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Yiyun Li’s A Thousand Years of Good Prayers

A Journal by Gemayma Claro, 3rd year College

2nd Semester Contemporary, Popoular, and Emergent Literature 2021

Professor: Nerizza Ferrer

12 June, 2021
Week 1
Extra - 4/1/21- 4/7/21
As I open the new reading material, the title still hunts me wondering why that
prayers should be in thousand years if we are just living a lifetime span of 80 years. Well,
perhaps I am just taking it literally.
I must say that I understand well the flow of the story. My mind while reading is
envisioning the events in the story in which I created a face of each character basing to their
attitude in the flow of the story, such as the face of Granny Lin and her loud and silly friend,
her husband Old Tang sitting silently all day looking at the window, and Kang the child who
loves to hide socks, I created my own preference for their faces as I read.
As a matter of fact, my tears fell down and a bunch of tissues were used due to its
heart touching ending. I was immersed by the connection of Granny Lin and Kang, in how
Granny took care of Kang and treated him more than a student, she acts as a mother of the
child even though she never experience to be a biological mother of someone but Kang was
unaware to fill that missing piece in the heart of Granny Lin. Same as through to Kang, that
the child never had the fully attention from her parents, in such his father is a busy man and
her biological mother had not visit him even once after their farewell.
Their situations makes their hearts an extra missing pieces in a completed jigsaw
puzzle. As I finish the story, I fully understood its main idea. After wiping my tears and came
to my senses I confidently open the Questions and Topic for Discussion at the last part of the
reading material and here are my responses to the story.

Questions and Topics for Discussion

For “Extra”
Consider Granny Lin and Kang. How is each an “extra”? What
explains their bond?
Granny Lin is unmarried until she became a wife of Old Tang and Kang is
just an extra to his family that he needs an attention and love from her parents. They
are being extra on each other since their status are both a container that should be
filled in.

Granny Lin cherishes her time with Kang as her “brief love story” (p.
22). What does she mean by this?
They have been shared a cherish-able moments but unfortunately Kang
disappeared and unfounded since he asks Granny if he were able to meet his mom for
just two days. She defined it as “ brief love story” because she may be feel in love
with young boy as her own son, and doing things that a mom-son moment.

Granny Lin also believes that “to love someone is to want to please him, even when one is not
able to” (p. 19).How does this hold true in her friendship with Kang?
A friend is there in ups and downs, a friend who you could be trusted to.
Even the other do not agree to the other, the one who loves is willing to adjust and be
humble in sake for her love to her friend.

How would you describe what it means to truly love someone?

It is indeed that loving someone makes us show our humility. Regardless of the age
gap of Lin and Kang, they formed a friendship in their own way.

Why does Granny Lin think the truth is futile? Discuss her reaction to Old Tang’s death, and
to Kang’s disappearance.
She gave up talking about her stand, knowing that her speech will never be enough to
make people believe her.
Why doesn’t Granny defend herself?
Probably, no one will ever believe her. The twist of the plot cornered her that makes
the situation bad against her.

After answering these questions, I deeply reflected and touched by its plot. The brief
love story they had is sad but I learned a lot about giving love. I totally agree what Granny
Lin concluded about love that to ‘love someone is to want to please him, even when one is not
able to’ which means loving does not necessarily done in reciprocation, it comes naturally and
Now, as I successfully completed the first story and able to analyze its plot through
answering the provided questions. To sum it up, the conclusion of the story shows how
someone can be successful and then lose it for just a day. There is a parallel in the plot which
Granny Lin ended up with no money just like in the beginning of the story.

Week 2
After A Life- 4/10/21 - 4/13/21
This day is for new story, since I decided to read the stories successively I have
“After A life” to read today.
I can say that it has an engaging plot and had a challenging and confusing viewpoints. I
am at the middle part of the story and stop when Mr. Su was at the booth patiently waiting
about the brokerage I think. I already know about the situation of their first child, I thought
there were no problem at their marriage at the beginning but I found out that they are cousins.
Nevertheless, they still found the love for their first child. Considering that I am still at
the halfway reading then I can only say for now is about how they deal with their situation
despite of their first child and the close friend of Mr. Su who is Mr. Fong that has issues with
Mrs. Fong. I hope the story will get better at the end.
At the part when Mr. Su got disappointed from the results of the numbers appeared.
Realizing that life may go wrong like people’s miscalculation. That realization hits really
hard, it was truly relatable!, in that even when we did our best to make the best thing happen
but then our desired results will not happen and what worse is it will happen the other way
As well as the part when Mr. Su wanted to show to her wife what is going on to the
outside world particularly at his work, he wanted to tell that their life is not the only life that
they feel meaningless. I knew that no one can be fully meaningful at their life, we have
concerns and responsibilities to take care on regardless of its weight.

