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Saint Michael College Cantilan, Inc.

Rizal Street, Magosilom, Cantilan, Surigao del Sur

College of Teacher Education, Arts and Sciences
Content and Pedagogy for the Mother Tongue
Final Examination

Name: _____________________________________________________ Program/Year: _________________

Instructor: Mr. Brylle E. Adoriano, LPT

I. Multiple Choice: Choose the letter that corresponds to the correct answer. Write the letter before the number.
1. This means extracting the component knowledge and skills required by a standard in order to understand the learning
expectations and can clearly articulate those expectations to students and parents.
a. Planning b. Unpacking c. Assessing d. feedbacking
2. It defines what students are expected to know and what they should be able to do with what they know.
a. Content standard b. performance standard c. competencies d. learning targets
3. It consists of meanings or understanding that they construct or make as they process the fact and information.
a. Content standard b. performance standard c. competencies d. learning targets
4. It defines the expected proficiency level of the learners.
a. Content standard b. performance standard c. competencies d. learning targets
5. It articulates the products and/or performance as evidence that students can transfer or use their learning in real-life
a. Content standard b. performance standard c. competencies d. learning targets
6. This defines the broad outcomes for the MTB-MLE learning area.
a. Content standard b. Learning Area Standard c. Key Stage Standard d. Performance standard
7. This defines the specific outcomes for the language domains of each grade level.
a. Grade level standard b. Content standard c. Learning Area standard d. Key Stage standard
8. It provides the minimum standard for the Filipino learners.
a. Learning targets b. Learning competencies c. Curriculum Guide d. Learning Plan
9. The following are indicators of effective language materials, EXCEPT ______________________.
a. Help learners to pay attention to features of authentic input.
b. Stimulates intellectual, aesthetic, and emotional involvement.
c. Expose the learners to language in authentic use.
d. Assess ethnicity, religious affiliation, and geographical location of the learners.
10. Unpacking strategies enable us to unravel the wondrous gifts, inherent in our own curriculum guide and equip us to
__________ our teaching.
a. Familiarize b. Plan c. Contextualize d. Demonstrate
11. This teaching method begins with the most basic unit of language learning and works up to more complex aspect of
language learning.
a. Share reading b. whole-to-part c. interactive model d. part-to-whole
12. This method emphasizes the importance of the learners’ understanding of the context in which the language is used.
a. Shared reading b. whole-to-part c. interactive model d. part-to-whole
13. This refers to an active process of attending and comprehending visual media such as television, advertising images,
films, diagrams, symbols, photographs, videos, drama, drawings, sculpture, and paintings.
a. Listening b. reading c. speaking d. viewing
14. What are the essentials skills in comprehending and appreciating multimodal texts?
a. Listening and speaking b. Reading and writing c. Reading and viewing d. Listening and viewing
15. This listening process helps students recognize lexical and pronunciation features to understand the text.
a. Part-to-whole b. bottom-up c. top-down d. whole-to-part
16. The following are questions asked by effective and active readers, EXCEPT ___________________.
a. What is the text representing? c. to whom is the text directed?
b. What is the purpose of the text? d. where does the author live?
17. It is an active process of making meaning that includes producing, receiving, and processing information.
a. Listening b. speaking c. reading d. writing
18. Which language domain is not related to speaking?
a. Oral language b. Phonological awareness c. Grammar awareness d. Literary Appreciation
19. It is viewed as dependent upon mastery of lexical phases and conversational routines.
a. Phonological awareness b. oral proficiency c. listening comprehension d. viewing comprehension
20. This refers to the process of relating written symbols to oral language, of constructing meaning from written text.
a. Listening b. speaking c. reading d. viewing
21. It is the ability of an individual to figure out the pronunciation or printed words and ultimately determine the word’s
a. Listening b. decoding c. hearing d. comprehension
22. It is the ability to construct meaning by interacting with a text.
a. Listening b. decoding c. hearing d. comprehension
23. This involves the act of producing physical marks, the meanings attributed to those marks, and the understanding on
how written language works.
a. Reading b. emergent writing c. comprehension d. phonological awareness
24. This refers to the systematic basis for making inferences about the learning and development of the students.
a. Planning b. Diagnostic c. Assessment d. Measurement
25. This refers to the subset of phonological awareness in which listeners are able to hear, identify, and manipulate
a. Alphabetic knowledge b. Phonemic awareness c. Decoding d. Oral language
26. It is an assessment form where students and teachers collaborate in collecting samples of student-learning progress.
