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Frontal Lobe Dysfunction in Children With

Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

Patrícia Rzezak, BSc*, Daniel Fuentes, PhD*, Catarina A. Guimarães, PhD†,
Sigride Thome-Souza, MD‡§, Evelyn Kuczynski, MD, PhD§, Li M. Li, MD, PhD†,
Renata C. Franzon, MD, PhD†, Claudia C. Leite, MD, PhD¶, Marilisa Guerreiro, MD, PhD†,
and Kette D. Valente, MD, PhD‡§

There is evidence that adults with temporal lobe Rzezak P, Fuentes D, Guimarães CA, Thome-Souza S,
epilepsy present executive impairments. However, Kuczynski E, Li LM, Franzon RC, Leite CC, Guerreiro M,
there is limited information in children, especially Valente KD. Frontal lobe dysfunction in children with
when using a comprehensive neuropsychologic bat- temporal lobe epilepsy. Pediatr Neurol 2007;37:176-185.
tery. We aimed to: 1) investigate the presence and
severity of executive dysfunctions in children with
temporal lobe epilepsy, and 2) determine the impli-
cations of clinical variables (including etiology) in Introduction
the occurrence and severity of executive dysfunction,
using eight paradigms. Thirty-one children with In temporal lobe epilepsy, the presence of specific
temporal lobe epilepsy were evaluated and com- cognitive deficits, such as learning and memory impair-
pared with 21 age-matched controls. Patients with ments (functions known to be associated with the temporal
temporal lobe epilepsy had significantly worse per- lobes), are fully recognized as part of the typical clinical
formance than controls. Intragroup analysis indi- picture [1-3].
cated that patients with symptomatic epilepsy were In addition, some studies demonstrated the occurrence
more impaired than those with cryptogenic epilepsy. of frontal lobe dysfunction, characterized by executive
In the former group, patients with mesial lesions malfunctioning, in adults with temporal lobe epilepsy.
performed worse than those with lateral lesions. These patients show perseverative responding and impair-
Regarding the severity of executive dysfunction, ments in abstraction and problem-solving abilities [4-7].
83.87% manifested severe to moderate executive Two hypotheses were postulated to explain this execu-
impairment. Early age of onset, longer duration of tive dysfunction in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy.
epilepsy, and use of polytherapy were correlated with According to Corcoran and Upton [8], perseverative re-
worse executive dysfunction. These findings indicated sponding could be explained by an impairment of working
the presence of frontal lobe dysfunction in children memory, determined by the involvement of the hippocam-
with temporal lobe epilepsy, with worse performance pus per se. In their study, patients with hippocampal
in those with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy, early sclerosis performed poorly in a modified version of the
onset, longer duration of disease, and use of polythe- Wisconsin Card Sorting Test compared with patients with
rapy. Our study corroborates the hypothesis that tem- either temporal neocortical lesions or frontal lobe lesions.
poral lobe epileptogenic activity affects the extratem- On the other hand, Hermann and Seidenberg [5] proposed
poral regions that mediate attentional and executive that temporal lobe epileptogenic activity might disrupt the
functions. © 2007 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. extratemporal lobe connections responsible for executive

From the *Psychology and Neuropsychology Unit, Institute of Communications should be addressed to:
Psychiatry, Clinical Hospital, Medical School, University of São Dr. Valente; Rua Jesuíno Arruda 901/51; São Paulo,
Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil; †Department of Neurology, University of 04532-082 São Paulo, Brazil.
Campinas, Campinas, Brazil; and ‡Laboratory of Clinical E-mail: kettevalente@msn.com
Neurophysiology, Institute of Psychiatry and Department of Received July 31, 2006; accepted May 25, 2007.
Psychiatry, §Project for the Study of Psychiatric Disorders in Children
and Adolescents with Epilepsy, Institute of Psychiatry, and ¶Institute
and Department of Radiology, Clinical Hospital, Medical School,
University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.

