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Daemon Hunter Alaric Turrion

Written by mitchy

This is my Inquisiter for my Dark Heresy game, he is pretty good, but I'm going to control him
so that he won't steal the game from my PCs, hope you like him.

This is Alaric's profile, i hope hes good, but dosent steal the show from the PC's

Name: Alaric Turrion

Home World: Fedual World (Imperial World)
Career Path: Ordo Malleus
Rank: Inquisiter
Divination: In the darkness follow the light of terra
Quirk: Twists pistols around his fingers
Gender: Male
Build: Muscular
Height: 1.85 metres
Weight: 85kg
Skin colour: tanned
Hair colour: Blond
Eye colour: Blue
Age: 49

Basic Skills: Awarness+20, Bater+10, Carouse+30, Charm+20, Concealment+20,

Decive+10, Dodge+10, Evaluate+20, Gamble+10, Inquiry+30, Intimmidate+10, Logic+10, Scale
Sheer Surface+30, Search+20, Silent Move+10, Swim+30

Advanced Skills: Speak Low Gothic+20, Speak High Gothic+10, Speak Medival+30, Ride

Talents, Traits, Mutations: Melee Weapon Training: Primitive, Basic, Power Weapon. Pistol
Weapon Training: Primitive, Solid Projectile. Basic Weapon Training: Primitive. Beserk Charge,
Blade Master, Counter Attack, Crippling Strike, Dual Shot, Hatred (Daemons), Unshackable
Faith, Peer (Charm), Rapid Reload, Quick Draw, Mental Fortress

Daemon Hunter Alaric Turrion

Written by mitchy

Gear: Blessed Feudal Plate (counts as flak armour), Great Weapon (Mono), Flintlock,
FLintlock (each with 20 shots), Power Knife.

WS: 62
BS: 32
S: 45
T: 42
Ag: 36
Int: 39
Per: 22
WP: 52
Fel: 40

Wounds: 17

Alaric was found fighting off the attackers that were beseging the city walls, he stod and fought
well the rest of the city fled, he almost was killed when he a sword came down across his chest.
His plate armour wasnt enough to protect him, and even to this day he was a scar, the Inquisiter
that found him trained Alaric, and when he died, Alaric took he spot as overwatch on the planet,
he was to make sure that no Dark Powers were used, and he has done a great job, but when
the Tyrant Star appered, more pyskers have been born and Alaric fears that the Dark Powers
have taken control of most part of the psyker popluation. Alaric has requested assistance from
the Inquisition, and the new Acalytes are on there way.


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