Duterte _________ approved on the House Bill passed by the
Congress. #707 copies

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