176 PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY Vol. 37 No. 3 © 2007 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
doi:10.1016/j.pediatrneurol.2007.05.009 ● 0887-8994/07/$—see front matter
skills, based on a correlation between performance and The group was made up of 17 boys (54.84%) with a mean age of 11.84
seizure control, but not with etiology. years (range, 8 to 16 years old; standard deviation, 4.59 years), and a
mean estimated intelligence quotient (IQ), based on the Block Design
In children with temporal lobe epilepsy, many neuro- and Vocabulary subtests of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-
psychologic aspects are unclear, even when considering III [24], of 95.78 (range, 71 to 135; standard deviation, 12.57).
extensively studied temporal lobe functions, such as mem- Twenty-four patients (77.42%) had symptomatic temporal lobe epi-
ory. For instance, there is evidence of memory deficits lepsy. Symptomatic temporal lobe epilepsy was defined as a lesion
when these patients are compared with normal controls restricted to the temporal lobe region (mesial or lateral), and demon-
strated with a 1.5T magnetic resonance image.
[9-14]. However, whether children and adolescents with We also included seven patients (22.58%) with cryptogenic temporal
temporal lobe epilepsy do [15-18] or do not [19,20] have lobe epilepsy determined by ictal and interictal electroencephalogram
hemispheric specialization for verbal and visual memory findings. Patients with extratemporal epileptic activity were excluded
remains controversial. from this group. Demographic and clinical information for each individ-
ual is presented in Table 1.
Hernandez et al. [21] analyzed frontal lobe dysfunction
(planning abilities, working memory, impulse control,
attention, and certain aspects of motor coordination) in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Groups
children with frontal lobe epilepsy by using children with
temporal lobe epilepsy, with idiopathic generalized epi- The symptomatic temporal lobe epilepsy groups included:
lepsy (typical absences) and normal controls for compar- (1) Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy group: composed of 18 patients
ison. Children with frontal lobe epilepsy exhibited deficits (75%), including 13 boys (72.22%), 15 with hippocampal sclerosis,
in planning and impulse control, and more coordination two with a mesial temporal tumor, and one with gliosis of the
parahippocampal gyrus, at a mean age of 12.35 years (standard
problems than the others. A further study [22], with
deviation, 2.29 years) and mean estimated intelligence quotient of
similar characteristics, corroborated these findings, i.e., 95.36 (standard deviation, 14.25).
children with frontal lobe epilepsy had worse performance (2) Lateral temporal lobe epilepsy group: composed of six patients
in executive function tests, whereas temporal lobe epilepsy (25%), including two boys (33.33%), three with temporal dysplasia,
only showed impairments in memory tests. one with temporal cysts, one with a temporal tuber, and one with a
temporal cavernoma, at a mean age of 11.57 years (standard
These findings, revealing worse performance in executive deviation, 2.57) and mean estimated intelligence quotient of 93.18
tests in children with frontal lobe epilepsy compared with (standard deviation, 12.11).
children with temporal lobe epilepsy, were expected, but do
The cryptogenic temporal lobe epilepsy group: Seven patients, includ-
not exclude subtle executive dysfunctions in temporal lobe ing two boys (28.57%), with a mean age of 11.86 years (standard
epilepsy that could impair children’s daily-life performance. deviation, 2.03), and mean estimated intelligence quotient of 98.92
Therefore, the importance of studying executive functions in (standard deviation, 9.64).
temporal lobe epilepsy is crucial, because these executive
deficits may remain undervalued in these children. Controls
The only study that specifically addressed frontal lobe
dysfunction in children with temporal lobe epilepsy [23] Healthy volunteers were recruited among students from a public
found poor performance in executing and planning tasks in school. These children were matched to study subjects in terms of age,
children with hippocampal sclerosis compared with lateral and socio-demographic and educational background, had neither psychi-
atric diagnosis according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
temporal lobe or frontal lobe lesions, when using one Mental Disorders-IV [25], nor previous or current history of neurologic
paradigm: the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. disorders.
To date, no studies have used a comprehensive neuro- Twenty-one healthy children (7 boys), at a mean age of 11.8 years
psychologic battery to evaluate executive functions in (range, 9-16 years old; standard deviation, 2.4), were selected. Mean
estimated intelligence quotient, based on the Block Design and Vocab-
children with temporal lobe epilepsy compared with age-
ulary subtests of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-III [24],
matched, normal controls. For this reason, we aimed to: was 108 (range, 83 to 135; standard deviation, 15.0).
1) investigate the presence and severity of executive The exclusion criteria for patients and controls included: an estimated
dysfunctions in children with temporal lobe epilepsy, and intelligence quotient below 70; clinical signs of drug intoxication or any
2) determine the implications of clinical variables of other condition that could lead to cognitive impairment; diagnosis of
psychiatric illness; alcohol or drug abuse; any brain-related surgical
epilepsy and etiology on the occurrence and severity of
intervention; and not being in school.
executive dysfunction, by using an extensive neuropsy- The elapsed time between last seizure and the moment of neuropsy-
chologic evaluation consisting of eight paradigms. chologic evaluation was at least 48 hours. Three patients who experi-
enced seizures during testing were reevaluated 1 week later.