The Questions and Topic for Discussion

1. Why did Jian’s birth turn the Sus’s relationship cold, although the
challenge of Beibei’s condition did not?

First, it is obviously unusual to have that reactions contrast to the situations but then
when I deeply thought about it, though Beibei’s condition affect their supposed to be a normal
life yet it goes on the opposite which results to them to give more love, caring much attention
and giving enough patience to their special child that makes the couple cooperate each other
to take care of Beibei every day. This sentence proves that Beibei’s birth turnedthe couple
stonger, “ What had survived the birth of Beibei did not survive Jian’s birth, as if his wife,
against all common wisdom, could share misfortune with him but not happiness. For twenty
years, they have avoided arguments carefully; they have been loving parents, dutiful spouses,
…”. However, even their second child, Jian born healthy and normal, it does not help to the
couple’s relationship to be stronger cause of misunderstanding and their different philosophy
about their family situation. This thoughts occurs when I read these lines:“when Jian was
growing in her belly, that they would get a good baby and that it would do nothing to save
them from what had been destroyed”, “Mrs. Su found it hard to understand, but then, wasn’t
there an old saying about men always being interested in change, and women in
preservation? A woman accepted anything from life and made it the best; a man bargained
for the better but also the less perfect.”
2.Why were Mr. and Mrs. Su able to share misfortune, but not happiness?
They went though rough roads in life, since they were cousins it has a big possibility
that their children will not be in a normal state that is why they share misfortune to each other
instead of happiness cause by perplexed by the probabilities due to have the same bloodline.

3.Imagine the questions that Mr. Su never gathered the courage to ask
Mrs. Su. What might he want to ask her, in his deepest heart?
There’s nothing to be ashamed of, Mr. Su thought of telling her, but he did not
have the heart. It was he who suggested another baby. To give them a second chance, to save
his wife from the unnecessary shame and pain that she had insisted on living with. Secretly he
also wished to challenge fate again. It seems he wanted to ask what his wife feelings towards
their situation, is she okay with it? did she regret to have another baby? Or it can be, Did his
wife blame him about their family’s situation?. Those are questions that I think running to the
mind of Mr. Su that he cannot find his courage to ask.

4. Why does he decide, instead, that “things unsaid had better remain so” (p. 40)?
When he is thinking that there is no to be ashamed for their first born baby, he is
planning to share his thoughts to his wife but then again he bear in his mind that thing unsaid
had better remain so because of the similarities of his situation to his work which if you
decided to do the choice then assume for the possibilities either good or bad.

Sad to say, happy ending does not come at the end. Beibei’s life is no longer existing.
Nevertheless, the couple still had their memories to their minds that surely they will treasure
those as precious asset to make their relationship stronger.The story is captivating and the
author really captured the idea of finality of marriage.

Week 3
Immortality 4/19/21-- 4/23/21

It seems that this story is something similar with “After a Life’ because it talks about
life and being mortal. From what I read and understand, the setting is having the communist
country, they have a dictator but the title refers to the aura of the past dictator is like reliving
at the present through his resemblance at the young boy’s face. That boy was the one who
was seeking for help because his mom is sick. In spite of all his begging, the people did not
listen to him but later on when they see that he has the face of their dictator they allow him to
get what he wants.
Then after the death of the dictator, there is an audition about impersonation and this
young boy in his late twenties was chosen. In spite of the success he got the face of the
dictator, the success did not last due to the issues he faced after fulfilling his desires. I learned
that I have to be careful to the decisions I made because it might affect the current situation
and reputation. If ever I have to decide I should consider all sides of the options.

The Questions and Topic for Discussion

1. Describe the identity of the narrator of “Immortality.” What
atmosphere does this collective voice create?
In the beginning, the narrator welcomes the reader though looking at the past when
dynasties still reigning, still the form of government. Introducing what Great Papas are. The
narrator at the beginning is describing then in narrating he used a first person point of view
within the story. The lines shows how the narrator used first person point of view are, “we
greet him”, “some of us”, and “we respect the communist power”. As it is a personal
experience of the author itself which is the speaker.
With the help of the point of view that narrator used to create a voice in the story, it
seems easier to see where I have to consider the scenes.

2. Assess the complex attitudes of the people toward the Great Papas, the
dictator, and the impersonator. How are these cultural figures—heroes
and villains both—“larger than the universe” (p. 53) yet vulnerable to
About the Great Papas, when dynasty still the form of governing the people. The
narrator describe them as great, as the ones most trustworthy members of the imperial family
that they filled the hearts of people with gratitude and pride. Whereas the attitude of the
dictator is unbelievably bad, in the same way people’s perspective about the dictator had a
sudden shift to worse. As with the impersonator, he had a great beginning but it was being
destroyed because of his choices. The dictator and the impersonator has this complex attitude
wherein there is a sudden shift about the people’s perspective to them due to their own
The cultural figures was treated as “larger than the universe” found at page 53. Which I think
even the person is not present and time passes, they still have fear and cannot leave the past
behind them. Which makes the impersonator larger than the universe wherein people was
really concern about him and willing to lose against him. He is treated as greater than the
people because of his resemblance with the former dictator’s face. Which leads that people’s
eyes is watching all about him that became the consequence of being famous in their village.

The title reflects when people still remembers what Great Papas done to their place,
bringing the glory to their town. Which proves that even the dynasty ended and overthrown
by republics, the good deeds still living at their time. Showing that even immortality is not
possible to an imperfect man but the deeds serves as the strong testament and makes the
person life still exist in the hearts and minds of people. The same as the dictator and
impersonator but in different way of reliving their life, they had leave a negative impression
to the people.

