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Topic Barriers to Digital Inclusivity

Date 6 March 2021

Duration 1 Hour
Summary COVID-19 has accelerated and broadened expansion of e-commerce, online
education, digital health and remote work.
There is a digital gap (digital inequalities) between the have and the have nots.
“Digital gaps”—the differential ability to access data and digital technologies—are
widening between and within countries.
Societies are becoming more disconnected.
Populations find themselves increasingly polarized and bombarded with
misinformation, and the widening gap in digital ability risks the emergence of a
digital underclass.
A regulatory backlash to combat this outcome risks further disconnecting societies.
A widening digital gap between societies can undermine an inclusive recovery.

Topic Company Liquidations

Date 12 May 2021

Duration 1 Hour
Summary Legal status of a company
Liquidation will not affect personal assets of shareholders and/or directors unless
there is a signed surety and no payment arrangements have been made.
Shareholders can only lose money already invested in the business.
Shareholder/directors are not blacklisted because a company is liquidated.

Where a shareholder/director has signed a personal guarantee for a company
Where the shareholder/director has signed surety
Reckless Trading. [Section 22 of the Companies Act].
Disposing of company assets for free or for below market value during or
leading up to insolvency.
Creating an overdrawn director’s loan account
Fraud has been committed. 

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