Methods Performance in Attention and Executive Tests

Patients Evaluation was completed during the course of two sessions, during
which a battery of attention and executive tests was performed with each
We prospectively evaluated 31 consecutive children and adolescents child. Tests were administered by a trained neuropsychologist in a quiet
with temporal lobe epilepsy, followed in the Ambulatory of Epilepsy in laboratory and in a standard sequence. Applied tests and cognitive
the Clinics Hospital of the University of São Paulo from 2005 to 2007. assessed functions included:

Rzezak et al: Executive Dysfunction and Temporal Lobe Epilepsy 177

Table 1. Demographic description of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy

Patient Sex Age (yr) IQ Subgroup Lesion Education (yr) Age of Onset (yr)

1 F 15 83 Cryptogenic No lesion 6 6
2 M 15 122 Lateral Posterior temporal dysplasia 8 6
3 F 10 80 Lateral Hippocampal dysplasia, R 4 1
4 M 15 71 Mesial MTS, R 5 1
5 M 12 80 Mesial MTS, L 5 1
6 F 14 109 Cryptogenic No lesion 8 9
7 M 15 103 Mesial DNET, L 10 7
8 F 12 85 Lateral Wernick dysplasia, R 3 2
9 F 11 103 Cryptogenic No lesion 5 3
10 F 12 97 Mesial HA bilateral 6 7
11 F 12 85 Mesial MTS, R 6 8
12 M 11 94 Mesial MTS, L 6 2
13 M 9 135 Mesial MTS, L 4 3
14 M 14 77 Mesial MTS, R 5 5
15 F 11 106 Cryptogenic No lesion 5 2
16 F 11 103 Cryptogenic No lesion 2 2
17 M 9 85 Cryptogenic No lesion 4 2
18 F 10 109 Mesial MTS, R 3 2
19 M 15 103 Mesial Parahippocampal gyrus lesion 5 1
20 M 9 94 Mesial Hippocampal rotation 4 2
21 F 13 86 Mesial MTS, R 4 5
22 M 12 106 Cryptogenic No lesion 7 10
23 F 8 100 Mesial MTS, R 2 2
24 M 13 117 Mesial MTS, L 7 6
25 M 9 100 Lateral Temporal cavernoma, L 3 7
26 M 15 91 Mesial MTS, L 9 4
27 M 13 103 Mesial HA, R 5 10
28 M 14 85 Mesial MTSR 7 3
29 F 9 94 Lateral Temporal cyst, R 3 2
30 F 11 91 Lateral Temporal tubers bilateral 4 1
31 M 15 94 Mesial Amygdala tumor, R 6 6

CPS ⫽ Complex partial seizure
DNET ⫽ Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor
F ⫽ Female
FH ⫽ Familiar history of epilepsy
FS ⫽ Febrile seizures
GTCS ⫽ Generalized tonic-clonic seizure
HA ⫽ Hippocampal atrophy

(1) Auditory attention and short-term retention capacity (Digit Span, therapy and polytherapy, and seizure control status at the moment of
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-III [24], and Number and neuropsychologic evaluation.
Letter, Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning [26]);
(2) Visual attention and short-term retention capacity (Finger Windows,
Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning [26]); Severity of Executive Dysfunction
(3) Complex visual scanning, visual attention, mental flexibility, and
inhibitory control (Trail Making Test, Children’s Version [27]); We adopted clinical criteria to measure the severity of executive
(4) Semantic naming, response initiation, verbal search, and production dysfunction in our patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. We considered
of individual words under restrictive search conditions (Word an executive function to be impaired when the patient had a bad
Fluency, Animals and Foods) [27]; performance (lower than 1 standard deviation) in at least two executive
(5) Abstract behavior, set shifting, response inhibition, and mental paradigms compared with controls.
flexibility at the cognitive level (Wisconsin Card Sorting Test [28]); Degrees of severity for the comprehensive battery of eight executive
and paradigms were classified as mild when deficits occurred in two
(6) Impulse control (Matching Familiar Figures Test-20 [29]). executive tests, moderate if impairment occurred in 3 to 4 executive tests,
and severe when there was failure in 5 out of 8 executive paradigms.
Correlation With Clinical Variables

Clinical variables included: etiology (symptomatic versus crypto- Statistical Analysis

genic), location (mesial temporal lobe epilepsy and lateral temporal lobe
epilepsy in the symptomatic group), laterality (right versus left), age of Descriptive analysis consisted of means and standard deviations of
onset, duration of epilepsy, seizure type, presence of secondary general- each variable. Demographic variables (age, sex, and education) of
ization, frequency of seizures, history of status epilepticus, history of patients and controls were compared using the chi-square test to verify if
previous neurological insult, family history of epilepsy, use of mono- both groups could be matched.


