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Quarter 2-module 1
Concerns in the national level

Ethel Jane Remo


Pre Test
“1Pic 1 Law”

1. G
2. F
3. I
4. M
5. H
6. D
7. J
8. B
9. K
10. C
11. A
12. E
13. J

Practice task 1

1. The sender letter wants to return the product that she bought from the store since
the product she purchased was already expired.
2. Right to redress-the right to be compensated for misrepresentation,shoddy
goods,or unsatisfactory services(selling expired products).
Quarter 2-module 1
Concerns in the national level

Ethel Jane Remo


Practice Task 2
Pillar 1:

Pillar 2:

Pillar 3:
Pillar 4:

Practice Task 3
True or False

1. False
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. True
6. True
7. True
8. False
9. True
10. False
Quarter 2-module 1
Concerns in the national level

Ethel Jane Remo


Post Test
1. A
2. D
3. C
4. B
5. C
6. B
7. A
8. C
9. A
10. D
Quarter 2-module 2-week 2
Concerns in the National Level

Ethel Jane Remo


Pre Test
True or False

1. False
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. True
6. True
7. False
8. True
9. True
10. True 1. False
6. True
Practice Task 1 3.
7. True
8. False
9. True
2. ALCOHOL 10. True
6. HIV
Quarter 2-module 2-week 2
Concerns in the National Level

Ethel Jane Remo


Practice Task 2
Rubrics for scoring:

Legend:4-Exellent:3-Very Satisfactory:2-Satisfactory:1-Needs Improvement

Criteria 1 2 3 4
1. Showed creativity and originality.
2. Message was clear and conveys lesson.
3. How well directions are followed.

Post Test

Situation No.1:

1. Republic Act No.9165 or the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002

2. Selling,trading,administering,dispensing,delivering,distributing,and transporting
dangerous drugs and/or controlled precursors and essential chemicals.
3. Yes.Juan is liable for the violation of maintaining a drug den,drive,or resort.the
resort is under his name and he should know what was happening in his properties.

Quarter 2-module 2-week 2
Concerns in the National Level

Ethel Jane Remo

Situation No.2:

4. Republic Act No.9211 or The Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003

5. Tobacco may not be sold within 100 meters of a school.Should tobacco be
sold,there should be proper signage that indicates target consumers.
6. Yes.Selia is liable for the violation of selling tobacco products within 100 meters
of a school and for not putting proper signage indicating target customers.Caloy
may be the one to sell the cigarettes but the store and the store permit were all
under Selia’s name.
Education Quarter 2-module 1
Active recreation(fitness)

Ethel Jane Remo


What I know
Pre test
1. False
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. True

Practice task 1:
“Let’s do Some Warm-up”

Types Repetitions/Time
Heel Walks 16 counts
Knee Hugs or Knee to Chest Walks 16 counts
Rotational Lunge 16 counts
Inchworm 16 counts
Bounders or Power Skips 16 counts
Quarter 2-module 1
Active recreation(fitness)

Ethel Jane Remo


Practice Task 2:
Wellness Always Nearly Often Seldom Never
Lifestyle (5) Always (3) (2) (1)
Questionnaire (4)
1. /
2. /
3. /
4. /
5. /
6. /
7. /
8. /
9. /
10. /
11. /
12. /
13. /
14. /
15. /
16. /
17. /
18. /
19. /
20. /
Education Quarter 2-module 1
Active recreation(fitness)

Ethel Jane Remo

Practice Task 2:
21. /
22. /
23. /
24. /

“How Ready I am?”

Health Nutrition Stress Emotional Personal Environmental
related Management Well- Safety Health &
Fitness Being Protection
1. 3 5.4 9.3 13.1 17.4 21.4
2. 3 6.5 10.3 14.5 18.1 22.4
3. 3 7.3 11.1 15.1 19.5 23.5
4. 2 8.3 12.1 16.1 20.5 24.3
al 11 15 8 8 15 16
Education Quarter 2-module 1
Active recreation(fitness)

Ethel Jane Remo


“How Ready I am?”