a. Summative Assessment b. Formative assessment c. Portfolio Assessment d. Observation
27. How will you know that learning has occurred in a Mother Tongue class?
a. If the test scores are above the passing grade
b. When the child gets only few mistakes in the written examination.
c. When the child writes compound sentences using the target language.
d. When the child proficiently uses the target language in various contexts.
28. What should be the primary reference when planning for a performance task?
a. The learning targets c. the most essential learning competencies
b. The performance standard d. the learners’ test scores
29. Which of the following principles is primarily considered when planning for an assessment or a performance task?
a. Learning is an active process c. Learning is a continuous process
b. Learning is a painful process d. Begin with the end in mind
30. Which scoring rubric is the most appropriate tool to be used when grading a performance task?
a. Analytic Rubric b. Holistic Rubric c. Either Analytic or Holistic d. neither A nor B
31. Which of the following are the characteristics of reliable scoring rubric?
a. Appropriate b. Observable c. Complete d. all of these
32. What is the basis of all human communication and the primary instrument of thought?
a. Language b. Acquisition c. Mother tongue d. Knowledge
33. What do you call the rules and system that govern language?
a. Language function b. Language Arts c. Mother tongue d. Language conventions
34. How does language help in forming interpersonal relationships?
a. by transmitting written discourse c. through constant feedbacking
b. by forming socializations d. all of these
35. Which factors are primarily considered in instructional planning?
a. Physical b. Emotional c. Psychosocial d. all of these
36. What does effective instruction entail?
a. It entails helping students progress from one place to another in their understanding and ability to do certain things.
b. It entails gradual release of responsibility leading towards active student involvement and discovery of learning.
c. It should promote understanding of the knowledge of phonological skills in reading, writing and spelling words.
d. It demonstrates understanding of oral language skills to communicate in different contexts.
37. Young children gain confidence in learning a new language when they begin with “hear-see-do” activities. What
strategy is implied by the italicized words?
a. Grammar translation method b. Reflective method c. Audiolingual method d. Total Physical Response
38. How does MTBMLE cultivate critical thinking among the young learners?
a. by talking about ideas in the familiar language c. by activating prior knowledge
b. by going outside the four corners of the classroom d. by integrating MTBMLE with other subjects
39. It is the end goal of MTB-MLE which enables the learners to understand and use language in appropriately to
communicate authentic situations.
a. Phonological awareness c. Reading Comprehension
b. Oral Language and Fluency d. Communicative Competence
40. This mentions that language proficiency skills are developed using one language, and may transfer to higher language
proficiency skills in another language.
a. Communicative Competence c. Linguistic patterns
b. Linguistic interdependence d. Second Language Acquisition
41. It is a type of pedagogy where the teachers are competent in cross-cultural and multicultural setting.
a. ESL Classroom c. Culturally-Responsive Education
b. TOFEL Teaching strategies d. Inclusive Education
42. What does the backward design framework suggest to teachers?
a. Consider first the competencies and how students will be assessed.
b. Choose the most appropriate teaching methods prior to the planning of assessment tools.
c. Arrange to competencies based on the arrangement of topics in the textbook.
d. Unpack the most essential learning competencies to identify the sub competencies.
43. What is the most effective means of measuring meaningful learning that would allow the pupils to demonstrate their
a. Summative test b. Question-Answer Relationship c. Performance Assessment d. Portfolio
44. This listening process relies on prior knowledge and experience to build the meaning of a listening text using the
information provided by sounds and words.
a. Part-to-whole b. bottom-up c. top-down d. whole-to-part
45. What are the important criteria in choosing the instructional materials?
a. The material must be colorful c. the material must be on-grade and culturally relevant
b. The material must be gender sensitive d. the material should be affordable

II. Answer the following questions comprehensively. (5 points each)

1. Why do teachers need to assess learning?
2. What does the following quote mean to you?
“Most schools and most of our learning stops at knowing and we need to move that and broaden it to the doing
and the reflecting.” – Bob Lenz
3. Is there a most correct method of assessment better than other assessment methods? How will you choose the
most appropriate assessment method?
4. How does the scoring rubric help in assessing student-learning?
5. Why do we need to unpack the competencies in the curriculum guide before we begin the instructional planning?

Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!

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