Table 1. Continued

Duration (yr) SE FH FS Frequency Number of AEDs Seizure Type

9 No Yes No Weekly 1 CPS

9 Yes Yes No Without seizures 1 CPS, GTCS
9 No Yes No Without seizures 2 CPS
14 Yes Yes Yes Biweekly 2 SPS, CPS, GTCS
12 No Yes Yes Weekly 1 CPS
5 No Yes No Without seizures 0 CPS
8 Yes No No Weekly 0 SPS, CPS, GTCS
10 No Yes No Without seizures 1 CPS
8 No Yes No Monthly 1 SPS
5 No Yes Yes Weekly 2 SPS, CPS, GTCS
4 Yes Yes No Daily 2 SPS
9 Yes No Yes Without seizures 2 SPS, CPS
6 No Yes No Daily 1 SPS
9 No No No Weekly 2 SPS
9 No No No Without seizures 1 SPS, CPS, GTCS
8 No Yes No Without seizures 0 CPS
7 No Yes No Without seizures 1 SPS, CPS
8 Yes Yes Yes Daily 1 SPS, CPS
14 Yes No No Daily 1 SPS, CPS
7 No Yes No Without seizures 1 SPS, CPS
8 Yes No Yes Daily 1 SPS, CPS
2 No Yes No Without sizures 1 CPS
6 No Yes No Without seizures 1 CPS
7 No Yes No Without seizures 1 SPS, CPS
2 Yes No Yes Monthly 1 SPS, CPS
11 No No Yes Monthly 2 CPS
3 Yes No No Weekly 2 SPS, CPS, GTCS
9 No Yes Yes Without seizures 1 SPS, CPS
6 No Yes No Without seizures 1 SPS, CPS
9 No No No Without seizures 1 CPS, GTCS
9 No No No Weekly 1 SPS, CPS

IQ ⫽ Intelligence quotient
L ⫽ Left
M ⫽ Male
MTS ⫽ Mesial temporal sclerosis
R ⫽ Right
SE ⫽ Status epilepticus
SPS ⫽ Simple partial seizure

Regarding neuropsychologic performance, patients and controls were consin Card Sorting Test (number of categories achieved,
compared by t test. A nonparametric Mann-Whitney test was used to P ⫽ 0.002, number of perseverative errors, P ⫽ 0.035; and
compare groups (symptomatic, cryptogenic, and controls) because of the
small number of subjects in each group.
number of perseverative responses, P ⫽ 0.045); Digit For-
Finally, analysis of variance was used to evaluate the influence of ward (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-III, P ⫽
clinical variables on executive functions. Significance was set at P ⫽ 0.003); Matching Familiar Figures Test (number of errors,
0.05. For statistical analysis, the SPSS 11.0 software package was used. P ⫽ 0.033; and total index, P ⫽ 0.042); Trail Making Test
(numbers of errors in trial A, P ⫽ 0.040; time to accomplish
Results in trial B, P ⫽ 0.038; and number of errors in trial B, P ⫽
0.006); Word Fluency (animals, P ⫽ 0.035); Finger Window
No statistical difference was found between the tempo-
ral lobe epilepsy groups and controls regarding sex (F ⫽ (Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning, P ⫽
1.596, P ⫽ 0.087), and years of education (F ⫽ 0.466, 0.014); and Number and Letter (Wide Range Assessment of
P ⫽ 0.335). However, differences were observed regard- Memory and Learning, P ⫽ 0.007) (Table 2).
ing chronological age (F ⫽ 0.051, P ⫽ 0.035), with There were no differences between patients with tem-
controls being younger. poral lobe epilepsy and controls in the Wisconsin Card
Sorting Test (number of nonperseverative errors, and
Performances in Attention and Executive Tests failure to maintain set); Digit Back-Forward (Wechsler
Intelligence Scale for Children-III); Matching Familiar
Patients with temporal lobe epilepsy had a worse perfor- Figures Test (latency time); Trail Making Test (time to
mance compared with controls in the following tests: Wis- accomplish trial A); and Word Fluency (foods) (Table 2).