1. Needs Improvement.I need an additional and help in deciding how to

successfully make the change I need.
2. Stress Management and Emotional Well-Being.I am going to improve my
weaknesses by accept my needs. Recognize what I am triggers are. What situations
make me feel physically and mentally agitated.Once I know this, I can avoid them
when it's reasonable to, and cope when I can't.Manage my time. Prioritizing my
activities can help me use my time well. Exercise daily. Schedule time to walk
outside, bike, or join a dance class. Whatever I do, make sure it's fun. Daily
exercise naturally produces stress-relieving hormones in my body and improves my
overall physical health.Set aside time for myself. Schedule something that makes
me feel good. Eating well can also help stabilize my mood.Get enough sleep.
Symptoms of some mental health conditions, like mania in bipolar disorder, can be
triggered by getting too little sleep.Avoid alcohol and drugs. They don't actually
reduce stress: in fact, they often worsen it.
Education Quarter 2-module 1
Active recreation(fitness)

Ethel Jane Remo


Post Test
Factors Affecting in choosing an exercise program
1. Health
2. Resources
3. Time
4. Environment

Effects of Warm-up
1. It increases blood flow to the muscles.
2. It increases muscle elasticity
3. It gently raises heart rate.
4. It increases mental alertness.
5. It increases core body temperature.
6. It lessens your risk of injury.
Education Quarter 2-module 1
Active recreation(fitness)

Ethel Jane Remo


 Anorexia Nervosa
People with anorexia nervosa may limit their food intake or compensate for it
through various purging behaviors. They have an intense fear of gaining weight,
even when severely underweight.
 Bulimia Nervosa
People with bulimia nervosa eat large amounts of food in short periods of time,
then purge. They fear gaining weight despite being at a normal weight.
 Binge Eating Disorder
People with binge eating disorder regularly and uncontrollably consume large
amounts of food in short periods of time. Unlike people with other eating disorders,
they do not purge.
 Pica
Individuals with pica tend to crave and eat non-food substances. This disorder may
particularly affect children, pregnant women, and individuals with mental
 Rumination Disorder
Rumination disorder can affect people at all stages of life. People with the condition
generally regurgitate the food they’ve recently swallowed. Then, they chew it again
and either swallow it or spit it out.
Education Quarter 2-module 1
Active recreation(fitness)

Ethel Jane Remo


 Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder

ARFID is an eating disorder that causes people to undereat. This is either due to a
lack of interest in food or an intense distaste for how certain foods look, smell, or
And there are more.
 Anorexia Nervosa
Common symptoms of anorexia nervosa include (8):
 being considerably underweight compared with people of similar age and height
 very restricted eating patterns
 an intense fear of gaining weight or persistent behaviors to avoid gaining
weight, despite being underweight
 a relentless pursuit of thinness and unwillingness to maintain a healthy weight
 a heavy influence of body weight or perceived body shape on self-esteem
 a distorted body image, including denial of being seriously underweight
Education Quarter 2-module 1
Active recreation(fitness)

Ethel Jane Remo

 Bulimia Nervosa
Common symptoms of bulimia nervosa include (8):
 recurrent episodes of binge eating with a feeling of lack of control
 recurrent episodes of inappropriate purging behaviors to prevent weight gain
 a self-esteem overly influenced by body shape and weight
 a fear of gaining weight, despite having a normal weight
 Binge Eating Disorder
Common symptoms of binge eating disorder include (8):
 eating large amounts of foods rapidly, in secret and until uncomfortably full,
despite not feeling hungry
 feeling a lack of control during episodes of binge eating
 feelings of distress, such as shame, disgust, or guilt, when thinking about the
binge eating behavior
 no use of purging behaviors, such as calorie restriction, vomiting, excessive
exercise, or laxative or diuretic use, to compensate for the binging
Education Quarter 2-module 1
Active recreation(fitness)

