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Name ROL. No 1 GILBERT Tosen. ROSA BS AH REG Ny 5 QDNOSR SECTION CSE CA | course Cove SCSAVKDS |Soeseer DESION AND ANALYSTS OF ALGORETIAINS Archana BLANKS -- AAA Ane RANKS +; Tims Ond Space + A nv tose 20 How Chart cy Vineax gro © best Core SERS s~ Oo | Woe | Ve CHARACTERTSTEES OF ALGORTTAMN => Inport: TE Snowld cedlexnaily Svepy Zero OF Rove Quang, > ovr sre NUSUMS TO OALaSE one Nvanyiay iS DETINTTENESS : EQ ANMWoErion Should be eax and AMT ap, Analogrivnm Smoold Aerminaie ati O Hote nome of Srey. i> FPINTTENESS LALO > EFFECTIVENESS © Evacy LOMALTEAIBN Soule %L Syndamantal Ao be Larnieg, dot, Ve Prinuinle WY A PrL0n VSing Owly en. SD FEIME: aK YHust be frasivly LOOLG AO Prodver cach, | ADL LOH, ee ee a a SREXTBTIITY © Te most be Mle Lnovgy Ao Cony out Brsixed Charges with ho Utes 2) Teor =e RE Onan #2 nay | Funvy Vst_ sum Cnr f As axsay and ns ho. of be = GEnete vue Fora\ =o Wtoster no. of times = 1 | = O(n) i for Uso i Leena, tat) Mtoe Do-ok Himes = ott Sum = Som4 ALU Ml ltost=2 no.ot 4 mes on | | Pent Sum HW cost sy Mo. OF Money =) Ls +1 FOX tne end gatse [ fondition | | 3. The Fondamental Steps Involvrd in dlgovidnmic Problem Solving oe + & UNdustanding Ame Pvovlun. ®@ Astesnran ADL Capabilities OF ane Lormpurariond devier © Frock | operoxmare salovion @ oreiding dora Swudiuxts . ® Algoxitnn, ALsign Fecheraues © prove Corseeanesy @ Analyre ® todimg, he FW) = Snat Ue US take and en Cry Mo=k Lee us Cheek tne above LWWAAL ON Sy < un fox all nee. We Londirion WS Sadist 1 Wena Sty) = 000) Similasly j PUAN ACE rowan Negardiers OF bare oO ane Leponent Exponential Fonevions Bow Veg quicnly , vo Uxponmrid Algoritnms axe only used fox small Boolems. Long Answers = AREAS TARA Zoe Asymprorre Notatron = Asymptotic Notation ONE WE Uxpsersion Anat axe Usd to XLPXESUAt ANE Complexity of an ALgoxi+ my D> Tyee an tne toes OF analysiy | | | | ON exponential Soneion belong ao he Same AWOL We pErtorn OD O parricvlay Algositntn. | D Bask Coe: an Towlhith we analyse Ane Re Worsr Case: Ty Winith We AWA The Pestoxemanee OF am algoxitnen 40 ‘he Wwrvt, tox Wihien AHL Agoranen —taKes Vong Mine ov Space. TS ANERAGE CASE: Th Which WE analyse AME PELAOVMONLE OF an algoritnin Sams Mme ox Space trot! Wes Youd wnneng, OMA — Maen Case. TYPES OF Dara Strocwwre, Asywprotze NOTAYTON + fic ) BIQ~0 NOTATION (oy. Sprtially Gace wok cow SCemario RY DMEGA- NOTATION Cn ;— Specifically Aactsine best Coxe SCeMarig B) Theta Novatton Ce) 3. Represents Ade average Complexity OF An Algor tren Bre ~ 0. NovATroNn boy: EN TE Nepeesents the wR bond Xonning Ar Complaxity of On ADgoritnm. Lets +0 Anke Xevy Lxatnpley bNdecerand howe We sepyesene ane Mme and Space [Komplexity sing Big 0 Nosarion. Big —O notation (od TLerestats athe Complexity ‘og. ON algoritnm hat always LxteEte in Same AME (or) Space — Complexity. OMEGA NovaTTON C0): | Deneqa — Nostarion SLPTESLOAL The Aower bond | a | Nonming Alm, Lomplexidy ot an alaoridnm. So it We } PSPOE Cormplexity of an algorithen In Oenrga NOxAtiOd Bvecrntany Anac aat Algorithm Cannot be tomplerrd in TESS Man ann i would ak-ltase FKL The Fone cepresenttd bY Dimega Doration oy i Can take MOL Chen Mok Yn West Case) Stenaxry THera Norarrow Ce) = THIS MOAAMON ALSCKVBLL Both Loper ound and lovey Dovnd ot AH Agusitom So we Com SAY Hat TH Aetines Wack asymptotic Behawiovr Non dy BEE aNd Woset Cases, The Avevage ROAMING Aten (Ay beruaren best and Worst God CA be represented BY the tmeta Nosation - Comprexrty TuPLT DATA —> TNPUT DATA > BIO -O Norarron DIAEGQA NotATtON THETA NOTION (oy Cay Coy

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