Rzezak et al: Executive Dysfunction and Temporal Lobe Epilepsy 179

Table 2. Means, standard deviations, and P values of the difference in temporal lobe epilepsy patients’ and controls’ performance in
executive functions tests (t test)

Temporal Lobe Temporal Lobe Epilepsy, Controls, Standard

Tests Epilepsy, Mean Standard Deviation Controls, Mean Deviation t P Value

WCST (categ.) 4.07 2.82 6.35 2.35 ⫺2.997 0.020

WCST (PE) 29.77 21.16 20.25 10.74 1.854 0.035
WCST (NPE) 25.13 16.95 19.55 10.74 1.314 0.097
WCST (PR) 36.43 29.13 24.40 13.04 1.731 0.045
WCST (MS) 0.93 1.01 0.85 0.88 0.30 0.380
DF (WISC-III) 6.73 2.15 7.90 1.70 ⫺2.853 0.003
DB (WISC-III) 4.53 2.01 4.81 1.25 ⫺0.557 0.290
MFFT errors 20.00 11.28 14.15 8.39 1.876 0.033
MFFT time 216.31 129.71 227.00 148.97 ⫺0.235 0.407
MFFT total 3178.86 1936.81 2339.05 1094.82 1.757 0.042
TM A time 37.73 38.61 28.19 13.20 1.086 0.141
TM A errors 0.23 0.50 0.05 0.22 1.792 0.040
TM B time 63.00 26.33 49.14 27.09 1.815 0.038
TM B errors 0.55 0.87 0.10 0.30 2.619 0.006
WF foods 10.61 4.26 14.14 4.61 ⫺1.064 0.146
WF animals 12.71 4.87 14.48 5.18 ⫺2.836 0.035
Finger Windows 13.07 5.16 15.71 3.32 ⫺2.248 0.014
Number-Letter 7.80 3.12 10.62 4.91 ⫺2.543 0.007

DB ⫽ Digit Back-Forward
DF ⫽ Digit Forward
MFFT ⫽ Matching Familiar Figures Test
TM ⫽ Trail Making Test
WCST ⫽ Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
WCST (categ.) ⫽ Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (number of categories achieved)
WCST (MS) ⫽ Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (failure in maintenance of set)
WCST (NPE) ⫽ Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (nonperseverative errors)
WCST (PE) ⫽ Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (perseverative errors)
WCST (PR) ⫽ Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (perseverative responses)
WF ⫽ Word Fluency
Boldface indicates statistical significance.

Correlation With Clinical Variables executive dysfunction. In terms of the severity of this
dysfunction, we estimated that:
We observed that the existence of a temporal lobe lesion
(in the mesial or lateral structures), as visualized on ● 2 patients (7.14%) had a mild executive dysfunction
magnetic resonance imaging, determined a worse perfor- (two with cryptogenic temporal lobe epilepsy);
mance of children with symptomatic temporal lobe epi- ● 11 patients (39.28%) had a moderate executive dysfunc-
lepsy in executive functions tests compared with patients tion (seven with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy, one with
with cryptogenic temporal lobe epilepsy and controls lateral temporal lobe epilepsy, and three with crypto-
(Table 3). In addition, patients with lesions in mesial genic temporal lobe epilepsy); and
temporal lobe structures had a worse performance in a ● 15 patients (53.57%) had a severe executive dysfunction
higher number of tests than those with lateral temporal (nine with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy, four with
lobe lesions (Table 3). lateral temporal lobe epilepsy, and two with cryptogenic
Patients with an early age of epilepsy onset, longer temporal lobe epilepsy).
duration of epilepsy, and polytherapy had a statistically
significantly worse performance in a large number of Therefore, 28 patients (90.32%) had some degree of
subtests (Table 4). History of status epilepticus, family executive dysfunction, and 26 (83.87%) of 31 evaluated
history of epilepsy, seizure control, frequency of seizures, patients had an executive dysfunction classified as mod-
and presence of secondary generalization had a smaller erate or severe.
influence on executive performance, considering the num-
ber of subtests (ⱕ2 subtests) (Table 4). Discussion

