Mix Design of M40 Concrete: 20 100 Good Moderate OPC-53 3.15 2.67 2.66 0.7 0.81 1438 1565 1552

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I. Design Parametres
1 Maximum size of Aggregate = 20 MM [ As per IS:456-2000]
2 Degree of Workability = 100 MM [ As per IS:456-2000]
3 Degree of Quality Control = Good [ As per IS:456-2000]
4 Type of Exposure = Moderate [ As per IS:456-2000]
5 Cement Used = OPC-53 Grade [ As per Supply]
6 Specific Gravity of Cement = 3.15 [ As per Test ]
7 SpecificGgravity of Coarse Aggregate = 2.67 [ As per Test ]
8 Specific Gravity of Fine Aggregate = 2.66 [ As per Test ]
9 Water Absorption of Coarse Aggregate = 0.7 % [ As per Test ]
10 Water Absorption of Fine Aggregate = 0.81 % [ As per Test ]
11 Bulk Density of Cement = 1438 Kg/Cum [ As per Test ]
12 Bulk Density of Coarse Aggregate = 1565 Kg/Cum [ As per Test ]
13 Bulk Density of Fine Aggregate = 1552 Kg/Cum [ As per Test ]

II. Calculation
Step 1 - Target strength
Characteristics Strength (fck) = 40 Mpa
Standrad Deviation (s) = 5 Mpa [ As per 10262-2009,Table-1 ]
Tolerance Factor = 1.65 [ As per 10262-2009,Table-1 ]
Target strenght = fck+1.65xs
= 48.25 Mpa [Desired after 28 days]

Step 2:- Selection of water- cement ratio.

For Moderate exposure maximum size of aggregate = 20 MM [ As per IS:456-2000,Table- ]

Water–Cement Ratio = 0.40 [ As per IS:456-2000,Table-5 ]

Water–Cement Ratio based on experience = 0.35 [ As per IS:456-2000,Table-5 ]

Step 3 :- Calculation of Estimated amount of water

For 20 mm size aggregate, Maximum Water Content = 186 Lit/Cum [As per IS:10262-2009, Page-3, Table-2]
Target Slump = 100 mm
Estimated water content for 100 mm = 197.16 Lit/Cum

Step 4 :- Calculation of Cement content

Water cement ratio = 0.35
Cement Content = 563.31 Kg/Cum
Since 563.31 > 300 Kg/Cum, Hence OK

Step 5 :- Calculation of volume of C.A & F.A

As per IS code: 10262 – 2009 Table number 3
Volume of Concrete = 1.00 Cum …… (A)
Zone of Fine Aggregate = IV [As per IS:383-1970,Table-4]
Volume of Coarse aggregate = 0.66
Volume of fine aggregate = 0.34
Step 6 :- Mix Calculation
Mass of Cement = 563.31 Kg/Cum
Volume of cement = Mass of Concrete
( Sp. Gr. of Cement x 1000 )
= 0.179 Cum …… (B)

Mass of Water = 197.16 Kg/Cum

Volume of water = Mass of water
( Sp. Gr. of Water x 1000 )
= 0.197 Cum …… (C)

Volume of Entraped Air for 20 mm C.A. = 2% [As per Experience, though IS Code consider it as Zero]

= 0.02 Cum …… (D)

Volume of all in Aggregate. = A– (B+C+D)

0.604 Cum …… (E)

Mass of fine aggregate = (E) x (Sp. Gr. of F.A) x (Vol of F.A) x 1000
= 546.27 kg

Mass of coarse aggregate = (E) x (Sp. Gr. of C.A) x (Vol of C.A) x 1000
= 1064.39 Kg/Cum

Step 7 :-Mix proportions.

Cement = 563.31 Kg/Cum
Fine aggregate = 546.27 Kg/Cum
Coarse aggregate = 1064.39 Kg/Cum

Therefore, the mix proportion for given specification of concrete = 1.00 0.97 1.89
Therefore, the mix proportion for 15 mould test = Wat Cem F.A
= 15.37 43.917 42.588

009,Table-1 ]
009,Table-1 ]


000,Table- ]

000,Table-5 ]
000,Table-5 ]

-2009, Page-3, Table-2]

Code consider it as Zero]


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