A take away from this story is to live positive as much as we can. We may not
avoid negatives in our lives, the downsides we suffer. Instead of having a furious decisions
and actions, we should use our life valuable and meaningful that even we are not already in
this world our names serve to relive our existence through achieving the minds and hearts of
the people.All in all, in this story, it tells me to be careful of what actions I made especially if
I have a responsibility to serve people.

Week 4
Son- 4/26/21 - 4/30/21

It was a great story but has a tragic part. When started to read I stayed focused and
never allowed to disturb because the plot is so good and the words that were used are precise
and descriptive which I cannot take my eyes out of the screen.
I will be detailed about the character’s attitude that touches my heart. The story
is about gender. Excluding my principle about gender I can say that the structure of the story
was emphasized and the author really have knowledge about homosexual’s characteristics.
As I read the lines of Han, I am reading it with a certain tone that it should be. He is being
skeptical specifically about religion and the beggars he met. Nonetheless, I am touched about
how his mother deal with the blunt words of Han. In contrast, Han is a good boy indeed.
Maybe sometimes he can be harsh but often he has a good heart only at the situations that
match his principles. Han is always a son to his mother and I learned that regardless of who
he is, he still manage to protect and nurture his mother as best as he can. In my part, as a
daughter I really have this desire to help my parents, protect them and supplement their needs.
That is why I am studying well to fulfill my desire.
The other points I discovered and learned from the story “Son” is Han was once
in love to the bible in his childhood years. I was really happy when I knew about it. Since he
was grateful about the gift he got dismayed when his mother burned it. I think that was the
reason he never got the interest again to study the bible’s content. Oh! Before I forgot, I am
amazed on how the author made the first line double meaning, “HAN, THIRTY-THREE
YEARS OLD, SINGLE, SOFTware engineer”, Yiyun is telling about the Han’s degree and
about his soft personality. Great thinking she has! Isn’t it?
At the moment when Han reveal his long-kept secret of his sexuality to his mother
his purpose is not something to change himself or his mother’s perception but only to be
transparent about his existential frustration. Well, I was not surprise either by the reaction of
Han’s mother by the time he confessed the truth. I have a feeling from the start even I still not
read the gender reveal that his mother will always be supportive since his mother has this
characteristic of being patience and understandable to his son, there will be a less possibility
that she will be angry at him. As a matter of fact, mother has a keen eyes, which make her
quite observer.
This story also entails that believing into a God or reading a bible does not make a
person traditional. It is a human purpose to worship. It is a great story, it shows real life
conversation and authentic setting because of detailed, precise and expressive content.

Week 5
“The Death is Not a Bad Joke If Told the Right Way”- 5/5/21 - 5/8/21
We should not fear death as the truth says nonetheless I am still afraid. The prior
issue here addresses the justifiable reason to die.
Nevertheless, what I learned in the story is about how tables turned such as when Mrs.
Pang once had a nanny but now she is serving as nanny. That why I get it why she pointed out
to Little Blossom saying, “Things change a lot. Within a blink a mountain flattens and a river
dries up. Nobody knows who he’ll become tomorrow.” This awakens the famous quote,
“don’t judge the book by its cover”. We cannot see the future of others and definitely
ourselves. I learned that I should not conclude about someone that he will be nothing in the
future. As a matter of fact my motto since I was young is not to underestimate others because
we do not know that they may be greater than us. And it is being proven in the story how the
life status can be change in the blink of an eye.
I discover that the title was from the line of oldest son of Song defending the incident
of his youngest brother. While reading the story, I am spotting the ways how death will be
told at the right way but I still cannot find it, the same as Little Blossom concluded that she
cannot see the right way. But after all of that, I understand why Little blossom also got the
point when Mrs. Pang talked about death that, one would rather see beloved ones die instead
of suffering. Yes, it is probably the right way I found.
The justifiable death is also shown when Mrs. Pang command Mr. Pang to kill the
rooster and Mr. Pang mumbles “It is not that I want to kill you but you were born to fill
people’s stomach”. That line from him enlightened me about the objective of the title that
killing animal is justified if it satisfies for a greater need such as human’s need to eat.
Week 6
“A Thousand Years of Good Prayers”- 5/9/21 - 5/10/21
This is mainly about a father and daughter relationship that has a lack of
communication. Mr. Shi wanted to take care of her daughter after her divorce but because of
his frustration talking to her he find it too difficult to help her.
“It takes three hundred years of prayers to have the chance to cross a river
with someone in the same boat.’ … ‘There’s a reason for every relationship, that’s
what the saying means” (192). This passage highlights the main message of how flow
of life drive their relationships. The fact about Mr. Shi was able to connect with the
stranger woman more than her daughter is a proof that life has full of reasons behind.
This story also points out how being silent still have negative impression.
Either you talk or not, it is both arguable. I can say that Yiyun Li is a great writer due
to her creativity and excellency in creating a story even from an unexpected
inspiration that she encounters. Her stories really deserves recognition!

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