Severity of Executive Dysfunction Frontal lobe dysfunction includes difficulties in antici-

pating, planning and organizing, initiating action plans,
Based on the adopted clinical criteria, 28 (90.32%) of inhibiting distractions and interference, monitoring a pro-
31 patients with temporal lobe epilepsy exhibited an cess, shifting flexibility to new actions when necessary,


and working memory. These abilities are attributed to also be observed in early stages of life. Patients with early
executive functioning [6,7,30]. epilepsy onset had a worse performance, corroborating the
This study is the first to analyze executive functions in recent study of Cormack et al. [42], which demonstrated
children with temporal lobe epilepsy by means of a broad that age of onset was the best predictor of intellectual
neuropsychologic battery. The absence of significant dif- dysfunction, suggesting that the first year of life represents
ferences between performances in several tests in our a critical period for the development of intellectual abili-
study underscores their complementary nature, and rein- ties. However, it must be emphasized that our patients
forces the concept of executive functions as a multidimen- with a longer duration of epilepsy had more extensive
sional phenomenon comprising a wide spectrum of abili- cognitive impairment, corroborating the idea that early
ties, not all of which are measured by the same tests. intervention is necessary.
Moreover, groups of subjects with impairments of these In terms of etiology, patients with symptomatic tempo-
functions are heterogeneous, and neuropsychologic mea- ral lobe epilepsy had a worse performance in tests of
sures address independent and complementary compo- executive function than those with cryptogenic temporal
nents. lobe epilepsy and controls. Moreover, patients with lesions
The Wisconsin Card Sorting Test is the most frequently in mesial structures had a worse performance in a higher
used test to examine executive functions in patients with number of tests compared with patients with lateral tem-
epilepsy [23,31-33]. For patients with frontal lobe lesions poral lesions. However, the number of children in this
and severe executive impairment, there is a consensus that group was low (six patients), which could represent a
this test is as sensitive as any other [23,34-36]. However, limiting factor to this analysis.
there are many controversies regarding the degree of Based on our findings, we partially agree with Corcoran
executive impairment in patients with subtle executive and Upton [8] that the hippocampus acts like a comparator
dysfunctions, such as in temporal lobe patients. It was of actions, wherein lesions determine the existence of a
postulated [1,6,37] that these controversies may be the prefrontal lobe dysfunction. Nevertheless, it is important
result of a widespread use of the Wisconsin Card Sorting to emphasize that patients with lateral temporal lobe
Test, which may be insufficient to evaluate all of these epilepsy also displayed executive dysfunction. For that
deficits. reason, we believe in a wide anatomical and functional
In studies of children, the prefrontal region became fully network connecting temporal and frontal lobes, and allow-
functional only in late childhood or preadolescence [38- ing the temporal epileptogenic zone to affect the frontal
40]. Developmental changes were described in a cross- and prefrontal regions [23,31,32].
sectional study by Igarashi and Kato [41], using the In accordance with this hypothesis, recent functional
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test on normal children. These neuroimaging studies demonstrated hypometabolism in
authors found that the adult pattern was achieved after 12 the prefrontal regions of patients with temporal lobe
years of age. Our results with the Wisconsin Card epilepsy [43,44]. Nelissen et al. [43], using single-photon
Sorting Test, in children with temporal lobe epilepsy, emission computed tomography and positron emission
corroborate those observed in adults [5,8,31], demon- tomography, found interictal hypometabolism in the fron-
strating that, even in children, some of the executive tal lobe cortex of adults with temporal lobe epilepsy. The
functions measured by the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test authors suggested a dynamic process of frontal lobe
are compromised, despite the presence of mechanisms function inhibition, which could represent a process of
of neural plasticity. protection against epileptiform-discharge propagation, but
In our series, using a more comprehensive battery for which could also be responsible for the functional deficits
executive functions, we observed that children and ado- presented by these patients. In a structural imaging study,
lescents with temporal lobe epilepsy had impairments not using voxel-based morphometry, Cormack et al. [45]
completely measured by the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test found a reduction in grey-matter density ipsilateral to the
in mental flexibility and set shifting, perseveration, inhib- seizure focus in the hippocampus, lateral temporal lobe,
itory control, verbal fluency, and maintenance of attention, and extratemporal regions, including the thalamus, poste-
reinforcing our hypothesis that a more comprehensive and rior cingulate cortex, cerebellum, and frontal and parietal
extensive neuropsychologic battery is necessary to assess opercular cortex, which, according to these authors, could
these complex cognitive functions. reflect a structural change determined by the disruption of
The importance of studying children and adolescents cortical development by recurrent seizures and by a loss of
was emphasized by Martin et al. [31]. Although children functional input from the sclerotic hippocampus. This
and adults with temporal lobe epilepsy have the same finding suggests more than a functional intermittent
underlying pathology, children and adolescents have not change [43], and would explain our findings of worse
yet undergone the effects of long-lasting epilepsy, and performance in earlier and longer-duration epilepsy.
have substantially fewer years of seizure activity. Our The severity of executive dysfunction in temporal lobe
results suggest that temporal lobe involvement per se is epilepsy patients was not previously evaluated. Here, we
important, because this pattern of extensive cognitive elaborate upon clinical criteria with which we could
impairment, as reported elsewhere [1,5,8,31] in adults, can determine that 83.87% of those children and adolescents