Ethel Jane Remo

 Pica
 Nausea
 Pain in the stomach (or abdominal cramping which can indicate that there may
be an intestinal blockage)
 Constipation
 Diarrhea
 Stomach ulcers (which may cause blood in the stools)
 Symptoms of lead poisoning (if paint chips that contain lead are ingested)
 Injuries to teeth (such as broken or fractured teeth from chewing on hard
nonfood items)
 An intestinal blockage (from eating nonfood items that cannot be digested and
end up blocking up the intestine)
 Infections (caused by germs and/or parasites that enter the body from the
nonfood item that is swallowed)2
 Fatigue
 Behavior problems
 School problems
 Other symptoms of lead poisoning or poor nutrition
 Rumination Disorder
 Effortless regurgitation, typically within 10 minutes of eating
 Abdominal pain or pressure relieved by regurgitation
 A feeling of fullness
 Bad breath
 Nausea
 Unintentional weight loss
Education Quarter 2-module 1
Active recreation(fitness)

Ethel Jane Remo

 Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
Common symptoms of ARFID include (8):
 avoidance or restriction of food intake that prevents the person from eating
sufficient calories or nutrients
 eating habits that interfere with normal social functions, such as eating with
 weight loss or poor development for age and height
 nutrient deficiencies or dependence on supplements or tube feeding

Eating disorders are a range of psychological conditions that cause unhealthy eating
habits to develop. They might start with an obsession with food, body weight, or
body shape.In severe cases, eating disorders can cause serious health consequences
and may even result in death if left untreated.
Education Quarter 2-module 1
Active recreation(fitness)

Ethel Jane Remo

3. Make the choice to challenge the false ideas that thinness and weight loss are
great, and that body fat and weight gain are horrible or indicate laziness,
worthlessness or immorality. It may be helpful to enter into therapy or counseling
to look at the root of those thoughts and why you have them. Cognitive behavioral
therapy, in particular, can be beneficial because it helps to take negative thoughts to
re-frame them more positively. Avoid categorizing foods as «good/safe»
vs.«bad/dangerous». Remember that we all need to eat a balanced variety of foods.
A healthy diet should focus on whole foods but allows room to enjoy all kinds of
food in moderation. Turn off the voices in your head that tell you that a person’s
body weight is an indicator of their character, personality or value as a person.
Again, this is another area where therapy can have a positive outcome.While there
have been great strides in recent years to have more inclusive representation of
various body types in film, TV, ads and other media, there is still a preoccupation
with thinness. When you hear a comment or see an image that promotes thinness at
all costs, talk back to the television.
Education Quarter 2-module 2
Active recreation(fitness)

Ethel Jane Remo


What I Know
Pre Test
Habits ✅ or ❎ = or *
1. Eating fruits daily. ✅ =
2. Eating sweets to much. ❎ *
3. Eating in moderation. ✅ =
4. Skipping meals ❎ *
5.drinking water rather ✅ *
than soda.

Practice Task 1:
“Post an Awareness”
Education Quarter 2-module 2
Active recreation(fitness)

Ethel Jane Remo


Practice Task 2:

“My Reflection”

1. I am not satisfied with my body composition(including body weight) and in the

quality of my life.I am currently exercising and have a proper diet to achieve my
2. I weigh myself regularly to maintain my weight.I have a application who
balanced my foods,exercises and activities I do,it helps me to prevent gaining

Post Test
Test I Test II

1. Bulimia Nervosa 6. True

2. Anorexia Nervosa 7. True
3. Emotional/Stress Eating Disorder 8. True
4. Binge Eating Disorder/Over Eating 9. True
5. Overweight 10. False
Education Quarter 2-module 2
Active recreation(fitness)

Ethel Jane Remo



1. Hiking and camping,Hunting and fishing,Canoeing, kayaking and rafting,Sailing

and motor boating,Biking,Rock Climbing and Horseback riding.
2. Taking part in recreational activities, especially outdoors, can greatly improve
physical health. People who take part in park activities such as walking, hiking, or
skiing, schedule fewer office visits, maintain lower body fat percentages, and have
lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
3. Physically Fit Body can reduce your risk of a heart attack,manage your weight
better,have a lower blood cholesterol level,lower the risk of type 2 diabetes and
some cancers,have lower blood pressure,have stronger bones, muscles and joints
and lower risk of developing osteoporosis,lower your risk of falls.

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