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The Kelash Abominations

Written by Gregorius21778
Saturday, 20 November 2010 15:11 - Last Updated Sunday, 21 November 2010 21:24

Melassio Kelash is a renegade Magos Biologis hunted by Adeptus Mechanicus and the
Inquisition alike for the creation of the transgenetic blasphemies which he dubbed “the Radiant”
and are known to the archives of the Inquisition as “the Kelash Abominations”.

Exploring means of generating a new breed of warrior, he used discoveries in his research of
the [ACCESS DENIED] and forbidden techniques of the Dark Age of Technology to create a
mockery of  human live spliced with non-human genes laced with strains from psy-active beings
(human and otherwise). While the majority of his force-grown homunculi where nonviable, those
he deemed a success soon let to his excommunication.

A Kelash Abomination is superficially resembling a human being with a powerful physique (if
rather well-fed) and with an oily skin. But the lack of any facial features besides the mouth and
any primary sexual organs or a naval cleary marks the creature as what it is – an abomination.

How this creatures perceive their surroundings is not clear, but theories indicate it might be
some kind of warp sense. Breed as a warrior, the encountered specimen seem fearless,
relentless and utterly devoted to their master. Their strength is reported to be beyond human
limits. But there bodies are not, and combat reports show that their strength puts so much strain

The Kelash Abominations

Written by Gregorius21778
Saturday, 20 November 2010 15:11 - Last Updated Sunday, 21 November 2010 21:24

on their flesh and bone that they literally break themselves.

All of this would not raise them above all the other failed experiments of deluded fools, where it
not for a certain psychic quality.
The creature literally radiate (hence Kelash heretical naming) a feel of calm and confidence.
Until harmed. In that moment, they start to radiate multiple times the pain which they
themselves do not seem to feel. This radiance is suspected to be corrupting by many of those in
the Inquisition whom are learned in such topics, and thereby these abominations are even more
dire a threat.

The heretek Melassio Kelash seems to sell his creations to those willing to deal with such
things, a practice of his which is commonly believed to be an afford to gather funds for more
experiments regarding his creations. By actual records, the Kelash Abominations are found to
be unstable and are thereby degenerating in a matter of month or within a year. A trait Kelash
doubtlessly wants to remove.

Kelash Abominations are normally sold as bodyguards, but the latest investigations show that
they have found a more perverted use as well…

The Radiant (Kelash Transgenetic Abomination / KTA)

WS   BS   S                T         AG    INT   PER   WP   Fel   Wounds  

44     -       50(5)(+)**   50*       38      25       37         50     -          18        3 / 6 / 9 / 18

Insanity Points: 32  Corruption Points: 32

Traits: Blind; Fear (Disturbing; if unnatural features are not concealed); Frenzied Strength**;
The Radiant***; Unnatural Senses (30m); Unstable Genetic*; Relentless****; Psychic

Talents: Berserker Charge; Chem Geld; Combat Master; Crushing Blow*; Decadence*; Die
Hard; Fearless; Furious Assault; Hardy*; Melee Weapon Training (Primitive; Chain; Energy);
Talented (Awareness); Rapid Reaction; Resistance (Poisons); Sprint; True Grit; Mute;

Skills: Awareness+20; Climb; Swim; Dodge; Speak Language (Low Gothic; only for

The Kelash Abominations

Written by Gregorius21778
Saturday, 20 November 2010 15:11 - Last Updated Sunday, 21 November 2010 21:24

*Unstable Genetic: Every week, the Radiant has to pass a Toughness test or will lose 1d5
points of Toughness and Strength. Thereby, the Toughness and Strength stats given are the
maximum. The Radiant will lose the Hardy-Talent as soon as Toughness drops below 40 and
the Crushing Blow Talent as soon as Strenght drops below 40. Decadence will likewise be lost
after Toughness drops below 30.

** Frenzied Strength: Once wounded, the Radiant will use all of his power in combat and
thereby gain the Unnatural Strength(x2) trait. Due to the strain this strength puts onto the body,
the Radiant must pass a Toughness test each round or suffer from 1d5 wounds from damage to
bone and tissue. If this results in critical wounds, treat them as rending damage to the body.

*** The Radiant: The Kelash Abomination is not treated as a psyker, but it can be sensed with
Psyniscience like it would use a psychic power. This test is one step more difficult then usual.
Anyone within 15m of an unwounded Radiant will gain the Resistance (Fear) Talent (no bonus
if already owning this or the

All effects inducing pain (Shock Mauls, certain psy powers) are instead redirected to all within
15 meters. The same is true to all other strong sensations (i.e. certain euphoria inducing drugs).

If the Abomination is wounded, everyone but within 15m will experience pain and will thereby
suffer a penalty on all tests equal to the lost wounds of the radiant. This has no effects on
targets incapable of feeling pain.

If the Abomination dies, everyone within 20 meters must pass a difficult willpower test or
become stunned for 1d10 –WPB rounds (minimum: 1). This has no effects on targets incapable
of feeling pain.

For every month somebody has spendt in the company of a Radiant, the figure will gain one
point of corruption due to the warping influence of "the Radiance".

****Relentless: The Abomination is immune to stun, does not feel pain and does not suffer
penalties from fatigue. It recovers fatigue in minutes, not in hours. It is not effected by the “the

The Kelash Abominations

Written by Gregorius21778
Saturday, 20 November 2010 15:11 - Last Updated Sunday, 21 November 2010 21:24

Radiant” trait of others of its kind.

*****Psychic Bound: After “awaking” in its laboratory vat, the Radiant forms a bound with all
sentient being it perceives at this moment. It will follow the command of these subjects. If
contradicting commands are given, chose randomly which command it will follow. If the
Abomination cannot perceive its “Master” any longer, it will instantly go Berserk and try to find
its master.

It will sense its Masters Death and will go Berserk from this point on till it is dead.


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