Rzezak et al: Executive Dysfunction and Temporal Lobe Epilepsy 181

Table 3. Differences in executive performance of temporal lobe epilepsy patients (mesial, lateral, and cryptogenic) and controls (Z and P
values) (Mann-Whitney test)

Mesial Lateral
Tests ␮ (SD) Z P ␮ (SD) Z P

WCST (categ.) 3.67 (2.56) ⫺2.282 0.002 3.5 (2.88) ⫺2.180 0.014
WCST (PE) 32.89 (24.10) ⫺1.639 0.050 30.50 (11.40) ⫺1.768 0.038
WCST (NPE) 26.06 (19.36) ⫺0.585 0.279 28.00 (11.90) ⫺1.615 0.053
WCST (PR) 40.72 (33.73) ⫺1.434 0.076 36.67 (12.52) ⫺1.951 0.025
WCST (MS) 0.72 (0.89) ⫺0.520 0.301 1.17 (0.41) ⫺1.160 0.123
DF (WISC-III) 7.00 (2.17) ⫺2.410 0.008 6.67 (1.97) ⫺1.677 0.047
DB (WISC-III) 4.39 (1.54) ⫺1.091 0.137 4.00 (3.10) ⫺1.071 0.142
MFFT errors 18.82 (11.17) ⫺1.444 0.126 20.17 (11.65) ⫺1.251 0.100
MFFT time 228.22 (140.80) 0.000 0.500 247.67 (105.66) ⫺0.292 0.385
MFFT total 2943.12 (1081.29) ⫺0.412 0.340 4576.50 (3463.55) ⫺2.313 0.010
TM A 31.38 (16.36) ⫺0.412 0.340 66.17 (79.76) ⫺1.343 0.089
TM A errors 0.24 (0.42) ⫺1.679 0.046 0.33 (0.82) ⫺1.027 0.152
TM B 65.06 (27.56) ⫺1.718 0.043 70.40 (37.42) ⫺1.204 0.114
TM B errors 0.76 (1.00) ⫺2.664 0.004 0.00 (0.00) ⫺0.704 0.240
WF 12.67 (4.47) ⫺2.675 0.003 10.00 (5.33) ⫺1.961 0.028
WF animals 10.39 (3.87) ⫺1.202 0.114 9.67 (3.98) ⫺1.908 0.025
Finger Windows 12.67 (4.57) ⫺1.982 0.023 10.50 (6.35) ⫺2.495 0.006
Number Letter 7.39 (2.66) ⫺2.557 0.005 7.00 (3.58) ⫺2.208 0.013

DB ⫽ Digit Back-Forward
DF ⫽ Digit Forward
MFFT ⫽ Matching Familiar Figures Test
␮ ⫽ Mean
SD ⫽ Standard deviation
TM ⫽ Trail Making Test
Boldface indicates statistical significance.

Table 4. Influence of clinical variables in temporal lobe epilepsy on executive function tests (analysis of variance)

Test/Variable (P Value) Lesion Laterality Age of Onset (yr) Duration (yr) SE FH FS

WCST (categ.) 0.933 0.281 0.680 0.392 0.142 0.462 0.435

WCST (PE) 0.731 0.729 0.925 0.260 0.010 0.045 0.626
WCST (NPE) 0.525 0.184 0.827 0.437 0.812 0.114 0.877
WCST (PR) 0.746 0.644 0.806 0.273 0.090 0.044 0.525
WCST (MS) 0.248 0.001 0.302 0.128 0.282 0.805 0.758
DF (WISC-III) 0.860 0.099 0.953 0.016 0.993 0.501 0.482
DB (WISC-III) 0.891 0.700 0.025 0.266 0.171 0.027 0.107
MFFT errors 0.832 0.069 0.609 0.750 0.714 0.979 0.223
MFFT time 0.939 0.323 0.976 0.988 0.403 0.899 0.348
MFFT total 0.268 0.286 0.494 0.995 0.851 0.347 0.826
TM A time 0.968 0.449 0.438 0.801 0.629 0.689 0.680
TM A errors 0.528 0.168 0.574 0.614 0.610 0.339 0.323
TM B time 0.493 0.582 0.311 0.161 0.534 0.376 0.964
TM B errors 0.225 0.939 0.781 0.527 0.151 0.902 0.283
WF foods 0.666 0.183 0.164 0.494 0.827 0.289 0.478
WF animals 0.272 0.383 0.278 0.582 0.614 0.262 0.933
Finger Windows 0.070 0.289 0.153 0.871 0.049 0.641 0.839
Number-Letter 0.117 0.002 0.866 0.352 0.336 0.819 0.366

