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DP 1 (Grade 11) Assessment Schedule

End of term 1 – January 2022 session

Date Day Session Start End Subject

02.01 Sunday Morning 0900 1105 Chemistry HL
03.01 Monday Morning 0900 1005 Religion
04.01 Tuesday BREAK
Design HL
05.01 Wednesday Morning 0900 1005 Paper 1
1030 1205 Paper 1&2

Arabic B HL
06.01 Thursday Morning 0900 1035 Paper 1
1100 1205 Paper 2 Reading

07.01 Friday BREAK

Physics HL
08.01 Saturday Morning 0900 1005 Paper 1
1010 1115 Paper 2

09.01 Sunday Morning English A Lang and Lit SL paper 2

0900 1105
10.01 Monday BREAK
11.01 Tuesday Morning 0900 1045 Business SL
12.01 Wednesday BREAK
Mathematics SL
13.01 Thursday Morning 0900 1005 Paper 1
1010 1115 Paper 2

ibn rushd national academy | DP assessment schedule & regulations

Instructions for candidates

1. You must arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of an examination and may not be
allowed to sit the examination if you arrive late.

2. Your coordinator/invigilator will decide where you will sit during an examination. You
must remain seated until permission is given to leave the examination room.

3. You may take to your desk/table the following items only:

a. A pen or pencil for making rough/scratch notes.
b. A clean copy of the MYP mathematics formula booklet, if required.
c. A calculator, if allowed.

4. Your coordinator/invigilator has the right to inspect and confiscate any item you bring
into the examination room.

5. Follow all the instructions from your coordinator/invigilator.

6. Your coordinator/invigilator has the right to remove you from the examination room if
your behaviour interferes with the examination.

7. In cases of emergency, and with the permission of your coordinator/invigilator, you may
be allowed to temporarily leave the examination room. You will remain supervised at all

8. If you decide to leave the examination room before the scheduled finishing time, you
will not be allowed to return.

9. You must not attempt to obtain information about the content of an examination in

10. If you find that you have accidentally taken unauthorized material into an examination
(for example, a mobile phone), you must give it to your coordinator/invigilator

11. You must not include inappropriate, offensive or obscene content in your responses.

12. All work submitted for assessment must be entirely your own. Collusion, plagiarism and
the impersonation of another candidate are not permitted.

13. Failure to comply with any of these regulations will be considered academic misconduct
and may result in no grade being awarded.

14. If you do not understand these regulations, please contact your coordinator.

ibn rushd national academy | DP assessment schedule & regulations

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