Emergent Ventures - Energetica-India

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Financing Solar Projects in India


India, with its high annual solar yield and large number of sites ranks # 4 in solar power
destinations*. The annual solar energy yield ranges between 1700-1900 kWh per m2
per year which ranks India amongst the highest solar radiation receiving countries of the
world*. Furthermore, favourable policy support from the government is making India a
hot-spot for solar generation.

Policy Support
The recently announced Jawaharlal Nehru
National Solar Mission (JNNSM)** is a ma-
jor initiative of the Government of India to
address India’s energy security challenge us-
ing solar energy. The mission seeks to kick-
start solar generation capacities, drive down
costs through local manufacturing and R&D
in order to accelerate the transition to clean
and secure energy. It promises to provide
the much-required impetus for the devel-
opment of solar power in India by provid- Andhra Pradesh have announced solar poli- as manufacturers generally guarantee the
ing for feed-in tariffs as well as support for
Figure 1: Levelised Cost per Unit of Generation (INR) ****.
indigenous manufacturing of components
for solar projects (PV cells and modules,
parabolic mirrors, etc). The Mission will cies, providing for feed-in tariff and other products for 20+ years. However newer
adopt a 3-phase approach, Phase 1 ends in support (like development of infrastructure technologies like thin-film and concentrat-
2012 with a 1000 MW target; Phase 2 ends and provision of waste-land for develop- ed PV, may provide lower up-front costs,
in 2017 with a 3000 MW target, and Phase ment) for the projects. but are unproven and therefore considered
3 ends in 2022 with a 20,000 MW target. more risky.
The proposed tariff for Phase 1 Solar PV is Challenges for Financing Power Purchase Agreements – the
INR 17.91 per unit. Despite the favourable policies and support current draft of the JNNSM provides for a
Under RPO stipulations, State Distribu- being provided by the centre and state gov- “trader PPA” with NVVN (NTPC Vidyut Vya-
tion companies (discoms) must purchase a ernments, solar power remains a risky and par Nigam Ltd. – a wholly owned subsidi-
certain percentage of power from renew- expensive option for power generation. It is ary of NTPC Ltd incorporated for the pur-
able energy sources within their jurisdictions; expected that solar projects may reach grid pose of trading power), which passes on
some regulators have already placed power parity in the coming years, however, that is the risk of default by state discoms to the
purchase orders to meet these obligations. a distant dream and currently the cost of developer. Given that many state discoms
In addition, the central government has generation (levelised) far exceeds conven- are notorious about delaying payments and
mandated the creation of Renewable Energy tional as well as other renewable power. even defaulting, financial institutions refuse
Certificates (REC), which is a market based The graph below (4) shows the levelised to consider these PPAs bankable.
instrument intended to facilitate compliance cost of generation of electricity using differ- Estimation of Solar Radiation – The re-
towards renewable purchase obligations ent sources of power. turns of a solar project are highly sensitive
(RPO). RECs are designed to address the mis- In addition to the above, particular to radiation levels. High quality solar radia-
match between availability of RE resources risks to solar projects that make financial tion data is a pre-requisite for proper mar-
in various states and their concomitant obli- institutions uncomfortable are: ket assessment and project development.
gation. The CERC has mandated*** a floor Technology- Solar technologies are at Hence, solar radiation assessment is a very
and ceiling price for solar RECs at INR 12,280 a nascent stage in India and there are con- important activity and typically requires sev-
and INR 17,230 respectively. siderable risks in execution of the projects. eral months for ground measurement of
In addition to the above measures, Crystalline cells and modules are com- solar radiations. Any error in solar resource
various states like Gujarat, Rajasthan and paratively easier to execute and less risky estimation adds an uncertainty to expected

energética india MAY/JUNE10 51


future returns. As of now, on-ground solar NON-RECOURSE PROJECT FINANCING

radiation data is sketchy and the simulation
models are at a preliminary stage.
Evacuation Infrastructure – Evacuation
of the electricity generated from power
plants located in isolated areas is a poten-
tial challenge. It may require development
of new transmission lines which are often
controversial, both because of their ex-
pense and the potential of damage to prop-
erty and environment.

Options for Debt Financing

That said, solar power is only beginning in
India. It has indeed been financed in many
countries overseas, and it’s not as if there is
no experience whatsoever. Solar PV projects
can be financed through the following two
• Balance-sheet based financing – this Figure 2: Generic Structure for Non-Recourse Project Finance ****.
option is available for large conglomer-
ates with a healthy balance sheet that discom and the Reserve Bank of India to green energy funds currently in the market
can support large projects. This may be ensure the PPAs bankability, however this is and these can provide equity, quasi-equity
a good option as it may allow large in- not confirmed yet. Another source of rev- and mezzanine financing.
dustrial houses to get lower rates of fi- enue for the projects can be the Renewable
nance using their existing relations with Energy Certificate – developers can forego Conclusion
the banks. However this would put the the preferential tariff and trade the RECs on In view of the policy support and the abun-
company balance sheets at risk and the the energy exchange. However the market dant solar radiation available in India, solar
entire burden of the project failing or un- is in its nascent stage and depends on the projects are an attractive investment op-
der-performing falls on the developers. state’s renewable purchase obligations. tion and can provide equity returns in the
• Non-recourse project financing – This is Project viability – In addition to the above, 15%-20% range. However until the banks
the preferred financing structure, where- developers must convince lenders that get comfortable with the proposed solar
in the lending institutions would provide projects are viable and have the capability PPA, developers rely on non-conventional
debt to a special purpose vehicle set-up of repaying debt without outside assist- sources of financing; and support from the
for the project and would have a lien ance. This could mean that the project has government, in terms of finalizing the PPA,
on the project’s cash-flows. However as to fund a Debt-Service-Reserve-Account in REC and RPO structures, can go a long way
this structure does not provide recourse addition to having healthy Debt-Service- in getting the projects financed in a non-
to the developer’s balance sheet, lend- Coverage-Ratios. recourse manner.
ing institutions require rock-solid agree- Emergent Ventures is currently sup-
ments for revenues from the projects. Other options for financing porting many Indian and international cli-
The above structure gives an option for Other non-conventional options for financ- ents in setting up solar PV and CSP projects
obtaining non-recourse Project Financing. ing include: in different states. We have extensive expe-
However the developer needs to ensure EXIM financing – the United States rience in providing the entire gamut of serv-
that the following are in place to make the export-import bank provides financing for ices for solar project development ranging
lending institutions comfortable: projects which import a substantial part of from origination and technology selection
Performance – Contractual guarantees from the project components from US. This is a to financial closure and project implemen-
technology providers for the long-term per- good option in case the main technology tation.
formance of the plant provider is from the US and has relations
Revenues – Long-term power purchase with the EXIM bank. Works Cited
agreements with credible consumers, i.e. Foreign funding – Large project devel- *. McKinsey Research. Report on Global Solar
Industry (Quoted in Mint Newspaper).
direct power sale to the consumer. As dis- opers can tap international banks to get **. Ministry of New and Renewable Energy.
cussed above, the current structure of the lower rates of finance. However, hedging Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission.
[Online] http://mnes.nic.in.
JNNSM PPA may not be bankable due to can put a substantial dent in the rate dif- ***. Central Electricity Regulatory Comission.
the credibility of many states. The govern- ferential and only someone ready to take Determination of Forbearance and Floor Price
for the REC framework. Order No - 99/2010.
ment has been contemplating a tri-partite the currency risk should resort to this option ****. Emergent Ventures India Pvt Ltd. EVI Internal
agreement between the developer, state Green Energy funds – there are many Research.

52 MAY/JUNE10 energética india

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