DB ⫽ Digit Back-Forward
DF ⫽ Digit Forward
FH ⫽ Familiar history of epilepsy
FS ⫽ Febrile seizures
MFFT ⫽ Matching Familiar Figures Test
SE ⫽ Status epilepticus
TM ⫽ Trail Making Test
Boldface indicates statistical significance.


Table 3. Continued

Cryptogenic Controls
␮ (SD) Z P ␮ (SD)

5.83 (2.99) ⫺0.308 0.379 6.35 (2.35)

19.67 (10.48) ⫺0.305 0.380 20.25 (10.74)
19.50 (10.52) ⫺0.061 0.475 19.55 (10.74)
23.33 (13.94) ⫺0.518 0.302 24.40 (13.04)
1.33 (1.63) ⫺0.452 0.325 0.85 (0.88)
6.00 (2.10) ⫺1.944 0.026 7.90 (1.70)
5.50 (2.17) ⫺0.537 0.295 4.81 (1.25)
21.67 (10.65) ⫺1.524 0.064 14.15 (8.39)
157.00 (70.59) ⫺0.700 0.242 227.00 (148.97)
2401.50 (973.90) ⫺0.122 0.451 2339.05 (1094.82)
27.57 (12.07) ⫺0.133 0.447 28.19 (13.20)

0.14 (0.38) ⫺0.832 0.202 0.05 (0.22)

52.71 (22.31) ⫺0.451 0.326 49.14 (27.09)

0.43 (0.53) ⫺1.958 0.025 0.10 (0.3)

15.14 (5.52) ⫺0.772 0.440 14.14 (4.61)

12.00 (5.97) ⫺0.133 0.894 14.48 (5.18)

16.43 (4.58) ⫺0.641 0.261 15.71 (3.32)
9.57 (3.36) ⫺0.134 0.447 10.62 (4.91)

WCST ⫽ Wisconsin Card Sorting Test

WCST (categ.) ⫽ Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (number of categories achieved)
WCST (MS) ⫽ Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (failure in maintenance of set)
WCST (NPE) ⫽ Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (nonperseverative errors)
WCST (PE) ⫽ Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (perseverative errors)
WCST (PR) ⫽ Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (perseverative responses)
WF ⫽ Word Fluency

Table 4. Continued

Frequency Frequent Versus Infrequent Seizure Control Number of AEDs Seizure Type Secondary Generalization

0.228 0.219 0.419 0.036 0.533 0.992

0.255 0.191 0.073 0.538 0.570 0.815
0.296 0.836 0.576 0.983 0.844 0.799
0.227 0.184 0.065 0.593 0.672 0.881
0.085 0.013 0.003 0.825 0.452 0.477
0.642 0.501 0.668 0.290 0.761 0.723
0.222 0.914 0.691 0.179 0.496 0.591
0.606 0.410 0.089 0.936 0.596 0.007
0.664 0.593 0.954 0.444 0.649 0.039
0.249 0.493 0.409 0.310 0.760 0.944
0.466 0.196 0.108 0.279 0.919 0.412
0.171 0.441 0.836 0.701 0.832 0.302
0.514 0.162 0.300 0.692 0.906 0.266
0.283 0.357 0.493 0.368 0.342 0.606
0.469 0.253 0.296 0.711 0.783 0.985
0.771 0.683 0.941 0.915 0.045 0.058
0.309 0.480 0.682 0.336 0.339 0.156
0.945 0.773 0.980 0.363 0.270 0.619

WCST ⫽ Wisconsin Card Sorting Test

WCST (categ.) ⫽ Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (number of categories achieved)
WCST (MS) ⫽ Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (failure in maintenance of set)
WCST (NPE) ⫽ Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (nonperseverative errors)
WCST (PE) ⫽ Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (perseverative errors)
WCST (PR) ⫽ Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (perseverative responses)
WF ⫽ Word Fluency

Rzezak et al: Executive Dysfunction and Temporal Lobe Epilepsy 183

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